What's the one thing that keeps making you come back to TF2?

What's the one thing that keeps making you come back to TF2?

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Nothing I haven't played in over 6 years.

The gameplay

No good alternative.


i cant stand matchmaking throwing me in games that have

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It just feels very good to move around in and every stock gun is satisfying

*blocks your path*

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I stopped playing years ago after realizing I was spending more time farming hats than actually playing the game.

Give Heavy a pistol

Learning to rocket jump and building sentries in the water on 2fort and see if some kid whines.

landing every shot in the clip and hearing the continuous hit beeps feels amazing

About five years ago I unlocked an unusual Spy beret, sold it in two hours on a trading server for a handful of keys, then slowly assembled cosmetics and paints for all my classes with some strange weapons with the leftovers. No real reason to waste away as a trader in my eyes.

There's no good alternative for this type of gameplay.

its the most inconsistent piece of shit in the entire game
>mag dump a heavy walking towards you at close range
>only the 7th bullet hits while the rest of them randomly decide to shoot around him for no goddamn reason


Don't blame the gun for your shit aim.

I can turn my brain off and still farm retards in pubs, the gameplay itself is boring as fuck

freedom and fun

Learn to track retard

I unironically wish more classes could use the pistol. I love using it.

There's no other multiplayer fps that's so fun and also alive

No other game lets me go from point a to point b while killing everything in my path like Soldier does, rocket jumping has never been more satisfying

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Nothing, I stopped playing it in 2009 when it went to shit and have never gone back.

no other shooter feels fun to play

Every other shooter feels like shit, nothing else has the really Arcade like feel that TF2 does.
Playing Rainbow 6 with my friends like 2 years ago tired the fuck out of me, so boring and slow.

>hit a bunch of shots on a soldier / demoman
>he tries to run away
>just track him with my lugermorph
>he does absolutely nothing except hold S and promptly die due to not being able to jump away
now that's satisfying

Im not
Waiting for update

Every alternative is shit.

oh yeah its totally my aim, and not the gun having more spread than a shotgun

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No joke, I booted up TF2 after not playing since the Jungle Inferno update dropped. It's still really damn fun to play.

That doesn't look like a heavy walking towards you at close range.


>that feeling of doing nothing but tr_walkway for hours a day practicing the direct hit
>the feeling as you step out and into pubs destroying people on the ground, erasing scunts that step to you in the blink of an eye
>Sentries mean nothing to you now as do the other soldiers that come to challenge you
>Pyros run away in fear or die trying to predict rockets going 70% faster than normal
Then some medic sees this and Ubers you and suddenly you develop Parkinson's for the entire duration like some form of aiming ED

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the core gampeplay

>doesn't put shotgun spread for comparison

The fact that this is the only good multiplayer shooter still alive with Warframe and Splatoon.


The meme's. Nothing more nothing less

Rocketjumping is good fun. Recently beat a tier IV jump map, felt good.

Shitting on f2p fags

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Random crits

I quit when TF2 Lobby shut down for good.

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Nostalgia, and the game is still actually fun but dead inside somehow.


There is no other game that gives you the feel of playing scout, no other game gives you the satisfaction of saying 'medic down'

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the fact that i have 0 other games to play
been playing on and off for 11 years now

It's the only multiplayer game I can play and get completely rekt in and still enjoy playing.

Overwatch and Paladins are shit so I have nowhere else to go.

Fuck I guess Im reinstalling.

I don't.
dead game.

I miss unnerfed shortstop.
What do I want with a fucking push?

I switched to DH after hitting the 500 hour mark as soldier with pretty much just stock, it's amazing. It attracts unwanted attention sometimes though, for some reason enemy soldiers always try to talk shit when they see me using it, regardless of whether either of us gets a dom or even interacts.

The stupid matchmaking and two rounds per maps. BCUZ WE COMP AMIRITE?
You always join, then wait forever for just the game to start, and it lasts 5 minutes. After that, you have to load the map again, half the server just left so you start the game forever after, with 6v6 and it's lame. By the time the server is full to 12v12, the game is over.

literally don't see the appeal of any other fps ngl
it's so much fun, i dunno how it's never been stale to me

there's nothing else to play

Nothing left that would make it worth playing anymore, haven't touched it since 2014

Pretty much. I would download it in a hardbeat if they would add compelling content

movement > gunplay > art style > characters > custom maps and game modes
don't care about cosmetics, haven't traded since 2013
>farming hats
what did user mean by this

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>The stupid matchmaking and two rounds per maps. BCUZ WE COMP AMIRITE?
Literally nobody asked for this shit

vsh and medieval mode.

keyword: years ago

Nothing, ever since the F2P update I literally have not started it up once. I would if there was a way to play a pre-f2p TF2.

The random item drops a few times each week by leaving the game running for an hour each day which I can usually sell for about five cents each. Don't even have to waste my time playing it.

>natural selection 2: dead
>quake champions:dead
>dirty bomb: double dead
>enemy territory: deadest
>Day of defeat: dead dead dead
I just want a good pc shooter, and tf2's the only one left.

Nothing because fuck valve for pandering to the overbab audience with MyM. Killed the game for me.

24/7 Dustbowl server


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Scout is too fun to play

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2fort poll:

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it's too kino to drop

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There's almost no difference between being put in a game that's about to end or a game that's about to start. It's just an extra loading screen.

Objectively it's one of the worst but I still play it all the time.

I don't think I remember all of them but I'd put it as one of the worst.
But I might have shit taste since turbine is my favourite.


The Good:

The Bad:

The Ugly:

We can all agree that Landfall is the best CTF map right?

Doublecross, Landfall, Well, and Sawmill are objectively better than 2fort.

>id still be playing tf2 on that one private server with the bros if we didnt go different ways long ago
it hurts

Except the fact that after the round starts there are 4 players in the game, two of which are AFK

Nah a lot of times people will leave once the match is done since the people who stay want to vote for the same map more often than not, meaning you’re left with like a 3v4 game of the dorks that stuck around. The only thing to do then is wait for the matchmaking system to throw everyone else in which could take anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes.

One simple fix they could add is if the server votes to stay on the same map, just reset everybody straight into pre-game. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO RELOAD THE SAME SERVER? It's just an extra 30 seconds of wasted time.

That would require effort, Valve stopped caring about the game years ago

Absolutely nothing.
The game is dead.
inb4 >look at the steam numbers
Quantity never equals quality, the community is dead.

This and a “join game in progress” checkbox would be two massive fixes to matchmaking, that and being able to pick your team/play against your friends.

Update soon right?

because i always end up having fun or laughing like a retard at the interaction between the characters/players, even if I loose a bunch of matches. it probably helps I started playing around 2015.

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It's fun to play

Also, just so you know, there never actually was any official announcement saying they were doing another weapons pack for heavy. It's just another community created meme, just like how there never was a promise for an HL3 (though we WERE promised a HL2:Ep3, that one's unforgivable on Valve's part)

Yes, it's been confirmed by VNN

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>tyler "im full of shit" McVicker

Tyler kill yourself, go pay your debts first instead of spending your life in 4channel


This is one of the only good weapon skins in this game, the rest are ugly and trash

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Not bad, but for me, it's Hazard Warning

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i don't

>Disciplinary Action

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>not coating all of your weapons in pizza

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Meh, could be better

Good taste, pretty much all of the War Paint skins from the Winter 2017 Collection are good

the best maps are badlands, dustbowl, upward, and badwater

yeah ctf_badwater is my favourite map too

>I came, I saw, I came.

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If I wasn't so autistic about using black and yellow skins, I'd probably use this. Just looks so good to me.

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I pick on unusualfags who think trading hats made them good at the game and dominate them.

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oh nevermind I mesread

Dustbowl is a fucking terrible map. It's only saved from being the worst cp map because Junction exists.

dustbowl is so bad it's good

No, it's so bad it's terrible.

I like Dustbowl simply because people actually try to win. I've never seen a friendly on Dustbowl in my 4,000 hours playing.

