>dnc partners with the machinist who proceeds to get beat in DPS by a completely unbuffed red mage
>continues buffing the machinist anyway
>DNC forgets dance partner completely
Was dancer the blunder of the century?
>dnc partners with the machinist who proceeds to get beat in DPS by a completely unbuffed red mage
>continues buffing the machinist anyway
>DNC forgets dance partner completely
Was dancer the blunder of the century?
Other urls found in this thread:
I suggest you move this thread to /vg/ you incel, or else.
> i have some bad experinces with this specific class, that means that everyone that use that class is shit
You sound like a cuckshed RDM
They should do what WoW did and progressively nerf content until you basically just need to show up and right click shit to win, provided your tank can use any AoE and your healer can do any healing
Janny pls
>RDM cuck angry that Dancer's don't even consider him worthy of dance partner
I've got to the leviathan duty in MSQ, however duty finder is not viable. Should I just create a thing in the Party Finder and see if that brings in anyone?
>SMN and DRG dps in dungeon
Dragon bros unite
Yes, be sure to put "first time bonus" in the description if its your first time doing that duty.
I don't boogie with rezbots.
>leviathan duty in MSQ
You mean the level 50 one? I guess doing Leviathan with a party finder would be okay, but you could attempt to do it through duty finder and hope that people are doing their roulette.
>i buff mediocre players just because they're playing a selfish job that offers nothing else but damage even if a great player is available who outplays them on a class that gives back in rdps more than it takes
Only if you are desperate, people are mostly overleveled and you will pretty much miss out on the fun of the boss fight and basically skip it.
Are you in an FC?
Seethe harder RDM cuck
Dancer don't partner with you because you're a RDM and no one cares about you.
*a FC
I finally got into the Heavensward content last night, and I can't believe I'm saying this but the 100 sum odd hours of grinding was worth it for that "The Parting Glass" quest cutscene.
I was literally talking to my friend right before I walked into those doors saying, "Man, I dunno, everyone says it gets good once I get to the expansion but it's been kind of a slog. Oh, this room has a cutscene prompt telling me shit is about to go down. I guess I'll be back and tell you how it goes."
I was unironically screaming like a little kid.
The grind was worth it.
I'm sorry for ever doubting you, Yea Forums.
Dancers do actually just not bad ones like you kek
Stay bad shitter
I am, yeah, I can always ask them you're right. But I thought that level syncing was supposed to prevent cheesing of bosses and dungeons?
Higher levels sync down sure but they'll do much more damage than an at level player no matter what. It's more a system put in place to make finding groups quicker not keep the content challenging.
I don't play DNC you cuck.
And no, the times you get partnered in light parties don't count. Stay mad about nothing.
In full parties kiddo. Raids and ex trials baby. Smart players recognize skill when they see it.
Oh, weird. I'd assumed it just flat capped your stats to the max possible to the sync'd level.
So Party Finder is the last resort for MSQ content then? I did Duty Finder for the first part of the crystal tower raid, but it was still a massive bum rush to the finish. Is that just unavoidable with the earlier content?
Thats good to hear. When does it finally start? I feel I'm finally close with talk of Shiva now.
I partner up with the cutest boy in the group!
>players using a have no brain
>"WHY IS THE WORST?!?!?!?!?!?!??????????????"
based retard
Heavensward is such a improvement over the vanilla game it's jarring. I almost want to encourage new players to dive in with msq skip directly into HW after seeing how many never got through the chore that was ARR.
>RDM is so far up their own ass they think their job takes any amount of SKILL to play
Stay mad cuck.
Not too far from that.
But I'm talking about the very last quest of the pre Heavensward content.
So you got a minute before you get there and some cool things to look forward to.
But it turns into pure kino in that last stretch.
I'm talking, oh that's an alright very classic style final fantasy story, to, oh this is just one of the best things I've ever seen, in like a finger snap.
If that was just the end to a traditional video game, I'd say it's one of the best endings I've seen in years.
Considering the average XIV player is unable to perform the most basic tasks like reading their traits, actions, or buffs, are prone to play like shit and using RDM's gauge properly looks like some 300 IQ play in comparison.
I started two months ago and this is exactly how I felt. Enjoy Heavensward user!
Still doesn't take any skill.
I guess Bard's are 3000 IQ because they have to keep up their damage over time and use their main songs, maintain their damage over time while making the best use of their off gcd skills use their like three remaining buffs wisely, and deal with mechanics the whole time.
Any amount of skill, even if its the bare minimum is considered "skill", you are mistaking it with "big brain" requirement
And that's pretty stupid how easy BRD players but all the retards can't even keep up a single buff or track their songs
>Just now made it to Stormblood
Time to see what everyones been bitching about
So what you're saying is no class actually requires skill and you're a massive faggot if you actually believe you are at all skilled when playing a class. Gotcha.
I went in knowing people bitched about it but didn't think it was THAT bad. It was noticeably worse than HW but I think if it had followed ARR instead of HW people wouldn't have complained as much.
>kill for a friend
>leave salt for CUL xD
>high dps or kick
>no fails or kick
>kill party enrage exp only [Duty Complete]
>no doubles pls
>job locks
>446 ilvl req
gunbreaker tanks are so shitty goddamn
when is this fotm class gonna die off
Well they certainly tried to bring the skill ceiling down some for mass appeal but you have always seen a few types of players, new, lazy and ignorant (which is what I call back players with no intentions on improving). There are a bunch of fun mechanics that try and teach them things like the slime in Copper Bell, Teratotaur in Qarn and Angra Mainyu in The World of Darkness but it ends up exposing the fact many people just don't care enough about something they'll run once in a blue moon for roulettes.
I want to FUCK Ranaa.
>446 ilvl required
T-this isn't real, right? My friends and I cleared Innocence when I was the only one above 435 (I finished the msq a while before they did, so I had time to get a lot of goetia). I only just hit 447 before reset with eden gear
That sounds about right for an MMO
Redid E2 this week and boy it sure pushes your shit in as a healer when you play with morons.
I've never had this problem. I just ask the DNC to switch partners and they usually do it without question. The ones dancing with bad players are not paying attention or parsing so they just assume you are if you ask them to switch. Of course I only ask in content where dps matters and I host my own parties
If DRK was any indication, in a couple weeks.
Good news though, all the other tank players are just as bad!
I blame it on the stupid playerbase who haven't figured out what their rotation is or atleast try to dish some big numbers. I just finished my daily raids an hour or so ago and I was taking the fucking 3rd spot on the aggro line as a DNC with a i430 weapon, while the DRG, SAM and RDM struggled to keep up.
Or the DNCs who don't prepare their dance buffs before the fight starts/forgets to use devilment before technical step etc.
I am too lazy to parse every single piece of content. If it isn't 8-man level 80 content then I just don't care. Fortunately with the removal of diversion etc. the threat meter is actually a decent measure of damage output at this point so after some time I can ensure I'm dancing with the right person
However if I am doing an expert run with a tank friend, I don't care how good you are, he's getting the buff. If that offends you, you will have to go and seethe in a corner somewhere
t. 8kdps(with dancer buffs) samurai lmao
>making your run slower on purpose
>we're supposed to be mad about that
>of course I only ask in content where dps matters and I host my own parties
Could have saved you a seethe post if you read the post you responded to
But my tank friends dumpster most rando DPS players. They'd probably embarrass you too, my frogposting friend.
I'm still new to the game, I finished the MSQ finally some time last week and my first level-capped char is a tank. Had fun with the level 80 dungeons and finally did the normal raids yesterday.
One shot all the bosses, except for Eden Prime which we wiped once on. Just looked up a brief 5 min guide on the boss fights since I was tanking, would have probably gone in blind if I was DPS but I feel more obligated not to fuck up as a tank. I am obviously aware this is not hard content, I haven't done an EX yet and I know there's higher difficulty raids, but how do people fuck up on this game's basic content? I came from a Heroic/Mythic raiding guild in WoW, so I'm pretty good with being patient, criticism and not fucking up more than once or twice to a specific mechanic.
How much harder is Savage/Ult raiding? What's the skill curve like for PVE in this game?
sam and rdm are both shitters yes, but i'm a nin
go try and get some extremes done
if you handle those with ease savage is a comparable step up in difficulty. as for ultimate...
What's a good way to get into EXs? Just waiting for someone recruiting over a general chat?
The step from normal to ex is pretty manageable even if you've never done harder content
In savage most fights are completely different and the difficulty varies but it's usually much much harder than normal
Ultimates are basically superbosses they are extremely long (20 min) fights that are extremely hard basically incomparable to normal. But you gotta clear savage tiers to unlock them so you'll have experience in hard content
Who is this cutie
If you are an ozzie playing in JP then high-end duty finder works well. I got my Innocence clear done in one lockout with 7 complete strangers.
