Games with this aesthetic?

Games with this aesthetic?

Attached: E5BDF9F7-3728-4FC3-B277-8164151CE4EE.jpg (1024x768, 223K)

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They Hunger: Lost Souls


Attached: edgeman.png (492x444, 262K)

Okay, now games that have actually released, you cheeky bugger?

hexen 2
amid evil


Attached: pk.jpg (1024x768, 162K)


orb of dilaaria mother fucking vampire slayer

>Baseball Shoes.

nightmare house 2 to an extent

Thanks for reminding me They Hunger : Lost Souls will never ever come out. Oh well, time to replay 1-3

A man of refined taste

Attached: 1563693745967.gif (256x224, 8K)

worth a download? How much content does it have? I only see the link for part VI

Hedon is pretty cool

Attached: hedon.jpg (1920x1080, 301K)

Haven't played it in a few years but it was definitely worth a download.

also hexen

Attached: hexkek.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

It’s okay, user, there’s a project in the works that’s basically aesthetically trying to be the exact same; storyline-wise nothings known obviously

Hello, hl-beta project.

Anyone still playing it? I’d love to play again.

Anyone ever leak any of it there? Would love to play it

Im still heartbroken over Lost Souls all these years later. But its good to hear some people are trying to make a new game in that same vein.