Probably one of the most pathetic channels on YouTube. Imagine basing your entire channel on """speculation"""" and """"rumors"""" surrounding a game company that hasn't made a good game, let alone any game, for almost a decade.

im sorry sweetie but i only play minecraft achivement idles

Are there any more skull themed items or war paints?

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same, it's such a great feeling. sometimes I go gibus spy just to fuck with them harder. and I go to sleep knowing I never spent $30+ on a digital hat

Totally boned would be your best bet.

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The Hellmet is pretty good desu, and the war paint mentioned

Why did the potato.tf servers have to go down today, right when I only had 5 stars left to get the Gold medal ;_;

It's sad to think that no game will ever implement something like Dominations due to it encouraging "toxicity" in a fucking competitive game. It'd be even better in TF2 if you were forced to hear some of the domination lines from the class that's dominating you. Being called a fat retard by the Spy that keeps killing you would really get the blood pumping.

if you play cp i've destroyed your bot ass

Actually, there's a lot. Check out the Scream Fortress X collection. I see 5 with skulls on them.

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Rank the gamemodes from best to worst.

>Control Points
>Capture the Flag
>Payload Race

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New taunts
Weapons never ever :(

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It's the only multiplayer shooter that still has a playerbase that recognizes that assault rifles are cancer.

Great, thanks guys

post ur french people

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>DH soldier starts dominating my team
>fling his rockets back in his face
>we push their shit in
Huddah huddah baby

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I don't know. It's just an itch, a feeling. Sometimes it will last a few months then I'll take a break for another few months, then go right back on a binge. I guess it's just knowing that it'll be there when I get back, plus the familiarity and whackyness of everything that makes me feel right at home. Nothing can beat spending 2 hours on a casual 2fort server and shit talking everyone on the enemy team that you're dominating, the reactions are priceless.

Plus, scrap is literally worth less than dirt right now so I dropped $5 for 150 ref and bought me the taunts that I've always wanted for way less than on the marketplace or Mann Co store.

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Is that Kira's fucking tie from JoJo?

The fact that reflected DH rockets have the same blast radius as normal rockets is BS, but it makes for some funny antics when you're the Pyro that reflected it. They almost always type something in chat to cope, it's hilarious.

>see pyro as soldier
>they start staring at me while tapping A and D
>pull out shotgun
>they either keep airblasting whenever I shoot them or they try and unsuccessfully rush me

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>rush you with flamethrower
>ground bounce and axtinguish you
Nothing personnel, mmph.

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>Be Pybro with Engineer
>Trusty stock flamethrower
>Reserve shooter for quick switch
>HomeWrecker for sappers and aesthetics
>Shit on every enemy that walks near the point

>>rush you with flamethrower
>get shot once
>get shot again
great plan, should've stuck to using your own shotgun though

I have a soft spot for CTF and Passtime, the more laid-back pace appeals to me

there are so many different ways to play the game, I can go into any skial server and do a dozen different things that are all fun just to fuck around and have fun with, most for me focus on trolling others

>see soldier as pyro
>stare at soldier while tapping A and D
>he pulls out shotgun
>pull out shotgun too
>now we fight like men

who here uses pure stock mercs (besides taunts)? like no cosmetics or unlocks or anything

best engagement, I love shotgun duels

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Try using the panic attack for quick switching, it has less range though

I use stranges and the professor specs but yes

everything after the natascha update.

>(besides taunts)

This desu. If my team is shit and our loss is inevitable I'll just go huntsman or demoknight and have fun for the rest of the round. Can't do that in any other shooter.

Well is the only good ctf map. Because it's the only one where the intel room can't be completely covered by a single sentry.

Gameplay and chat still feel good every now and then but the game is too bloated with cosmetics.

Rate my Pyro, Yea Forums.

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at least it's accurate



unironically would play with you for fun

thing is godly against slow targets and anyone fleeing. Getting a bunch of 20s up close feels glorious. can rip through a heavy in a second.

The Van

I really wish there was a reverse bombnomicon that had gibs turn into ragdolls.

getting a perfect kill with an explosive and seeing the ragdoll is way better than valves shitty giblets.

Double cross. It has the charm and silliness of 2fort, but the balance 2fort needed.

Landfall was only the latter.

Junction isn't bad.
Stop running around the chokes as scout.

This. Allsi the game died for me when matcmaking was introduced. It was so much more fun to find a server of your likeing using the legacy browsers. back then Small communities started to form, You could hop in and accociate with some great people with out actually investing your time in a friendship.

Now its just this shitty match making. It feels like you are playing with bots alone, since people just pass by and you never see them again. Also playermade custom maps were the Best.

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>not the base skin you can get with tickets

fucking valve

You're right, Junction isn't bad.
It's godawful.

This reminds me, I have to work on my necromunda terrain.


almost based

Community servers are still around, even ones that don't have obstructive ads or any of the shit fags usually cite against community servers, but they're tough to find and the largest community servers are just as soulless as matchmaking.

git gud.
there is nothing wrong with it unless you expect to sticky jumper to last.

Surf servers

hes not wrong.

its either mondays or tuesdays, but its likely not tonight.

It's a shittier version of Gravelpit and a chokepoint fest.

>it has less range though
its basically a 6 shot FaN with zero knock back.

Gravel pit is really outdated, this at least has a good ammo/health pack layout.

And most chokes have supplimentary routes right next to them. The points are open and where most fighting congregates are around the larger rooms.
Its perfectly fine.

>implying you won't panic and pull out rocket launcher after you miss me 6 times because my movement doesn't suck
great plan.

Get rid of the lime paint and its okay

But she has lime green too.

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>roleplaying on Yea Forums
this better not turn into something like the scout vs pyro "battle" a few tf2 threads ago

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Never went back to TF2 for about 5 years now. Yet I can't quit the characters, SFMs, memes, or nostalgia for it.
Loved the game. Hate that I can't go back to the same game that I loved in the late 00's and early 2010s.

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>see soldier
>press m2 and hope I reflect a crit rocket or airblast him back
>flame him, cause I know how to use two buttons
>he can't see what I'm doing cause flamethrower lol
>cover his entire screen with orange nacho sauce
>follow up with an indian packaged rocket
>he awkwardly pulls out his shotgun while I run around like a retard
>blindly fires, and 50/50 he kills me
>One of us Taunts and gets backstabbed
>implying you can beat my pyro tactica.

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>And most chokes have supplimentary routes right next to them.
Yeah, you can take a longer route to wind up 2 feet to the left of the main hallway. Real flanks here. A+ map design.
Junction follows the same dogshit design of Dustbowl where the only way to go is forward and the only tactic is to throw yourselves into the enemy defenses and hope your mangled corpses clog it up long enough for a couple of teammates to get the cap.

>implying anything can defeat the scorch shot

its too OP.

>Junction follows the same dogshit design of Dustbowl where the only way to go is forward
>the only way is to take a different route to the objective
>the only way is to play the game

Ignoring the fact that this is one of the few CP map that has non linear routes to both Capture points, I'm not sure what the problem is.

I've killed Scorch Shot users just fine, unless you're referring to that dumbass flinging shit over how allegedly impossible to counter it is.

which one, we've had like 3 different people say the scorch shot is OP.

imagine if valve put it on source 2 or something. too bad they'll never do their job on anything other than VR garbage.

I haven't played it in a couple months, I gave this game almost 7k hours of my life. I'm done. I barely touch Steam anymore at all.

I have grown extremely bitter of Valve.

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noelle is cute!

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>There are people that never got to experience 2007-2009 TF2
No matter how unlucky I feel like in life, I'm always glad I got to play the game during it's heyday.

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What map is that. It looks familiar

No Heroes being the only decent server to play custom maps even if it's dedicated to nothing but Payload. Playing pub matches is fucking awful and I don't even bother with the competitive mode. I just want to play the damn game, not be forced sit in a que, wait a full minute, play two matches, then go back to waiting for another game to start. There's so much downtime now thanks to MYM, I miss when you could jump onto any server and just play the fucking game.

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I hate him so much.