On NA everything is done through party finder instead. Just join "learning" groups. Have fun. NA party finder is cancer.
Study the fight beforehand for the love of God. Don't be one of those dead weight dipshits trying to get carried through everything.
Do you hold his dick too faggot?
I'll happily ditch my friends as DPs for a more suited class, and they understand this.
EX is comparable to heroic
Savage is comparable to mythic
Ultimate is comparable to the hardest bosses like LK 25HC or mythic archimonde
Okay so first off using aggro as a measure of DPS is wrong and bad. Second, although drg and Sam should definitely be far out DPSing you, red mage is pretty much barely higher than dancer on the dps ranking so it's not like it's unusual for a good dancer to be up there with a red mage
dancer quest person
See? Can't you construct that anger into self-improvement so maybe you will be worthwhile as a dance partner? I know tank AoE is pretty tough to overcome, but you can do it if you try, cutie pie.
>Well they certainly tried to bring the skill ceiling down some for mass appeal
user they were NEVER difficult. Sure they're simpler now, but they never required any real skill to begin with.
It's not really that wrong and bad anymore, among the dps absolutely nobody has threat management tools and healing abilities are few and far between so it's a decently useful at-a-glance measure these days
Of course it's helpless for more nuanced things like switching partners.
Also in comparable gear/skill RDM should be blowing DNC out of the water... basically any other DPS would be. That's why DNCfriends get huge boners looking at the shiny new rDPS part of fflogs
I'm not the other guy you were talking sweaty.
I'm also a DNC.
So go dilate in a corner or something.
>Be only melee dps
>3 other dancers
>They don't run in for stack up effects meaning I have to run over to them and keep an eye on them behind me
>Use limit break despite melee DPS being the best for single target damage
>All 3 of them spam ASCII moogles the entire time, have macros for thier LB
>They do fuck all DPS and we keep wiping
FUCK dancers
FUCK titania
FUCK pugs
Why does this game have so many autistic elitists? Sure some classes are more braindead than others but really all of them are piss easy and if you can’t figure out a class by just reading the skills you’re just a dumbass.
>Also in comparable gear/skill RDM should be blowing DNC out of the water.
Objectively incorrect. Look at the numbers not your feelings. Red Mage is barely above dancer in DPS.
>Okay so first off using aggro as a measure of DPS is wrong and bad.
It's not the best but it will tell you who is doing the most damage after the tanks die.
>red mage is pretty much barely higher than dancer on the dps ranking so it's not like it's unusual for a good dancer to be up there with a red mage
Red mage can hit 11k solo dps, dancer can hit 8.5k.
???? at higher percentiles RDM pulls 1-2k dps ahead
that's 10-20% more ya know?
What does this have to do with titania?
99% of people playing this game dont parse. They have no direct means of knowing if they picked the best partner, and they dont care in casual content and neither should you.
There's no fucking way dancer caps out at 8.5k i don't buy that for a second
>play support job
>has no way to tell if you're playing correctly
Sounds like a well designed game right there
Not him but I'd imagine he's talking about the DPS check. It's also why I have yet to get an EX clear. I am both assblasted and amused you can't call people out for shit DPS because it means you're running AST and that's reportable lol
No content is difficult enough to matter if you picked the best or worst DPS in the group. Its percentages of percentages difference.
Solo, I wouldn't be surprised with the neutered esprit generation
Personal dps in party setting =/= solo dps
Wait do people actually have DPS issues in titania ex? DPS was never an issue in any party I saw, the problem was always either people dying from the knockback or not stacking for the stack marker immediately after the knockback.
To the vast majority of the players playing "correctly" just means being able to clear the content.
This is a savage boss
This is an ultimate boss
I don't know man, I think this expac brought a lot of illiterate players into the fray, god knows how many single pull tanks I saw on the latest dungeons and healers blaming party wipes on the DPS because "they couldn't keep up" that shit almost gave me an aneurysm. At one point I had to use second wind because our healer sucked at doing the most simple job.
>3 DNC party
I'm so sorry man.
What is hades ex going to drop other than a mount?
well he's a primal so... weapons
i meant to say trial but you get the point
You say that as if every trial has the same shit. No.
Is it bad that I want to go through the whole relic weapon chain just to say I did it?
Upset this set doesn't look that good in game.
You seem to overestimate the amount of people who actually parse.
>Tfw comfy FC where nobody parses and we still clear savage/ex content just fine
Imagine having to put up with parsefaggots.
Like Shinryu. A weapon, a totem and a chance at a mount, at a faded roll, at a card and at a crafting material
Huh? It looks good in game except the boots
>4 MCH party
>they stand shoulder to shoulder and pop their abilities at the same time
>4 fuckin drills at once
I've met exactly one actually good Dancer that wasn't a waste of a party slot.
It's literally the retarded tranny job that only dance around in Limsa and ruin parties.
Learn English.
Heavensward is kino, the dragonsong war is thematically sick as fuck. And then Shadowbringers gets even better. It's a shame you'll have to slog through Stormblood tho, but keep at it.
Not really. I had two GNB tanks for Titania claim to have cleared EX only to let the healers die to the adds because "the adds don't autoattack".
>He actually plays WoW: Weeb Edition
>tfw mysteriously addicted to Chocobo racing/breeding.
I'm wasting day after day doing this shit, I'm not normally one for these mini games either.
>just finished HW and jumped into SB
>already miss The Holy See
Treasure it user, treasure those moments.
>Level up a Healer class
>"Summoner get over here to the group so I can heal you with AoE!"
>Rescue Sprouts before they can get hit by 1 hit kill mechanics
>"Tank use your defense buffs and don't stand in the bright colored AoE's!"
I feel like a Mom watching over her retarded kids and love it.
Okay, this will be good.
>Titan, Garuda, Ifrit, Moggle Mog, Ramuh, Levi Hard have weapons
>Titan, Garuda, Ifrit, Ultima, Moggle Mog Extreme have accessories + mounts
>Levi?, Ramuh, Shiva Extreme have weapons and accessories + mounts
>Bismarck, Ravana, Thordan, Sephirot, Nidhogg, Sophia, Zurvan Extreme all have weapons + mounts
>Lakshmi Extreme has accessories + mount
>Susano, Shinryu, Byakko, Tsukuyomi, Suzaku, Seiryu Extreme all have weapons + mounts
>Innocence Extreme has accessories + mount
>Titania Extreme has weapons + mount
ask me how I know it's going to be fucking weapons and a mount
Odin EX when?
When do you fight Odin?
That's when it's time to votekick the annoying healslut
Urth's Fount but it's piss easy, not even a high-end duty
You absolutely can call people out for shit DPS, just don't be a dick about it.
If they report you, all you really have to say is "I looked at the battle log lol" and they can't really do shit to you.
Stop being such a cuck faggot.
Parsing is good, but metaslavery is bad
Did it recently and people still wipe in it at times.
>"Summoner get over here to the group so I can heal you with AoE!"
This is when you Rescue casters, regardless of whether they're mid cast or not.
Parsing is okay if you want to improve yourself and/or your team if everyone is in agreement. Being a faggot and policing random people is where it gets bad.
>start leveling RDM from 70 to 80
>check out the new skills I'll be learning
>a grand total of two across 10 levels and they're both niche situational trash
Thanks squeenix..
Most jobs can solo it at 70. I reckon any job could at 80. Save yourself the headache. If you do WT every week, a level cap Red Mage will do you wonders. Mine is currently just level 73 but I can solo all ARR content and a limited amount of HW content (which I expect to go up when I hit 80) so I can usually get an entire 7-9 stickers done by myself
They made your 10iq job like 1iq harder
I don't type that shit in chat, just like your own Mom I only think that stuff to myself while smilling and supporting you despite thinking that you are a failure in life because I don't want to get banned for being 'toxic'.
don't fix what ain't broken
as a DNC who should i partner up?
i aways just give for whoever asks
i just like dancers and vieras
i am not good with decisions
Just relax. Engagement is actually super nice. They are going to fix Reprise, I expect next week. As for the Manafication trait, you may think 10s is nothing, but it completely revolutionizes the job and adds a ton of consistency and power to the RDM kit. It's shocking how much RDM gained from just a 10s cooldown reduction.
Also, the real power additions of ShB are Veraero II and Verthunder II, no need to wait
Just like BLM, then? But blm is acutally the most fun job to play so there's that.
Give it to whichever dps has the highest enmity.
