Reminder that this all started just because Rhea wanted to fuck her own mother
Fire Emblem Three Spoilers
Other urls found in this thread:
>villains motive's are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's
So explain Rhea, Mc, and the daughter because I'm comfused.
I just realized that Edelgard's English VA is Mitsuru. Goddamn it now I'll never unhear it.
>Rhea is Sothis' daughter
>Rhea created your mother as a clone of Sothis
>Sothis fuses with you
>You fuck Rhea
>You are your own sister/mother/grandmother
It's simple actually:
>Rhea is your grandmother, because Rhea create your mother
>Rhea is your aunt, because your mother is a homunculus made by her mother's blood and is thus genetically like Rhea's sister
>Rhea is your sister, because she implanted her mother's soul to your mother and your mother who had her mother’s blood at that time gave birth to you
>Rhea is your great-grandmother, because Rhea created your mother as a human clone of her mother
>Rhea is your daughter because she implanted her mother's soul to you which eventually fuses with you completely
>Rhea is your wife because you can romance her and marry her
>Rhea is your daughter-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your daughter
>Rhea is your sister-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your sister
>Rhea is your aunt-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your aunt
>Rhea is your grandmother-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your grandmother
>Rhea is your great- grandmother-in-law, because Rhea is married to you, and in certain perspective Rhea is also your great-grandmother
In short she's your grandmother-mother-sister-wife.
Who the fuck at IS always comes up with shit like this?
Woah hey guys, welcome to the Church of Seiros
My brain hurst just by reading this.
So magical incest the character, got it.
Here is the rough story summary of Claude's path:
As you acclimate to life back at Garreg Mach,\nhelp your allies prepare for the impending\narrival of the Imperial army.
To avoid detection by the Empire, journey to\nthe Valley of Torment to meet with Judith of\nthe Alliance and secure reinforcements.
Secure a foothold into Empire territory by\nseizing control of the strategically placed\nGreat Bridge of Myrddin on the Airmid River.
The advance into Empire territory has begun.\nThe Imperial army intends to counterattack,\nso prepare for a battle at Gronder Field.
Before taking Enbarr, the Imperial Capital,\nyou must first conquer Fort Merceus,\nthe strongest fortress in the Empire.
While the Imperial army is still off balance,\ndescend on Enbarr and defeat Emperor\nEdelgard in the Imperial palace.
Attack Shambhala, the lair of those who\nslither in the dark, the force that has been\nsecretly operating in the shadows of the war.
A mysterious army is closing in and its leader\nresembles King Nemesis, thought to have died\na millennium ago. Defend the monastery.
Dimitri helps you but he gets killed while chasing the Gorilla
Rhea is definitely the Big brain choice
Rhea's relationship to Byleth alone is better story than all of Fates. Will this actually be the best Fire Emblem game made to date? Damn, I hope the DLC gives us an Apotheosis.
So, in every single route Claude and Dimitri are bros? Based. Too bad their fags are too autistic and are always trying to make them fight with each other in these threads.
Best girl in one
Worst girl in another
But you can't fuck Rhea. The support is platonic.
Checkmate, atheists.
I hadn't read the support/ending. She is still your sister/mother/grandmother just not also your wife.
Claude's route is basically him and Dimitri allying against the Empire but Dimitri dies and now Claude and Byleth have to deal with the Gorillla (Sin Crestas) and Nemesis.
Claude is the only character that can survive all the routes, he even survives Rhea's wacky ending where everything goes wrong by fucking off to his home continent.
I want to see if Judith is hot and why I can't fuck her.
The S-rank they are pretty much engaged much to Rhea’s delight. She thinks her “mother in Heaven” would bless such a union. Her paired epilogue is a little more ambiguous compared to Edelgard’s ending with Byleth.
Yea. I was just saying how I find it funny that certain autists are trying to pit the two between each other, even though they are bros in every single route.
Into the trash this game then.
>just not also your wife
>KEKED by your own sister/mother/grandmother
>The support is platonic
lol no
Sure is platonic up in here.
>Claude isn't even from Leicester, yet was supposed to lead the country's alliance
How the fuck?
Not really, it mostly started because people wanted to experiment with crests on Edelgards family. She starts almost all the shit in the game.
Very platonic S support with Rhea
They are gonna practice platonic sex after that.
Your dad would be super pissed if he found out you married the incest clusterfuck that killed your mom
He's a bastard but was born with the crest of Reagan
dad's a fag
Please make a flowchart. My brain hurts trying to understand this shit
That is the most platonic thing I have ever read. I bet they have loads of platonic sex.
Sounds hot. I'm going to buy this game now.