The maps where the direct hit is good.
>tfw you oneshot a scout in a closed space

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cp_steel, point A

>tfw played it on console during 2007-2009, but got it on PC in late 2009
feels bad i missed a bit of it, but it was still great up until 2012.

>Heavy with a Desert Eagle knock-off
>New voice lines
>Medium-slow rate of fire
>Inaccurate at long range
>Ambassador-like accuracy cooldown
>Quality slide animation
>No random crits

>Heavy with a cartoony version of the Russian .600 Nitro Express
>Also new voice lines
>Very slow rate of fire, comical recoil with longer cooldown than Ambassador
>Knocks the Heavy back like the Force-a-Nature does to the scout, but not quite as much
>5 shots in the cylinder, only another 5 in reserve
>Reload rounds 1 at a time slowly, with smoke leaving the gate if reloaded right after firing
>Accurate all the way to medium-long ranges, after shots the reticle will move from the recoil
>No crits of any kind

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I don't hate him so much as I hate all the weapons he uses and everybody that plays as him and all of the servers those people play on. Other than that he's pretty based.

It's outdated and needs a gameplay and balance changes quickly so it can be made relevant again
Gameplay is fundamentaly broken right now

Okay I see it. I thought it was steel or for some reason egypt, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

>the only way is to take a different route to the objective
There are no different routes to the objective, that's the problem. The side routes that Junction has all end up right next to the main route, so you just end up taking longer to get to the same heavily guarded kill zone.

Came here to post literally this.

I would never get mad again if they nerfed the effectiveness of his sticky launcher. If you are at the max range of the blast and only one pixel of you is touching you still take 50% damage minimum.

>people still use f2p as an insult
It's been f2p for eight years; I've been there since the Uber update and technically am one, so is 90% of the remaining playerbase I'm willing to bet. It's lost its luster big time

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thats the whole point of a flank. Main paths are where you find the most resistance, you flank them with spy or pyro.

last points typically don't have flanks because it makes it slightly easier for red to defend. it also prevents spawn camping.

Ugly as fuck lmao

>tfw started PC tf2 in 2009
>tfw the mercenary badger STARTS in 2008
>late to tf2 was 2008

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Holy fuck just add an option to stay on the server after a match and I’ll be happy. It’s so annoying to finally get a decent game but after a round guess what next server bye fuckers start over.

f2p implies someone that just got the game for free to try it. Usually someone new.
Anyone that was f2p and kept playing usually goes premium.

How do I get at Scout and scouting

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Halloween. Want to see what the new thing is each year. But the events just went so downhill ever since Go Karts.


back off scrub

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That's the problem

My friends

At the weeabootique

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they need to stop reloading the fucking map when the same one is picked, like holy shit the amount of time this could save is ludicrous.

I've just hit "search" the moment the match ends because theres like 5 minutes of downtime inbetween.

>thats the whole point of a flank
No, you imbecile. The point of a flank is to be able to attack the objective from a different, less guarded direction. If the "flank" puts you right next to the main path then it's not a fucking flank.

this, it would give servers that old pub feel again

>All 9 classes are the best and most balanced characters of any shooters
>Fun to go on pubs and beat the shit out of mongoloids
>No good alternative
>The community, while has the shitters (Reddit), its one of the most passionate fandoms and I'm thankful for all the memes, videos and everything in-between
>Legacy game with endless learning curves
>Been playing since 2011, and I can't stop now
>Holding out for the best mann to get his update

Why is this game so perfect.

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>no badge for playing gang garrison back in the 80s

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I don't get banned for maining one character :^)

hey does anybody want an invite to the beta for competitive matchmaking? i have 4 left, i heard it's gonna be great!

Just use your gamesense to know when there's a spy behind you and do a 180 immediately.

>not getting the special badge for playing team fortress arcade
LMAO at ur life

Yes, doublecross was the only CTF map I played once they let us filter them.

>dude I should be able to shoot someone in the back simply cause I chose a door

This is the reason most custom maps are garbage. Complete flanks destroy any team, both offense and defense. All good maps have flanks that come in perpendicular to the main path.

"More Flanks" is one of those things people say when they have no idea what the problem with a map is.

Alright maggots, post:

>your hours
>year you played TF2 for the first time

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keep aiming as scout then
other classes won't help as much since their speed is different

This isn't a meme right? everyone else has that weird sense when you can feel a spy right behind you right?

- 4350 hours
- 2014

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1900 hours

>know when there's a spy behind you and do a 180 immediately
a true chad

Yeah no. Spy can instakill people, go invisible and disable sentries.
Compare that to someone slow like soldier or Demoman which are only good for destroying sentries(where Spy is better)
It's horribly broken and unbalanced

>they manage to jump away
>use hype and kill them in mid-air
fucking orgasmic

>3918 hours
>2009 , technically 2008 on ps3
I still remember seeing the trailer for tf2 on G4.
Staying up all night and just randomly catching a glimpse of this class based game. Trying to figure out how someone playing soldier controls 5 other characters.

i feel like the hour count isn't accurate though, i don't think steam counted hours played a long time ago.

ok bonkle

>Around 1000
>2006 (Barely, i had a toaster, and the game always crashed, yet i got my mercenary badge)

What's up guys, Shibby2142 here.

>Why is this game so perfect.
wasn't infected by a reddit think tank, or some tripple A development studio.

it was made by actual professionals instead of college graduates. People that were truely passionate and worked at the studio for decades.

1600 hours
2010 about a month before Polycount dropped.

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>zug no can look behind. zug think all fight should come from front
Honestly, you sound like a fucking retard. It's really no wonder you like the shitpile that is Junction.

>it was made by actual professionals instead of college graduates.

Why go back to a shit game? I've taken dumps with more depth than this garbage heap

the fact that I can hack in it so easily

>zug think all fight should come from front
>perpendicular is from the front

and no typically people shouldn't get a free pass to appear behind you randomly. There are very few maps that do this.

not sure what you're referring with the "user..."
I mean fresh college graduates that they scoop up from devry.

6220 hours

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Nothing. I think I've played twice since it went free to play.

In case you're not excluding the original TF, it was made by college graduates.

>spectate some guy cause I'm dead
>aim snaps back and forth instantly between enemies
>uh... heavy are you hacking?
>heavy dies and doesn't say anything
>user why do you think hes hacking
>well I'm not entirely sure I saw him snap and it looked like hacking
>guy immediately leaves the match without saying a word

that was kind of cute.

>biggest TF2 autists in the thread started playing after the game went to shit
It checks out!

I wish you could join team spectator, it's gotten pretty difficult to determine if some people are cheating if they're not using blatant aimbot

Even though thats not tf2 and those people kept working to build experience for the second game. That wasn't what I meant by college graduates. I mean people that a studio hires for a bunch of cheap labor so they can factory out a game full of assets.

>remove team switch and autobalance
>fuck up and everyone is mad
>basically revert everything but team switch and spectator

Meet your match or gun mettle (I forgot which) was such a mistake.

It's not impossible (look up predictive anticipatory activity and wonder what the hell you're reading), but it's not necessarily useful or present for everyone.

I resent Spy and Sniper for having instakills. It just isn't fun to play against compared to every other class. Neither is really all that hard to fight, but people who are really good at them are frustrating to encounter.



The Spy at this point is a super niche class pick imo. Backstabs mean shit when the sniper can do the same picks infinitely better all the time. He's mostly behind team sidelines and the sniper can effectively pick at long ranges. With Spy you are arguably fucked the moment you backstab someone just by virtue of the Spy's design (Unless you are Mr.Paladin levels of skill or luck out). You can even say he's better than destroying sentries because most of the players who main Spy don't know what the fuck they're doing. Soldier and Demo's weapons have splash and better alternatives. Forget your Sentry if a competent sticky Demo with uber pushes in. Spy sap attempts work best with coordinated assaults, and good luck trying to even get that in a pub.

I know the game isn't the most balanced, but its a lot more manageable than Overshills, and the balance nowadays is a lot less extreme then what you exaggerated.

