Matt thorson is non binary

what does Yea Forums think of this?
Matt Thorson is the creator of Celeste and Towerfall

Celeste/Towerfall thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's a faggot for sure

hip hip hooray for national psycho day

Non-binary doesnt exist and is only used by people to get more attention.

>non binary
We did he mean by this?

I dont even know what non binary is, I think it's just asexual



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>Im comfortable being myself
>Tries to be something else

He's using emojis, so he's in line for euthanization anyway

Shutup faggot you're male like every person who has a dick.

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you have no power here faggot

Celeste is worth more than any 4channers life, they’re fine with me

Neither do you, Nigger

>twitter screencap thread
strike one
strike two
> indie shit
strike three


Somehow I knew it'd be tied up with politics and so I hadn't bought it yet, and now I just don't think I ever will as I do not support this kind of stuff. It's an unhealthy echo chamber propagated by people who profiteer off sick people by stuffing them with hormones.

He is indeed a faggot

Assuming there's a biological basis for gender -- that is, there are some biological factors that cause someone to think they're "male" or "female" -- there's no reason to assume that someone couldn't, either through mutation, unusual hormonal situations, etc., be in a situation where neither biological factor is expressed -- i.e. they feel neither male nor female. That's the definition of nonbinary. If you have a counterargument, feel free to reply with it.

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I'm just a guy that likes to dress up like a girl
I'm still a dude, my voice is still manly, I just look ambiguous

Quit trying to fit in

Good for him :)

But non-binary people wouldn't be trans, how could they be "transphobes"?

Yea Forums is an unhealthy echo chamber and LGBT lives aren’t politics


your a faggot, faggot

Humans just dont work that way. We as humans always try to escape what binds us to our bodies and we try to overcome our limits but the reality is that there are limits, maybe in the future you can fuck with your body enough to be considered non-human and by extension get rid of the limits of your body that make you human but that reality isnt today and anything else is just delusion,fantasy and pretend.

Binaries rise up

Literally who?

Yup, being pretentious as hell here. Stop vying for more attention by calling yourself all of these long-ass pronouns just so you feel special. If you're gay straight, or lesbian, whatever. It shouldn't be anyone else's concern but your own.

cis men and cis women can become hormone deficient

Trans people are just men and women who are deficient in their gender's sex hormone

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gayzilla fag

Hey! Let's play mothman!

The political part is thinking anyone cares and using your video game's popularity to get an audience
Fuck off faggot, either you produce sperm or eggs, and the rest is just shit you make up to feel good about yourself
Stop with the infinite labels, they just serve to divide shit

Yea Forums would be an echo chamber except it mostly just echos conflict itself, most opinion threads have someone countering it within 20 posts and usually reach 100+
Now, there are certain boards which are certainly echo chambers but this is not likely one of them
>inb4 literally any agreement with anything constitutes and echo chamber

Gender doesn't even have a feeling. All this trans faggot gender bullshit is the work of some insane demonic cult. Has to be. The mental ill demon possessed "trans"people need therapy.

didnt we know the team was full of mental cases at the game awards when it looked like a stage of clowns?
this isn't news
I didn't watch zombieland saga, is that a trap character or something?

you're an egg, quit denying it

It's exploitation
They're vulnerable and want an answer, and some group/individual/whatever or another convinced them that frankengenitals and ostracizing people by creating labels they couldn't possibly know or understand at a glance would somehow fix their life.

Instead they're sick people being preyed upon. Beaut

trannytrap character, as expected from a shit show

>Yup, being pretentious as hell here.
It's okay to admit you don't understand.

A lot of nonbinary people claim to be trans for some reason.

You are all a bunch of wankers

how is this video games how is this video games how is this video games

feel free to answer any of those

I wish I was a girl, but every guy wants to be a girl

>better clothes
>better names
>i could get to be around women without feel like I should be ashamed of being attracted to them

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Why would you ever expect anything but vitriol from Yea Forums? Literally anything but? Literally ever?
Fuck off to Reddit or wherever you washed up from, kek

You sound like a fucking beta, holy fuck

Literally who?

alright, now blow me, faggotboy

Are you new here?
If so go the fuck back you nigger

I really don't like how people keep just making up days. You can't just make up days dude, otherwise there's no point in any of them

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I don't give a fuck, you cunt. Im free to stay here anytime i want.

>gender doesn't even have a feeling
Then how do you know what gender you are?


I don't fucking care!

Mental illness is a virtue.

Accept it, you incels.

U mad? This is my personal political shitpost board.

Most of Yea Forums right now isn't video games, but if mods deal with one flavour theyll end up having to deal with it all and that would basically empty the board out
>get to be MAI ANIME QT
>get to lez out with chicks
>get to lez out on yourself
It's greener grass is all, all fun and games til some dude rapes your fannyhole because you're out at 12 grabbing some chips from the 7-11, or whatever the hell
All fun and games til Elliot Rodgers shoots you for spurning his dick

You just think that because you're obsessed with girls.

at this point America should just nuke itself into oblivion, this is the shit that happens when you don't have a culture of your own

They are literally all mentally and morally ill. They believe the lies that they spew out. It is sad.

>he fell for the "Yea Forums is for videogames" meme

I just use Yea Forums because I like the format but you guys are a bunch of retards who don’t know shit about gender psychology.

Reminder that in majority muslim shit hole countries where all the women are controlled and oppressed using polyagamy, muslim men just dress up little boys and fuck them instead because they literally have no contact with women who aren't their mothers and siblings

This is exactly the same as autistic man children programmers who never interacted with women their entire lives deciding they're "lesbians" or want to put on a wig and get fucked by dudes

explains the celeste is goty cocksucking it got, they all got each others back for being special unique snowflake people

why do you reply like a child?

>gender psychology


I genuinely don't care what you identify as so long as you're not a fucking asshole about it.

>you have no power here faggot
Considering the amount of seething I see every day, trans faggots might as well be the most powerful evil creatures in the universe by Yea Forums standards

"LGBT lives" are politics

This stupid fad only exists because it has been enabled by people in power who propagate the meme that people are "born this way". They are not.

