A fucking side character from a spin off game on the DS

>A fucking side character from a spin off game on the DS

Why the fuck do people want him/think he's going to be in Smash?

Attached: 250px-Sylux_mph_Artwork.png (250x374, 87K)

Because they want him in
I want characters in exclusively on the shitstorm they'll cause. I just want additions that make people mad

Because he's going to be a major character in Metroid Prime 4.
This is essentially confirmed at this point.

>making a new thread for this shit when there's already a rosterfag thread you could've posted this in

A game that hasn't even been revealed yet despite the DLC being decided a year ago in a fighters pass full of third party characters?

Because he is a missing piece to the Metroid Prime Hunters spirits.

rosterfags are retarded

Sylux is like the Boba Fett of Metroid at this point. He's not present in the game a whole lot initially, but he's got lore, looks cool, and will play a larger role in games after his introduction.

Idiots want him

>Playable character
>From a game that's been out for over 15 years
>From one of the classic Nintendo franchises
>Confirmed to be relevant later down the line
Honestly Sylux has more going for him than a lot of other candidates, including some that are already in.

inb4 major character in prime 4 and announced as dlc in the next pack as another samus echo

Because before Smash Ultimate there were only two Metroid characters in Smash, Samus and Also Samus. There are people that are autistic and care about representation numbers and feel that a series with as many games as Metroid should have more characters, even though Smash Bros is a character based game, not a series based game, and the number of characters a series gets is dependent on the total number of characters in a series, not the number of games.

Because it's basically confirmed that he'll be one of, if not the main antagonist of Prime 4

>and will play a larger role in games after his introduction
Completely wrong with him and Boba Fett

Because he's supposedly going to have a major role in Prime 4. He was the anti-Ridleyfag Metroid pick before they first showed off Ultimate at E3.

>He was the anti-Ridleyfag Metroid pick
More like the I-Gave-Up-Might-As-Well-Settle metroid pick

That's just how shallow the Metroid series is. That besides Samus and Ridley there's literally nobody else worth having as a character representative in 30 years

keep in mind Sylux only became a popular choice after the Inkling reveal. By that point most everyone had assumed Ridley was never getting in and were looking for a viable Prime 4 rep.

The only one out of a hundred billion "TRUST ME, MY UNCLE WORKS AT NINTENDO" posts about Smash leaks that had Joker, BK and Dragon Quest characters in it also said that Sylux and Edelgard were the remaining DLC characters.

I do think that it's unlikely that they'd leave the FE shill pick for so long after the game is released or that they'd pay attention to Prime 4 in the first place.

Aren't most Metroidfags happy enough already with Ridley and Dork Samus

Boba went from doing barely anything in TESB to actually fighting in ROTJ. Jango ultimately had a much bigger plot relevant role years later and they're essentially the same character unless you want to split hairs.

Sylux has his moments in Hunters too, but given what we see at the end of Corruption and Federation Force, Sylux will play a bigger role in the future based on his lore. They wouldn't keep building him up in ending teasers if they didn't have some larger plan for him. It doesn't have to be huge, it's just going to be bigger than what his past role was.

He barely did anything in ROTJ either other than job to a blind guy

>It doesn't have a big recurring cast so it's shallow!

I'd much rather have Prime Hunters 2 than Prime 4.

Hunters was so ambitious for a DS game.

>series about isolation has very few characters
You don't say?

Yeah. Sylux was a sort of consolation representative since people were beginning to think Ridley would never be added.

After Ridley and Dark Samus there's the people that actually wanted him in all along left

I'm happy although I'd be happiest if Zero Suit Samus got cut from the game and Dark Samus got her own moveset instead


And yet his role was bigger than the couple of silent and brief speaking scenes he had before. Exactly what I said, thank you for agreeing, you fucking retard.

>he didn't see the ending of Prime 3 or FedForce

He has just as much right to be there as Geno.

Who is never getting in by the way faggots

>Why the fuck do people want him
They figured he'd be cool.

>think he's going to be in Smash?
Nobody thinks this, rosterfag, no matter how much you assert otherwise.

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Not him but wasn’t Boba Fett responsible for Han and Leia finally getting caught in ESB? If so that’s a bigger role than flying into a walls in ROTJ.

Yes, but it's not entirely apparent in the context of just the OT movies because Vader is the focus of the plan from the moment all the bounty hunters are shown on the Executor. For all intents and purposes, Fett in TESB is just a prop. He's not even named until ROTJ.