>Believes a game has been shit for over half a decade
>Joins a thread about it anyway and calls other autists
The ironing.

Attached: 1559839632460.gif (556x720, 335K)

Losing my gf

>I know the game isn't the most balanced, but its a lot more manageable than Overshills,
That's not saying much.

>~1500 hours
>Very Late 2008
Yet the Mercenary badge still groups me in with all F2P zoomers.

>wear an unusual
>some tryhard keeps focusing me and spams stuff like "no skills dont wear unusual" in chat
Nigga I just have a shiny hat

Attached: 1563820646870.jpg (493x443, 152K)

I have 3000 hours in TF2 and haven't played mannpower a single time

>Backstabs mean shit when the sniper can do the same picks infinitely better all the time.
absolute false meme.
Sniper can't take out engies hiding behind chokes, or chain stab. Spy also has a much stronger choice of who he kills. Sniper is more an opportunity class that coincidentally kills important targets.

Sniper is pretty limited to the map hes playing, Hes a pick class with better potential, but he can't do everything spy can.

Imagine owning an australium sniper rifle, and not maining sniper

>Control Points
>Payload Race

>it's an "autobalanced to the losing team just before the round ends" episode
im fucking tired of this shit

Attached: 1357879643766.gif (500x372, 286K)

1500 hours and still never had an unusual hat

>what the fuck why can't I kill the tankiest class in the game with a weapon meant to finish off injured players

You're missing absolutely nothing. That and PASS Time feel like you're playing on a weird modded server. The grappling hook is kind of cool, but it doesn't feel like it's actually vanilla.

>Bumper Carts
>Payload Race
>Control Points
>Pass time

It shoots in a cone because if it were completely accurate it would shred

>get autobalanced
>clutch a save and get to play on the winning team for even longer

>Payload Race
>Control Points
>Capture the Flag

Yeah, real perpendicular here.
>people shouldn't get a free pass to appear behind you randomly
It isn't a free pass and it isn't random, you literal ape. Are you aware that the defending team can use flanking routes, too? You either defend them to prevent the blues from using them, or you use them yourself to slip into their back line to harass them or destroy their teleporters. I'll grant that's a lot more complicated than looking forward and spamming rockets at a chokepoint though, so I can understand why such a concept would go over your head.

Attached: angle of attack.png (514x458, 285K)

I cant do that with 15 seconds on the clock dawg

Attached: 1345956844141.jpg (242x208, 7K)

Grappling hook should honestly be an unlock for some classes. Shit is so fucking fun.

What map is time based besides Koth?
>he can't get to point in 15 seconds

>unbox two unusuals going for strange awp because im a number autist
>im somehow the cancer killing tf2 according to Yea Forums and get bullied more in quickplay
i feel you

It used to be because I could find cool servers with fun custom maps with also good official maps mixed in but matchmaking has killed the vast majority of servers so I don't play anymore.

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Having fun.

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Team defends the upper main path and they get flanked from the middle, and behind when people jump through the window.
Same with the bottom.

And as you can see, the only other area they could POSSIBLY flank from would be if they came in through their own spawn.

Which is where they get pushed all the way up to the point, with an immediate advantage, and if they all die they automatically lose the match.

Its a pretty good design, the only thing I would change would be to buffer the space in the main path and make it harder for red to shoot blue on the main path forcing them down to that area. Just so red actually goes down there, and if red loses a bunch of people, blue doesn't overwhelm them immediately. (but blue winning should be encouraged).

Its fine.

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Attached: 1563824679983.webm (720x406, 2.91M)

You can keep an eye on half of these entrances without even turning your head. This room is also the size of a scout's ass and a single sentry could very nearly cover every entrance in an unideal location, and will still cover several entrances in any ideal location.
If you really think the defending team can only cover a single one of these entrances at once, then I really don't know what to say and I think I have to apologize to apes for comparing them to the dumbest creature alive.

Sometimes I feel this way. I stop playing just due to burnout but I just can't stop these characters, or talking about it or pretty much everything else that surrounds the game. Eventually I come back and play nonstop for several months.

>If you really think the defending team can only cover a single one of these entrances at once,

Thats why I said that red should have had less visibility on the lower areas. But you have to stand at the front of the point to actually see both entrances clearly. And both of those areas can be shot from most entrances.
The only area red can see from anywhere is the middle window, which means blue spies can move through it because the team will typically be discouraged from running through there.

The irony is that this point is harder for blue because of the amount of side paths and flanks. Focussing blue through a single bottle neck and having a few trail off can guarantee strong pushes with any braindead team.

When will they finish the comic...

It's coming with the new Heavy update.

So never.

>It's coming never

Why even go Spy at that point though? The Soldier and Demo can destroy nests better.

>Spy also has a much stronger choice of who he kills
And what happens when you are virtually caught with your pants down? You will die 8 times out of 10 unless you are a good escapist or mastered matador stabs. Most Spies often then not fail against competent teams because everyone is aware. The moment you go Spy and team figures it out, you'll have a team that'll put all stops to make sure you can't do shit.

>Sniper is pretty limited to the map hes playing, Hes a pick class with better potential,
I agree, but in terms of picking, Sniper in practice is better because you rarely worry about being fucked the moment you take your picks. Of course he's easier to ambush but he can do his job consistently because he's in areas where someone has to work their way to ambush, meanwhile Spy constantly has to be weary so he can do his picks without letting off false alarms. Besides sapping (Which is a bit of a panic tactic at best in pubs) the Sniper is a bit more stronger in the general area the spy also specializes in.

Yes, that's what "bi monthly" means.

>Tried tf2 with a friend back in 2010
>in a dunk server
>dude how do I rocket jump
>"just like, do it man"
>obviously lose
>go to a payload map
>get sniped 14 times

Fast forward to 2018 when I started playing again, I guess it was just me getting kills and living longer due to changing my tactics. Also this one guy in an mge server who told me to change from the default settings.

>dude how do I rocket jump
>"just like, do it man"
I miss rocket jumping in games. Why is it so rare now?

You looks like the typical faggot pyro in other words kill yourself

They honestly should've put a cap on how many pyros can be on a team. Theyre low contribution faggots who are worse than like painted spies or snipers.

every pyrotard is a furfag or brony, i really wish heavy won the vote.

We must be playing different games because every time I try to play Engie I get at least one rocket jumping Soldier or sticky jumping Demo who constantly make my life impossible to live.

Yes, not-TF2 is a different game from TF2.

My bad, I thought you were talking about every TF2 match being considered a "game". Didn't realize you meant entirely different games having it.

I think a lot of this can be true, but also balances spy out. If spy had the ability to destroy sentry nests like soldier and demo, him appearing from any corner would be obscene.
The main strength is that he can wedge himself behind the engineer in low traffic areas. Allowing him to pick off the engineer from afar with the amby, or with a stab and sap.
And sapping and shooting a sentry is nearly instaneous, unless the engineer has his sights directly on you, you will take out his sentry. This is very important when the enemy engineer is abusing the wrangler.

He can also rush infront of the team about to round the corner, and sap the sentry a millisecond before his team arrives.

>And what happens when you are virtually caught with your pants down?

Honestly all you have to do is go invisible.
9 times out of 10, unless theres a pyro, you can get off scott free. Especially if stab while your team is pushing.

On one hand, limiting each class to its fair share of the team would force a lot of people on pub servers to pick better. On the other, it would have ruined a lot of fun moments when we got a whole team to work together to do a gag comp.

If people stopped rocket jumping entirely in TF2, it would be a sign that the world is about to end.

>Implying you can't actually hold back a Soldier if you switch to Pyro and know how to reflect
Unless the Soldier runs shotgun, which few do these days with the Concheror being the go-to secondary for every pubstar Soldier out there.

Well he didn't, and now Valve has abandoned TF2 so heavy will never get an update. Too bad.

Attached: 1431979519545.jpg (269x268, 26K)

The update will also announce Heavy in Smash.

Attached: 5ba.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

I like this picture.

