How did a fat, manlet plumber that literally only jumps, punches...

how did a fat, manlet plumber that literally only jumps, punches, and kicks become one of the most recognizable and popular video game mascots in the world?

Attached: mario-pose2.png (390x517, 36K)

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He was first

He was one of the first and his games were fun

Its the Mickey Mouse effect, if you were the first and did it better than the rest at the time you are now immortal

By having the best selling 8-bit game of all time and not going to shit during the 3D era like Sonic, Pac-man and Mega Man did

Older, consistent, iconic, not redesigned to fit the times, good games. It's okay if you don't like them but if you don't think his games are at the very least good you are a fool.

First what? Pac-Land predates Super Mario Bros

He was one of the first, emphasis on one of.

Pac-Land was an arcade title and wasn't a launch title in North America for the NES, Pac-Land also was a one off game

Same reason a 3ft mouse with white gloves, clown shoes and a falsetto voice became the most recognizable corporate trademark in the world, haha!

Attached: mickey_mouse_PNG97.png (450x620, 65K)

Mario games were the first to figure out how to do movement in platformers in a way that felt natural. I.e. they let you control movement while you where jumping. It's what made them huge. The Mario design is also recognizable and universally appealing.

And Donkey Kong predates Pac-Land. What's your point? Mario's debut wasn't Super Mario Brothers, it was as Jumpman in Donkey Kong.

THE most popular video game character of all time is a literal fucking sphere with shoes and flippers.

NES graphics were primitive. They couldn't handle more. Anything that came after is irrelevant.

Attached: 71484924_p17.png (1800x2122, 1.34M)

Kirby didn't start on the NES retard

>THE most popular video game character of all time is a literal fucking sphere with shoes and flippers.
>most popular
You don't honestly believe that, do you?

know your place, puffball


some magazine means the whole entire world? ok

My mistake. Let's see the poll conducted with the whole w- Oh wait, that doesn't exist.

Because his games were good, among some of the best in video game history even today. There are only a handful of NES games that can be picked up and played by anyone these days and mario is one of them.

5/10 got me to respond, get better bait sometime

This. He is the absolute shittest game character created and only won out due to pure dumb luck.

Then stop assuming Kirby is the most popular fucking retard

He was the mascot of the company the revitalized the home console gaming industry after it crashed in the 80s. Simple enough.

Honestly a more interesting story, considering he was basically just a quick Oswald replacement when Disney lost the rights to the character. Hell, Mickey's most iconic villain, Pete, was literally taken from Oswald's shorts (actually technically he appeared before even that, but I digress).