Games that didnt deserve to die

Games that didnt deserve to die

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Other urls found in this thread:

>sub fee until they couldn't compete
>somehow has the worst MOBA community out of the 3 primary games
>didn't even attempt to compete on really any level
I understand the movement in HoN was a step up but the game in general appealed to no one outside of it's initial fanbase. It didn't play ball with LoL and earned its death.

It was just Dota 2 before there was an official Dota 2 though

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

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Darkspore died too young.

Oh yeah, I used to play HoN a lot. Everyone was angry all time in the game.
I loved it.

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>inb4 deadgate faggots still crying over their sjw moba that was modern league before league reached that point

>DotA 2 with paywall locked heroes
>What could pawsibly go wrong?

>That HoN final that happened on a basketball court

>fUckIn OJ carry!!!11
I want to go back

I always thought it was Heroes of Newark, as in the city in New Jersey.

It still hurts.

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even Yea Forums hates you faggot get lost


brazillian server merge killed it though

Came to post this. I wish someday we'll get another game with such fluid and fun movement system.

>tfw there’s a scout on your team

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one of the games that I put the most time on until the servers were shut down.

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warsow got greenlit on steam but was never released

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>angriest playerbase is also the best

This game was actually fucking fun but dumbass Epic pulled it out. Because obviously they want to focus on Fortshit.

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We can only hope that Project Stamina will live up to it.

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Battleforged was pay to win rts game with card collection.
You could play solo or co-op campaign to get cards or level up.
It had league for ranked random deck games.

I liked leveling up cards with randoms on missions.
I liked the rts pvp even though in times it was broken.

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yes, the devs were honest: pay money - get game, but that shit isn't going to fly in the current market, especially with a MOBA.

It's been like 8 years and every time I hear this term it's like fucking knives going in my ears

Any online game that doesn't let you host your own server and direct ip join is doomed to death and completely deserves it.

The Win10 exclusive deal really killed this, only to allow it to be played on 7 when it was already dead.
This was done back when the install base of Win10 was at like 10%

based jigglebillyposting

there's a private server with a fair card collecting system (no mtx at all)

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>tfw no more gay chua porn

Because ARTS was just so much better? People needed a new term for the subgenre beyond just "dota clone" so they just picked one, who gives a shit?

>Because ARTS was just so much better?
No? Where did I say that?

battleforge devs were able to turn it around. It's possible, but reverse engineering a server is tough job to do. This problem is easily solved if devs would actually release all the source code when a game would close down. Sadly, that's never going to happen.

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it was p2p not subscription based

Moba is literally Riot's marketing term, it's never been officially used by anything but LoL and its cashgrab clones
Until they came in and fucked everything up with the single worst and least descriptive genre label ever created the genre was just called "dota"

meh, the game was ok but jesus christ whoever did the heroes knew NOTHING about balancing

I assumed it because the main people who used to be all upset about the term "MOBA" were HON fanboys who were obsessed with using the term "ARTS". It's a pointless waste of time of an argument, genre names are meaningless.

>tfw I was a flint main

>HoN fanboys
u wot m8

HoNcast killed the game unironically.
Every scrub who played with a friend or two had to go full tryhard lineup. Every game, one after another. But they were always on the enemy team, and they ganked mid, unlike my team.
The Dota-heroes were unironically the best.


S2 didnt expect the genre to blow up like it did
They aimed at short term profit at release

those were the days..

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>The Dota-heroes were unironically the best.
Early S2 exclusive heroes (Electrician, Deadwood, Predator, Bombadier and a few more) were the best tho

Battleborn was unironically a very fun game ruined by an awful art style and UI. It also basically killed itself by trying to compete with Overwatch, so that didn't help either.

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Anyone else try to play Dota 2 after HoN and just unable to do it? It feels shit in comparison, so I'm left with nothing to play.

Most of the games in this thread were killed by the dev's greed or incompetence so I think the death was well deserved.

yeah, same for me
I dropped the moba genre ~2013

You also forgot the loot system was aids as fuck.

and the movement in game still feels better

all mobas deserve to die but hon was definitely the least worst of, assuming you don't consider bloodline champions to be a moba. if you do, that one was by far the best moba ever made.

Was it? I remember gear being very easy to get from the PvE mode, but if you didn't like that mode then I could see your problem.

I honestly can't play DOTA2 anymore because it's too archaic for no real reason. HoN was a million times faster than it and it was perfectly fine as a game, but I know a bunch of dotards are going to come here and bitch about turn times like they actually understand how to make a game with them.

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HoN has the same turn times, it was just a nicer engine

AoS. Not ARTS.

Dont remember much about this except madman being fucking broken

Damn. Guess I'm retarded then.

I miss the announcers. They were such a clusterfuck in a team fight.

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I used to end games with my nigga right here

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I had a phase when I couldn't stand queing tryhard lineups in HoN, and just mained SF/QoP forever. The dotards I played against were pretty noobish and I could have fun no problem.

But HoN still has people that queue, so what's your problem even? Just go play HoN.

No, not Aeons of Strife, for a while people were pushing the term "Action RTS".

Nah, HoN did have turn times but they were drastically shorter. Just go look at a video of Lich in Dota2 and then Plague Rider in HoN. They're the "same character"

i miss him bros

I'm still mad

pre-nerf deadwood was insane

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Nobody was ever pushing it, it's just a term Valve came up with so they didn't have to use Riot's shitty marketing term on their store page. ARTS has nothing to do with HoN and it came way after HoN.

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i do enjoy dota and dota 2 but it was indeed very hard to go from hon to dota 2, HoN had the perfect speed, it wast and snappy and just felt really good


These games all deserved to die. That's why they died.

blast from the FUCKING past

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Back to your latest AAA/console trash shitposting, Yea Forums babby

It was mostly rng stats that annoyed me. But the fact that most builds I saw comprised of cheap economy item(s) and huge bonus to relevant stats with reduced useless stats was actually pretty interesting to me. I wish I picked up on that sooner.