I too like that picture

Might as well post this.

christmas 2007 because my uncle got me the orange box
played pretty obsessively until the uber update rolled around, still come back to it every once in a while and have some fun
eagerly awaiting the team fortress 2 classic update's release, really hope it comes out in july like their discord has been saying

Heavy doesn't even make sense as a pick from a game that already wouldn't make sense in Smash

Ever since I was a wee lad I've adored the concept of rocket jumping.
The movement options in every other modern shooter just feels static and blase in comparison.
TF2's in this weird magic spot where it's gameplay is dictated by the old arcadey fun style of shooters we used to have but came out at just the right time to be refined by modern sensibilities. Truly, it was worth the weight.

That's exactly why it would happen. There's been plenty of unlikely picks.

not the best thing to fall back on without any evidence
he wouldn't even have a proper recovery without pulling another class out of nowhere

I've seen some long theories about how Heavy or any potential TF2 character could work in Smash. I only say it as a joke though. Unless Sakurai is some secret fanboy, that is.

Attached: legoformer1000.jpg (2014x2338, 418K)

this guys animation has transcended SFM.

The update comes with a new weapon that has knockback for both non-crouching Heavy and his target. It's part of the lead up to him being in Smash.

>9 times out of 10, unless theres a pyro, you can get off scott free.

The problem is that some people will offset you while you invis (Mad Milk, Jarate, virtually Pyro, Natasasha if you can shoot in time, etc) and it kind of creates a situation where you are kind of boned unless again, you can curve right by. I will give you one thing, Invis does decrease debuffs iirc so I can't argue with the concept of escaping there. Its just horribly easy to counter invis spies on pubs because they all have more or less predictable patters and in 50/50 cases run for the nearest ammo/health box to keep themselves out of sight. As a Medic main you notice the small spy quirks so, that's probably why.

>The main strength is that he can wedge himself behind the engineer in low traffic areas. Allowing him to pick off the engineer from afar with the amby, or with a stab and sap.
And sapping and shooting a sentry is nearly instaneous, unless the engineer has his sights directly on you, you will take out his sentry.

Yeah, honestly it always worked for me when there's a push being planned. When a Spy tries to do so in low traffic area with semi-aware players, the Engineer can make amends to also annoy you. Spy runs the risk of people being more paranoid, which benefits him mentally but it just creates tighter control points where its nigh impossible to sap, which is why I always sap when there's shit going on in the midst.

Attached: Spy_with_the_Backbiter's_Billycock_TF2.png (620x700, 208K)

my time to shine, once again

Attached: Autism fortress.png (831x506, 613K)

>yurishit poster
Nevermind. Loadout is worthless.

if any class gets into Smash, it'd probably be Soldier, Scout, or Demo
even then it's a stretch

the people who played before all died of old age, sorry boomer your time is soon.

You didn't read the patch notes?

Is TF2 well-known in Japan? There's a lot of Tokyo servers, but I couldn't find any with people on them.

Holy shit, Yea Forums truly has no idea about TF2 lol

your shitposting is bringing us nowhere


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>3 weapons
>minigun keeps the heavy static but can deal a bunch of percentage damage that doesn't send people into the air
>Shot gun is short ranged but works like a b-smash where he pulls it out and it gets stronger
>melee attacks that let him stay mobile, but have insane knock back and a 50/50 crit chance

not even that hard.


your last three replies

What even is that picture?
Obviously it's a stretch, it's all in good fun. I doubt anyone seriously believes it will ever happen, more like a "what-if" situation, what domination lines would they have to insult the Smash roster, etc.

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>Donkey kong´s Up b
Yeah thatd do

They could probably do some mechanic based on swapping loadouts. Still doesn't give him a good recovery move, but I'm sure they'd come up with something.

>n-no nobody can reflect the direct hit it's impossible no no no NON NO
Cope harder.

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>Is TF2 well-known in Japan?
Not that I'm aware of. Japan isn't big on FPS's in general. Plus, Valve never bothers to do any sort of advertising so I'd guess, at most, the characters might have a following in Japan, maybe not the gameplay itself.

Rocket Jump Spell. Not that hard.

>The problem is that some people will offset you while you invis (Mad Milk, Jarate, virtually Pyro, Natasasha if you can shoot in time, etc)

this only matters if
1. you stabbed someone next to 2 or more players
2. you stabbed without your team distracting them

And I'm not sure if this is a bug, but stuff like jarate doesn't last more than 2-3 seconds when cloaked. Considering a cloaked spy is faster than a medic, he can dodge a lot of the return fire.

A lot of this might be different for others, I use nothing but connivers and big earner.

>. Spy runs the risk of people being more paranoid, which benefits him mentally but it just creates tighter control points where its nigh impossible to sap, which is why I always sap when there's shit going on in the midst.

Yeah this is why spy is unplayable. The moment someone else starts playing spy he becomes exponentially harder.

Like sure your team rolls them, but the entire team looking backwards when getting shot is annoying.

more like Ness
>heavy pulls out bomb cart and rides the explosion upwards

Its almost comical how adverse japan is to FPSs like they are actually allergic to them.
Have they ever even developed one?

>he characters might have a following in Japan
I could see that little girl having a following at least.

That technically would work. They're not afraid of using semi-obscure things.

>The fact that reflected DH rockets have the same blast radius as normal rockets is BS,


>Have they ever even developed one?
From time to time, they're really horrible at it though. I think they just use local consoles, they probably treat PC gaming like the Xbone.

You misunderstood me, I mean limit the only class that requires no skill to play.
All pyro mains should do what sketchek did but actually do it and stay gone.

There is literally no other game like it, and no one is developing one either.
Fuck Valve.

>I could see that little girl having a following at least.
The things Japan would do to this girl.

Attached: 1479370733404.png (1038x442, 618K)

It's not impossible, but people who play pyro religiously are legitimately incapable and therefore no cope is had.

The things this girl would do to japan.

Attached: 6be.png (420x680, 286K)

>the only class that requires no skill to play
>having 5 snipers is totally fine but i can't fight a class i think is a noob magnet

>I mean limit the only class that requires no skill to play.
>limiting all the power classes


Oh look, another update being made by people that don't play the game.
We have had 10 years of updates hated by the entire userbase, 10.

He's not lying, he just didn't say what year.

t. ugc iron

the pistol is incredibly good

>10 years of bad updates

bull shit , the game has only been out for ten yea-
>2009 was 10 years ago
>engineer update was in 2010

I'd say 9 years.


Get in his face
Don't pay bad maps.

>What's the one thing that keeps making you come back to TF2?

Wanting to make a long Video Essay on the design of Upward, but the more I work on it the longer it becomes.

>thinking spy is op
your actually retarded, a small dose of game sense will make a massive difference, there is a reason spy is viable on pro level

Other FPS games have been absolute garbage


What is this

>generic meme game sense
>not having a specialized spysense developed over a decade of non-stop play that tells you where all spies are in every match of tf2 being played

is fun

>soldierfags seething
Soldier isn't the mascot of anything beyond compfagging, which is the very thing that killed TF2.

Cant you use the Hellmet instead? that hat is so ugly.

Are you implying you can't fight Demos user? I can get Sniper, but Demo, really?

And before you say "Muh Sticky Spam", the meme isn't that bad. Was the previous rework before they reverted it good? Maybe, but Sticky spam, just like a good chunk of shit, can be easily dealt with.

I'd give them demo if random crits are on. A demo with really good luck might as well just be cheating.

I knew someone would rip out the sniper card eventually. The difference is that a sniper can miss even if he's positioned correctly in the map, his success is solely reliant on his ability to track his target, position himself accordingly to what is going on in the map, be aware of his own surroundings for specialist classes or subclasses looking for an easy kill, and if he wants to preform optimally as his specified class, aim for a portion of the body that makes up maybe 10% of the entire mass. That takes time to master to become as proficient to be registered as a proper threat to anyone with 30 hours or more.
Pyro takes none of this and solely relies on you running in and holding left click until you die or run out of fuel. A playstyle I might add, that is directly encouraged by the phlogistinator. A literal W+M1 weapon.
If it were up to me, pyro would suffer a -30 movement penalty which considering that his default movement is 100% would encourage surprise attacks from flanking routes that was the intention of pyro in the first place. This would prevent the shitty way of playing now by allowing slower classes to get away if they pay attention while not destroying the game itself. Soldier, demo, and heavy are all slower than the pyro, but doing this would cause them to be able to move away backwards but be unable to look away to run forward faster (movement backwards is slower by default)
Now get up on that cross champ, you earned it!