I unironically agree, sure beats wiping with retarded trannies
Good luck getting that to pass or wait for 10-20m for another healer in progress. I know Yea Forums nerds arent cheeky ingame like they are here lmao
Use ACT and give it to the person doing the most damage. That's who you give it to.
Don't play a buffer class if you won't use ACT
Get a parser and use it on whomever does the most dps
You're in for a rough time once you start Stormblood, right back to where you started
DNC is legally allowed to use a parser.
>The game is apparently doing better than ever
>I'm playing the least used class
>Still 15 minute queue times
>mfw want to play a mdps
>210 ping
>even though I'm behind the rock 1s before titan finish casting I still get hit
Fuck this shit, I guess I need to go back to tanking.
Just give it to a random DPS unless one asks specifically for it. Don't listen to the parsefags.
I wish there was another caster that requires more thought than RDM, but less constant micromanagement than SMN.
BLM is fun, but playing the same thing too long can get grating.
try playing healer or tank?
As a DPS I haven't got a 15 minute queue time for literally any roulette.
The correct answer is whoever is doing the most damage 99% of the time. If you don't want to parse, then whichever DPS has the most threat is usually a safe bet.
The remaining 1% of the time only matters in ultra-optimized group play. The most important combining factors are the partner's damage output (to make the most of their personal DPS gain) and, basically, the partner's GCD recast (for the Dancer's esprit generation = personal dps). Even factoring in the per-job adjustment to esprit generation, SAM is the best partner for its fast GCDs and excellent damage output. The math wizard DNCs haven't completed the simulations yet - RDM isn't even accounted for - but the current priority is SAM>MNK>DRG>BLM>NIN>SMN>BRD>MCH
What the fuck kind of ultra crack are you smoking? BLM's pickups from 70-80 are insane. Shit, Aspect Mastery alone turns the job on its head.
Try MNK. All single weaving all the time (almost). Also invest in Mudfish. I spent $3 on it like 6 months ago and still haven't used it up yet. It looks sketchy as fuck but that's because it's run by people who suck at English
queues are based on role rather than class
I was doing trial roulette and thats how i ended up in that shit party wiping on titania because I was the only one who could do anydamage
may I add
FUCK the french
Why do baddies get so autistically butthurt over the use of ACT? It literally hurts nobody to play a buffer class correctly with a parser
Which class were you, and which content were you queuing for?
So what? You compete in party spots with other melee dps, even if you're playing monk or ninja.
Try learning how to read
You aren't telling anyone the DPS they are doing or uploading logs or anything, just checking if the person you gave partner to is the best choice. There is literally nothing wrong with using ACT for it's intended reason.
because a lot of people who use ACT are shitheads about it
i find one person micromanaging & dps-policing a group of complete strangers to be far more grating than a whole party of BLMs who never use AoE
I meant role, I'm a healer
>it's a retard tells newfag to privilege certain classes over others based purely on assumptions about esprit episode again
Keep telling yourself that parsefag.
I cant imagine what obscure shit you're queueing for to get 15 as a healer. Guildhests maybe?
I have not seen anyone do this at all in any of my many extreme primal groups. Literally the only time parsers come up is if someone asks if someone has a parser and how well they did, that's fucking it.
>Being a faggot and policing random people is where it gets bad
Doing 20% of a 4-man group's DPS as a DPS is bad, and the faggot is you, fuck off and stop playing.
If you're not AOEing in a dungeon you're bad and don't deserve to clear.
If you aren't pressing buttons you're bad and don't deserve to go even through Sastasha.
People who hate damage parsing are like fat people who don't like scales.
You're just afraid of the fact that you're expected to perform better so that you don't take time of other people for your own amusement. This is what it means to be playing a social game and fuck modern MMOs for enabling shitter behavior like yours.
It's not even hard to perform decently in this game, the skill floor is next to the dinosaur bones, just press your fucking buttons that light up, and yet majority of the playerbase fail this.
Fuck you and die.
I use mudfish but it doesn't work that well for me, I got down to 210 from 230. I only like DRG though because it's my favourite ff job. I have mnk at 70 and while it was really interesting to play on stormblood, it wasn't aesthetically cool.
What job played well do you like to see most in your parties?
>Explain the clear, obvious majority case in a beginner-friendly and easy way
>Give a priority for more advanced play backed by the math autists if he's curious
what would you like to be done differently o magnificent waster of posts? and would you care to inform me where you learned the definition of the word assumption
Because most of the people using them are cancerous dipshits who cant keep to themselves. Theres a reason devs never provide parsers themselves.
>hit Crystal Tower in 24-man trial roulette
>get to Bone Dragon
>people don't even bother about mechanics anymore and just mass-heal through it all
No fuck you, I hate that shit, it makes it a shitton of boredom instead of having enjoyment from laughing at people failing terribly because they don't know the mechanics
what's the proper DNC opener?
>least used class
>he even say's he got it wrong
maybe you should try your advice
That's only true if you're playing pvp or doing Ex shit on duty finder.
Isn't the idea that faster GCD=more Espirit? Am I wrong in this?
Seething parsetranny. If you need parsers to do content then you're the baddie.
BLM or DRG, dungeons almost put me to sleep at my pc, I like stuff to die fast, the other day I was tanking for a WHM that just put renew on me and spammed stone and two BLMs that knew what they were doing, fasting fucking dungeon clear I've ever seen, I was so happy
Yes but 1) it's not that extreme because the jobs are kinda normalized and 2) even in the most extreme case its a puny-ass personal gain for the DNC and the really important factor is how well the partner utilizes the DNC buffs. SAM & MNK are the go-to partners since they scratch both these itches, MNK in particular goes nuts with Devilment
It's an RNG proc retard.
It's not surprising to me you can't even read.
Standard on pre-pull > Devilment > Technical > Flourish and then go nuts but prioritize Saber Dance and Fan Dance over the rest.
Pre pull, prepare standard, cast Standard finish on pull, weave Devilment, cast Technical finish, weave Flourish, and start using procs.
You fucked up if you're assuming someone is going to do good dps just because they're sam or monk. Again use a parser. Don't fucking buff anyone simply because of the class they play that's dumb as fuck.
For as lackluster a story SB brings to the table the new areas are at least nice to quest through. It was a nice change of pace from the mostly dreary HW for me.
Hell people still wipe to the fate.
Never seen this happen before and I've used pf to clear all savage tiers. People are too scared about being banned. Most I've seen is people saying the total party dps when we wipe from enrage in savage
you lack reading comprehension please observe the reply chain you are butting into before you embarrass yourself in front of strangers
since you will undoubtedly opt to make another dumbass post instead of doing that, i will just spell it out for you, we're talking about the general case assuming every job is played properly
playing your class and doing it well just means you are barely literate
This entire post is devoid of substance and yet it's delivered with such smug satisfaction. That's about what is expect from a duning-kruger retard.
>we're talking about the general case assuming every job is played properly
That's a dumb fucking assumption. That ain't how the real world works. Use a parser and pick your buffs based on the real world not fantasyland.
>more GCDs in same amount of time doesn't = more chances to proc
You calling others retards is the height of irony, retard.
Did some youtuber do a video on dunning-kruger? This is the third time I read it today.
I'm starting Shadowbringers and the story still feels like nothing but a slog.
At least Amh Araeng theme is pretty cool
See? I knew it. Another dumbass post. If you HAD taken my advice you would have seen a post about how the correct answer is almost always "partner the highest DPS", then the optimal case where there's a priority to consider. I hope you realize why I am so satisfied, you are the one satisfying me
>AST cards buff
>Tank/Melee get Balance, Spear and Arrow
>Healer/Ranged get Bole, Ewer and Spire
I don't get why they did it like this, feels like they just took the cards and separated them in the middle, wouldn't it make more sense to do:
Tank/Melee Bole(since it was always the Tank card), Spear(It's a Melee weapon) and Spire(TP was mostly the Melee resource)
Healer/Ranged Balance(The Sun always made me think of BLM), Arrow(It's a ranged Weapon) and Ewer(Mana is the Mage resource)
Othard areas are nice but the Gyr Abania deserts made me want to kill myself. ShB is a massive step up at least.
Doesn't get great until best guy joins the party
why are you playing this game
Get your brain checked. Not only are you sitting here advocating blindly buffing people based on the job they play but you literally posted a priority ranking (with no support behind it besides "muh math guys" might I add). You don't get to turn around and pretend what you really meant was the highest performer after all that.
SB was a letdown but I'll be surprised if there's ever a zone that tops Azim Steppe
Outer La Noscea, Rak'tika, Churning Mists, Azys Lla also excellent
Did you buy a skip potion? Shadowbrigners is a payoff expansion. If you're not long term invested in the characters then its gonna fell shit.
