Video games are toys for childre-
Video games are toys for childre-
Do Americans really play w*stern c*nematic garbage? I honestly thought it was just journalists who played this crap.
They're toys but arguably not for children deoending on the game. Having toys as an adult is whatever.
Its so fucking boring. I beat that dark elf boss and decided im not playing another 50 hours of this same boring shit combat over and pver again. Its not good.
What's the big problem with this? In every other action game you just lock on and do a dedicated teleport or lunging move to automatically close the distance to your enemy from wayy further away. Go play free-aimed dark souls if you want to have a blast whiffing every attack.
Also that particular attack has an extra long lunging range because it's the sprinting R1 move that you use before you unlock the real sprinting R1 move that makes Kratos leap at them
Typical confused brainlet's knee jerk response to seeing someone challenge his matthewmatosis talking points. Watch Kratos whiff attacks on enemies 2 feet away in this webm. And Kratos can't just use Stinger to jump in their faces at any moment either
But I liked the parts for children the most, like hanging on to a dragon and punching a norse god in the face at the same time and then doing some cool capeshit stuff right afterwards.
It's pretty simple and braindead, just like toys for children.
not as braindead as air combos
that's it? that's your argument against it? GOTY well deserved then
I'm seeing a lot of flashy particle effects and not much else going on here. How do you cognitive dissonance you're way out of the fact that nu-GOW was made to appeal to people who find traditional action games "yucky"?
Something you can't even pull off?
>I'm seeing a lot of flashy particle effects and not much else going on here
you're not looking hard enough. It's pure crowd control. If he stopped relentlessly attacking in all directions for one moment he would get hit by a chain of like 10 jump attacks in a row
SJW retard who cant get more then a D in DMC
lmao where do you get SJW from? You scared of the big SJW boogeyman who's surely behind everything you dont like?
how's high school user?
>underage faggot cant even airdash
stay made incel
DMC is shitty autism bait with punching bag enemies in which you can just stand in one spot cycling moves while occasionally jumping or dodging, and throwing in a taunt for good measure. It just favors autistic recital of weak combos to fill an arbitrary style meter when that's not the fastest or most efficient way to take out enemies.
Both movement and attacks themselves (both for you and the enemies) are slow and clunky. The movement is awkward and not fluid and is miles below the movement of NG or even something like fucking MGRR. The jump is pisspoor and because there's almost zero lateral movement it's just used for iframe spam.
The game also lacks depth (and no having an arbitrary style meter doesn't change the core mechanics); maybe if every style could be equipped simultaneously it would begin to have some depth, but having to choose between dodge, block/counter, or having more than one attack button? What a fucking joke.
Only having two weapons at once combined with shallow movesets cripples the combat and ruins variety. There are so few moves for each, nothing on the level of NG2's 15+ base attacks (counter, strong, weak, strong hold, weak hold, strong pause, weak pause, forward strong, forward weak, 360 attacks, OT, UT, bow, shruiken, air combos) for each weapon + dodge/block, and this is without even going into the 50+ combos for each weapon. And not to mention NG2's more fluid movement, more strict timing, more smart and adaptive enemy AI (especially bosses), and the weight given to moves by not being able to simply hop right out of them into a full i-frame to apex jump whenever you see an enemy do one of their predictable tells before an attack.
And before you say childish nonarguments like "git gud" yes, I am an avid action game fan and have played them for many years. And yes I am a master at the genre. And yes, of course I have beat the game on DMD; I would never critique a game without mastering it first.
That's baseline action stuff, not something that's impressive to show off. That's like saying Uncharted is a really hardcore 3rd person shooter because "if you stop attacking you die."
>almost a year and a half after release
>edgelord still absolutely SEETHING
I can just picture you in your black hoodie, sitting at the back of the class.
>fucking paid journalists, DMC was supposed to be GOTY REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
the spacing and the long lines of your autism rant gave away your lack of motor functions
You van destroy any "vidya are art" cucks with censorship. Art is not censored or regulated yet vidya art cucks love censoring and changing gamea. Videogames are toys and entertainment, nothing more, the "art" is good writing and cinematic visuals, both of which are not part of a videogame's nature.
Censorship kills your "muh art" argument. Lets enjoy our regulated toys, anons.
>Kissless manchildren*
nice projection also you need to be 18 to post kid