Why don't you come to me and find out?

You are ill. Open a bible and read from beginning to end. That is your only chance to free yourself from the lies filling your head. You are a man.

you will always be who you are "inside" your head, becoming hyper focused on outward appearances is what a child who can't accept reality does

taking drugs is only a temporary and insignificant change, you don't suddenly become a different person because you drank a beer or smoked weed, just like you don't become a girl by taking pharmaceutical corporation hormones

yep, a dumbass fucking child

You acclaimed psychologists know more than the APA?

People are trinary. You're either man, woman, or

God you are pathetic, stop watching anime
t. tranny

Your body is still a male and thus it produces hormones and testosterone that make you think and act as a man. Where you stick your dick isn't related to that in any way.

As long as he’s not going to shame ME for not being non-binary in his games, I could give less of a fuck.

>I use Yea Forums because I like the format
Same. Too bad this shithole is infested with braindead uneducated peons. Well, the entirety of the internet is, but here they're allowed to actually voice dumbass opinions without reproach. and that's a good thing!

Oh look he's mentally ill. Unless it's got XXY then they're just crying for attention. Cause that's what kids do today. They scream until they get their bottle.

Well, it seems that you are so insecure about it that you call me a child just to make yourself look better :)

And what if your body -- for whatever medical reason, it's irrelevant to the end result -- isn't producing those hormones? That's what the post you're replying to is fucking saying.

i seriously wonder where will we be 10 years from now, i cringe at the very thought

>I struggle with shame sometimes
I'd recommend, Matt, that you explore that feeling and not assume that it doesn't have something to tell you.

Your genitals, muscles, body hair, facial hair, voice. All these things are obvious. There is no feeling whatsoever. "Any feeling" trannies are experiencing is a trick meant to deceive them.

i bet you don't either. i bet you just spout a bunch of bullshit you think is right or heard somewhere. what do you expect in a "community" full of kids and young adults behind their computer? think they're not gonna take the chance to try ruin someones day without consequences? stop being dishonest and more importantly, stop caring.

No. That would be a defective male or a defective female, not a third thing.

A bird that is born without a wing is not another species or another type of the same bird. No, it's just a defective bird that is missing a wing.

Male or female, thats all there is
You can try to claim that intersex stuff exists, but even then its only ever going to be a mix of male and female, nothing else.

Claiming to be non binary is also claiming to be an attention whore, sexually confused, and a big ol dumbass

I know there's men, women, hermaphrodites, mental illness and/or retards seeking attention

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waiting for a reply, big boy

Why should it be producing those hormones to begin with? That reason is why you're a man or a woman.

Who gives a fuck? Anybody who mentions this in the topic of a thread otherwise meant to be about video games is clearly trying to stir up shit.

Just play video games.


Someone send the APA taskforces copypasta.


You mean the same people who removed homosexuality from the dsm because of political pressure?

Gender was invented by psychologist John Money when he had David Reimer and his twin brother perform sexual acts on each other to somehow prove that gender and sex are not the same thing.
One ended up taking enough sleeping pills to take his own life and David felt the need to end his life by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun.

Just be a fucking twink holy shit, I remember being just like you

If it's sexual stuff you're after just put a fucking dildo up your ass or get someone to fuck you
If it's clothes you're after, you can literally wear anything that isn't a dress/skirt/crop-top etc. from the womens side of the clothes store, hell a lot of mens clothes are very androgynous

I dont know why you'd think women have better names but you can just get a gender-ambigious name
>i could get to be around women without feel like I should be ashamed of being attracted to them
and this confirmed you as some beta loser retard

And if you are ugly, you'd be just as ugly as a woman as you are as a male

And if you really feel the need to dress like a slut, do it in the bedroom. I sometimes get the urge when I'm really horny but after finishing you just feel shame.

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>I'm going to ignore what's happening around me by playing video games la la la la la la la la

guarantee he'll be a full on tranny by the end of the year.

"enby"/"genderqueer" are labels used by people that are afraid to fully come out

videogames are for losers

*face palms*
You are so f'in wrong it's not even funny.
*points to the netherrealm*
Please go and stay go kthnxbye!

whatever makes you feel special user but deep inside everyone but your "peers" will always see you as a lesser human at best

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Yo uh
What kinda circumstances lead to that
Like how do you get a bro to jack ofd his twin bro

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its social conditioning, nothing more effective to control low IQ sheep than telling them one of the fundamentals of the human race, male/female, isn't "real" and they need to "educate" themselves

How does nonbinary work when only female and male exists

Yeah, Celeste has been sjw bullshit from the start? How is that news

>Reading a baby's first fiction book will help clear his head of lies
I think this will have the inverse effect

Then you're still a man because you still have working organs and genitalia that needs specific male brain sections to function. Male and Female brains aren't alike, they have parts focused on sex specific systems.
And even then, it's simply not possible to miss ALL your sex hormones and proteins. You may have a deficit in some, but your health would suffer a lot if you did not have any.

What you and that guy are talking about are psycological themes where the mind does think it's the other sex, but that is what is classified as a gender disphoria. Your brain does believe it's the other sex and it can even work and have a regular life as that one, but it's not the intended function and it will not change how the body does work.

Any idea why it's mostly white "men"?

yo niggys are the games any good?

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I don't feel like discussing this topic. Delete the thread.

the only thing tolerable are twinks, traps and crossdressers. if you identify as anything else or mentally ill tranny then you get neutered

The same way your TV can display millions of colors with only red blue and green.

there is no third gender. NB's are just a weird shade of purple

its kinda funny when you think about how the western world thinks about Muslims, and yet here we are.


Whatever kimd of clever ploy this was it really doesn't mean anything. You are doing the devil's work. Man and woman. Nothing inbetween.

stop being gay

Nothing about the best part of women which is their bodies? Female bodies are incredible and a million times better than masculine disgusting men bodies. Test is poison and does horrible disgusting things to our bodies. If I could just be the exact same with a female body I would be happy but most everything else about being a woman sucks.

what does this even mean?

Why does this matter to you fags?