>implying I play AAA/console
nice try fag

fucking this.
It was the best case of an absolute trashfire of a playerbase.
Every game was pure rage.

i actually also liked the memes it had

>enemy team picks pestilence
>pick scout anyway
>team immediately starts raging

He was so much fucking fun, even while getting your ass beat. God help any squishies if you got fed a bit and got the brutalizer early on.

game breaking bugs story time!

>Gemini released Era
>find a bug that makes the game stutter for ALL PLAYERS by about .5 seconds
>to activate either you buy the alchem bones recipe or move said item around your inventory/storage/ground
>use the hold down shift key to buy and sell the recipe over9k times
>some people disconnects after i make the game freeze for a whole 10 seconds
>if said disconnected player tries to reconnect into the game, all i had to do is do the bug again and he will automatically "leave"
>used this method with a friend to get easy silver coins for a few hours
>fuck around with other people using a spare account
>say im an undercover gm
>"We here at S2 Games have made several fake accounts so that we may punish those who abuse the system"
>"remember that only those who have been caught doing something that goes against the terms of use of this game will be disconnected then promptly kicked from the game
>6 players disconnects
>4 tries to reconnect in the next 8 seconds
>redo bug
>4 people now have an additional number to their leaver %
>all were from the enemy team

All those tears were hilarious

You play absolute trash because you regularly browse and post on the worst board on the site sans Yea Forums. No one would be surprised if you played smart phone games exclusively while shitposting on your spare phone, you cockmongling faggot

Last time i seen (few years ago), Jerry was a crazy powerful semi-carry in HoN, fun as fuck to play.
Kinda wish Omni was like him, better than being a support bitch all game

Jigglebilly is why I started playing devourer.


>mfw i almost get kicked out of my house due of how enraging the playerbase was
>mfw i've becoming very patient as of lately.
>mfw either HoN Gave Anger Issues i've been trying to fix or either me and my friends are total dickheads, probably both.

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Jere is actually really strong in the latest patch. They buffed his autoattack passive to hit like a truck and the heal is very potent too

>projecting this hard
again, nice try fag

On the one hand, I'm glad it bombed to show Capcom that this level of phoning it in is unacceptable.

On the other hand, the core gameplay is very fun and better than most of the current active fighting games.

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I don't think I'll ever get rid of my gaming anger, but I learned to embrace it to focus better let alone break anything.

>Be latino
>Be put on FUCKING AXESO5 Alongside BRs
>mfw i still hate brazilians to this very fucking day

Like, i don't try to be racist but i can't see brazilians as any other way as just stereotypical monkey niggera that somehow mom gave them a computer and can't control their impulses. and that shit comes from a fucking latino.

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So, back in the paid HoN days, i was the only one of my poor friends who actually bought the game.
But for like a whole year after release, the game had no "logout other instances of the same account when you log in", AKA your account could be logged in multiple computers at the same time, playing the same match.
So i shared my acc with my friends, it was pretty crazy. It would add up and amplify any PSR and kill/death i got too

>used to play Blacksmith
>buddy I played with would go Devo
>we'd lane together
>he hooks into tower range then I stun and we get first blood every game

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So your name would be on multiple players on different heroes in the same match?

Star Wars Galaxies

Monthly sub fee? How is this in any way better than a f2p model for a game like this. They're barely justifiable for MMOs.

Battlerite and Bloodline Champions. Both games were great but the devs were massively incompetent when it came to delivering on promises and would keep making stupid decisions which only made the games worse.
Then they tried to make that shitty Battle Royale which bombed and completely killed any goodwill they had left with their already really small community.

It isn't, and that's why the game died, but for a time the devs were swimming in money while people were still lapping it up before LoL came along
I miss it so much

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People can still play it but nobody does it.

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Oh yeah, you guys remember when S2 tried THE SAME FUCKING MOBA BUT "MUH LOL MECHANICS LMAO"

Fucking S2 i swear.

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dude looks like the retarded version of the butcher from diablo

Why was everyone such an asshole in HoN anyway?

HoN was buy to play there was no sub fee

but it really just was blc with worse art and less fun

Because it's the most competitive assfaggots to date. LoL and Dota 2 are slow casual shit by comparison.

>dota2 still hasn't copied deadwood or puppetmaster
cmon already

Yes, most people woulndt notice, and you could always use the "its an invisible russian / japanese character that the game font doesnt support" excuse. I never got banned

No, it was buy to play, like Warcraft 3. Pay once, play forever.
The devs didnt intent to monetize it forever with cosmetics and selling heroes, at least until they noticed how profitable LoL / Dota2 were

>Tfw you could mentor someone else mentoring and if the middle mentor disconnected the match-server crashed

But why did that make everyone an asshole?

It's par for the course on mobas, really. the problem is that in HoN you had like milisencons if you wanted to respond in a teamfight, so everyone ended up pissed off thanks to getting wombo combo'd to oblivion or because somebody didn't knew what the fuck to do in teamfights.

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That's what high competition in a team based game does? The main difference is S2 didn't ban people for it like most devs these days.

>awful art style
It wasn't just awful, it was horrendous. Each faction didn't look like a distinct faction from the same game. They looked like characters from entirely different games smashed together.

The devs also never gave a fuck about toxicity.
Infact, the company CEO and game Admin was perhaps the most mad asshole ever

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>Chronos timeleaping out of the woods to ministun your poor alone ass

Also the whole bloom and a billion particle effects making it really hard to see certainly didn't help

Because everyone has matches where they get stomped. However, most matches people don't feel they contributed to the loss and that the team should somehow fix everything. And then people feel they should be higher MMR and refuses to try hard because "game is already lost, wait for cc" after 2 minutes. And they grief, and use that as an argument that they were correct.

However, the best thing about the game was the mentor / spectator system where you could watch another player real-time. So it was fun to be one Skype with a buddy and have one of us play while the other watched and commented.
Alcohol included due to ladder anxiety.