Well, let's just say it's a complicated situation involving friends.
What's the Samurai opener/rotation?
I'm just sort of winging it and still topping dps
Is the Trial a trap? It no where near reflective of what the game is. It'll make people quit more than anything
Get your buffs then John Madden it.
He literally did say 99% of the time it's based on who is doing more damage, it's the first fucking line of his original post and it does matter who does more GCDs, you ger more espirit based on that. I don't understand why you are so mad.
Well, if you though the previous stories were a slog also then you probably just don't like final fantasy/jrpgs. This won't be any different.
No dancer requires 300IQ
>The correct answer is whoever is doing the most damage 99% of the time.
please explain in complete sentences how this advocates for choosing based on job and not on performance. you should quit while you're ahead amigo you're just digging yourself deeper with every reply
>dude prioritize highest dps
>current theorycrafting and math points to so and so jobs being best for partners GRANTED the job is played optimally
Jesus, you're an insufferable cunt.
I'm not even the guy you're arguing with, but you should honestly just kill yourself.
Good, I'm tired of login queues.
I can accept that, I'm not saying it's shit mind you, just that it isn't my thing, but I've seen so many praises about Shadowbringers that I had hoped that even I would be interested.
>should be the best player but muh math guys say THESE ARE THE CLASSES YOU WANNA BUFF HURRRR
What do you think the average retards are going to get from that, kiddo? All they're going to hear is "make sure you always buff the samurai and monk"
DNC Partner recc:
You gain a lot more espirit from melee classes over others. A whole lot more.
I'm having a hard time between focusing on a healer or tank. What class should I play anons?
Are you just trying to argue for sake of it?
>All they're going to hear is "make sure you always buff the samurai and monk"
You are literally the only one here who heard that.
Whatever the fuck you want
So far I've done Kasha (Ikishoten during the first GCDs) -> Jinpu -> Higanbana (weave Senei) -> Gekko -> Meikyo -> Midare -> Tsubame then continuing from that.
Use Ikishoten, Senei, Tsubame and Meikyo on CD or when party buffs line up (they should anyway since they're all on 60 second cooldowns or multiples of 60)
No, you don't. The pDPS gain from the currently-theorized best esprit-generation partner (NIN) over the worst (SMN) is like 70 DPS @ 6:30. The important consideration is extremely biased towards the partner gaining the most of the %damage and devilment compared to the DNC's pDPS gain. Stop lying. 70 DPS at 6:30 is not "a whole lot more" Esprit
>You are literally the only one here who heard that.
Blatantly false. If this was true then dancers wouldn't be blindly buffing the samurai and monk in 99.999% of pugs where a samurai or monk are present. This is already a common misconception that happens every day
The praise in the context of other MMOs and other Final Fantasy main titles. Comparatively this is exceptionally good, and considered the best FF story in a decade plus.
If you shy away from the FF franchise then you might not find it that exciting.
As for MMOs, no other MMO had so much work put in its story before. Hence why it's getting high praise in that context.
Ah...much better.
Go tell the pug people that instead of us, what the fuck is your problem?
So should every Dancer just assume all Samurais and Monks are retards and partner with tanks?
Would that be more optimal in your retarded little fantasy world?
>as a DNC who should i partner up?
>Its a theory
Nigga Ive played dancer from 28th. I gain so little espirit from "partnering" caster types. I'll always buff melee more.
Great, she is going to break her ankles now.
That's what I've been doing but I wanted to be sure. Thanks dancefriends.
Okay how stupid are you? Are you incapable of reading?
I'm going to tell anyone who pushes a retarded "priority list". Are you forgetting you LITERALLY posted a priority ranking in plain english for blindly buffing people based on their class. Fuck you're dumb.
And like user said. If you're just now starting you probably haven't even found both Alphinaud and Alisaie yet.
The story is just getting started so don't rule out the possibility that you might like it. The writing and character development is pretty solid.
>Are you incapable of reading?
The irony is pretty dense with you.
For one I am not that guy and 2, he said you should buff on highest DPS as a priority and with everyone doing their best, who benefits you and them the most with your buffs. I really want to know why you are so angry, I see some ulterior motive on why you are mad.
user is in Shadowbringers content.
Wow, that means absolutely fucking nothing. You know who else has been playing one job since the 28th? All the grey parsing dead weight morons you find in Innocence EX pugs. Just find out whoever's doing the most damage and partner them.
You aren't talking to me anymore cutie pie. You are doubling down on the list I posted but how many times do we have to point out to you that I said just a few sentences earlier that the correct answer is virtually always "whoever is doing the most damage?"
Why are you so focused in on this? Will you at least acknowledge my 99% comment to make me feel better?
The E12N fight
I'd wager a guess that that user is a seething RDMcuck.
That or NIN.
My reckoning is he plays BLM and gets furious that nobody partners him. He doesn't accept/realize that it's because he's a subpar player, and so blames these melee-oriented priority lists instead.
I mean the start of ShB. He only mention Amh Araeng so I'm assuming he's really early not brought either of them back to the crystarium yet.
Caster main here, the one time a dancer partnered me so far she was right up there with me near the top of the DPS list in the party. Saying dancers get no esprit from us is plain wrong.
In saying that, don't be a fag who expects you to know everything past day 1 and wants you to look up all of the details of the fight before you've even stepped inside it on week 1. But don't join a learning party if you haven't looked anything up unless it's blind.
How good is 9410.88 DPS as a Bard with mostly ilvl 440 gear? First time using this parse shit and no idea what the fuck I'm doing.
Also recommendations what material I should meld on my gear once I get the rest of the Eden gear?
Now this is what I call a shitpost. If I was a subpar player I would know it. I'm literally telling people to use a parser, why in the fuck would you assume I'm a bad player? It makes no sense. I see my DPS. I see your DPS. I know where I stand.
I can only assume that he doesn't get partnered and he is mad his parses aren't as high as others. I see absolutely no other reason why he is as fervent has he is over the idea of a priority list more than anything else.
No one said no espirit but you do get more from faster GCD speed jobs.
>she was right up there with me near the top of the DPS list in the party
Something else was wrong with the party, not the Dancer's esprit generation.
>As for MMOs, no other MMO had so much work put in its story before. Hence why it's getting high praise in that context.
I guess that's it, I'm not exactly a big fan of MMO so I can't exactly compare, and again I might get asked about why I play this game, but as I said, friends man.
That said as long as I have fun in dungeons and shit it's fine.
I did find them, I completed the first dungeon.
Still, it's only the beginning.
What fight?
The user originally said use a parser too but then you went down this weird crusade that makes no sense.
>I'm literally telling people to use a parser
And user was literally saying Dancers should partner with the top DPS, regardless of job.
Who is talking about week 1 here? There's only two EX fights right now and they are way past week 1
It's okay but not great. There are good bard resources available. If you want to commit to autism join the Balance discord and hit up the bard resources channel for guides, gear lists, meld priorities, etc.
You know the irony is that the DNC buff really doesn't contribute that much in the end. Having good luck throughout a fight can be more meaningful. If you NEED DNC buffs to parse purple you are actually just a bad player.
I've been advocating this whole time that while a parser is the way to go, it's not necessary. Enmity is enough to get a pretty good idea of who is doing the most damage, but of course, you'll have to wait until probably a minute into the fight before it's an accurate representation.
Not if she's a dancer worth her hips.
>Listening to lewd ASMR while leveling up my DoL
What are you guys doing tonight?
First eden fight.
If the DNC buff doesn't contribute that much then why even bring a DNC to anything?
And yet they provided a handy and easy to digest cheat sheet priority ranking for blindly buffing people based on class. Sorry but I understand human behavior and from that perspective it's clear his words would only serve to encourage more blind buffing not less.
You are doing pretty good.
>If this was true then dancers wouldn't be blindly buffing the samurai and monk in 99.999% of pugs where a samurai or monk are present
It's almost like everyone knows that those are high dps jobs, so if they aren't parsing they're likely to choose one of those and hope that they can carry their weight.
>mfw no fairy onahole gf
>then why even bring a DNC to anything?
There is absolutely no reason to ever bring a DNC to anything.
They're complete garbage and their party buffs don't compensate for their abysmal personal DPS.
I understand that you get hung up on meaningless shit very easily and are a pessimist who thinks people can't read, especially when the most important statement is in the very first sentence.
>dancers get no esprit from us is plain wrong.
The chance to gain esprit for each GCD is different for each job, but that part was left out of the trait description in the english version.