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miss me with that queer shit freak

Do you have any evidence for that? Transgender people have told me that they feel like the gender opposite their sex. You're telling me that they're lying. Why should I believe you over them?

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I don't think I'll ever be able to grasp how they convince themselves that the sky isn't blue.

The parents were literal retards and trusted money because he was a "professional" what led to this was one of the brother's botched circumcision. Money and the parents came to the conclusion he'd never be able to live normally as a boy so he was raised as a girl. So money would "study" the differences between the two brothers routinely.

They are mentally ill. What do you expect?

>It doesn't matter whether a work is racist/sexist, get over it fag
>also someone who made a game is a thing that I am not, waah

>Yea Forums isnt an echo chamber

It'll do far more good than whatever demonic brainwashed tranny clique is filling his head with lies.

You all need some friendship and love

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dilate tranny
based arby

the true origin of trannyshit right here

Looking at the side character for celeste had me pondering
Is this a parody of Instagram/Twitter fags, or a genuine portrayal of a person? If its the former the artist has my favor, if the later my condolences

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>I still feel shame sometimes

That's your conscience trying to pull you back into reality and away from the fascade


Sounds like an insecure cunt

>red noses
when will this shit die

i bet you can't tell the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim.

What is with peoples fucking identity crisis'? It's so unreal to me. Just fucking be who you are. Stop making up names for yourself like being "non binary" or being "asexual" or some dumb ass shit.

You're a man, or you're a woman, and you are who you are. Just shut the fuck up. These people are always stuffed so far up their own (and anyone else who enables them) asses.

Notice how in that pic itsays "attempts". The rate for successful suicide is still very high post operation, and by that point arent seeking therapy for all their mental illness, regardless of transgenderim or not

When will Japanese people learn how to draw noses?

You only feel that way because you feel inadequate as a man
Start lifting and get fit and you will love being male

Did you even read what I said? Any "feeling" is a deceitful lie. You are arguing that the voices in the schizo's head are real, valid, good, and true simply because he says he hears them. "Trans" people need help. What they don't need is people that will give 0 fucks about them 30 years from now putting them on hrt and mutilating their genitals.

Whatever happened to just being a more faggy dude?
Oh you are sporting long hair and like more feminine clothing? Doesn't fucking mean you have gender-dysphoria you faglord. It just means you are not a sporty dudebro.

Jfc these people.

He makes good Mario levels so I don't care

Thank god I never bought these turds.
Switchcucks love them though.

surely not from gaijin

Never said that. But I'm less inclined to believe a scientific organization when they change something based on political climate/pressure.

>trusting american institutes

Thanks for the kek

Saying that "the human body needs to produce x amount of x or you're a woman" is pseudoscience, whether you're a male or a female is determined on a genetic level and in the womb

Same with "brain scans" and all the other bullshit trannies repeat to defend their sexual fetish.

it doesn't matter what you "feel" you fucking retard, that is completely insignificant in the realm of science and biology

Just more proof that transexualism is deeply rooted in anti-science and anti-rationality

Oh, somebody that knows Gaijin? i hate those Russian cucks.

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I don't really care about what kind of mental illness the dev of a game has if the game itself is good, like with Celeste.

based dad


The American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association are notorious for submitting to political pressure from activists.

Ignoring this and trusting their "consensus opinions" blindly is just being retarded. If the political climate did a 180º turn, they would state the opposite was the consensus. Hence, they do not establish anything, rather they are follow what's been established.

Most trannies, at least in the video game space, aren't gay tho. They just fetishize femininity to such a degree that they want to be the girls as well as fuck them

Tough but righteous.

Increasingly few fathers like this, unfortunately.

based dad

Why do people give these attention seekers validation, surely no one agrees with these dipshit faggots

Are we being raided, or is this a false flag?

I feel the same way as that dad. The term tomboy already existed. No need it overcomplicate things.

you know what else is non binary?

my shit

Biological gender does not exist, apart from as a synonym of sex.
It was manufactured by literal communists and fellow travelers in the 70s.

Of course he is

Sure, but that's not specific. Non-binary describes in what specific way they're defective.
It's not surprising that sexually reproducing animals evolved a reproductive role broadcast instinct that drives them to try to be recognized as capable of performing one of the two roles. When that instinct fails to develop properly during fetal development you end up with goofiness.

his name is Matt and Celeste's main character is a girl named Madeline who is struggling with anxiety and depression
what the fuck did you expect?

ok yeah but an untitled story by matt makes games is an absolute slapper
better than celeste for sure

Who fucking cares what you are.
He could be a kiddyfiddler and i wouldnt give a fuck.

> hurr durr, you just don't understand
I understand you're an attention whore. Learn to stop acting like some stand-up bitch and realize you're not that special and never will be you pathetic loser.

Kill yourself, also it's canonical that Lily is a trap, not trans

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You go girl!

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then why does danbooru tag her as a girl

Yes, and it's sad because they're making into enemies the only people bold and knowing enough to tell them this shit is trying to hose them hard.

The fact that 'dilate' exists at all is horror territory. Who the fuck thought that would work? Who heard "let's artifice genitals" and went "wow, yeah, that's real smart"????

Based dad, holy shit

>anime doesn't turn people into tr-


holy shit I will be saving this (you) magnet for future use


Which still makes them freaks of nature if they so choose to fall further into that hole.

>implying your retarded msm articles know anything about gender psychology

kill yourself retard

This, the answer is accepting who you are with a clear head and owning it, not become a freak of nature because of some impulse or coercion.

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It's always anime that does it

Saying it's a defective man or a defective woman is more specific that saying they are non-binary. "Non-binary", especially the way it is used, muddles the two often with the explicitly aim to do so.

Sexual roles are not just about signalling. Men and women are biologically prepared to perform different roles and that means there are differences in biological functions that carry over as a by-product to appearance and the like. Think about our voices, the shape of our bodies, our reproductive systems, etc. That's not signalling.

I don't know what Towerfall is but Celeste was incredibly tumblr, so I'd be shocked if they weren't *something* super special unique.

So did mods take the day off or something?