I miss him and his turret of doom, bros.
I straight up reinstalled the game when they reworked him into a carry again last year, but it lasted maybe 2 weeks before being reverted into boring teachies-lite

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That's cause all of the 'fat dude with cleaver and hook' are based off a combination of the Diablo 1 Butcher and the WC3 Abomination.

>sub fee
confirmed never played it

Cho'Gall in HotS was the ultimate solution to ladder anxiety. Win or lose you're having a blast with a bro.

That kinda answers why Maliken (the hero) was that way. lol what a salty faggot.

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Game was just bad BLC in every way.

The real crime is they never put "turret" as the character name and icon.

>Chill streams with Bkid / Kalek / Moon / Cardinal / StayFree / Chu
> TeamEZ
> Flag macros
> Memesongs
> BreakyKFC
> Every tournament was a competition on who could be the most toxic whilst winning

Fucc bros, why did the best of the genre have to lose

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>Not mentioning the part where it mashed up Cho'Gall's player username to a mix of the players' names.

Balphagore was a totally original character though. The HoN "hook" fatty was Devourer.

>Codex 5
>all of those Killsteals
>HoN Digest 2


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Balphagore played nothing like Devourer/Butcher.

>hate scout in Savage 2 with a fucking passion
>HoN enters beta
>exclusiveley learn pesti to fuck with scout fags
feels good

>Smyger Digest
Holyshit, i had forgotten about those.
HoN community had the best memes by far

Crysis Wars, of course.

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>codex 5

>too bad its me
>KORGAN sitting in the middle of the map beeing madE ENTIERLY OF STONE
>u madman
HoN memes were a simpler time

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HoNs art style was so fucking terrible that I just ended up going back to WC3 Dota before getting into the Dota 2 beta. Game was unreadable.

>max gemini's stat at the beginning of the match to give him a literal 1 hit kill on any poor soul unlucky to go near him

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Half the playerbase still denies the color scheme is fucking terrible and teamfights are a huge blur. Never has something been so apparent to me despite being active

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I legit can't think of the last time I've seen Yea Forums HoN images... has it been 10 years?

HoN isn't pretty but Dota2 has an even worse style. Everything is muddled, the jungle is a mess to decipher, valve's inexperience with rts shows painfully

The shitty color scheme and horrible bloom blurring edges just made it a ball of muddied colors and particle effects. Some of the hero concepts were cool
But I’d rather have functioning eyes

It’s way easier to read things happening in Dota 2 than in HoN. Not sure if you’re trolling but I hope so

HoN never had a sub fee, retard, it was DotA 1.5, and it was fucking incredible, what killed it was when Valve started official work on DotA2, HoN lost their contract with Icefrog, so they had to spend a lot of R&D resources to create new heros from scratch, they couldn't keep up so they had to go with LoLs business model, it never had a massive playerbase to begin with because this was back when MOBAs were still fairly niche, and the casual masses that did discover the genre flocked to LoL because it had about a tenth of the barrier to entry skillwise

You don't know what you're talking about. It's about heroes standing out against the background, CONTRAST. There was a guy on >rebbit posting a comparison

Dota 2 has massively improved contrast compared to HoN

imagine unironically thinking dotalikes are "real time strategies"

imagine unironically thinking "multiplayer online" is a genre of video game

people actually "rage picked" overpowered characters in that game

>make a mix of TF2 and LoL two of the biggest games out at the time
>don't put in a tutorial for fucking anything
>anyone who hadn't played a moba would keep running into towers and rage quit

it had so much potential but the devs dropped the ball hard and left the game for dead within a month to make some kickstarter garbage

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The devs were completely retarded and made sure no one would want to play their game except really dedicated "hardcore" fans, who amounted to just about 40k players in total just before it went f2p.

City of Heroes

I'm not trolling. The hellborne side of the map is a grey mess. I'm not talking about the characters themselves I'm talking about the map.

What a stupid name

HoN was the best moba I ever experienced, shame it died quickly after becoming f2p, I don't understand why they had to "visually update" the map, it looked like trash compared to the old one, also some of the new heroes were fucking stupid
the playerbase was full of angry elitists, which I didn't mind one bit, a lot better than League of Legends' playerbase.

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I'm not talking about play style, I'm talking about the design of fat dude monstrosity with cleaver.


The voice acting was the unsung hero of HoN

The only good choice in the thread.



>shame it died quickly after becoming f2p
You literally don't know what dead means. It never died.

one of the most fun heroes to play but lacked the ability to carry the game like powerhouses like Maliken

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>tfw you will never watch jiggle shit/sleep/watch porn on stream again
It hurts

>Scout afk farming like 35 minutes
>comes back on full build
>gets shit on
>Starts selling his shit and gets a codex 5
>we end up winning

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Jigglebilly is my spirit animal
his pudge commentating on Dota 2 is also great

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Strife wasn't that bad, unironically played it for like 20 hours, but why would you ever play it when HoN exists

>play Scout
>use Flare every so often
>carry the game like a powerhouse like Maliken

him going hard in IXDL was some good content

This is what killed the game

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Holy fuck these new heroes and skins. I have never seen such a drastic jump in themes/art.

>great, warcraft-esque texture and model work
>scrapped to copy dota and league's shitty blurry pastels

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> I have never seen such a drastic jump in themes/art.
did you ever play SMITE back when it was still in beta?
dont even make me go find LoL's old art splashes

all game companies jump in artstyle once they get the resources for it

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It's a clusterfuck, but nothing you can't get used to in a few days. There's literally no reason to be a mindless whiner if you just want to have fun.
Everything up to Sir Benzington release were genuinely good heroes, everything else after that has been absolute trash
the skins have always been wacky and varied

And worst part is that the game loses its soul when the budget gets bigger

I mean HoN still lets you purchase old skins.
theyre called "Throwback" avatars and are literally the shitty models in all their low poly glory.