Quick you have 15 seconds to tell me one change you would like in FF14 or your mom steps on a lego
Personally I just want fun skill based PvP
Sweating my fucking arse off.
>alisaie visibly annoyed or jealous whenever feo ul is in the same scene
Oh, 9410 on Eden Prime is much better than it looks. That long-ass intermission really tanks everyone's DPS. If you really got 9410 on Eden Prime that's probably a solid 85th percentile. I don't know BRD numbers very well, but my best MNK parse on that fight is a 94th percentile run at 9979. By way of comparsion, 94th MNK on Leviathan is just under 13k.
Well, it contributes enough to make DNC worthwhile. I guess that was badly worded, what I'm trying to get at is that you can still perform around the same level with or without DNC buffs with just a little bit of luck.
Gee, it's almost like parses have no data at the beginning of a duty.
A wild concept, I know.
I want the community to play PvP more.
If we are talking big change: A complete overhaul of BLU. Either fully realize the "solo job" part and either buff it to be able to solo everything it has access to, or just balance it for party content.
If we are talking minor change: Make it so that you can set different options for 4 man parties and 8 man parties. I like spell effects in dungeons and other 4 man content, but they get too annoying in 8 mans, and I wish I could turn them off only while in 8 mans.
I'm pretty sure FATE Odin has some level of damage scaling, or maybe % damage (he is Odin, after all). I remember a small group of people trying to take him on at 80 and he completely shitslapped the tanks.
take that back
Fix fucking scholar. Bring back ED at least.
I will when Dancers are buffed.
>first 25% of fight
>SAM with all dancer buffs going back and forth as top DPS with a non-melee class who is receiving no buffs at all
Gee it's almost as if you'd be better off changing partners or something
DRKs are fucking insufferable.
We're hitting seethe levels previously thought impossible
I will repost my poll from a couple days ago about DNC.
Wow, you've finally arrived at what the other user originally said.
Good job, user! I knew you could do it!
I'm sure your mommy will reward you with delicious tendies tonight!
Yum yum!
With how divisive Dancer are, is it even worth playing one when I know people either are ok with them or fucking hate them?
I can't say I have enjoyed pvp in MMOs aside from that one interesting mode in SWTOR Huttball. Aion, Black Desert and TESO just never felt fun to me but I certainly am not against improving it for those that do enjoy Frontlines and such.
play your class well and 99,9% will be okay with you
don't listen to the retarded min max parsetrannies
DNC is universally played by retards. Retards are naturally attracted to other retards, so it's no wonder you can outdps the ape they chose to partner every time.
In my experience people with a case of the ass against Dancer aren't jazzed about the idea of a support-job in the first place and were probably railing against Bard in Stormblood.
I've yet to play the expansion, and I've played a lot thorugh the years, got all my classes up to 70. Is Tanking more boring than it used to be? I used to play war. And did they screw up Scholar again? Maining and leveling it wasn't fun in 4.0
>mad RDM still seething that he didn't get choosen
You have passed through the pleb filter, and you can be our friend. Welcome to XIV, user.
You're better off thinking of tanks as DPS that hold aggro and try not to die
Anyone know what's a DRG rotation with the newest patch?
Not having an ogcd dps button hurts. I also sometimes find myself with 1 aetherflow just hanging out before it's time to refresh. Sometimes you just don't have a need or want for it and previously ED solved that issue.
Just don't give a shit about what people think. Play what u want
I mean they do bring up a point about DNC DPS being shit and the buffs they bring being not that great in comparison to the DPS you could do as a good job. I wish I was still ignorant and enjoyed the things I did before this shit came up.
Dancer isn't divisive at all. This thread is supremely autistic, even among FFXIV threads. There's a few guys in here who just really hate Dancer for some reason.
I really enjoyed stance daning with my War, and I still miss the old Cleric Stance, which was a lot of fun using as there was the potetnal to screw up badly.
I have PTSD after playing WoW for so long about these things.
Everyone who isn't a melee shitter fucking hates dancer. Deal with it.
I don't think my RDM is even past lvl55, and you unlock them at 50.
Tanking's better, or if anything they're roughly equal. Stances and associated mechanics are gone so there is no dichotomy between DPS stance and tank stance, and there is no longer a dedicated aggro combo or DPS combo (all tanks pretty much got their DPS combo as their stock 1-2-3 now). Gunbreaker and Paladin are currently championed a lot as the kings of tanks because they're blue DPSes with tanking utility in terms of actual gameplay, Paladin moreso on the utility end and Gunbreaker on the DPS end. DRK is a bit weird but about as good as it was in Stormblood. WAR got shafted a bit, its survivability got back-loaded to Nascent Glint in much later levels and all of their tank-stance self-sustain was removed, ie Inner Beast.
>And did they screw up Scholar again? Maining and leveling it wasn't fun in 4.0
Pets got all their abilities put onto normal scholar/summoner hotbars so you can't use them as permanent oGCDs anymore. Scholar's DPS rotation carried over from Arcanist was dumbed down not as much as complaints would have you believe, really, Arcanist was not complicated and it's more in line with Astrologian and White Mage's. The only real problem I have with how Scholar plays now is there's nothing to do with your aetherflow stacks except overheal a lot of the time.
I want the devs to accept that with the way healing is set up in this game, they have to give healers the same treatment as tanks and consider them as green DPS like how tanks are basically blue DPS. When healers have more than 50% downtime in even endgame content, you shouldn't give them all only one button to press and another every 30 sec when not healing.
He's correct though. You only use 'an' if the word that follows starts with a vowel, which f isn't.
It's the worst decision out of everything they cut. I understand removing bane and stratagem dot snapping if they wanna dumb down the class.
But removing ED means now there is no way to play Scholar optimally now. You always have to overheal at some point, or simply not use your aetherflow stacks. Really no idea how this got through.
>MNK in ivalice raid
Pre anatman MNK feels bad honestly.
>SAM is 54 lvl
>MCH is 31 lvl
>can't decide if I should level up MNK and NIN to 80 or SAM/MCH
The math is there on they they are shit compared to everyone else and they are reliant on a good group to even match anything else with their buffs included.
>15 min tank queue time
I’m used to getting instant queues since 2.0, this game is unplayable now
Bros, it was a while ago now, but I'm still thinking about how I expected Titan to be a boring fight, but out of nowhere his theme was way better than it had any right to be for such a round motherfucker.
Are the other Primal's good in that regard?
Shadowbringers is a slog until you get through the first half, then the build up starts getting massive payoffs and character development is finalized. It's not that much of a slog if you get invested and start trying to piece things together before they are revealed only to pat yourself on the back for getting it right when they are.
Same as it was before. Disembowel won't fall off before you can even perform the move again after Full Thrust/Fang & Claw/Wheeling Thrust though.
I see, but how does aggro in raids and such work then? Do the other tanks have to give away their aggro to the main tank every now and then?
>A hour is correct and an hour is not
Please tell me how many people you have heard say "a hour" and not "an hour".
It's a vowel sound at the start of the following word that determines it, not the vowel itself
sometimes i can't tell if you cunts are genuinely stupid or really good at baiting
Play what you like, surprisingly most of the time people play a class they like better then a class they are forced to play because it's the 'meta'.
FC is an abbreviation, and is pronounced 'ef cee', so 'an' is correct.
For example: AN FBI agent, not A FBI agent.
People don't care nearly as much about classes here. Only autists on forums. If anything, dancer is not worth playing because it's super braindead, not because it's not top dps.
>check my character
>default window is set to eden normal now for some reason
>some clown uploaded a parse in which I was present
That's a lot of words to say that tanking has become so fucking braindead that you do nothing but press three buttons and an occasional mitigator for tankbusters. Losing enmity is now impossible too and half the role actions got pruned.
Post log
You can Shirk the other tank.
Or the OT can just opt not to be in tank stance.
Provoke still exists.
>duty finder is not viable
since when?
youll get partied with 7 people doing the trial roulette
Be sure to talk in game about how the RDM's parse is better. That will fix your problem.
Usually it's either not an issue (ie Ozma, Thunder God Cid) or they just get up to where they're 2nd/3rd in overall aggro, or 1st in aggro for their alliance, and then flip tank-stance off. Provoke generates a fair amount of enmity now, on top of putting yourself on top of the target's enmity list, so it's a more foolproof way of immediately taking over for MT.
>has become so fucking braindead that you do nothing but press three buttons and an occasional mitigator for tankbusters
So you agree with the sentiment that it's the same as it was before, at worst?
>Losing enmity is now impossible too
Tradeoff for DPSes losing their enmity-management tools.
>half the role actions got pruned.