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being the mascot doesn't give heavy a viable recovery move
calling somebody a class you don't like doesn't prove that he's in smash

>If it were up to me, pyro would suffer a -30 movement penalty
Clarification, I mean he would suffer the above movement speed upon using the flamethrower. Maybe for a set amount of time to punish the cancerous playstyle.


Pure shitter mainfag rage. Get good at every class then tell me its unbalanced.

Of course he isn't in Smash you retard, but if TF2 was in Smash, it would be Heavy


>A playstyle I might add, that is directly encouraged by the phlogistinator.

but that's completely false my dude.
Phlog encourages afterburn and retreat, and double helps you learn flanking routes when you're ready with the Crits.
The first thing people learn with phlog is that they can't just use the ability for a free victory. (I would say the uber should be removed, but its the only way people understand he takes less damage).

>Clarification, I mean he would suffer the above movement speed upon using the flamethrower. Maybe for a set amount of time to punish the cancerous playstyle.

That defeats the entire purpose of pyro. Hes supposed to be sustained fire like the heavy, but capable of moving up and around chokes. Thats what makes him so deadly in tight corridors. If hes slower, you would be able to kite him with ease the moment he uses his flamethrower. anyone could back up and shoot him without issues.

still no recovery

Just give me the source. Please.

>server hop until I find a tryhard with pocket on the enemy team
>equip machina
>bodyshot the medic repeatedly from safety
>never give him a chance to kill me, always run away if he even comes close to striking distance
Soldiers seethe the most in chat, especially if they have a direct hit.

Attached: 1540015416901.jpg (377x567, 15K)

>causes a payload to explode beneath himself, propelling him upward
>Soldier appears beside him and rocket jumps both of them upwards, vanishing with a salute when the Heavy touches solid ground
>rocket jump Halloween spell
>an offscreen Engineer wrangles a sentry to fire rockets directly beneath Heavy
>throws a Mannpower grappling hook upwards (copy of Joker's recovery)
>critical KGB uppercut that sends him sailing upwards (copy of Shoryuken when used mid-air)
>fires minigun beneath himself with such force that it propels him away (kind of a goofy copy of Greninja's recovery)
You're right, user, Soldier is good for a recovery move and literally nothing else.

>The difference is that a sniper can miss even if he's positioned correctly in the map
That's not what the sniper part was about. Most people would assume your complaint was about team quality, not Pyros being too hard for you to fight.

Phlog being dumb is a fair complaint, but if your complaint is that all they do is "W+M1", it shouldn't be hard to outplay them.

> pyro would suffer a -30 movement penalty
That would just make him useless, not require more skill, which I thought was your issue with the class. Waiting around to ambush isn't really higher skill than he is now.

Making him running forwards while firing the same speed as him going backward would be acceptable, it means more classes can run away reliably.

i dont find the characters as funny or charming any more and gameplay wise TF2 always felt like a dumbed down TFC so if im gonna play a dead game id rather just play the good one

90 hours

>but that's completely false my dude.
Phlog encourages afterburn and retreat, and double helps you learn flanking routes when you're ready with the Crits.
The first thing people learn with phlog is that they can't just use the ability for a free victory. (I would say the uber should be removed, but its the only way people understand he takes less damage).
While I won't say that your statement about the phlog is false, because I do not have a source for either my assertion nor yours and therefore cannot verify either claim with 100% confidence. I can assert that the weapon itself whether intended or not has encouraged unmitigated abuse and use of the M1 button with hardly any rational besides "fugg, free gills :-DDD". There's no downside during the 5 seconds of crits besides the risk of a sniper killing the pyro from afar, or a soldier, demo, or heavy shredding them if they (rarely) don't have a medic planted firmly in their ass. Therefore it will give credence to the brainless playstyle that pyro's abilities give smooth brains.

I start it up once every few weeks and then stop once I realize I'm not good anymore and can't hit jack shit with the Scout anymore even though he was my favorite class.

>That defeats the entire purpose of pyro. Hes supposed to be sustained fire like the heavy, but capable of moving up and around chokes. Thats what makes him so deadly in tight corridors. If hes slower, you would be able to kite him with ease the moment he uses his flamethrower. anyone could back up and shoot him without issues.

>"The Pyro specializes in fighting enemies at close range using a homemade Flame Thrower. Enemies set on fire suffer from afterburn and take additional damage over time, allowing the Pyro to excel at hit-and-run tactics. Due to the Flamethrower’s short range, the Pyro is weaker at longer ranges and relies heavily on ambushing and taking alternate routes to catch opponents off-guard. "
That above is the official role straight and unedited from the official wiki of TF2. it identifies him as you stated as a flanker who is capable of moving around chokes and flanking, but by no means is he a sustained fire class. It specifically states that pyro is a "hit and run" class excelling at ambushing and causing panic. And that's exactly what my proposed movement penalty would cement him as.

the ones where another class has to materialize out of nowhere for one move are fucking stupid
your comically dumb list is redeemed by the payload recovery though because it seems fun

>Yea Forums thinks spy is op
holy lel

>not going on the remaining cp_orange servers to stomp the people who can't even snipe on a completely open map

>it's a medic is pocketting someone episode

I hate this.

Spy is in a weird place where he feels either horribly underpowered or horribly overpowered. Especially in pubs where a good spy can go crazy and bad spies don't make it out the front door. He's not really overpowered as much as not very fun to play against.

I don't actually think its 5 seconds, most of the time is spent taunting, I believe its only 4 seconds but I don't remember how long the taunt is.

>There's no downside during the 5 seconds of crits

Why would there be, the downside is mainly the time before the crits. dieing means you lose it, and it makes it get really tense when you're walking behind the enemy team to flank them.
Theres also the fact that you need to loudly announce yourself and taunt.

It would be weird to punish him, it would be like punishing medic when he activates uber.

>credence to the brainless playstyle that pyro's abilities give smooth brains.

The only smooth brain part will be the part where he goes crazy after all that build up and starts spraying everywhere. I'll grant that may appear mindless and retarded, he still needs to make sure he doesn't draw too much attention.

You asserted a straw man so I addressed the argument that was actually valid in your post. My skill after 4k hours is at an acceptable level where most pyro's don't give me trouble in a 1 on 1 setting for most classes and therefore not part of the problem.

pyro would suffer a -30 movement penalty
>That would just make him useless, not require more skill, which I thought was your issue with the class. Waiting around to ambush isn't really higher skill than he is now.

>Making him running forwards while firing the same speed as him going backward would be acceptable, it means more classes can run away reliably.
I would actually argue against making him all around slower since the purpose of pyro is indeed a flanking and ambush class. Making him as slow as heavy moving forward would make it infinitely more difficult to position yourself as pyro. By debuffing the speed only when the flamethrower is being used, we would effectively limit the ability to make brainless plays and punish players the same way a heavy moving forward without a medic or backup will be instantly killed causing them to think more about positioning and effective playstyles that require more thought and skill.

>but by no means is he a sustained fire class.

Sustained fire makes his close range capabilities even stronger. Otherwise he would just be equipped with a shotgun.
Its not that they say the sustained fire is his strength, but it makes him stronger in close combat. Always being up and ready no matter what.
A pyro in close combat never has to reload his flamethrower. which gives him a pretty big edge.

>braindead soldierfag can't have fun because it doesnt make sense
color me shocked

beating the shit out of people with kimono porn

>it's a teammates switch to vaccinator medic to bully aimbot sniper episode

No airblast seems like a huge downside to me.

>I would actually argue against making him all around slower
No one said that, except you by accident.