HoN is great and the best moba out of them all

The characters and meta was fun and even if it was more cutthroat it was more sensible after playing it for awhile. LoL drags on too much in a death spiral and you can't quit, it's constrictive in gameplay and can't evolve outside Riot's own design. DOTA2 is a step backwards and dull as fuck. f HoN wasn't with Maliken's faggy everything it would have succeeded like mad.

After all these years, I still want fayde to sit on my face.

>mfw i almost get kicked out of my house due of how enraging the playerbase was
holy shit, I'm not the only one then.
What a game.

>Hero with FOUR(4) stuns
Good old Pandamonium.

I hated this announcer so fucking much.
But loved the game.

i'm not really proud of that. i was barely ouf of HS.

I know the feel bro

It was fun as fuck. The banters and the people shit flinging all the time, felt better when I rammed them with Deadwood or Tundra. Getting people mad and dabbing on them

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honestly needed.

it was the one and only counter to Predator+Empath bullshit.

>pick scout
>do nothing but farm for 12 minutes
>maybe pick up DD rune if available and frag a squishy thanks to my completely broken free ward ability
>buy DR
>run around at 360 MS without boots thanks to my completely broken invis ability
>4 shot everyone in less than a second thanks to the invis
Great game. Losing that DR was always fun to watch too, both teams would explode in rage.

This guy
I mean THIS GUY. All other MOBAs tried, but none of them got the feeling of power right, only in HoN. Imagine being at lvl4 or 5 and suddenly this stupid motherfucker decided to press Q on you and deal a sucker punch with his hand the size of a volkswagen. You see the explosion, but can hear the bones, flesh and dreams of the poor victim cracking. It leaves a fucking crater, from a PUNCH. half health is gone just like that. And NOW comes the beating.

Fucking Gauntlet

But played nothing alike, and I think there will never be another game with such inventive characters and movesets. Balph could do 1v5 the enemy team at full ultimate charge.


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World of Warcraft

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This moba had legit the best and most fun characters in all of the entire genre

Tremble was my favorite but honorable mention to

Geomancer worm

The sound design was pretty great.



don't forget electrician

>electrician+swiftblade wombo combo

>blacksmith + devo

Well, i always liked Dampeer

I'm looking through and the game is still active and releasing characters wtf

Is it good? playable? still fun?

Demented Shaman + Cthulhupant
His stun sent creeps following and cover the enemy hero
Shaman heal + a lot of minions = crazy burst

>stealing kills while throwing axes
>when you get ignored on teamfights but your shield is full so you fucking mueder everybody

Take me back, lads, please.

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Did he get banned or deleted his channel and stepped away?

last time i saw a video of him he was much much more calm and told his story with mobas. probably it's been deleted.

This guy was so fun
>Teamfight starts
>Unsuspecting enemies there
>Pop Ghost boots or fleet of foot ones
>Bash someone with Q
>They dare fight back
>Counter, absorb and detonate on their face
>Start chasing them with flying axes lodging on their bodies while laughing maniacally
>I am Moraxus

Based Fayde hardcountering filthy magebane pickers.

God I miss being bird boy and just swooping niggas all day.

HoN was peak MOBA.

We will never get those times back.


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haha funny monkey :)

>Doesn't even mention Bombardier.
Your opinions belong in the trash.

Why are there no memes about this

This game has the best oneliners heroes shout when using their abilities, especially the ultimates
>Release the kraken
>No escape
>Hell on newerth
>Catch this
>Feel the burn
>You're next
>Keg awaaay

>ctrl-f "tribes"

so much potential thrown away for all the wrong reasons

>Release the kraken
Also deadwood punching sound was spot on.

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What game?


League of Legends has always been lowest common denominator bottom of the pile trash.

Heroes on the otherhand was substantially worse.

Deadwood Punch, Witchslayer Bullet, Legionnaire Decapitate, so many ults with such meaty sounds and visuals.

system wise yea
but that shit LOOKS so awful of COURSE it was going to be DoA fighting games rely heavily on aesthetic and infinite had zero of it

My sadness and anger are infinite, this game had so much potential and it was wasted on a shit company. Saved some links to the unfinished story they leaked.

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I still wonder where it all went wrong. They talked a great game but... was it lack of talent? Lack of experience? Lack of time?

welp, fans are still trying to bringin it back from death tho.

This shit was the one reason I'd play tb, though it was also back really early when I only sorta knew how to play. I'd be auto attacking creeps like a retard and barely getting last hits and I'd see my team ganking someone and I'd wait for the perfect moment to hit R. It was like the only consistent income I'd ever get, and it would make everyone so mad.

HoN had the single worst community of any game ever. So no, it deserved to die.

Just a clusterfuck of mismanagement. I don't remember the details but there were a ton of articles that came out around the time it was shut down that talked about the horrible working conditions. How a guy on the art team basically saved the game doing the job of the devs and other stupid shit. The upper management were the typical tools that know nothing about games. It's a tale as old as time, the people best able to sell games are the ones who should be kept furthest away from them.

fuck man, I was kinda of getting good.

Remember when they had those grand finals in a high school gym?

Who is it and what do you think they're doing?

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Doesn't Salforis also say that line if you kill enemy under his ult?

Cliffy just stop

dude this is part of why hon was so great. You could say whatever the fuck you wanted and you would never get in trouble. I don't even think the report function had an option for bad language. The whole game was just pure testosterone.

Lead and Gold

HoN could have been league, or at least d2, had it released as f2p game. it's the single worst mistake in gaming history.

HoN was my first moba and really nothing came close to it. LoL puts a bad taste in my mouth, Dota 2 just seems slow and cartoony, and HotS has the same "one bad teamfight and the snowballing your team has been doing for the last 20 minutes is gone or you just fucking lose." It was the only game I played for years.

remember 1k needles and desolace makes me happy i'm playing Alliance this time around

Fuck if i remember

*portal key sound*

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>conceive at 15 like normal people

>that backwards speaking

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holy shit

dude this was one of the oldest hon images I ever saw and I lost it in a format. It fucking made me laugh every time I saw it in my archives and every time I thought about it. I first saw it like right as I first started getting semi-competent at the game, so the nostalgia factor is high for me, and I was just knowledgeable enough about the game to completely get why Jeraziah was fucking up so hard. Thank you so much for posting this.