You were most likely not using the role actions that got pruned.
All primals are good in that regard, it all boils down to which one is your favorite due to presentation and theme.
>over 4k parses
For literally what reason? Why do people do this?
With Emanation (Lakshmi) I distinctly remember loading into the fight, hearing the music and being like “ew wtf is this Bollywood garbage”.
By the end of the fight I was screaming “RIIIIIIISE HIIIIIIGH, HIIIIIIIIGH ABOVE YOUR RIIIIIIIVALS” and tapping my foot furiously because the song is a fucking banger.
First half intended for
>being average on fflogs makes you literally a god in party finder pugs
I'm not sure how I feel about this. Why is that?
It could have a lot to do with the time you play and data center. I had no problem finding groups for everything on the way into early Heansward using df on Lamia.
the majority of trials and raid fights have superb themes
Most players are casual.
I'm glad Zenos is back. He is driven to find difficult challenges and end them, because that is where he can feel anything. He lacks true peers. Does this not speal to the Warrior of Light? We have friends, certainly, but within the setting it is implied that the closest thing we have to peers is the group of adventurers we randomly challenge with. If put in similar circumstances of Zenos, would not the Warrior of Light ended up in quite the same way?
This final information allows us to contexualize the actions of Zenos throughout the expansion. I have seen complaints that he was a poor villain because he had no reason to have lost, aside from allowing us to live. I have seen complaints that he is a shallow character. But with those last few scenes? We see that he is a character that is irreedemable, but not simply a mindless villain capable of evil only for evil's sake. He is twisted and mentally ill, his actions driven by loneliness to the point that he feels desire to create a peer. His one moment of true happiness that he wants to enshrine forever? Being defeated in battle; to finally have an equal, somebody who might be able to understand him in the only way to interact with the world that he has ever known.
To me? Those last few lines from Zenos yae Galvus made him a more compelling villain than many within the entire series
it only gets worse from there
Yeah? How's this for a banger? Seriously looking forward to this raid tier
>tanking has become so fucking braindead that you do nothing but press three buttons and an occasional mitigator for tankbusters
Which is effectively the same as stormblood except you don't do a whole three (or less) GCD's in tank stance in the beginning of the fight before popping over to dps stance and never worrying about aggro again because diversion and shirk exist
FC Trannyfag: Lol, in Shadowbringers trailer Thancred`s gunblade has 6 cartridges but our gunblades has only 2, thats fucking stupid
Me: We use all 6 for Gnashing Fang + Continuation combo
Fag: But it costs only 1 resource, i dont get it, where are other 5?
>Are the other Primal's good in that regard?
It's easier to list what primals AREN'T good in that regard (Ifrit, Leviathan, Ramuh imo). I don't think I have anything negative to say about most of them.
you sound gay af lol
Shadowbringers was an excellent streamlining in general for a lot of jobs, it's Stormblood but with meaningless busywork trimmed off. I don't get the people that think tanking was more complicated in Stormblood.
Nobody cares about your personal DPS you cuck, partner the BLM and have their extra damage shit on yours and anyone else you would have given it to.
Pressing more buttons and having more options will always be better than pressing fewer buttons and having fewer options. There was no reason to take away things from tanks, when they managed to actually give more things to DPS jobs and improve them.
I kind of like the chorus of a thousand Brazilians screaming HUHUHEUHEUHEUHEUEHEUHUE into my ears when the area loads in
Honestly this but unironically.
There's also the added irony that Zenos is functionally immortal now if he so wishes.
Bane was worthless once they added Miasma II or whatever it was.
I've been using Sacred Soil a lot more because of that. Of course, the Regen and mitigation from it makes it so my healing is even less necessary. But at least I don't have to feel bad about having too much Aetherflow usually.
>giving it the blm
What's the most fun and engaging class in the game?
>Dancer partners you
>Get performance anxiety and fuck everything up
I actually really like the song, but the fight itself is pretty dry.
>Zenos is functionally an Ascien
good thing Gaius is around
>Pressing more buttons and having more options will always be better than pressing fewer buttons and having fewer options.
You have fewer buttons, not fewer options, this expac. All tanks really ended up losing in the long run was DPS stance and their aggro combo, the latter of which was only used in emergencies or to initially establish aggro.
What the fuck dude, is your brain half dead? Yoshi said multiple times the job was made to be braindead.
>>dnc partners with the machinist who proceeds to get beat in DPS by a completely unbuffed red mage
>>continues buffing the machinist anyway
how do you know that the red mage is beating the machinist?
ausfag here, what classes are tolerable with shitty ping?
Okay. Let's see
>optimal strats/composition etc
>proper communication and teamplay
>same people in static = better teamplay
>unlimited padding
>ability to upload only good orange logs and ignore everything else
>pug play
>pure random fights
>no communication and minimal teamplay
>padding only for friends or pure random
>anyone can upload your log without asking
Pug logs are more honest.
Zenos isn't deep, but he's not shallow, either. I rather like him and his role in the story as our evil equal, down to having an evil Echo and a thing for subsuming primals instead of defeating them.
It's also the most fun.
>dancer partners you
>verfire/stone procs won't hit, shitty internet fucks up your flow and causes you to try hardcasting a verthunder because dualcast didn't come up
>only 9k opener
controller chads ww@
Yoshi's also a shit-faced liar when it suits him, SAM got a little bit more complicated from not being able to freely manipulate its sens. There's a definite line between SAMs that know how to play it and SAMs that don't.
Why are you in a FC with trannies?
well that's the thing, your stats and gear are capped at the max possible sync level. But that's still quite a bit higher than most people were running with when the content was current.
Should I just keep grinding the Eden fights not for loot but just to improve my parses?
Yeah, Yoshi was lying. Definitely. The job is not at all easy or feels like it was made for the purpose of being easy like he said.
If you feel like.
>there are people who actually think the removal of Hagakure made SAM simpler
Those people are known as people who haven't actually played SAM.
I was in a Titania group on DRK with 3 dancers. One of them buffed me. I was having the run of my life and d/ced at the end of it. Finished 81st percentile. Kill me.
Complicated in a bad way, because of the clunky rigidity. Previously SAM had been complicated in a good way, i.e. nuanced, because of the flexibility of Hagakure
Who the fuck cares about normal mode parses, just get ready for Savage. Go get some gil to stock up on tinctures and espresso
I can see you're interested in talking about this.
If it's just for personal improvement, sure. But no one really cares about non-Savage parses.
I partner with whatever DPS I feel like and I don't switch for the whole fight, and you can't do shit about it.
I'm not sure if WoL would have ended up the same way Zenos did if he were in his position, because Zenos definitely displays psychopathic traits and that is an inborn condition, which most likely was further exacerbated by his privileged background. Or maybe something went a little bit wrong when he was made, because it's all but stated outright that he's genetically engineered.
He wasnt like that 3 years ago. Guess if someone starts IRONICALLY spewing gay trap jokes then its a big red flag
How do I find a hunt LS?
>before: need to decide whether to sacrifice Sen for Kenki
>now: just bash the giv kenki button on cooldown
The removal of that flexibility forces me to think ahead on my GCDs or pace myself out so I don't let Higanbana fall off, I'm fond of it.
fflog uploader has a live mode
I always loved the music change for Shiva's phase shift, it's a shame the fights over so fast now.
I just want to find a static and I feel like I need to have all my parsers purple before I even can get a chance.
>now: figure out on-the-fly if higanbana will fall off by the time i'm down to one sen again and whether i should refresh it now or wait until later
Not with someone who is retarded enough to genuinely believe they know more than Yoshi about his own game design. What use is there arguing with an ape when you visit the zoo?
Enjoy your 4cleave faggot.
>before: dude use Hagakure literally always it's off cooldown if you have more than two Sen
>before: dude, you fucked up your rotation, and you're in danger of overwriting a Sen, just use Haga lmao
Statics usually don't care, the more important thing is that you're capable of clearing content. { Don't worry about it. }
redpill is out-damaging the dancer and their partner
if you haven't found a static by now, you probably aren't going to
but on top of that, I doubt there's going to be much demand for DNC in statics
based samfriends
Yes, lets pull up our big boy pants and talk about this. Ignore that other retarded user.
I'm upset they effectively deleted Selene instead of coming up with some different use.
Meanwhile their QA testers still miss the most blatant design errors.
Yeah but mandatory Enpis feels awful
Trust me, it's heading down the same set-in-stone path of SB Machinist. I loved SB Machinist but boy was that some shitty design
I did expect this would be the case, I should honestly just quit. It's too late to learn and level something new and play them to a respectable degree.
Tell me about your savage adventures with pugs. No FC trannies.
