They're now pandering to gay footfags

>they're now pandering to gay footfags
I'm so lost, are they trying to be politically correct, or pander to every fetish possible?

Attached: OVR_H31_Web_SigmaHeroShot_JPA_003b_copy.jpg (3000x1688, 526K)

Wow and I thought it looked ugly before, who the fuck forgot to put shoes on him?

everything was perfect... i liked his back story, his design (before I saw the bottom) and his arsenal. what the fuck.

there better be a mad scientist outfit because that would be the only way I can make this work

Many every day he just looks worse and worse. What the fuck every happened to the white robot "female" with the stupid lookin face?

Attached: beannutbuttercups.jpg (960x702, 79K)

I think they made him barefoot to make a point about him being able to control gravity.

It just looks weird since the rest of him is covered up. He could have had socks with no treads or dirt on them.

What's the point of shoes if you float?

it's a design thing, it makes him look more unique

well, he's fighting, so he should be wearing protectiion even on his feet, but yeah, he's got barely any protection around his thighs too, and no helmet, so eh

this design fucking sucks

Pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander pander

His suit looks like they started to make a Varia suit from Metroid but then realized his design would be too sleek if he managed to complete the suit.

How do you know he's gay faggot?

I never said he's gay.

Could've just attached some cinder blocks to his feet. Would've looked less weird even.

How wide are his shoulders

His design looked fine in that trailer, but in the game? Yikes!

yeah that's fuckin weird

>90% of the characters released after the launch are qt girls
>finally release a character with bare feet
>its a disgusting old man

Attached: 72d4bd915825e526f22476f08340de02.jpg (736x634, 153K)

Those are some Marfan syndrome toes

lmao wtf

>What the fuck every happened to the white robot "female" with the stupid lookin face?
They just wanted to establish McCree has a robo-waifu so people can stop shipping him with Soldier 76.

why are so much people ok with foot fetishes now?

Attached: karkat.jpg (720x714, 33K)

God I fucking hate that armor.
Why couldn't he be wearing a straitjacket or something?

this looks ridiculous

What's the point of legs then? Just makes you a bigger target

because feet have a complex shape and they're mostly hidden so you get curious about them, also they're one of the most sensitive parts of the body

Attached: file.png (1107x2048, 1.47M)

It is quite literally the most pedestrian fetish there is.
Apart from face, tits and ass, foot fetishism is the most common fetish there is. It's been a part of humanity since it's inception.

Attached: foot stuff.png (583x188, 8K)

I think he looks cool, but I'm not gay, so I'm sorry for you. Maybe he'll get a young skin.

ya cheeky cunt, I see what you're doing

No one has asked the important questions
how do his soles look? someone please post them for science

This is overwatch. If he's not gay out of the box they will make it so soon enough or when they need to score some points with a twitter mob


wut? his feet really are dangling around?
what the fuck is this design?

>character is solely defined by gravity
>charater has fuck all to do with gravity beyond floating himself and an ult that floats enemies

>people already defending his garbage kit because "THROWING STUFF IS GRAVITY"

I think he's not ingame yet, that picture is from official sites updates or something.

feet have different shapes and sizes
it's easier telling feet apart than black people's faces