It's such a fun silly image that is good for a chuckle, you're welcome.

An entry in a fanservice series, in which the devs forgot to include the fanservice. There's no mystery as to why it died.


Fucking remember playing this with Yea Forums when someone ended up tossing a bunch of "free" keys around. Deadwood was so god damn fun. Literally the only reason I don't play Dota is because he isn't in the game.

Care to explain it? It's been awhile and never even played Jer

>the only reason I don't play Dota is because he isn't in the game.
My most played heroes in HoN are the OC ones whereas the dullest ones are the DOTA clones.

Tremble was so fucking fun. When you played it right it was Starship Troopers. Lurking in your mound like a trap spider and chomp people was fun as fuck. Same as Tundra, Moraxus, Parasite, etc.

Fuck I want to play it so much but it's fucking dead.

Chuckled so hard at this post. It's true, I loved it too.

Legionnaire was one of my favorite dudes to play as. Cutting towers was a great meme if the other team was uncoordinated or just selfish.

>pick legionnaire
>convince a random teammate to go shaman with me
>tell him we're gonna cut towers
>has no idea what I mean, follows me anyway
>legion, so take top lane, go through their jungle, right in the middle of their two spaced out top towers
>me and shaman just making a shit load of money for 2 or 3 minutes
>finally forsaken and some other retard I can't remember realize they have 0 creeps pushing their lane with them
>their tower is taking damage and they're tanking creeps
>they figure out they have to do something about us
>full enemy creep wave stacked on me +1-3 skeletons from forsaken
>shaman steals first blood with a heal I didn't need
>5 minutes later mid and bot come up to finally put a stop to this nonsense

And this was back before he had his charge so you had to fucking walk up to people to taunt. It was kind of a nightmare playing him in lane like that unless you did stupid memes like this.

The last time i've played I remember the game being pretty well balanced, this was around the Frostburn acquisition.

I mean the gap between the shit and OP chars was blurred finally. No more Salforis and Legionnaire going on a rampage.

Duckboots give +3 agility, cost 150 gold, don't really build into anything AFAIK beyond maybe the iron shield or the cheap agi based low stat accessory, and Jeraziah was a strength based support hero. So he spent 450 gold early game on items that don't do shit for him and aren't going to be used to make anything useful for him, all he really gets out of it is like 2% damage reduction or whatever worthless amount of armor 9 agility would give you. Like, even an agi character that would get a damage boost from having more agi would probably just buy the cheapo strength item at the start for additional health instead. And since it's all he's got besides some other cheap ass item that I think gives you like +2 armor or some shit, he's basically wasted his first 5 minutes of gold on useless crap.

Even if he built his fucking duckboots into the items that take them in their recipes it would still be a waste of money.

I don't really remember a whole lot of my last days playing HoN, I think Salforis might've been added shortly after or right before I stopped playing so I wouldn't know about him being totally OP. The last heroes I remember being added while I was still active were Midas, Geomancer, and I think Parasite, who I all also liked since they were just more bursty nuker types. Parasite was my nigga for a long time after he was added cuz I'd just get codex on the dude and run up on someone from forest and nuke them.

I do remember Legionnaire suddenly becoming fucking amazing since he had a proper way to initiate a teamfight or a gank if he didn't have blink or the tablet. The only new hero I remember being released that seemed outrageously strong at the time of release was Flint Beastwood, and maybe Deadwood when he first came out cuz his ult did an absolute assload of damage when he was first released. He was an amazing ganker, another favorite of mine.


>pick accursed
>buy mana pots
>shield creeps right as enemy laner is going for last hit
>cauterize friendly creeps when shield is on cooldown
>enemy can't get any last hits and keeps tanking aoe damage for no reason
>dive towers while ulting and cauterizing to heal and secure kills
It was so fun, I miss it.

For me, its dark lady.

>Riftwalker released
>Clearly waifubait
>Elder Riftwalker skin should have been the base

ER was better Waifu

I love you OP

me too hermano, me too

This was what killed the game for me

It was good, and when it was gaining attention they do the stupidiest shit. It was undone after awhile but never recovered.

Drunken Moonster is clearly the best waifu

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Bloodline Champions, their first game. It had

Better artstyle & theme
Better characters both in concept and how they play
Better tighter gameplay
Took more skill

BR is just a very watered down version of BLC, they gutted almost every single port.

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What's the problem with dota 2s movement? Does HoN have a turn speed like dota? Is that the problem? Never played.

I wish the characters from dawngate weren't abandoned. The painter girl was a cutie.

I don't remember specifics but I think HoN was a little faster than Dota 2 (at least it felt that way), it still had turn rates though.

Fuck you and fuck this game. It 100% deserved to die and I'm glad its dead.

S2 stopped making savage 2 to go get filth dota game money and i hope they go under for just completely abandoning their best game in a half-broken state. dota game players are the worst people on the fucking planet that they would rather have yet another wc3 mod rather than a unique and well made game that offered an experience unlike any other. fuck heroes of newerth and fuck s2games, im glad strife failed too

Attached: savage2.jpg (1024x768, 231K)

It's funny because Bloodlines is failing because they are doing the exact same shit they did to BR

HoN is noticeably faster on all aspects. Turn rates, cast speed, team fights, bursts, etc.

the devs also made their fair share of retarded choices, like removing chat from the game to lower toxicity.

Shitty half assed wow clone where the only thing noteworthy is how obnoxious everything is. It not only deserved to die but never should have been born and I know for a fact anyone who says anything positive about this dumpster fire is chua erper because thats the only demographic who got anything out of this fucking literal shit smear on my shoe

Riots pretty good at generic non descriptive things. They have a game called "team fight tactics"

If you play dota games you need to leave.