I don't really understand why so many internet gamers are so "socially conservative". Like, none of the political or social figures you look up to like you. You are actual losers with no future and no potential for greatness or anything. There's nothing interesting or exciting about you. You're the bottom of the outcast barrel, and you sit here all day being shitty and edgy about other outcasts to make yourselves feel better, but nothing you're supporting is actually going to help you in life.

Unironically non-binary here.

>Don't identify as male or female.
>Tell people I'm a boy because it's easier.
>Don't care about pronouns, you can call me whatever.
>Doesn't affect my life in any way because I live in a highly tolerant city.
>Don't sit around considering my gender or thinking about being Non-binary, I just am.
>Don't need to join any kind of non-binary community.

I'm fine with people who are vocal about it because it's their life not mine, but I do wonder if there are others like me. Basically invisible NB people who just live their life and be who they want to be without any need to pay much attention to it. I'm also asexual and it's the same shit, it just doesn't really affect my life to any great extent.

Why would they care in any case, like half the catalog is irrelevant flamewarring
Why bother? It's just a heap of flaming shit, might as well let it burn, right?

what does that even mean?

literally who

Non-binary exists, but the real cases don't brag about it. Lefties are literally downplaying the real problem.

99% of people in developed societies, never mind the undeveloped world, think "nonbinaries" are retards.

have sex hun

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>Kill yourself, also it's canonical that Lily is trans*

Fixed it for ya, you really need to grow up.

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pirate like i did its fun

>LGBT lives aren’t politics
fuck off

It's anime, alright.

Since anime characters have generic faces and the differences between males and females are highlighted by their hair, voice, eyes and mannerisms, they think they can pass with a little make-up, faggy personality and longer hair. They don't. Their entire bone structure is manly as fuck, even for super betas.

Money is money, I guess. People have lost their minds.

>virtue signaling your sexuality

Why do people do this? It's the most pathetic thing to showcase to total strangers

Ah I see what you mean
I was looking at it from the perspective of "we can already see he's a man, so non-binary tells us in what way his reproductive role instinct is messed up"

People have been doing it since the beginning of time, user.

>I still struggle with shame sometimes

>astolfo is not number 1 or even on this
Shit list

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Sure. But you literally spend your waking hours on an anonymous video game forum being edgy. So I don't understand why you're even putting effort into giving a shit when your own life is so clearly garbage.

wow, what a fucking surprise, considering """his""" fucking games, what a dumb xigger

I'd imagine, aside from generic desires for camaraderie, that NB not making much noise is pretty common because of
>>Don't care about pronouns, you can call me whatever.
since it doesn't stress you out like someone who's brain is demanding they get people to see them as female while everyone is seeing them as male

What the fuck

astolfo isnt trans, what is that horrible wiki

You're right, I should've trusted Anime Underground Ranker, they know their shit.

Literally who, the creator of literally what is literally huh?

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>international binary day
Wasn't the entirety of last month already lgbtq pride? How many days do these people need?

that is not what people mean when they say "non-binary"

Ya know, if its haed out there for straight white dudes with their sexuality under attack, considering 50% divorce rates 80% initiated by women with 90% reasoning as 'no fault', then why should we care about these minority sexualities. Perhaps white nations should stop caring so much about how taboo sex is in their culture and stop glorifying this revolutionary image, then maybe the SJW types would stop thinking theyre fighting the powah when in fact theyre figjting FOR the powah that will betray them

Fucking obliterated.

How do you even virtue signal being straight

spotted the newfag, have sex is what you reply when someone expresses a right-wing opinion, you were thinking of "dilate". Lurk more before you post.

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Yeah, I feel bad for trans people in that respect. Androgyny is cool but I don't feel the need to be specifically androgynous, people either think I'm a boy, a lesbian or F2M. I think masculinity is pretty fucking lame for the most part but I don't feel any sense of identity as female. I didn't even know it was Non-Binary day, I find it hard to talk with people who are NB and struggling because I can't relate but they probably see me as someone who understands their struggle.

Why do you keep rambling about people having shitty lives? As if there is meaning in life? There is none. Unless you believe in God. I hope you aren't retarded enough to think life is about sex and money or some other hedonistic bullshit. But transgenderism liberalism and hedonism are all allies. Life is ups and downs and then we die. It is the same for everyone. Your "shitty life" insult is impotent and meaningless. Quit being edgy.

>Sure. But you literally spend your waking hours on an anonymous video game forum being edgy
the opinions of 99.9% of the human race, basically everyone but your tranny discord are edgy?

Who cares, the retard just wants attention. Ten years from now he'll regret all of this if he's even dive

>not being LGBT+ friendly


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Religion does it pretty specifically, but feel free to link us to your language's dictionary definition so we can find more examples.

The one non binary person I met irl was a art fag with daddy issues who also later on became a tranny when he wasn't getting enough attention, so it's safe to say non binary is just a publicity stunt

I am shocked

I think you need to quit trying to fit in if you believe those buzzwords have any rhyme or reason now

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no one cares fuck off

>the opinions of 99.9% of the human race
Idaho isn't 99.9% of the human race. Most people just flat out don't give a shit. I don't know if you have ever noticed but most people aren't pent up full of aggression and anger over shit that doesn't impact their life in any way.

Look between your fucking legs. That's your gender. Enough of this fucking "i identify as x" bullshit.

And if any of you (metaphorical and literal) fags say "homophobia" I'll remind that he/she/xhe is CHOOSING to be this way, and potentially face bullying.

I don't care. Both the games he did are fun though. He can identify however he wants, I'll still play his games if they're good.

The west it lost

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Marriage and sex for the purpose of procreation vs cumming in another man's shithole for pleasure

Do you seriously think most of the world religions are Christian? Most religions don't even mention sexuality

>celeste developer is mentally ill
not surprised in the slightest

>Look between your fucking legs. That's your gender.
That's my penis

>I'll still play his games if they're good.

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>you will always be who you are "inside" your head
>you don't become a girl by taking pharmaceutical corporation hormones

What if you're a girl on the inside, but a boy on the outside? If you're always who you are inside your head... then uhh, what's the issue, hombre?

what's with all the attempts to blackwash elves? Elves are quintessentially white.

