Buy game

>Buy game
>Play it for like 10 hours
>Buy another game

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Just buy 10 hours long games, there is no shame in that.

>Buy 10 hour long game
>Remember it fondly for years to come because it was so good

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>get job
>"oh fuck yueah money for video games"
>too tired after work to really invest in anything new
>spend my evenings "playing" (read: spend half my time alt+tabbed scrolling through Yea Forums and other feeds) the same old timewaster mmo i did as a neet

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have you tried not being a retarded ADD riddled zoomer?

>Pirate game
>Play it for 100s of hours
>Buy it
>Because latest update and devs deserve the money
>Never play it again

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>buy a game
>never open it
>never play it
>new console comes out
>buy new console
>sell old console and unplayed games

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you're not tired, you're just a bitch

I'm a switch not a bitch.

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This desu. You's a bitch. Unless you're like a 80 year old posting on Yea Forums you're in the prime of your life, fucking get some regular exercise to improve your stamina like in a RPG game or else you're gonna suffer from a severe penalty debuff in the coming years.

>buy game
>mod it
>after installing every mod in existence move on to next game

It’s the kind of tired being physically healthy won’t fix.

Oh shit senpai, you need to get LAID! I'd sympathy fuck you if you live in my area.

I did this with Katana Zero
DLC when

>Have tons of games I want to finish, or even just get started with
>Spend another 5 hours playing Magic Arena and shitposting on Yea Forums

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if you're over 25 and play singleplayer games, rethink your life / grow up
a few hours of competitive multiplayer a week is fine if you're male

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>want to play game but its korea time and I have to watch gooks beat eachother up in an ancient videogame for 4 hours

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Your life is too easy and you have too much money

This, plus I hate my job. Everyone here is an asshole. Only good thing about it is I get a lot of paid time off because it's a non-profit company

>rent game
>play for 10 hours
>send game back
>enjoy trying out games while saving a shit ton of money

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>buy game
>finish it and move on to the next
Whose comfy gamer here?

Maybe you should stop buying new games and stay committed to 2-3 games and try to get more out of them.

>have endless amount of games, shows, movies to choose from
>can't bring self to start anything
>for years now

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As the French say, “Say la Vee”

This feel sucks i even bothered to setup plex for my shows and movies then just stare at it like my games list