Based Musosai.
>now: overcap sen to align your abilities also use backstep with enpi to align your dot with raid buffs
Yeah I'll take Hagakure thanks
why do people call tryhards at this game trannies?
>Want to play XIV
>Open the launcher
>Click play
>Have to watch 10 seconds of logos that you can't skip
>Take 2 seconds to click start
>Cinematic starts playing
>click yes
>Start again
>Click character
>"Login with this characters?" that I literally just clicked
i wish the people writting the story would think like that but his end is going to be pathetic and no good interactions between WoL and him
what a shame
>Seeing BLMs and their tendency to not moving out of fire, confused why the fuck you fuckers don't do mechanics
>Finally gotten to level BLM and unlocking their shit
Now I understand. I'll tank this one. I'll be fine. Just one more cast.
People in these call everyone trannies, I don't get it.
But what race and sex is your character?
I don't fucking know if i had to guess its because trannies are very vocal just like tryhards.
Go hang around on the Balance discord for a day or two and you'll find out. Almost every single tryhard is a tranny.
>search for an item on google
>gamerescape is not the first result
literally for what reason?
A couple horror-stories of Ultimate raiders being trannies blew up alongside the Yea Forums and Yea Forums spillover of obsession with trannies on the internet
Just take the Garland Tools pill
Nearly everyone that play this is game is, it's just easier to notice tryhard ones when you go to a fucking discord about min maxing stuff
What's the race+class combination that when you see it you just know that player is going to be bad or obnoxious or both?
Literally any job.
Lala tank.
Last time someone on Yea Forums said what a tranny was, they said it's literally any male who plays a female character so I don't believe any of the shit you people say.
How do i join an FC or a static bros? Im mostly a storyfag doing some hards here and there, but i dont wanna be that guy that reaches endgame and ruins EX runs and raids because he never bothered to git gud
That was how it went with my old FC. Was with them for years and they were a pretty good group, welcoming, cracking jokes, running stuff, having a good time. Then slowly more and more fags crept in and some jokes were now off the table, then slowly over a period of months, the fun people left (or were kicked after offending someone) one by one until the leadership changed and it became a full blown LGBT FC where no fun was allowed. I left after that. The slippery slope is real even if it is slow moving.
>this is your perfect parse run
>you have AOE marker
>you cast Despair
>~4 seconds remains
>you gonna make it
>*that guy with AOE marker appears*
Do you get anything from completing all the facets?
>why do people call tryhards at this game trannies?
Because making actual arguments for why it's okay to be shit at video games is harder than just calling everyone you disagree with trannies.
If you wanted to remain ignorant, why even ask the fucking question? They're not guys playing female characters, they're literal fucking trannies. You could easily go find out for yourself, but you won't.
>DNC gives me devilment
>I'm finishing my fire phase
Male au ra anything.
We did it senpai.
Just put up a post on the party finder about searching for an FC/static.
Never ever join an FC that spams any chat.
You guys win I am dropping Dancer, what should I play instead?
play Lalafell!
Just saw a viera with this on and it got me thinking. Why can't they use the same logic with every other head piece in the game?
any race and class that isn't mine
Please understand
any race and class that is mine
Anything Mi'qote and lately vieras too.
Probably not possible
>midcore FC
Most of them will not clear anything
>hardcore FC
They don't give a fuck about story/lore and video games. Only raiding. Only meta and cybersport
Blonde lalas are generic garbo
Asking the real questions
Catboi DRG or RDM, the peak zenith of failure combinations.
>Mad cientist carrying a bunch of lala heads
Kinda scary desu
It’s the new DNC weapon, you lob lala heads at enemies.
you spelled "bard" wrong
>use to check a tryhards openers for drg/MCH
>looked like massive weeb from overlay and his catgirl look
>must be waifufag
>just before SB he says he is a girl now
>guess he didn't want to fuck his catgirl but be his catgirl
>uploads o4s clear with his "feminine" voice
Catgirls and lizardsluts are the gateway for tryhards turning to trannies
>tfw got top DPS in the second Eden raid fight with no DNC buff over a Red Mage with a DNC buff
>as a BRD
SUCK MY DICK RDM. I even let my DoT fall off a couple times on accident and I still beat them.
Bards as well.
The only consistently good physical ranged DPS I've seen since Shadowbringers launch have been Machinists.
>run e4n blind the first time
>die to the same mechanic every time, makes no sense
>ah I'll just watch a video in a few days while at work to see what I was supposed to do
>turns out I'm just supposed to stand right in front of the boss
Pornsickness and moeblob anime cause autogynophilia.
Bard does higher DPS than red mage though. Although a good red mage with dancer buff should still be top DPS but yeah it's not like bard has lower DPS or something
man i really wish you could use any glamour instead of being locked on your class
would be cool using tank gear as a dancer and dragoon gear without playing with dragoon
Do people still run crystal tower?
Too boring for you, fag
>obvious AoE covering 3/4ths of the arena
>DUDE WHAT THE FUCK how did I die!?!?!?!
Based retard.
All the time in roulettes for easy exp.
Yeah, he scales off how many times he got beaten in a row or something. He even levels up.
No. Would kill immersion and be lame as fuck
Are you retarded? That mechanic has no AoE covering the arena retard. You don't even know which one I'm referring to
>people don't do crystal tower
>get in the cutscene with the exarch
>shout his name
>what the fuck is his name
Dunesfolk lala
No user.. you are based and hyurpilled
I wish you could change hair styles with glamours plates..
Reminds me E1N has a part where one of the explosions leaves smoke covering the whole screen and you can't see your character for a good while. Always felt like it was a dick move.
oh so the frog suit and slut glams every class can use are okay, but an armored healer isn't?
Got fuck yourself
It got us all the first time, but only the first time. Did you not figure it out by looking at the people who weren't dead after that?
The only mechanic in Titan where you're supposed to stand right in front of the boss is Massive Landslide, that does have AoEs covering the arena.
Stay retarded.
They were doing a pretty good job anyway, they did overtake me when I let my DoT's fall off and had to reapply them, but fell behind again.
>>Cinematic starts playing
that only happens if you leave the start screen idle
>>"Login with this characters?" that I literally just clicked
that only happens if you've used a fantasia
Landslide does not have a marker until the attack goes out but most people understand what happened after the first landslide.
yeah that would be cool too
ok sir frogsaron my bad
BRD or DRG if you still want the support role
RDM if you still want it to be braindead easy
Used to be i thought the slippery slope was just a fallacy
but no its actually a prediction of whats to come, not about fags mind just the general state of all things
How many of you niggers even play Dancer?
>be SAM chad
>take all aoe and avoid mechanics to the face to keep my dps up
>making healers sweat all day
Massive landslide does not have AoE around the platform fucking retard
Making the user a massive retard for dying multiple times to it.
I bet he had trouble with Evil Earth as well.
>be regular joe miqo'te player who just thinks catgirls are cute
>tfw trannies are giving you a bad name
How does BRD support? I also mained MCH but no one wants any physical ranged DPS in their statics so BRD and MCH need to be dropped too.
90% of the player base is gay or a tranny
that fucked me up several times today
Pay attention, next time.
i wanted to play even before the reveal at the hints of it and since i am a braindead dps i was kinda annoying that i would need to play a healer
but look how destiny is funny
>Get hit by an AoE as a gunbreaker
>Healer heals me with an OGCD
>Pop superbolide and make him do it properly
Can't believe a loud minority made you people think this.
>no one wants any physical ranged DPS in their statics
those statics are complete idiots, you get a 1% raidwide damage buff for having one of each role.
>que eden with a few buds
>we give our astro bud two dance partners just to fuck around
>the sam gets mad for trolling and leaves
You don't even get that option if you haven't completed the crystal tower storyline.
>be wrong
>backpedal and move the goalposts
Fuck off retard. There's zero indication that you're supposed to stand in front of him there. In fact the only indicator that appears at that mechanic at all is the blue line AoE in front of him which actually makes you think NOT to stand there. Stay wrong faggot.
People don't want them because there are a million ranged DPS so everyone has that covered.
That's because melee DPS are braindead idiots who think they're entitled to buffs. Never buff a melee.
>They're not guys playing female characters, they're literal fucking trannies.
You and I both know when Yea Forums complains about trannies they're not actually complaining about trannies
>uses Benediction
>healer is watching netflix
>try to hold off mobs as long as I can
>pop superbolide by the time my hp is down to less than 10%
>a milisecond before, the healer pops benediction
Got what he deserved, fucking clown. Should be watching netflix in the first place.