The shit artstyle totally deserved to die. You could hardly tell what was happening on screen. Dota 1 was even better.

HoN? didn't deserve to die? it deserved to die the day they released the Drunken Master + Monkey King Early Access
Drunken Master was just a poorly designed hero and Monkey King was Pay to win
Only people that paid money to get him early were able to play with him, and of course, he had a "bug" they were not willing to admit for weeks (the triple vault damage or whatever it was)
And it was a repeat with almost any other EA hero after it - remember the Gemini bug? in a matter of seconds, people were able to give it infinite stats and kill everyone in one hit, and it took them hours to fix
Not to mention that they stopped porting Dota heroes at around the same time as Monkey King release, and sorry, but their heroes were shit

Some of them were very cool and I wish we would have gotten them on Dota 2, though.
I want me some Ellonia and Artesia

they didn't just pull it out for fortnite, monilith update killed it.
they made so many stupid changes for no reason.

Oh yeah let me also add how in the beginning the alts skin cost something like 400 silver. Then it became a standard that each skin cost 3000 silver. Silver became useless as they became greedy over time, you had to play something like 100 games to be able to buy a skin with 3000 silver
And then they released some dumb "Emerald Green" and they like, that cost GOLD COINS (real fucking money) and let you change color. And people paid for this. what the fuck

What is it about dota games that require them to have a shitty artstyle that looks like a freshmans first digital painting project

game fucking sucked. What a waste of graphics. They make a beautiful looking world and then to go in it they give you gameplay that has the bare minimum amount of interaction required to be called a game

>difficult as fuck pvp game that takes hundreds of hours just to learn the basics and has a limitless skill cap
You don't want those people here? You casual, nigga?

You mistake knowledge barriers for "skill". Dota is THE definition of a casual game.

Strife was 100% hot garbage, that savage reboot or whatever looked really bad also, why the fuck was it futuristic?


The level of execution required is almost as high as the knowledge required and decision-making based off that knowledge so I'm not sure what you mean? Do you think these games work off a flowchat or something?

Are you one of those people who doesn't actually play these games and got his opinions from image macros on Yea Forums? That'd be embarrassing, user.

AUGH dont even talk to me about savage resurrection. They had to squeeze one last final FUCK YOU to the savage fans before disappearing forever. Like its clear they had no intention of ever making that game, wasnt even like a month into early access before they announced theyre done. by the way savage 2 was better than 1

it's orders of magnitude harder than the original game it's a mod of, which was an esport in its own right you absolute faggot fucking dipshit Fallout New Vegas In Every Fucking 3x3 nigger

Yeah, their S2 originals were pretty shit after Emerald warden, I left when they announced that awful Starfox looking hero.


no its not. you have 4 abilities. this is a genre where the idea of aiming is considered a "skillshot" because thats how braindead the player base is. The fuck kind of games do you play where a dota game is considered "high-execution", I'm sorry but WHAT. Maybe high exectution in getting me to memorize 50 characters abilities but there is nothing mechanically intensive about the games at all. Its a fucking MMO with a quarter of the abilities at your disposal.

I honestly don't know what to think about smite, the game is a buggy broken mess and every player has severe brain damage, but goddamn does it have some fun characters to play except hunters, they all suck

I loved HoN user, it was far better than its competitors, but it died because the developers were stupid assholes. It was pretty well-deserved.

>i don't like it so it's casual and not actually competitive
>people are making literal millions for being genetically talented at this extremely complex blend of mechanical and strategic skill but i, Yea Forumsirgin mcree, have spoken

If Dota takes no execution then go fucking boost my account you mongoloid faggot

You are fucking retarded. Dota is THE opposite of the definition of a casual game. It has the hardest barrier to entry of almost anything out there, and that's the direct opposite of what a casual game is.

madden and fifa are also esports, way larger esport scene than hon ever had in fact. I guess those must be some pretty hardcore games.

dont know who youre quoting cause you sure didnt read my pos

Literally any symmetrical pvp game is more hardcore than any single-player game unless your definition of hardcore is "popular among people who shitpost on Yea Forums all day like me"

You picked the wrong image user, Dawngate doesn't look like that

>you have 4 abilities
You have 4 to 20 abilities, generally flooring at 6 or 7 but averaging at 8 or 9 or so
Even regardless of that "how many abilities are there" is not at all a metric for how deep or difficult a game is and you are fucking stupid

For instance an MMO dps can have like 25 buttons and it doesn't mean shit because you're just following a solved rotation while standing there smacking the boss and dodging circles like a neanderthal

more like ruined half the playable characters with pointless nerfs and making all abilities instant instead of most used to having charge up times.
Monolith fucking sucked, they literally lost 75% of their playerbase first week moni came out it was that bad

>no its not. you have 4 abilities
WoWfag sighted
>this is a genre where the idea of aiming is considered a "skillshot" because thats how braindead the player base is.
It's just to differentiate from auto-target you triggered fuck
>The fuck kind of games do you play where a dota game is considered "high-execution", I'm sorry but WHAT
Post your steam profile I wanna see that cute little 12 hours on record

>this is a genre where the idea of aiming is considered a "skillshot" because thats how braindead the player base is.
Wow I guess chess is a casual baby game then, because it has no aiming.
Fucking retard

Nymophora was probably the most fun support I ever remember playing, especially when Battle Nymph was a thing.

yea man because theres two crazy with fucked up abilitiy-combining chars lets go ahead and pretend 99/100 characters do not only have 4 abilities

And ability count is a metric for how deep a game is because those are ALL YOUR POSSIBLE ACTIONS to do. If you only have 4, that means you're only thinking about how to use these 4 the whole time. ALL the interaction you do is through those abilities, so you can just turn off your brain pretty much because hey 1 in 4 chance you get it right.

