Will he ever stop whining about loot boxes?

Will he ever stop whining about loot boxes?

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no because the fat fuck hasnt improved production value since he started and can make easy $$ milking lootboxes

He will once they are regulated properly by legislation, as should you, fucking shill

when the jews stop being evil

Do Americans really still have loot boxes in their games? Lmfao.

Considering its a terrible practice, that benefits only the companies who do it, and does not benefit anybody else unless you believe in the "no lootbox = would rip people off more in some other way" fallacy, no, I doubt he will ever stop talking about how bad they are.

Because unless someone like you cares a awful lot, nothing is going to get better, its not.
-Dr Seuss

there will never be enough whining about lootboxes fuck them

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He probably stops once he has a cock in his mouth.

no because he's dedicated in his fight against capitalism

donate to his patreon btw

loot boxes are fun

Why do you guys hate him? Hes the only one left who stands up for consumer rights

FUCK you corporate bootlicker.

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He's a fat faggot and also fuck off with this eceleb bullshit

He'll never stop whining about it because he's a weak, pitiful man with no impulse control
Look at all his toys and silly costumes he puts in his videos. Look at how disgustingly fat he is.

If he has cash to burn and he sees something he wants, he can't help but buy it. That's why he's so butthurt and that's why he demands the US government makes it illegal to sell them. Because he's too weak to stop himself buying them.

There are a shit ton of things I could see you complaining about when it comes to Jim, but loot boxes is the one case where he is completely right. Loot boxes deserve to be kicked out of the industry and video game companies only have themselves to blame for being so greedy and stupid that the government wants to step in to start regulating their trash practices.

So is rape, but it's still illegal.

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Hes super autistic about it but its lootboxes so hes reasonable to complain.

should be legal tbqh

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This thread is clearly a bait thread made by the usual sad fuckers with nothing better to do.
Just sink it and move on anons. Or are you seriously going to feed the OP?

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Besides mobage, are lootboxes even that common? Literally never bought a game with them.

There are really people out there that don't see anything wrong with loot boxes thought. It's an argument worth having.

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>this corporate denial

Nobody likes a game that is constantly begging you to gamble on redundant shit.

Have you ever played Madden? FIFA? Even when you're not in the faggot ultimate team modes, every single loading screen is DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE SUPER DUPER SPECIAL LEGENDS CARDS YOU CAN ONLY BUY THIS WEEK? PLAY ULTIMATE TEAM NOW GOYIM

The last Fifa game I played was the one with the Blur song in it.

Because there isn't anything wrong with it

FIFA, Star Wars battlefront2, overwatch, TF2, the entire phone market. Its being put in alot of mainstream games and sometimes the game fails miserably because too much effort is put into marketing the in game sales purchases like in fallout76. Granted F76 is a huge mess of lies and the store isnt directly responsible for it, but of the store is bugges oit for even a minute the game gets hotfixed

has this nigger ever heard of gachapon?

do you have anything better to do?

>loot boxes


Ideally until they get regulated or voluntarily abandoned by the industry. He might be a cum guzzling socialist but sometimes people with wrong beliefs also have right beliefs like the lootbox plague.


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>adding a signature to your post


retards can't be held accountable for their actions
silly user

Will the game industry ever stop ruining games with loot boxes?

How does his intro song goes? Anyone has the lyrics?

No, look at how many people eat the same message over and over again. Why wouldn't you pass up on the chance to make easy money from a brain dead fanbase?
Reminder this fat fuck manages to make 13k a month by being a broken record.

Im only ok with shit like lootboxes when they do it like Vermintide 2 where you can only get them by actually playing the game.

Because they give developers an excuse to gut content from a game and hide it behind a paywall on a product you already paid for

Its bad because they tend to lock content that should be base in the game behind it, they tend to enforce bullshit rng to get specific things out of it, instead of you know letting a person straight out buy the item, they tend to heavy hand brainwash young kids into getting them to fucking gamble, which lootboxes are gambling, at every corner of the game. You're the fucking npc you double do deca groid.

Reminder that this beautiful lady unironically fucks other people and Jim is entirely okay with it.

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>Industry does thing nobody likes
>people complain
>Industry continues to do thing nobody likes
>people continue to complain
>(You): Will people ever stop whining about thing?

Lootboxes are bad and worth arguing against

yeah when he sells out and starts saying that lootboxes are good for the industry.

Tree branches and discarded fenders are not "people"

Do you genuinely think I gave a shit if my fuckugly hambeast of a wife fucked other people? Goddamn that would've made me happy as hell because it would've made divorce proceedings much easier.

not really
forcing your personal politics into games and using them as a propaganda tool is far more insidious

Never understood why Yea Forums hates Jim. He's pro consumer, contrarian, and looks like the average Yea Forums user.

>not really
Where's your argument?

>There is clear opposition to lootboxes without you milking the issue?
>What do you do?
>Milk the issue more and try to make yourself the face of the movement as much as you can so that you can make more money from gullible fucks thinking he is actually putting pressure on developers.
LMAO at the amount of people who give this literal cuckold money.

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Will you ever stop whining about him whining about lootboxes? It's a shame someone is forcing you at gunpoint to watch the videos, luckily the rest of us have an actual choice to not watch some we don't like.

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Jim literally makes 13K off of Patreon. I dont think he'll sellout

When will you stop trying to deflect criticism from lootboxes?