>Do you seriously think most of the world religions are Christian?
I didn't say that, I just gave you an example of heterosexual virtue signalling.

Im not angry at a retarded person. I was making fun of him. As are most people in this thread.

And as most people you encounter IRL do to you. If you pause to tie your shoelaces after leaving a shop, you may catch the giggles.

>I'm comfortable being a freak that whores out for attention
I'm glad he also came to terms with his shitty human nature.

>focuses on a minor error rather than trying to debate my point

gay nigger bait

I bet the jews are behind this

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The acceptable wish is to be a 2D waifu and waiting for convergence were waifus will do a haha funny prank, imagine not only wanting to be a 3DPD who're but also mutilating your body in the process

>If you pause to tie your shoelaces after leaving a shop, you may catch the giggles.
You're gonna have to use English idioms buddy, I don't know what the fuck that means in your language.

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Your description makes them more likely to be that way though, combined with the fact that there's really not any reason to act a different way.

Dunno, art is problematic or something

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Your penis isn't a gender, anonymous.

Oxford Dictionary definition of 'Gender':
Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

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its not an idiom you fucking autist.

People make fun of trannies as soon as they are out of earshot.

>so many internet gamers are so "socially conservative"

Don't confuse Yea Forums with the internet at large. You'll walk a dark path if you start to believe the opinions on this website represent the opinions of normal, well-adjusted individuals.

How can you feel like something you have never been? Seriously, what is this validation exclusive to this delusion that simply isn’t present in other forms of obviosu mental illness? Why, in this one instance, do feelings take precedence over fact?

Can you please explain what this means:
>If you pause to tie your shoelaces after leaving a shop, you may catch the giggles.

>Catch the giggles

What country are you from? And no, people don't do that. Source: Not a tranny, never heard anyone do it.

I have a feeling you're talking about your experience of whatever country you come from which is no doubt culturally very different from this board and the rest of the world.

maybe it has to do with "them being first or something"
>we wuz origin of man

Are you autistic? Your penis IS a gender. If you have one, it means you are male. If you have a vagina, it means you are female. I can't believe I have to explain KINDERGARTEN SCIENCE on here.

>Your penis IS a gender.
No, your penis is genitalia. Gender is not genitalia, the definition of the word is quite clear about that as you've seen.

You dont, because you can't virtue signal being a normal person.

Identity is a spook and what you think you are is worthless. Gender as a whole is a spook.

non-binary basically means you don't consider yourself a man or a woman. Asexual means you aren't sexually attracted to anything.

You are 100% autistic or English as a fourth language. The giggles of the shop staff.

So by your logic I should believe somebody claiming to be Patton because he feels like he is Patton


So a closeted/effeminate man.

There's an unironic chance of this

Unique facial features (not really though), and also really fucking ugly
Who says the female protagonist has to be ugly. She can be pretty. Being pretty is usually a nice thing. Pleasant to look at. And since it's a game and completely made up, why not go for the nice thing. It's not like she's supposd to be monstrous or anything in the story. Or is she? I haven't played Shantae yet

I want to be a robot.

I agree it's a social construct, yes. It doesn't mean anything in the same way that a pencil isn't really a pencil, it's just a list of attributes we commonly recognize as a 'pencil'. 'Pencil' doesn't really exist, but we have to acknowledge this particular structure of graphite and wood as a 'pencil' for the rest of society to understand what we mean.

But ultimately I agree, it shouldn't be like that. 'Male' and 'Female' doesn't really mean anything either.

Imagine if every father was like this, faggotry would practically die over a single day

Why are trannies so attention hungry that they come to whine about being disliked to the people that dislike them?

>Female Frodo
That bitch would have fallen for the Ring's influence as soon as she touched it.

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>trans people picture themselves as non-human creatures with imaginary lasers

>mods delete ctr and other video game related threads instantly
>leave this obvious dumpster fire of a thread up for ages
Baste. Only the finest moderation for this shitheap eh Hiroshima. Sure have their priorities in order and aren't biased in any way shape or form.

A pencil is a descriptor of physical attributes, yes. “Gender” is a descriptor of nothing but its own idea.

I understand where the giggles are coming from, but you wrote it as though you had a very poor grasp of the English language. No native speaker would ever form a sentence structured in that way, it was clumsy and awkward.

But to address your point, no people don't do that. If you think they do, maybe you should indulge us in your experiences and tell us what town/city you come from where you hear that.

I wish people could think the same bout redit and Twitter. Maybe then some mentally ill would seek help

Pretty much every father did used to be like this for the better part of 2000+ years and look where it got us.

>celeste devs are gay tranny faggots
I can't believe retards on Yea Forums shill these garbage games FOR FREE

>“Gender” is a descriptor of nothing but its own idea.
So is a dream, what difference does it make?

What you thinking freak?

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The majority of fathers are still like this in general despite what /pol/ screams about. They think left leaning states equal the entire planet I guess.

That's funny considering lefty faggots constantly repeat their brainwashed mantras wherever they go.

shit games made by a subhuman

I think non-binary and trans people should be respected so long as they aren't assholes about it.

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but who is the dreamer?

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That's because /pol/ is made up of teenagers who lack father figures and create their own ideal ones in their head.

We don’t treat dreams with legitimacy as if they existed.

>Transgender people have told me that they feel like the gender opposite their sex.
This isn't what is important.
It's that most professional psychologists would recommend transitioning and that taking hormones of the opposite sex has shown to be the most effective method for helping these people.

>a new form of sexuality is introduced to dysfunctional early adults who never really discovered who they are
>they get confused and become trans
Nevermind that it's a fucking medical transition, this is why this shit needs to be under wraps until people become adults. Sexuality and identity are already confusing and trying enough to figure out as we grow up, but the more you throw into the pool, the worse it can get--the more someone will linger or even deviate.

nice mumbo jumbo faggot

Unacceptable opinion, you have to be angry about what other people do or else you're a tranny and that means I don't have to think.

