>Historical game about the French Revolution
>But with anime girls
Historical game about the French Revolution
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Haha guys anime girls they make my pee pee go big big and my brain go shrinky
A goo goo gaa gaa me want milkies
wtf I'm a Robespierrist now
Because things that make peoples dick happy tend to sell well.
Pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Makes me wonder why no one has attempted a WW2 game with anime girls.
The time is ripe, I want to see anime girls storm Normandy already
don't ask me what it means exactly, i don't know!
the french revolution was one of the biggest mistakes of history
it's been a blight on freedom and culture
Why not?
i like big anime titties but i would never spend money on them
Because in the west they would get replaced by bad bitches and niggers.
Considering this, its at least an improvement in some departments that count.
If someone will buy it, why not?
Imagine being a morbidly obese north american. Never touched or fucked a woman. Plus you have an unhealthy obsession about japanese consumerism that make you forget about everything. Then this game is for you.
Certified incel games.
You are gay as fuck...
What game? I'm an FFTfag, so anything that remotely looks like it has my attention.
The art style looks too good for it to be japanese
Have sex and take your meds
Sounds fucking great tbqhwy
French revolution was fucking based
>Make product about history revisionism and fanservice for males....
Yeah.. it's the left.
god thats hot
How do the Chinese always have such high quality artists but the games don't play as good?
In what way user
You have any idea how corrupt the church was before someone finally stood up and said "If you keep doing this shit, you will literally get beheaded"?
especially the part where the revolutionaries started killing each other.
>i can only play "historical" games when they deal with whitewashing
Banner of the Maid
It's not in English or Japanese or Spanish or French so give up on playing it unless you can stomach a machine translation
Fuck my life man.
Imagine the outrage. All the usual suspects will write articles stating that games that turn nazis into cartoon characters are bad. They'll invoke the argument from the infamous Extra credits video.
On a serious note, I would love to play a wargame like that because the juxtaposition between the gory reality of war and anime girls amuse me.
making a good game is the hardest to do in life
No, fuck you.
t. Proud frenchman
valkyrie chronicles
Isn't that what the Moe Moe World War II series is?
Inshallah brother.
>the infamous Extra credits video.
Care to elaborate?
Why are all the bad guys men?
Shave that beard, Aziz, nobody likes you
The greatest redflag that can ever be. No even high quality anime tiddies can persuade me.
pick one
Yaddah yaddah, stop normalizing nazis by putting them in vidia games, yaddah
Your women do ;)
Racist trumptard, go back to /pol/
Can you fuck them?
They're French
Take your meds.
My baguette is pulsating.
Name one. At least ONE remotely good Chinese video game that isn't MMO. No man I ain't buying it, just upload the art on panda.
More like Boner of the maid
Nice fantasy. That being said, I heard your daught... Er, I mean your wife, call you home for diner. Hurry up and scram, those falafels won't be eating themselves
they released an English TL announcement and trailer not too long ago
They commission Japanese artists
like senran kagura games? they selll so well that director leaved the company
Nothing in a hurry, still have some of your women lined up to fuck me.
Not in*
Trannies are not women, imbecile
>Playing as nazis and terriost is bad because it "normalizes" their beliefs. People stop being offended at their imagery and are likely to to swayed by their propaganda because they aren't repulsed by it at sight. Therefore game devs should not allow people to play as them or alternatively should take obnoxious steps to clarify to the player that nazis and terrorist are bad.
He believes people become nazis because they aren't trained to be disgusted by nazi imagery, therefore if they see such imagery they themselves might become nazis because they might read their thoughts on the internet rather than looking away instinctively. Many twitter blue checkmark tards often use this argument to put down wrong think.
>historical game about jeanne de arc
>you fight goblins and shit
didn't they stand up against the king?
I know, and I have no intention on banging you, no get off my dick, faggot.
they aren't, I've been playing it and this is one of the English.
Would you honestly play it if it didn't have anime girls?
Are both Lui and Marie Antoinette grills in this?
Here's your Marie
To be honest I hate TBS games. I'd prefer if it were real time. Sprite work looks nice though.
>I would love to play a wargame like that because the juxtaposition between the gory reality of war and anime girls amuse me.
just play valkyria chronicels that is absolutely a game about not-Great War with animu girls
That's insulting. As if you needed to hate nazi aesthetics to hate their ideology.
if you were really French you'd know the Revolution only led to bloody massacres and civil unrest until Napoleon decided to step up and rebuild the Roman empire.
>He believes people become nazis because they aren't trained to be disgusted by nazi imagery
so what he's saying that people hate nazis only because of media brainwashing? How did the kikes let him get away with this?
Go kill yourself along with your imaginary prophet friend, moron. And not in a terroract, please, that's distasteful.
I don't like TBS
Mommy, gib cake!
nazi aestetics are elder god tier
Is there any historical period that could not be improved with cute anime girls?
it set the path for the separation of power and literally made every monarch in europe piss themselves in fear
the revolution itself didn't go that well but the consequences were nice on the long run
Nah, I will keep banging your women while you're screeching in anger
And Napoléon died like a bitch at St Hélène after his russian hollidays, like he deserved. He also liked to fuck his wife while she was unbathed, like the degenerate piece of shit he was.
Fuck off and die with your idols, stupide bourgeois de merde.
post marat and robespierre
>ripe and bouncy titties
English when?
Go away /his/. People just want to look on anime tiddies in peace.
Ok fag
Well there is daiteikoku. But... even in the past alicesoft was very reluctant to open it up to western markets. Meet female Hitler.
Napoleon is the greatest hero the world has ever seen.
Mouah mouah oui, perfide Albion, honhon
dude napeolon bring the code civil to europe he was based
Does she get naked?
>not a self-hating and plain-looking little brunette
You had one job
I'll be honest I barely know who's who without looking at the artists works on danbooru, and even then there isn't all of the characters on there.
>self-hating plain-looking little brunette
But she is exactly that, you can thank Goebbels for making her look and act like an idol.
Sounds like fighting Anglos to me.
>teleports behind you
>watch you put a bullet through your own head
Pss, nothin personel, kraut
Underrated post
Because virgins that like to larp this kind of shit don't get to see tits otherwise, and are ruined from years of being ironic weebs
In daiteikoku they don't take history so serious. So ideologies are heavily watered down. For example Retia Adolf is not fascist at all, she's an idol and everybody loves her because she's an idol.
In the game you play as the japanese empire that has to conquer the whole world. Its quite interesting however how you do that. If you hurry up and manage to defeat the USA in time germany wins WW2 and at the end japan and germany have a showdown with each other.
Some of the men were genderswapped to women because anime
No reason to be mad, frenchboi.
>gay, busted CIA coverup story
Even Stalin said he didn't buy the suicide fairy tale and insisted that he ran to either Spain or South America.
based and Robespierre-pilled
>multiplayer ww2 with anime girls
>be an American anime girl, waiting in a boat with other players
>bunch of anime girls having a banter before storming the beach
>new players don't know jack shit and run on mines and dies like an idiot
>some guy micspamming plays the Spiderman 2 pizza song while dashing straight towards the enemy and somehow dodges all mines and gunfire and take out the enemy players occupying the bunkers
please someone do it
i dont care about some snail eater going to fight for the fresh baguette, but if they are cute anime girls fighting for their food sing me up
cute 2D girls doing cute things >>>>>>>> anything
To make money
>tfw no Crisis of the 3rd century game with anime girls
So I have this game, how would one rip all the art assets out if one wished to?
Speaking of Rome for much was the crown sold that one time?
Because it's cool
the left is based it seems