Also if you use "solved rotations" in a mmo then you're just being lazy instead of looking for opportunity to use other things like you would in literally every other game. But because its a mmo you just dont? get real. It's not even like MMOs are a high bar to beat but then again youre trying to defend dotagames

games with fucking unlimited potential only be mismanaged into oblivion with horrendous timing.

hopefully the talent gets to do some cool shit in the future for whatever new company they're working in

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>ALL the interaction you do is through those abilities, so you can just turn off your brain pretty much because hey 1 in 4 chance you get it right.

what the fuck am i reading

I'm pretty sure you're trolling at this point but humor us: what is a competitive game you do think is good

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>yea man because theres two crazy with fucked up abilitiy-combining chars lets go ahead and pretend 99/100 characters do not only have 4 abilities
Standard characters have between 4 and 6 abilities and everyone has six items slots, most of which are filled with active items.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about and this is my last reply unless you provide a real argument.

>ALL the interaction you do is through those abilities, so you can just turn off your brain pretty much because hey 1 in 4 chance you get it right.
And here's where we learn you're just baiting
Fuck off retard

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what a bizarre leap in logic, you must be using all your brainpower tonight.
>WoWfag sighted
Wow had like 30 abilities back when dotas were coming out.
>It's just to differentiate from auto-target you triggered fuck
Then why not just call it aimed? Because then you dont get to pretend youre an elite esports player :)
>Post your steam profile

Ok, then other than moving and those abilities, what exactly are you capable of? I guess you can type mean things to your opponent too

>what is a competitive game you do think is good

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rip [BRO] clan :(

I said tell us a competitive game you think is good, if you're the expert

>what a bizarre leap in logic, you must be using all your brainpower tonight.
>no counter argument
Concession accepted!

>Then why not just call it aimed? Because then you dont get to pretend youre an elite esports player :)
Dota players don't call them skillshots you fucking assclown, that's LoLbabby terminology and it's used because their game has next to zero strategy element and it's basically just a shallow top-down fighting game

Your entire argument can be summed up with "I don't understand the concept of strategy games and the only type of skill I recognize is mechanical skill" which is completely retarded so you have absolutely no point with any of this

it really was. There's no game like it anymore, discord trannies would fucking obliterate it now. God I miss it.

>some kickstarter garbage
it was called Total Annihilation and I will never not be mad that this failure was the reason MNC and SMNC were neglected

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How can i provide a counter to something that was never there?
Also dota players call them skillshots because its the exact same game as LoL just with less tiny graphics.

Your entire argument can be summed up with "i didnt actually read the posts, but i'll say i disagree"

>Ok, then other than moving and those abilities, what exactly are you capable of?
You can make this "argument" for literally any game and it means nothing

>move and shoot
Oops that's all you can do I guess Quake is for casuals

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MOBAs arent successful because they are fun, but because they create the illusion of improvement while also making it possible to shift all the blame.
When you play a char for 45 minutes you expect to improve, while in reality you only, really learned something new for like 5 minutes tops. Most of the time youre just doing the same shit you did before, not even trying to improve. Doesnt help that you might very well have lost by the time 15 minutes are over, but due to the way the genre is setup you might be forced to endure 45 minutes of this shit show instead.
The fact that there are 5 different roles also make it possible for the player to never analyze his own gameplay. If you lose it isnt your fault, its the offlaners/mids/supports/carrys/jungles fault. Its the item builds, the FOTM OP counter picks, the horrible decision making by your team, the subpar ward placements etc. MOBAs made non-competitive people become addicted to competitive games by taking away the one thing that always stopped them from playing them: The feeling of being bad.

>What a waste of graphics
EPIC seem to agree, they released the assets for free to use on Unreal Engine.

I miss playing HoN. I miss engineer and scout.
>scout em and rout them
>your turret can use your orb effects and procs

>How can i provide a counter to something that was never there?
So you're admitting you didn't read?
Thanks for confirming that you were wrong!

>You can make this "argument" for literally any game and it means nothing
If you cant back it up then dont claim its the contrary.

I dont play quake, but you can keep trying to guess another game I might play. maybe if you come up with enough vague means words about it that will make dota a good game.

Uh huh, yes, uhuh, i see. interesting. Youre the smart one in the group i take it.

>awful Starfox looking hero.
Which one?

>If you cant back it up then dont claim its the contrary.
I literally just did you stupid shitstain

I miss it so bad, bros

No you didnt, you immediately deflected with b-b-buT EVERY GAME to avoid addressing any points. thinking is hard for the dotaster, i know.

>>your turret can use your orb effects and procs
They killed Engi and his turret some 6 years ago
Now he is baby techies

>browsing dotallyrad and watching kingraven feed as a carry

take me back

>immediately deflected with [legitimate argument against my shit logic]

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Made me look, this furshit that had no business being in the game.

Oh, blitz.
I dont think he was ever much popular, but does he pisses you off this much, but Night hound or Pandamonium dont?

It's not legitimate because the core of your argument comes from your own misunderstanding. You think I'm bashing dotagames for only being limited to actions in the game world, where i am actually bashing it because it only has 4 abilties which are the extent of your interaction. Other games have a multitude more than that. Other games let me jump, climb, whatever you could consider an ability, etc, and do so much more. When the player has a larger pool of tools at their disposal, the depth of the game is able to increase. It opens up more possibilities for the player to solve more complex problems. Dotagames, per character, have an insultingly small pool of tools to use. Thus, less depth, thus casual. and its unfortunate i gotta take the time to spell this out but you were entirely willing to continue going on embarassing yourself. Looking forward to your next post where you feign ignorance

>HoN is still alive
>Just no one wants to play the abomination its become
They tried double dipping in the LoL market and DotA market, and got burnt both times

>Other games let me jump, climb, whatever you could consider an ability, etc, and do so much more.
Move, attack, teleport, select other units, camera hotkeys, etc
Like I just said you can use this meaningless logic for anything and it's not an argument

And you're still completely ignoring the fact that it's a lot more than four abilities so that proves to me that you're not even reading my arguments

Kill yourself, here's your last (You)

Youre missing the point again. read mother fucker, read. I'm talking about the size of the pool of tools at your disposal.