Tolerance and respect are two different things. You don’t simply deserve respect.

>I understand where the giggles are coming from
No you didn't, to the point that you thought it was some poorly translated balkan idiom or some shit.
>No native speaker would ever form a sentence structured in that way, it was clumsy and awkward
yes they would.

>But to address your point, no people don't do that. If you think they do, maybe you should indulge us in your experiences and tell us what town/city you come from where you hear that.
We had a transexual employee of a client come to visit our mid level Marine engineering company a few months ago. Everyone in the office was laughing about it. This is in England.

>unusual hormonal situations
It's definitely the fucking water. That diverse crap only happens in america.

Exactly, we shouldn't treat gender as though it exists, because ultimately it doesn't - it's just a social construct.

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No but an aspect of someone's life can be respected without respecting the whole person.

accepting this stuff will just let it get worse and worse

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Cant he have the freedom to be a faggot on his own personal account? Why do we care?

Yes, I agree, so when are these assinine discussions of gender identity going to stop being given weight and legitimacy?

You say that but every liberal leaning person I personally here in California all have terrible relationships with their fathers and barring 2 people its entirely because of their mothers disallowing them from even seeing them as children.

>This is in England.
I'm from England, whereabouts is your mid-level Marine engineering company and what is it called? I've traveled quite extensively around England and not experienced this at all.

If he makes good games without shoving ideology into them and shitting on the fans, who cares, his faggotry doesnt reach my ass

>we shouldn't treat gender as though it exists

Just because something is a social construct doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I couldn't care less. He made a good game that I don't particularly care for but others do. He could fuck furries on the weekend for all I care. None of my business.

I think if I wanted to go on Twitter I'd be on fucking Twitter right now. The faggot can be as much of a faggot as he wants, as long as he keeps making good video games I'll keep buying them.

Then let it, whatever.

When people stop trying to force people to identify with a gender in the first place.

The inverse is also true, but that is neither here nor there. There areno aspects of a person that objectively deserve respect, and demanding respect for an attribute is childish at the best of times.

>Can't be a feminine boy in the current yr without being associated as trans
I hate the the current year

does it make you feel good to be an asshole? where did your life go wrong

>310 replies
Jesus christ I hate every single one of you underaged faggots.

refrain from the homophobic remarks, thanks



>I've traveled quite extensively around England and not experienced this at all.
Again, they do so behind your back.

What fucking planet are you on? "ha ha its a tranny" was the apex of UK comedy like ten years ago. The only way I could believe your story is if you are an academic or something.

>I'm not like the other girls


>Just because something is a social construct doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Exactly, it depends on what you consider to be 'real'. If you're stuck thinking gender doesn't exist because genitalia = gender then you're never going to be able to think beyond a very basic understanding of reality.

But as you say, just because something is a social construct it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We're all affected by social constructs to some degree, it makes sense that people would fall outside of those constructs as they're not absolute.

Nobody said anything about homosexuals

Many people don’t, but they do see delusion in attempting to identify with the various physical characteristics of another sex. Most people would agree that your personality, which is what the definition of gender actually is used for, is arbitrary. But your body exists, it isn’t arbitrary, and attemoting to tell others your body is merely incorrect is folly.

But some of these are just traps.
There are men who like wearing girly clothes but can still do math and drive

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This it's just a bunch of attention seeking bored first worlders who wish they were oppressed

The problem is with transgenderism especially people are applying social constructs to physical ones that as far as we can tell objectively exist. This is folly.

Welp I'm never supporting that faggot ever again. I can't believe I donated 1,000 dollars to his stream once.

>non-binary day
stop using your computer or phone, you binary hating bigot
have fun counting with your fingers like a caveman

trannies are the new furries maybe even worse

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> I have self diagnosed myself as a unique and interesting gender with my only reason is that I feel like it.


>Again, they do so behind your back.
You keep implying I'm a tranny purely because you don't like the idea that your experience isn't universal. After all, how can what you say be true if a cis person hasn't experienced that?

Surely you know you're doing that right? You know you're trying to fool yourself into believing that just so it's easier to fit around your opinions. That's the first step of cognitive dissonance, is it really the hill you want to die on?

>"ha ha its a tranny" was the apex of UK comedy like ten years ago
Where? I don't remember hearing that in 2009. What do you consider to be the apex of British comedy?

Worse, furries at worst will vaccum your money for shitty art, you don’t physically ruin your own body to fit into a fursuit. Furries are still abhorrent, though.

god I hope if I have a kid they won't fall into this transgender meme

>Welp I'm never supporting that faggot ever again. I can't believe I donated 1,000 dollars to his stream once.
you are wose then him

SS/feet>normals>gays>pedos>trannies>furries>>>>>>>stream paypigs

What is with the type of person who cares so much what others do in their personal lives. I really don't get it.
Take this dude, I really could not care less what he does in his private life.

Not at all, transgenderism by definition focuses on 'gender' which, also by definition has nothing to do with biology. If anything it's the people who are completely anti-trans who are obsessed with associating it with biology.

these niggers have never read Re:Zero if they think felix is a tranny

>trannies are the new furries maybe even worse

What is that even supposed to mean? Furries are just drawing porn. Meanwhile trannies are TRYING TO CHANGE LAWS and force you to call them woman

Angry teenagers on Yea Forums who have strong opinions but nobody who will listen to them.

