Are either of these worth picking up? They're pretty cheap during the Quakecon sale

Are either of these worth picking up? They're pretty cheap during the Quakecon sale.

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Yeah, they're both good.

TEW1 is pure kino and a pleb filter.

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first one is a masterpiece. the second is shit

Yes. Both are pretty good.

>tfw played on Nightmare on my first playthrough
>tfw accidentally saved myself into a corner in the chapter with the burning house

K i n 0

Only first one is good, second is openworld cashgrab shit made by completely different person

1st is good, made even better by The Assignment and The Consequence DLCs (third DLC is retarded though sorry), 2nd is fine but gets better if you played the first one and see "that scene" towards the end.

Don’t listen to this retard and get the second game. It’s less linear. Has more re-playability and more content.

First one was shit but the second was 9/10.

don't listen to this mongoloid, first game was made by resident evil creator and second was directed by "special effect" guy.

Yes. They are among the few horror games that aren't an Outlast clone these days.

1st is a great game and the second is one of the worst modern games ever. Nothing good about the sequel.

I really enjoy them, especially the first. The second is too easy with its crafting and stealth. Getting good at Akumu in TEW1 was a bigger rush for me than any RE4 run I've done.

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I only played the first one. It's like RE4 with shittier controls that's obsessed to OHK the player constantly, which gets incredibly tiresome after a while.
Most sequences follow very basic trial and error flows with very little imagination or improv required from the player, so it is a case of not falling into the same pitfalls again and jumping through its hoops at the right moment. Never played the DLC because they seem to focus on the game's worst aspects, namely ''stealth'' and evasion. Fuck that.

The sequel seems more interesting to me and I'm willing to bet it's not as mean-spirited as Mikami's game. The ''open world'' town reminds me of Silent Hill, where the outside had you traversing from A to B, preferably with a clearly defined goal, and ocassionally exploring for resources, with the interiors functioning as lengthier dungeons - but this is a guess/ assumption I have based on some gameplay footage I've seen of it.

Fucking hated how BS that front view running away scenes in the where in the 1st one also fucking hated able every character was

Definitely get TEW1. It's unironically a masterpiece.

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>TFW TEW1 is finally getting the recognition it deserves

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Wanted to play the first one since I like the second but it ran like absolute dogshit so I refunded.

the first game is great but give it a chance. it's really slow until chapter 4. then it picks up because you have more toys to use

you're what's wrong with the industry
you'll take quantity instead of quality.

hows the dlc?

I recently played The Evil Within and really enjoyed it. It has become one of my favorite games and it's very similar to Resident Evil 4. I would highly recommend it
I recently got into TEW2 and was surprised by how different the main character looks, it's really off-putting since I really enjoyed his character in the first game

Did you absolutely love everything about Resident Evil 4? And I really do mean everything, every single level. If yes, then go for it. I didn't, and TEW isn't for me, but damn that lady cop is fukken hot.

Pretty much this

I can play TEW1 over and over again, it's always varied, surprising, perfectly paced, and evergreen fresh

TEW2 chases the western formula too much for its own good. It's a decent game, and there's some great highlights, but overall it's way more of a repetitive slog. Combat is dramatically simplified too

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Oh, mama.

Great if you don't miss shooting things and want to hide and wait a lot

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They're both great. Play them on harder difficulties or don't bother though.

First one is decent enough but second one kinda sucks desu.

both are damn fine games user, damn fine

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>"that scene" towards the end.
I beat first but never beat second as it was extremely boring. Whats this scene?