In the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, Imperial loyalist\nCornelia has subdued all regions of the former royal\nhouse of Blaiddyd to prevent further revolt. Prince Dimitri has been sentenced. Now, the\nbackbone of the former Kingdom—Houses Gautier\nand Fraldarius—struggle to continue the resistance. Cornelia—operating out of the royal palace—has\naccepted the support of the Empire to build an army\nand plots to wipe out all remaining Kingdom forces. In the Leicester Alliance, House Riegan leads\nan anti-Imperial faction, while House Gloucester\ndirects the Empire's supporters. Despite the undeniable threat of fracture, the\nAlliance's adept new leader, Claude, deftly maintains\nthe outward appearance of a unified front. In Enbarr, the Imperial Capital of the Adrestian\nEmpire, Emperor Edelgard fights to strengthen\nher regime. She has extended her reach to the Kingdom by\ninciting a coup and continues to draw its former\nlords under her influence in pursuit of controlling\nall of western FÃ3dlan. In the meantime, the Knights of Seiros have been\ndispatched to find Archbishop Rhea, who remains\nmissing despite their searching. Left unattended, the\nmonastery at Garreg Mach has fallen to ruin...\nand become a haven for thieves.
I think this is from Rhea's route? I'm not sure
Final map descriptions:
>The Imperial army arrives in Fhirdiad, the Kingdom\nCapital, only to be confronted by Rhea—who has\ntransformed into the Immaculate One. The Black\nEagle Strike Force steels itself for an epic battle,\nhoping to soon return FÃ3dlan to its people.
>After storming the streets of Enbarr and bringing \nImperial forces to their knees, the resistance army\nsurrounds the Imperial palace. To topple the Empire\nand save Rhea from its clutches, the resistance army\nsteels itself for battle against Emperor Edelgard.
>Though showing brief signs of recovery, even Rhea's\nstrength has its limits. Having changed form to the Immaculate One, she\nis unable to control her power. As if in response,\npriests and knights who are directly related to Rhea\nby blood change into White Beasts themselves.
Facing this unexpected threat, the resistance army\nprepares for its final battle to save FÃ3dlan.
>A military force bearing the Crest of Flames on its\nbanner marches west to Garreg Mach from\nShambhala, attacking nearby cities along the way. Rhea informs the Alliance that the enemy's general\nis none other than the ancient Fell King Nemesis.\nAnd so the Alliance army prepares for their final\nbattle, hoping to put an end to FÃ3dlan's blood-\nstained history.
Where is the extended epilogue? do i have to pay a dlc? I hope its not popularity poll again.
Why even did she do all of this
She wanted to fuck her mom really badly.
She wanted to see her mom again.
So Rhea is Seiros?
Ronald Reagan?
Edelgard's and Claude's routes have "sequel hooks":
>Yet beneath the surface, an unseen and silent struggle began to take shape. From her seat of power, Edelgard could at last wage war on those who slither in the dark.
>Those leaders clung to the hope that their path would not end with Fodlan, that it would someday\nspan the seas to Dagda, and beyond the Throat to Almyra...
Will this be the DLC?
what to do when my whole class has 0 motivation, do i just rest or what, not sure if exploring and doing food etc woukd give more
How was proven bullshit?
GOTY confirmed, that's all I needed.
>untagged spoilers right at the OP
>reported half an hour ago
>no mod response
fuck Yea Forums
Aside from the induced autism, Byleth really is fucked
What happened to Sothis?
She ded?
She's you because of Rhea.
sound like some complex motives
>platonic handholding
>platonic sex
>platonic marriage
>platonic childbirth
>platonic family
You fused with her like Jaden and Jubel in GX
And so I says to him and his crew, "We'll be the shirts, and Ya'll can be the blouses!" and he got this look on his face like I had angered him. But I learned something that day, don't ever judge a book by its cover cause this cat can ball!
They confess their fucking love, read the thread
Just this once, I'll even spoonfeed little babby
>eager to play a new game
>browse Yea Forums before doing so
>Gorillla (Sin Crestas)
Thanks for the laugh, gonna use this
Heads up
I thought proven bullshit meant that it was wrong and fake news.
Kinda pointless if she just fuse with you
Is there a quick rundown of all the paths, I don't care about the school stuff but the civil war stuff seems cool
Wheres my Catherine marriage?
>fuse together
>still separate consciounces
>share a relationship more intimate than mortals could ever hope to comprehend
Holy fuck, the ultimate cute and funny victory. I was worried when fake leakers stated we were "BTFO"
Could someone post Edelgard's S support? How does a bloodthirsty conqueror deal with matters of love?