Just some of my thoughts on the utter pointlessness and stupidity of the notion.
What people think of as gender is often times not what it actually is, which is why we arrive to some of the archaic and ridiculous conclusions we come to when we think of gender.
I posit that what most of these people mistakenly believe to be gender isn't gender at all, only two concepts. The two supreme powers, outside of which nothing else can exist: Masculinity and femininity. This audacious misunderstanding of gender is a mindset far more befitting of... I don't know... Maybe 13th century Europe than it is of the year 2019.
I also believe firmly that there are two wide groups that can be considered when looking at transgender demographics.
>1. Body dysphoriacs - People who genuinely believe, from birth, that they have the wrong body. Examples include Carmen Carrera and Nikita Dragun.
>2. Schizoid losers - The type of people Patrick Bateman would stab to death in an alley before stomping their dog to death. People who don't have some sort of biological disorder, but instead have psychological reasons for becoming transgender. I don't know their lives nor do I really care much about their lives anyway but I'm going to assume that they're so attracted to what they think of as transgenderism because they view femininity, psychologically, as an escape from some sort of responsibility. We must ask ourselves this question: Why is it that these people always want to identify as women? Why are there no female to male transitions in the schizoid loser community, as opposed to the dysphoriacs where they are far and wide? Because it's merely a coincidence and nothing more? Come on now, that's denial. Is it any surprise that the schizoid loser community is the only group of transgenders who actively forego SRS?
On the subject of gender neutrality all this really means to me is neutrality between masculinity and femininity, the gender part means nothing to me.

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>almost 2020
>reading when you could be watching/listening
watching and listening is more efficient nigra

Homeschool or private school them. I send mine to public school and I have to be constantly on guard for this shit. No lgbt clubs and no afterschool activities outside dances or sports. Also no social media until they're 16.

You say, defending a crowd that will call people “eggs” if they so much as don’t fall in lockstep with every stereotypical personality trait of a male and attempt to absorb that person into the community. In their quest for percieved legitimacy, the transgender community has been more lockstep about applying a rigid gender binary than many cis communities. You do X, you are trans, take these hormones to change your biology, wear these clothes, perform these actions, you are one of us now.

Is it just people with nothing going on in their lives? They remind me of cunty middle aged women who stick their nose in other people's business.

celeste is average at best, and already sold because "muh indie depression a blobloblooooooo" so it's not surprise they need to turn it up a notch to get people's attention for their future games.

>tranny journos shilled his game as much as they could
>still couldn't come close to a genuine cult hit

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For how much Yea Forums goes on about hating women they sure did fall for the TERF meme real hard.

>Where? I don't remember hearing that in 2009. What do you consider to be the apex of British comedy?
I meant "apex" a little ironically. But I mean off the top of my head The I.T. Corwd and Little Britian.

>You keep implying I'm a tranny purely because you don't like the idea that your experience isn't universal
I'm implying you are a tranny becasue I can see no other reason for you to be claiming the things you are. Is your """"""""""""gf""""""""""" a tranny or something?

I'm not trying to fool you on anything. I'm recounting a recent experiance. What do you think your parents, or boss' reaction might be if you were to come out as non binary exactly? Stunned silence? Confusion? Subtle attempts to make you redundant?

But I love bitches

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Non-binary and trans people are valid!

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valid targets for extermination

Your obsession with passive femininity and ideation of “cute” uselessness doesn’t benefit you at all.

Fucking delusional. I guess that makes me 6'7'' then I've diagnosed myself with height dysphoria, despite the back that I'm only 5'9''.

Why is it only sexual/gender expression where you can be whatever the fuck you want? They dragged some white woman saying she's "transracial" but it's the same fucking idea. It's just another snotty, exclusionary club thinking, only with mental midgets.

What did he mean by this?

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>You say, defending a crowd that will call people “eggs” if they so much as
This is a dangerous and ultimately intellectually stunted train of thought because you're purposely pretending that an entire group of people holds the same opinion as some of the worst of said group of people.

Imagine if someone said you were a pedophile furry who jerks off to MLP just because you browse Yea Forums. That person is wrong because they've taken the worst elements of a Yea Forums poster and incorrectly attached them to you. You're not wrong for posting on Yea Forums, they're stupid for failing to understand that variety exists.

>I feel like my arm isn't part of my body, excuse me while I cut it off
>Nooooo why are you put me in a straight jacked? I already booked my plane ticket for Thailand!

people need to feel special

>pedo good tranny bad
Yea Forums mindset in a nutshell

Isn't Shantae a belly dancer? The outfit she is wearing makes complete sense.

Why did you say tranny twice?

I wouldn’t call the insecure and pseudoexpansionist proportion of the trans community the “Worst”, but it definitely is one of th emost common and visible I find. I have a trans acquaintence who does this. That said trans acquaintence has recruited a more vulnerable individual in my circle already, although I’m attempting to make sure said individual doesn’t rush in blindly and get hurt. Near everyone I meet with extensive interactions with the trans community seems to have had a recruitment attempt run on them. And I’m not villainizing the community for doing so, I get it, they found a sode to themselves they like and want to show others what they percieve as a radical new identity, while gaining validation. But I won’t pretend they don’t rigidly apply the binary to attempt to shave off possible sympathizers.


both need to be eradicated

In order to have neutrality between masculinity and femininity you must have a perfect hybrid between the two.
Even if the "gender" is neutral, it is only because it is a perfect hybrid of the two, if there were no hybrid there would be no ambiguity, thus defeating the concept of neutrality itself.
The LGBT community was created for and by people who were born as something which deviates from the average. The supreme reality of the LGBT movement is that its components are primordial. Homosexuals have existed since Pre-History and so have transgender dysphoriacs. Schizoid losers are suspiciously a new phenomenon though, because it's not a biologically determined one like the rest, it's only a cultural one.
This group has been for people who were born a certain way, not for people who feel a certain way. I'm not going to accommodate some schizoid losers into this group because they feel a certain way. You get into this group by being born a certain way, not by feeling a certain way.
The revisionism of this will ultimately lead to the LGBT community becoming diluted and losing it's meaning and lacking any actual direction, at which point when we come to the conclusion that society has co-opted our lifestyle(it already happened the day that Q got tacked on to the name), we will have no choice but to reinvent ourselves once the dark age has passed.

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Fuck this. Celeste's DLC is gonna be full of even more SJW shit than the base game

celeste is shit why does anyone pretend it's good, is it an inside joke I don't get?


Either admit you're gay or fuck off

Go Woke Go Broke

Non-binary is something people can use when they're not sure of their gender. Has nothing to do with sexuality

>omg people have different sexual preferences i don't like!!!

Non-binary isn’t a sexual preference, it’s a spook of an identity.