>people complain
>Industry continues to do thing nobody likes
>people continue to complain
>What do you do?
>LMAO at the amount of people who give this literal cuckold money *let epic reddit reaction image*

Am i the only one who mistook her for Jimbo crosdressing ?

>Industry continues to do thing nobody likes
You are already identifying the part that matters the most. If you want to hear "LOOTBOX BAD" over and over again, I guess you can donate some more patreon money to support this eloquent man.

Lootboxes are basically taking goods hostage. You could be getting those goods for free, or at least be able to purchase the specific good you want and ignore the goods you don't want. If they're in a chance pool then god knows how much unwanted goods you have to purchase for a wanted good.

Lootboxes are the best thing to happen to YongYeah's carrier

I really doubt she does. Not because of any moral quandary, but because I can't imagine a human being (nonwhites aren't human) SHE'D be interested in willingly having sex with her.

>Industry continues to do thing nobody likes
Except lots of people love and buy them

Doesn't change the fact that lootboxes are bad and the people who get paid to constantly remind everyone that lootboxes are bad are 100% correct.

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If his SJW circle-jerk friends do lootboxes, then he's going to be quiet about them. Probably even endorse them.

Statistically very few people actually spend money on in game purchases. The vast majority of the revenue comes from only 1-3% of the overall player base.

At this point, his only marketable skill is to shill against them. I don't think he can go against his wallet any more.

This guy gets it. It's the in thing to be complaining about when they can't see beyond the ridge of their own bubbles as to how fucking pathetic they look.

1-3% of millions is still a lot of people c| :^)

unironically yes. You can't hold accountable a person for getting scammed, even if the scam was retarded, like lootboxes are.

And don't undermine the gambling element of lootboxes, and how gambling was proven to be dangerous for a lot of people. Inb4: "wut do you mean gambling is dangerous, just walk away from the computer nigga"

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Will the triple-A industry ever stop including them in games?

just wakl away from the computer you weak ass nigga

Yeah, the problem is that this from this 1-3%, maybe a tenth are actually rich enough to afford spending money on shit like this. Most of them are kids/gambling addicts, good luck explaining them why they can't just spend all their live savings on fifa players.

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Sure, let's ignore the fact that unlockables used to be part of the actual game and games are deliberately balanced to sway the players perception towards them.

You don't make an attempt to filter out relevant criticism and only quote your own retarded conclusion on the matter like the brainless moron you are.

When JewA, and the rest of the triple A industry run by kikes stop cucking retards out of their money


saged btw not that any of you newfags even know what that is nowadays

I used to be subscribed to him until he randomly said that he like sucking big black cocks in one of his videos i think it was last year
Then i found out he actually does

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Is that his shtick now? I don't pay attention to him because I am not a faggot but loot boxes are annoying. Not sure how much you can stretch that out for a shitty youtube show.

He's right though. Lootboxes are fucking cancer.

Pretty much 80% of his videos are him complaining about them

He covers a variety of industry horse shit. I enjoyed his surprise mechanic skit.

>T.hanks EA stock holder
So is regular gambling but that is obviously regulated for a reason.

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>All these covert EA employees in this thread that feel entitled to all that free, unregulated gambling cheddar from the mentally ill and people with more money than sense.

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how else will be make money?

no, nor should he

Real talk, have you ever considered buying stocks? Wht not make some money while you play vidya

cockstar just added a real casino to GTAVs online mode, which is banned to europoors because it allows real money to be used for in game chips. i wonder what opinion he will parrot for that.

the odds of winning are displayed in the uk though so it does not violate bong law.

He's already shitting on it on his twitter.

figures, ill read about it on v later, i know you guys worship him.

Get a real job, EA shill.

When AAA companies stop aggressively pushing for them to be in $60 games. So, never.

Because stocks are a risky business and I'm too lazy.

When his masters on patreon tell him to yes.


because you don't just buy stocks on a whim and actually making informed purchases on the stock market takes a lot of effort
the stock market is cancer in the first place.

Do you really think most investors make "informed purchases"? Stop watching so many movies

>bunch of inbred islandmonkeys is too retarded to regulate gambling aimed at their children
they can't get out of the eu quick enough, good fucking riddance

I mean, just throw some Bollinger bands and some MAs, damn nigga that's basic shit

successfull ones certainly
but a lot of people are just stupid and let themselves get scammed by stock brokers

>invests in crypto

kek, I'm not fucking braindead

>all these assholes trying to shove the genie back in the fucking bottle
you're gonna get a crash course in incompetent governmental dry dickings, buckle up folks this one's gonna be one to watch

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not all eu countries banned it, just the ones with the most obnoxious online communities

poland, czech, china being big bans along with south america, also any muslim nation naturally + most of se asia.

in fact along with the 5 min passive lock out when using any weapon/military vehicle this update almost single handedly save this abortion of a game from terminal cancer. now if only the targeted the russian hacker kids.

based sandniggers

Who even cares about lootboxes? If the game makes equipment/whatever locked behind them then just don't play the game. If the lootboxes are only for cosmetic shit, then who cares?

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The issue has always been you pay real money for a dice throw. This is gambling. No matter how many gold medals you have for gymnastics.

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Will Jim Cuckling ever stop smelling the farts of Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn?

Why you have to make my dick so hard, user?

he stands up for communism, which is unironically far more anti consumer than anything else