>Black Eagles: Help Gorilla destroy the crest and kill the God that appears because she's mad that you're destroying crests
>Blue Lions: Help Dimitri put down the madman Gorilla in a very kino moment
>Golden Deer: Fight againts the empire and then deal with the dubstep guys that revived your grandpa-son
>Church: Oh shit dude all the leaders are gone, now help the church againts the dubstep guys
What is the meaning of this?
I couldn't bear to watch.
I miss the Dimitri I once knew.
Hah...hahahaha! A grievous error, Professor!
The Dimitri you once knew is dead. All that\nremains is the repulsive, blood-stained monster\nyou see before you.
If you do not approve of what I have become,\nthen kill me.
If you insist that you cannot...then I will continue to\nuse you and your friends until the flesh falls from\nyour bones.
Dimitri goes absolutely insane in Claude's route. Even crazier than in Edelgard's.
You now need to add she's your mom AND dad because Jeralt had Rhea's blood in his body because of some pact thing he made with her.
>In the physical world, you fuck the daughter hard
>In your soul dimension, you fuck the mother hard
Leonie has short hair post-timeskip?
If not i'm going to ding dong-diddly burn some studio in nipland
How do you get the church route?
I asked this last thread but no-one responded: what's Cyril's deal? I haven't heard anyone talking about him, but with such a small cast I figure he's gotta have at least some relevance to a subplot or something.
Go Black Eagles and choose to stay instead of helping Edelgard
Try to aim for the high score.
Ah, the bones line. So this is what it was for.
She gets longer hair, and is the best looking girl in the game
Death knight gets a bad reputation, he's really a sweetheart at heart.
So this is Fates but better?
only Yea Forums and Yea Forums ban spoilers and everyone hates them
And gayer.
>literally who?
Depends on what one liked from Fates.
It's such an open question that it is difficult to answer you user.
Mrs. Krabappel is in Three Houses?
>DILF Hunter Byleth memes are dead
It was a fun time
Now we have Rhea and her incest meme.
Who is she talking about?
Death Knight.
Based ISIS. They evolved incest into its truest form.
I guess IS is based after all.
No I mean, who is the real identity of the knight? Do we know yet?
Mercedes's brother
Death Knight is Death Knight.
Who is the Death Knight?
He's you from the 5th route's timeline.
Fuck this gay earth
Here's her marriage to Shamir
>Grows out of her tomboy phase and learns to be a woman.
Sounds normal desu.
We Fire Emblem GX now boys
Thanks user.
>femByleth doesn't get to /u/ catherine
>shamir does
>femByleth doesn't get to /u/ petra or manuela
>dorothea does
So people were mad that it was creepy that you could be with guys who are old enough to be your dad and now they're mad that you can't be with them at all.
In short best girl
Almyrian orphan, I think.
Marianne is my favorite. Anyone have anything on her?
Who's gonna be on your war council, Yea Forums?
I'm fucking dead.
No wonder you can't romance her as Fbyleth so she already have her own waifu
how much will Three Houses sell?
im betting 4 million by the end of 2019
what did Palutena do now?
Is this a game where I kill all my friends?
Keeping up the good old Incest Emblem traditions, I see.
If Dorothea is so strong lesbian why hasn't she /u/ Ingrid?
>tfw there's no "chilling out with the crew" at all
She wanted to fuck her mom so she created a long and very weird plot in doing so.
Ingrid is the straightest student. The straightest unit goes to Flayn.
Yes, only Claude and Rhea survive more than just their route. Dimitri and Gorilla are fucked in all routes, but theirs
So should I pre-order this after all?
So there's no lolibaba romance? Dropped
Read the thread retard
if you like the gameplay leaks and don't have your switch hacked then yeah
Learn to read the thread, you lolishitter.
>Claude can survive all routes
Maybe that's why he puts on the act of a pleasant face. It's not that he's Littlefinger trying to murder fuck everyone, he's just trying to survive.
Oh fuck Lysithea is going to die if anyone looks at her too hard
I still love her
>You wouldn't hit a foreigner and look like a racist, would you infidel?
Crest Aids will do that to you.
Take care of your glass cannon, wife!
This is so disappointing, so very dissappointing, I had such high hopes for Dimitri and Edelgard and it turns out they're just violent sociopaths on their own if Blythe isn't there and even if he is he just enables their bullshit while keeping their humanity within reach. It's garbage, how could people be happy with this pathetic excuse for a plot?
Is it just because they love watching tragic violence happen to people? Are they that broken inside to see so much death and destruction with a fucking smile on their face?!
I hope there's a fifth route where you can spank them both back into sanity because this is depressing as hell.
>10% growth rate on defense
>5% on strength with budding talent for Swords
Oh fuck...
There is no Revelations this time. You can't save everyone.
>hp 20
>str 15
>def 10
And here I was thinking about taking advantage of her budding talent in swords.
How has gameplay changed?