>causing them to think more about positioning
Making him too slow just means he's entirely about positioning, he'd be incapable of winning a fight that isn't ambushing someone in a corner. That's not really adding skill, it's just covering for players who can't handle a 1v1 with a Pyro by nerfing him into the ground. If you want Pyro to have a higher skill floor, he needs a mechanics change, not a huge nerf.

the payload recovery doesn't make sense and yet that one seems fine
seem to be hooked on calling everybody you don't like a soldierfag though

>can't have fun
It's not about fun as much as it is that you might as well make it a swapping character with the whole team at that point.

>he'd be incapable of winning a fight that isn't ambushing someone in a corner.

to add, he would also be worse to play. Imagine every pyro just camping corners and waiting for people to round a doorway.

i sorta of have that were i get the sense that a spy is about to stab me turn around, and what do you know SPY

Exactly. Less fun to play as, and not more fun to play against. He'd be almost like a really shitty Spy at that point.

>I don't actually think its 5 seconds, most of the time is spent taunting, I believe its only 4 seconds but I don't remember how long the taunt is.
Actually, It's 10 seconds NOT including the length of the taunt. I was unaware so I estimated that it lasted shorter but that long of a duration is insane. The KGB gloves give only 5 second crits on a succesful MELEE kill.

There's no downside during the 5 seconds of crits

>Why would there be, the downside is mainly the time before the crits. dieing means you lose it, and it makes it get really tense when you're walking behind the enemy team to flank them.
>Theres also the fact that you need to loudly announce yourself and taunt.

There should be bigger downsides to getting a guaranteed full 10 seconds of crits. The amount of damage you can do with 10 seconds of 300% more damage even without passive healing is so dumb is OP. If the criticola gives a skull to scout when activating mini crits why doesn't pyro suffer some similiar debuff? also it's very rare a medic will see you with full MMPH! and not heal you for the upcoming killstreak of brainless gibuses.

You'd still be able to sustain the fire by your definition (despite you using the term and equating it to heavy no less wrong) with the speed debuff. You just couldn't hold it down and be effective for maybe 3-4 seconds.
Besides, just use the dragons breath, it's a sideways upgrade if you can aim. I rarely fault any pyro that uses it

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>Heavy runs demo speed when hes not equiped with mini gun.
>Swapping to minigun takes an extra second.

Now you don't need an unlock to save time, and repositioning instantly and switching to minigun isn't bullshit to fight.

BOOM I fucking fixed heavy.
Now give me the update already.

>There should be bigger downsides to getting a guaranteed full 10 seconds of crits.

user remember you have to taunt, and the crits start the moment you press G.
>If the criticola gives a skull to scout when activating mini crits why doesn't pyro suffer some similiar debuff?
Thats because hitscan shotguns paired with minicrits are powerful. Close ranged crits, not so much.

What would the GRU do after this then?

based /sus/ out of ten

Shotgun them until they start spraying fire at you and finish them with an unexpected rocket into laugh taunt

>You'd still be able to sustain the fire by your definition (despite you using the term and equating it to heavy no less wrong) with the speed debuff. You just couldn't hold it down and be effective for maybe 3-4 seconds.
You can't hold down m1 the moment your opponent gets outside of flamethrower range.
And once that happens, your opponent stays at that distance. This would only work if pyro moved at scout speed when he wasn't flaming, but that would be absurd.

>Besides, just use the dragons breath, it's a sideways upgrade if you can aim. I rarely fault any pyro that uses it
Its not an upgrade even if you can aim. The thing is so janky and you can't actually deal with multiple opponents. Its like calling the direct hit an upgrade, but you also need to hit someone with a DH before you get the bonus 25% damage.

bring back the 7 damage/s so heavy can get to fancy spots again.

I figure it could give like a large forward push with each punch. Possibly at the cost of HP.

Something that actually lets him catch up to people when you want to play memelee heavy.

I don't agree with him about Pyro in general, but Phlog never felt right to me. Taunting isn't a big deal since you're protected during it and it's really rare to have enemies that do something smart to prepare for when the taunt is over without teammates who can help you. And no airblast prevents me from touching it, but it's a downside only if you have some level of skill, which is silly.

Make it give Heavy a jump boost so it can be his recovery in Smash.

3k hours
started playing on the 360 version in early 2009 and swapped to pc in 2011
5+ hour hydro rounds with my xbox bros will always be want tf2 is to me

>the only update of 2019 will come out in october.
jesus they really destroyed tf2.

I would actually argue against making him all around slower
>No one said that, except you by accident.
I misread because I'm addressing many arguments. To correct myself and speak about your point correctly, I would say that 90% is not enough because slow classes moving forwards are sub 90% movement speed. When fighting an enemy, you should never take your eyes off them. Therefore the best option is to face them while walking some direciton away. This leaves you with two options, either face them and have pyro slowing encroach you, or expose your backside to try and secure a means to escape and risk heavy punishment from the pyro if he switches to a secondary weapon or melee and close the distance with both his speed and range.

>causing them to think more about positioning
Making him too slow just means he's entirely about positioning, he'd be incapable of winning a fight that isn't ambushing someone in a corner. That's not really adding skill, it's just covering for players who can't handle a 1v1 with a Pyro by nerfing him into the ground. If you want Pyro to have a higher skill floor, he needs a mechanics change, not a huge nerf.
His whole class revolves around ambushing and hit and run tactics though. What your proposing is a complete overhaul of the concept of pyro as a whole as the TF2 team has never changed his role on paper and announced it. He has received a number of weapons that would benefit from this and encourage the use of things like the detonator, jetpack, axtinguisher, and other weapons that pyro's refuse to use because the best way to play is "W+M1"

>of 2019
This is Valve, it's not this October.

naw love and war was the last good one

>but Phlog never felt right to me

I agree with you there. It never felt like it was supposed to have damage resistance when taunting.
But I feel like this was a subtle fix for pubs. If you give them slight damage resistance, they will taunt infront of the enemy team instead of flanking. Meaning its a lot easier to predict.

Honestly i'd give pyro more speed the higher the Mmph (easier to reposition and escape with the MMPH), and then give him full hp no resistance.

>Make it give Heavy a jump boost so it can be his recovery in Smash.
I actually thought about it doing that, and people can spin and do a shoryuken.

>join server
>people unironically use voice chat

I just can't do Overwatch anymore. Everyone are to scared to say anything because they'll probably just get reported for toxicity anyways

>people unironically use voice chat

Watch old tf2 videos. Voice chat used to be hyper edgy.

Rate my Demo, Yea Forums.

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1600 hours

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pretty good but I can't see the sign.

f2p update

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but user... op was asking the thousands of people that aren't like you...

I'm not going to put much effort into this as I have other posts, mostly because you argue from the perspective of someone who has played enough hours to see what the classes can do, but maybe not long enough to consider how they interact.

Your opponent wouldn't stay that distance for long though. Like I said, the movement debuff only lasts for as long as the flamethrower is active.
Pyro moves at 100% speed
Soldier moves at 80% (forward)
Demo moves at 93%(forward)
heavy moves at 77%(forward)
Each class moves about 11% slower when going backwards for a quick reference therefore, whatever distance is gained by the classes above will quickly be lost once the pyro stops using his flamethrower assuming that the enemy is attempting to engage in defensive combat by running backwards while facing the pyro. or they'll be open for free attacks if they turn their back from the pyro's secondary.
Also check your latentency senpai. I use it exclusively myself and have no problems killing a shit ton of people and dealing with multiple opponents. Also the DH *IS* and upgrade if you can aim. I use it for my soldier and have no issues landing shots and subsequent followup airshots (though the airshots are hard i'll give you when you're taking damage from secondary enemies)
The issue you seem to have is that these weapons take skill because they aren't spam weapons in the sense that I can hold down M1 and abuse a cone of hit detect nor do they rely on a rocket's splash damage for the sole use of damage.

>not making money as a youtuber who only reports things other people discovered

I don't see any reason it should be changed so any class can run away. And the slow classes can fight a Pyro off unless they're really caught off guard, which sounds an awful lot like an ambush to me. Hit and run implies he could rush in, do big damage quickly, and run away, which a huge speed nerf wouldn't really help with even if it's only while firing.