In this case they actually are
oh fuck is this for real?
that's pretty cool
i do this with my buddies sometimes didn't have people getting upset though
The FC I was in there was 2 cishet males and 1 cishet female, the rest where bi, gay or trans
I thought XIV being LGBT central was a joke but it really isn't
Epic story.
>Wipe to Atomos
>Almost wipe to Bombs
>Wipe to Behemoth
>Wipe to Phlegethon
Getting hit by it once is acceptable. Getting hit by it multiple times is not.
>tfw im the last roe in my world
Were Roes too big to live?
Glad your sample size of 1 FC is the whole game.
>at all is the blue line AoE in front of him which actually makes you think NOT to stand there
>appears after the first part goes off, has plenty of time before the blue line resolves
>die multiple times to THE SAME THING
>do everything the same every single time
You're retarded for not learning from your first time and for not actually paying attention to what's happening.
You are now the only roegadyn left to take all of the lalafell women on your world. Your story begins now.
The other 2 FC's I tried to join quizzed me to check if I was a homophobe, I refused to join as I was kinda offended by them asking if I'm ok with LGBT people like every one is a bigot until proven otherwise kinda thing
DRK buffs when
take the viera pill and end this disgusting race for good
>hurrr i died here next time I'll just stand right on top of an AoE that'll do it
Just because a retarded clock is right twice a day doesn't mean it's any less retarded
>melee needs to be in melee range + positional
>casters have cast time
>ranged have ???
Tell me about ranged jobs. Isn't in theory they all should have easiest time in game? Like 99% uptime. Who is more fun to play: BRD or MCH?
>let you die and have the dps finish the pull with my 20 ogcd heals
>kick you out of the group and back into another 30m que time
Based YoshiP putting tanks in the shed.
Shut up, tranny.
Yeah same for saying "'tis good to see you awake, G'raha Tia. As well as asking the Crystal Exarch if G'raha Tia was in the tower when he found it." If you haven't done the crystal tower storyline before doing Shadowbringers your WoL no idea who this guy is.
I can't believe you would go on the internet and lie like that.
Tanks are often in need in primal, we're back baby.
Personally I like Bard why more then Machinist, although to be fair I haven't given Machinist a fair shot. Sort of fucked around with them then dropped them.
How do i find a static or an FC? an user got burned out when he finished shadowbringers cause he was alone and had no one to clear content with and i dont wanna end up like that
The only disgusting thing about roes is the shit facial hair options.
He's on crystal.
Although, there's is a high population of LGBT people. Maybe 20-30%?
man that's actually pretty horrible i hope no one skips that quest or else it really impacts a little bit
i mean not the reveal since that isn't a big deal but everything else
You telling me the GNB wagon is dead? God bless.
Ranged physical is definitely the easiest. Bard is a bit more difficult of the three at least until you master their actual gameplay but until then you run the risk of tunnel vision by staring at your bars too much. MCH and DNC are definitely the easiest jobs in the game though
Because it's obvious you haven't actually set foot in Eden yet, I'll explain Massive Landslide for you
>starts with Titan taking his shoulderrollerblades into his hands
>after the cast goes off, a MASSIVE AoE animation goes off to HIS BOTH SIDES
>the row right in front of him is conspicuously clear of any attack animation
>AFTER said side attack animation go off, a blue line AoE appears in the row in front of Titan
>after a while, an AoE animation goes off on the row with the blue line
Now, what that user did
>see Titan cast Massive Landslide
>likely has working eyes, so he's capable of seeing everything I've explained above
>stands on the rows to Titan's sides
>dies every single time
Gee, I wonder what could be going on.
Just the fact that he died EVERY SINGLE TIME he stood to the sides of Titan should be clue enough that what he's doing is WRONG.
Stop playing this game any time, it's clearly too complicated for you.
Enjoy Ishgard while you're there bud; no other city area comes close
>Dancer dance partner each other instead of the BLM and SAM
fucking FAGGOTS
Oh I thought you were a femroe
Take the hrothgar pill then
I guess if you are going to the gay data center and complaining about gays then yeah, it's on him. It's like going to Moon Guard in WoW and wondering why people don't want to do PvE content.
Id sell my soul for better facial hair options for all the races. Fucking Cid rocks a nice beard but midlanders stuck with shitty teenager mustache.
I dunno what the point of DNC is. Seems like you could just replace them with a nuker like BLM and you'd get more DPS out of a DNC + Partner. A NIN's trick attack would probably contribute more damage overall + their own damage.
Ah yes and the solution is standing on top of an AoE lmao what s big brain faggot you are
This is my concern too and according to Yea Forums and damage calculations, you are completely right.
Wait crystal is the homo server? Fuck me i just started two days ago
>rest of the party stands on the blue thing, doesn't die
>I don't stand on the blue thing, I die
>clearly I am the smart on here
this thread is dying but shut the fuck up
>the solution to not dying to the first delayed stack marker in Voidwoken is to have everyone, even those with other aoe markers on them to stack together
>literally misses the point that the blue aoe appears well after the cast is finished AND has several seconds before it resolves
Any random idiot could figure it out without looking up a guide, yet it was too difficult for your retarded ass.
>have one of the easiest jobs in the game
this is fucking great
NINs have 10 pagest of tears on official pages about how useless they are. According to them TA is garbage because of NIN damage
If we're not getting anymore new races, can we at least get an updated character creator? Even for the new races.
Shit's ridiculous.
small indie company please understand
>Male DNC
Why the FUCK is this allowed? blacklisting all of you sick fucks, especially hroths with the bunny girl outfit holy shit i hate this game so god damn much sometimes
>tfw I really enjoyed MCH in SB
>it turned into UNGA BUNGA SMASH HEAT of ranged DPS
I hate it.
Only shitters read/watch guides for any content inluding Savage and Ultimate. Just make or join PFs, starting with a blind learning party, and don't join PFs that are on sections of the fight past your personal experience.
t. cleared all extremes and savage raids in PF while they were new without ever touching a guide.
You're getting memed on, Crystal is in large part fine. Lower raid-clear rate than the other data centers, more people that aren't interested in anything beyond EX primals. There's still enough Savage raiders and the like that you can squeak out clears if you try enough times. Between Moogle, Faerie and Balmung in my play experience Balmung was the least cancerous.
It also has Titan do a long ass animation before it goes off, -and- he fires off the same text quote on the screen every time you do the fight.
i like my beard
But I like it this way.
>what the fuck SE? I really enjoyed eating that shit, why did you take it away?
I know NIN is in the cuck shed with DNC. I don't know why I bother playing this game, it's fucking WoW all over again.
>play a male
>didn't even unlock DNC
Is 75th percentile as DPS with absolutely zero padding good ?
No. With the amount of shitters in this game, you should be able to hit orange parse with no food buffs, pots, and nin/dnc padding.
No it's shit only 100th percentilers are good
i found a bald male dancer that was fucking awful dude was fucking annoying as hell on Holminster Switch
But NIN always had shit DPS. If you pump NIN's damage high they will remain in every group slot forever
It mean's you're in the top quarter.
It's good, and completely passable, and don't let the parse trannies tell you otherwise.
That doesn't mean there isn't room to improve, since it isn't great, either.
>why can't my job do as much damage as BLM and SAM while giving out as much raid support as NIN and DNC
No it's not good. Strive for consistent 90+, near orange or even tipping into the low oranges.
Most shitters don't upload parses
Could be better, but right now there's a lot of volatility in parses due to gear upgrades, if you just hit 80 and trying to get your Titania weapon while everywhere else has several Eden NM pieces you'll be naturally behind.
Only 100 is good.
You are completely retarded, as is anyone who didn't figure out every mechanic in Eden after seeing them once. Please never play this game again.
If the solutions to everything on Titan and all the time delays in Voidwalker weren't INSTANTLY obvious to you after the first time, you are flat out fucking retarded, no buts or ifs. The voidwalker ones were obvious to me even the first time seeing them thanks to the names of the attacks and the huge ass countdown indicators, but I can excuse people for failing them once. Yet, I see people in runs with no newcomers STILL not understanding them. Pathetic.
>play BLM
>hear DH is better than CH at this point in an expansion, and CH takes over later on
>retrieve my CH materia and meld DH instead
>damage feels lower
Thanks Yea Forums
How do you even do 90+ without at least some form of group buffing ? Not everything at once obviously, but at least one of astro/dancer/nin/dragoon tether
>Not 100
Aiurily Ai
What could possibly compel a person to type this shitpost?
>not 100
I do 100 without food, pot and padding. Pure skill.
>tfw grey parse sch
How do I git gud? I feel like I'm always too busy healing to dps
This, but unironically.