Not by the dev's own incompetent hands ugh
Well at least now it is finally dead and I can move on with my life

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Its just CuckyB staring at the main menu.

Why do Dotards ruin every single thread they post in? Why can't they stay on their containment board?

>refusing to acknowledge arguments
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!

fuck man this was the best of the 3rd person moba style games
shame it came out to a wider audience well after the moba boom, I feel like it really could've taken off granted the right crowd got interested in it

Neither of those looked out of place with the theme of the game unlike Blitz, Pandamonium's kit was interesting too. I didn't leave solely because of that though, but it was evident that the Frog was no longer involved in the game and S2 were running out of steam/ideas.

>Business model changed to copy LoL cancer.
>Dumb looking and/or uninteresting new heroes
>Idiotic meme skins that clash with the thematic.
>Engine & graphics were starting to age rapidly

Why stay when Dota 2 was around the corner? Tbh all these games suffered from the same issues in the long run, it happened to Hon like it happened to Dota 2 and LoL = game was better and more enjoyable when it was in Beta/release, then it got bloated with stuff that progressively made it worse.

God damn you're dumb.

thanks for the extra you, fucking idiot

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It kinda did. It was mismanaged to fuck. Late launch, could have gotten out before dota 2, launch after dota 2. Paid early access to OP heroes killed this game dead. You just cannot do stupid shit like that.

>camera hotkeys are a skill-based element of dota

>climbing is a skill-based element of an FPS

>Basically Dota with fuck all heroes
how could it not die?

it could be. dark souls showed how to add some skill to climbing.

Then camera hotkeys could be as well. What are you not getting here? If you're going to count every possible input in one game you're comparing, you have to do it for the other as well.

I dont see how camera hot keys could be skill based.

Anytime I hear zoomer retards like yourself puffing your chest about how HARDCORE dota is I can’t help but think of this classic

Good thread OP. I wish Yea Forums is more like that

Electrician and Puppet Master race.

>A bunch of "apm" selecting/deselecting with 3 zealots being queued
Nice skill.


rip lljk

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>That UI
jesus christ this is worse than LoL's. What the fuck is with the colored text, was it designed by the inventor of LiteBrite?

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How would it not be? It's another button for another tool that allows you to be better and more aware than other players. It's the same thing as everything else that user listed.

>not understanding that selecting all workers like that gives you an image of exactly how many workers you have
>not understand how important active scouting is that early
>thinking that’s even that much apm
How on earth can you moba faggots seriously do the pissing contest thing about how tough your game is?

>every game that isn't an RTS is shit because it isn't an RTS
This wasn't an argument in 2012 and it's not an argument today
Try harder

All of that outside of the bottom bar is custom, you could do whatever you wanted with HoNs UI via mods.

I could never find a health bar mod that didn't look like shit

Never said that. Most fighting games and competitive FPS take a lot of skill, a hell of a lot more than a fucking moba

So RTS players retarded and can't do math/remember how many workers they already have, so they do a bunch of needless clicking and pressing in attempt to show off how fast they can press keys and click?

Mass Effect in general didn't deserve to die, but Andromeda in particular did. I highly doubt any kind of patches or DLC could salvage it.


>Never said that.
That's the entire "argument" of the video you linked
I know there's no point linking you something like this because you're just going to be a retard and completely ignore the actual content of what's happening here, but here's something real instead of a cherrypicked clip of someone farming a jungle camp before the game has even started

Maliken shoot porn, sold premium ingame avatars and early access heroes, bought a Ferrari, sold his business and now is making luxury soaps

literally the king of entrepreneurs

concede you illiterate ape

Midwars is still fun and it has mmr, although buddy queing 1600s with 1400s is nightmare fuel

Think of it as warming up. Within a few minutes all those extra APMs are going to use. The dial is going to jump to 10 real quick, and the difference between a 200 and 300-400 APM player is going to be night and day. It’s like when CS players are spamming their knife at spawn.

Attached: 1296914337942.jpg (1200x750, 780K)

this is even worse than early league of legends art

I know. I'm being retarded because that's all there is to posting in this board anymore. It's fucking weird how hard RTS/ASStards think their genre is alike. It's like comparing overshit and something like COD/CS. They have the same background genre but you sure as fuck are not going to see the same kind of skillsets. Irrelevant note, I honestly can't think of a competitive genre/game that has a 'cold start', players don't have a warmup period that is intentional or not, that isn't a fighting game.

you forgot

Dark Lady

man - that was my favorite. way better than dota2\dota1. it was so creative and had such great characters..... puppet master, nomad, chipper - all original and great designs. so fun. i have no idea how people like dota2

i mean if ASSFAGGOT players think camera hotkeys are skill based then more power to them.

Yet still I busted quite few nuts on it.

>no argument
Thanks for admitting you're wrong I guess

>wahhhh don’t cherrypick
>cherrypicks some ‘legendary’ moment from their moba
Yeah ok dude, here’s a random fpvod of a SC player doing more things by himself than everyone in that dota match. Your genre isn’t impressive.

i mean if Dark Souls players think climbing a ladder is skill based then more power to them.

That's just a teamfight my dude, that's the real game
A guy farming a jungle camp at level 1 isn't

wtf man! im saying i respect your beliefs!

Game is not dead, people are still raging and trolling. lots of russians and brazilians, one sided omnistomp games, gg ez cyka blyat idi nahui davai paidiom blin

Attached: shot0079.jpg (1920x1080, 1.54M)

a lot has changed, i dont recognize it. what hero are you? witch?

>lots of russians and brazilians
They closed down the reservations? Last time I played, russians were restricted from joining eu servers.

>Maliken shoot porn
did he?

how retarded are you to think spamming knife has anything in common with that, its literally just because you can do it at no detriment so why not

this game was ugly as all shit, glad it's in the can

>birb mom
>snek dad
I miss their domestic violence and letting their ten kids fight it out.