Just be a golden chad so you snipe the real baddies instead of engaging in petty squabbles.
So is the gameplay for this videogame actually good?
>Cyril has both bad bases AND growths
What did IS mean by this
>you can't save everyone
>15 years old
>less than 1.5m tall
>3 def base
>10% def growth
i'm giving her to raph for maximum IMAGINE
He's gonna die.
Claude just lacks Gorilla's autism, he knows cutting his loses and running to Almyria is a better fate than outright dying. His ending even hints that he plans to expand Byleth's kindgom to Dagda and Almyria
>no option to carve out your own warlord state while the others are distracted by the chaos
This is so lame. What's the point if she has no physical body?
Maybe he has Aptitude?
That's the Chuch route. You basically skip the first battle between the three houses and all the lords get BTFO
It might make some sense depending on what exactly happens to Dimitri/Edelgard if you don't side with them.
20 hp growth, what. that might be the lowest I've ever seen. I think Elise had more than that
We know Dimitri becomes even more insane in Claude's route
>every sexy white woman with big tits is evil and crazy
thanks liberals
>best girl
>best main girl
>best conqueror
>made anti-main girl fags eat their own words
>her house has best time-skip designs
>best end that actually deals with actual issues
>literally stole Claude kike memes for herself which made Deerfags seeth
>Dimitri cared about her until the end and tried to save her which made edgy Lionfags who wanted to see him gut her down like a pig seeth
>makes otomestacies seeth because her relationship with Dimitri that NEVER developed is far better than their self-insert fanfiction could ever be due to how bittersweet it is
Why is she so based bros?
It's not so much as becomes insane it's like Edelgard he becomes what he always was beneath that mask, both of them are broken psychos who need to be put down for the good of the world if you arent enabling them as a morality pet
I've seen the dialogue, but what indication do we have that this is Claude's route rather another?
These fucking lesbians get like 20 goddamned options and I only get one dude, who is just a c/p of femblyths scene!
Married to my tulpa...
So fuck the Fates shit, does everyone live in the Church ending?
Based Gorilla-chan.
wait so you don't marry to Catherine as MByleth even when S ranked or what?
>best end that actually deals with actual issues
>When Sylvain and Claude managed to do the same by cooperating with the church instead of murdering them
>When Dimitri calls her out on her needlessly destroying a tool that saved them from being ass raped by other continents
>When the only reason Seiros appears is because she's killing the church
Only Rhea and maybe Claude
100% okay with being her Consort
No. There is no route where everyone lives.
>does everyone live
wait for the DLC
Church and Claude doesn't care about the autists's squabble
Well it can't be Rhea's because he dies in the first battle there, so it's either Gorilla's or Claude's route, or both.
bumping this question
Can someone edit this with Claude and Dimitri shaking hands while Edelgard is making Gorilla noises?
Literally made of wet paper
So, when is the review embargo being lifted after all?
>Only Rhea and maybe Claude
If Claude potentially lives in all the routes you better prepare your anuses for Almyria 1198
You could just say you're not a fan of tragedy, dude
Anyway, Dimitri and Edelgard are both broken people, you can save one but then the other is fated to be out of reach
I think cancerman from 12 has a lower growth, but I could be mistaken.
Crestaids. Please understand.
>steals your headcanons about Claude and makes them her own
>even some of otomes admit Edelgard has waaay better dynamic and story with their husbando than themselves
It's hilarious how much she BTFO everyone in one go.
Tomorrow at 10
>save one
Maybe Dimitri, but Edelgard feels zero remorse
Edelgard didn't let that stop her from having some amount of bulk
Can you marry Flayn, as Male Byleth?
yes and she has one of the best endings
She should have been our otome mc...I don't want to force dimi a life with an irrelevant frog.
>If Claude potentially lives in all the routes
He does
Except she does feel pain and remorse, it's if you leave her be that she becomes cold to the core
Sensei a cute
Wow, he didn't grow at all these 5 years
Sweet. Thanks for answering.
They honestly should have just pulled Alm and Celica story with them, but nu-Fates fags would eat IS alive if their mc wasn't some bland autistic self-insert instead of an actual character.
>Only Bernadetta and Cyril grew at all in the timeskip
Even Caspar was still the same manlet, what the fuck IS?
>Alm and Celica story with them
I'd rather just have one or the other die while they get a decent ending with someone else.
Them not being tied by being together for a year makes sense, there's remorse, regret or whatever, but no romance.
Just give her the levin sword
You get to live forever with her fishing and fucking.
Is there any difference if you romance her or if she ends up alone
>New Fire Emblem game
>entire cast is white
So the japanese really do love whites huh? Fucked yet again, niggers
Don't fuck your daughter, daughter
How does he die?