>What your proposing is a complete overhaul of the concept of pyro as a whole
Making him entirely about positioning and waiting to ambush is also changing the concept, but without improving it, outside of no one complaining anymore since no one would play Pyro again.

no... way.... bro......... how............. could................ you.......................... tell.............................. this....................................... to................................................... me..............................................................

Can I see this image not cropped?

What's a good alternative? Quake champion is dead and i don't like overwatch. Should i try splatoon?

nothing because i don't

I played this game for almost ten years and i never got gud or learned how to rocket jump properly, I'm that lazy

Paladins has been pretty good to me. It's not exactly the same as TF2 but it doesn't have a lot of the issues OW has. It's not perfect, but it's free and enjoyable.

>Each class moves about 11% slower when going backwards for a quick reference therefore

I'm hoping you remember you said that pyro would move 30% slower, (heavy speed).

Lets say that pyro chased after someone for 3 seconds. Lets round the 11% to 10. For ever 2 seconds, the enemy shooting the pyro gains 20% speed over the pyro. After 3 seconds, he has gained a buffer of 60%. Even if he continues backing up and the pyro continues running at him. The pyro would require 6 seconds before hes in range to START flaming him.

The pyro would spend 2/3 of the fight being unable to fight his opponent, and 1/3 of the fight with the enemy at the very tip of the flamethrower dealing minimal damage.

I mean, its better then Overwatch.


was that the player or did the game actually slow down in multiplayer?


when that little gurren lagaann flare happened.

is it any worth playing right now?
I mever played it before

That just happens when you get your special charged.

100% yes

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It still has a lot of new players, so it's not hard to get into. It's free so you might as well try it out. Do some practice before though, the bots for it are decent.

This is a good post

Jesus Christ

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The fact that it lacks good-for-all weapons like assault rifles and mechanics are not built on hardcountering.

based b4nny

>buy tf2 a few months before the uber update hit
>lose account like a retard
>it goes f2p so I jump back in without feeling mad
They really saved me

I'm going to stop replying to you now. Your statement that the pyro will be unable to fight for 2/3 of the fight is incorrect. You are refusing to consider that he has other weapons and are asserting that the flamethrower is the only viable weapon he possesses which is undeniably false.
Also your math is facetious and dubious. Even at the fast class in the three I selected (demo at 85%), in three seconds of buffer (at 45% speed rounded up for you), the Pyro would close the gap in another 3 seconds if he's stopped using the flamethrower.

Also I never forgot the debuff speed, the number was deliberate so he would still be moderate at surprising heavies.

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Does splatoon actually require any skill or is babby's first shooter? Is it actually rewarding getting gud at it?

It might not be 2007 levels of... being alive, but it sure as hell ain't dead

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>so he would still be moderate at surprising heavies.
>implying the heavy doesn't have an immediate advantage as is
>implying the heavy wouldn't just rev up

>Your statement that the pyro will be unable to fight for 2/3 of the fight is incorrect
>it's actually one half

Shout outs to that one friend who had 2000+ hours in TF2 and decided heroin and cocaine was a good hobby to get into after realizing no one loved him.

Every kill is still a dopamine hit because the feedback and oomph everything has to it when hitreg is in your favor feels fucking great, and it's a unique cartoony aesthetic that's still more realistic than fortnite

Does heroin have hats?

TF2 will never die unless a TF3 is made. Otherwise, I'll never stop playing, and as long as there's 100 or so people out there like me, there'll always be servers populated at peak hours. It's a legacy game, and legacy games don't die.

I can only play on micspam servers ever since playing on the old partyvan way back in the day. Anyone know of any good ones?

Unsure, I'd ask but dead men don't talk.

As long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone to play TF2.

Mostly VSH, sawmill, and harvest with 2fort every once in awhile bring me back. The Halloween event is also a great time to play for me, I think it's fun.

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what is your idea of compelling tf2 content

The spammable voice lines, especially jeers and negatives

Welcome to fps

Since you can't tell from videos here is a reference point I think you would get: Comparing Splatoon and Overwatch, its my opinion Splatoon requires significantly more skill. Area control is not arbitrary but in fact the game revolves around the concept of fast changing area control, understanding your team and the enemy team's movements is complex because of this, winning encounters often require positioning which is also foiled by the overly area control, although its a console shooter the gyro controls enable a high degree of accuracy and people are required to make flick shots regularly to play at an acceptable level in higher ranks, the game is incredibly fast paced where matches can last less then a minute and respawn times are less then 5 seconds but unlike overwatch you can instantly jump back to your teammates meaning you don't have walking back to the objective, etc.
So yes, but don't buy it this late since the grind to get up to a high rank would be too boring.

I like playing as a twitchy little asshole and pestering people with a shotgun.

UHH, A black women hero??

keep at it champ soon you'll have a down payment on a house before you know it


I say "thanks" after every kill myself.

i say "thanks" after every shot when i play sniper, regardless of whether i hit something or not

why always edgy and depressive people use demo with the iron bomber?

Attached: 250px-Iron_Bomber.png (250x154, 38K)

Halloween events were cool until valve gave up on them. Haven't played since weapon skins update coz performance went to shit.

The lighthearted nature. Also one more thing

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I've played nothing but Payload since 2010.
I regret nothing.

Don't even really play matchmaking anymore, just jump on Deathrun and Zombie Escape whenever I boot it up these days

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I don't.
Matchmaking killed all the good community servers. Now it's all shitty trade servers with FREE ITEMS!!!11!!!
party Yea Forumsan when?


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It's not as wide as it used to be but there isn't another fps with such a high difference between good players and bad players, at least not with more than 1000 people playing at once.

Thousands of inferior people*


Because literally everyone uses the iron bomber because it's a straight upgrade so there's bound to be some edgy and depressive people in that pool.

NH is absolutely garbage if you are not a donator. They also ban good people and don't ban long time donators that cheat (look up wizzard). Oprah's petrol station is the new place to be

>late 2010, around the time of scream fortress

Bat shit crazy community servers, vanilla servers are pretty boring

Stupid meme loadouts

My sexy high res brown girl porn spray looks blurry as fuck when I spray it reeeeeeeeEeeere

Matchmaking killed all my favorite servers, nobody I know plays it anymore, and Valve has abandoned game development in general.

But there are literally no other games like TF2 on the market. If there was, I would abandon this game in a heartbeat. Until then, this is the only decent class-based shooter available. I hate everything.

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I wish I owned every weapon in the game
Every time I want to use a weapon I either turned it into scrap or never had it in the first place
But I get FOUR fucking drops of the Ubersaw in 2 weeks when I already have the achievement one


learn to crop and edit VTFs retard
>tfw I force people to load my spray in HD even if they're playing on the lowest texture quality

Server now?

I have 400+ hours in Mannpower, I get that it's not for everyone, but if you're in the zone and have the right powerups you can get 40+ killstreaks pretty often


Go to scrap.tf, link your backpack, and press "AutoBuy" under Weapons. It'll automatically make a trade offer for every non-special or non-promotional weapon in the game that you don't already have in your backpack. You might need like 2 refined at most to afford it, but you can also AutoScrap to automatically sell duplicate weapons in your backpack for scrap, reclaimed, or refined metal.

Thanks m80

user, that is literally how dominations work. On the kill cam, when everything is silent, you can hear the domination line.

this thread is making me consider reinstalling. had about 1500 hours from 2008-2015 but just lost interest. That time when it went f2p, it was a bloodbath lmao

every class that can use a shotgun is fun to play
also only demo and spy lack dedicated team support unlocks or abilities

>not team support
Only a retarded or unlucky engineer will have his shit destroyed by a single spy. What kills the engineer is the sapper while he's being attacked by others

Idk, since valve's way of counting time is fucked up or at least used to be.
Year was 2007.

But probably around 6 or 7000.
Probably around 15% was spent just fucking around.

Such a trash system.

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