>lol don't you know individualism and non-conformity are spooks? Just do as your told like a good boy

Little Britain was rubbish, nobody with a braincell found it funny (And that had nothing to do with 'transphobia' or whatever, it was just shit) and it's last episode was nearly 15 years ago. The IT Crowd had its moments but wasn't exactly the apex of British comedy and the things that made it funny had nothing to do with trannies either, think of the most memorable, quoted gags - it didn't have universal appeal because it made fun of trannies once.

>I'm implying you are a tranny becasue I can see no other reason for you to be claiming the things you are.
I'm claiming them because they're true, user. You're saying that 99.9% of the world is laughing at trannies, you haven't even given me your location as any sort of reference point to base that off, just that you laughed at one at work once. I don't honestly believe that you're this thick, you clearly know that your experience isn't universal but you don't like the fact that admitting that puts a big hole in your 'Everyone laughs at trannies' belief, which (lets face it) is just something you want to be true.

As I said, this is cognitive dissonance. It's the sort of reasoning that makes people believe in ludicrous conspiracy theories when reality doesn't reflect their beliefs.

My boss/parents/whoever I interact with wouldn't care about those things because most people don't. It doesn't mean anything to them, why would it? If you were a boss and your employee said they were non-binary, you wouldn't give a shit. All your boss cares about is that you can do your job, all your family cares about is that you're happy. If this is not your experience then I'm afraid the real issue here is that you have a shitty boss or a shitty family. That's not something I can help you with.

Can you explain what non binary is?

I know quite a few trans people and they're not like that at all. They haven't tried to recruit me, they don't call me 'breeder' or 'egg' or whatever. That language tends to come from the trans people who feel cornered or hostile. It's probably confirmation bias that the types of people you hear the most are the most hostile because they make the most noise and say the most shockingly memorable things.

Quantum computing

>I don’t follow a literal stereotype, I’m special and non-binary, everyone before me has followed every single stereotypical preference and action of their gender

>have a penis
>"i can't figure out what gender i am"

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thanks for proving my point

Wanting to feel special using made up bullshit to describe yourself is not individualism or non-conformity.

t. projecting tranny
Some of us actually have kids and own businesses. All you have is a metal rod to keep your pseudo snatch from closing every chance it gets.

Attached: spurdo.gif (384x216, 280K)

It's a gender identity that allows people to swap between genders or have no gender depending on how they feel. It's useful for people who are unsure of their gender but don't want to be referred to by their sex. It's generally used as an inbetween for when they settle on an identity.

>no it doesn't conform to my conservative values so it's made up!!!


It’s not hostility, and it usually doesn’t literally come in the form of calling people “breeders” or “eggs”. As a consequence of transgender identity, it is common to seek attributes you recognized in yourself in others to foster a sense of community, and the majority of people a transgender person meets and forms freindships and relationships with will probably not be trans. But that attempt to identify yourself in others won’t stop, and the transgender community at large is very accepting of the behavior. There’s no call to stop what you percieve as a minority from acting like this, at best the community at large is complicit in the behavior if not overly accepting.

That sounds pretentious as fuck

What conservative values? I can say I identify myself as an ambulance. Doesn't mean I am one.

I’m calling you a spook because there isn’t a single “Binary” person in the world if any separation from the stereotypes of the gender binary means you are nonbinary, people who identify as nonbinary are merely grasping for attention.
It is absolutely made up, as are all concepts of gender.

I don't know about that, but he definitely is retarded

You do realize that even though Gender was coined under a different definition, it has evolved to equate to sex, don't you? Hence gender dysphoria. Words aren't anything without what they mean to people.
There should be no impact on the mind for what your gender is as it's just a descriptor even in its original definition. Why bother?

Its just another form of attention whoring

First of all who
Second of all who cares

whatever allows you to so easily handwave away individualistic sexual expression. But who am I kidding we all know it's just a big incel cope.

I'm almost convinced mods left this up to just let Yea Forums fester in its own shit and become even worse out of spite. Shame on you.

>if any separation from the stereotypes of the gender binary means you are nonbinary

nobody's saying that

>It is absolutely made up, as are all concepts of gender.
So then only your made up bullshit counts? got it.

>It’s not hostility
Calling people slurs is definitely a hostile action. No trans people I know would do or have done that, it's called not being an asshole and it's pretty much how most people live their lives.

Your individual sexual expression doesn’t need a label to describe it, why do you insist on putting yourself in a new box?

Gender is what you identify as sex is a label based on what genitals you were born with. If you disagree with what medical professionals say I don't know what to tell you


Might as well just have said you were baiting the whole time. I should have realized it earlier.

Identifying as a gender has nothing to do with sex, user.

Gross, a freak.

So he's a faggot then. Ok, whatever.

Those labels make it easier to find like minded people in the community, not push others away.

But what do they define as being "male" or "female", and why do they do so, and why do they feel like neither could apply to them? It just seems like they're trying to be difficult for the sake of being difficult at best or come off as a pretentious snob at worst when they get into a huff over something like this. Not identifying as either/or seems like a half-assed way to appear more interesting than they actually are.

>individualistic sexual expression.
mental illness takes less letters to say the same thing

I think Celeste sucks and don’t care about him or the game

prove me wrong :)

>indie developer is faggot
breaking news

I don’t think many transgender people identify “egg” as an overt slur, more a cutesy term for a more potentially worrying issue. Breeder sure, but I don’t see a lot of trans individuals throwing out “Breeder” as an insult in the first place becase the snapback from such a thing will be more hurtful than the insult itself. But again, egg is usually used within the trans community itself, not usually brought forward to someone outside of the community. People self-identify with an “Egg” period in their life, I don’t think they would do that if it was a bad thing.

No, no gender counts. All gender identities are invalid. Only sex matters.

Non-binary just means you experience anxiety when society doesn't coddle you like a child. People who are non-binary feel excessively entitled to be catered to.

That shame is a completely appropriate emotion to feel, listen to that part of your brain it's trying to help you

spoken like a true incel

Sex is not binary, it's bimodal

Ah, you’re shitposting, I get it.

In terms of natural selection, gender identity does not benefit you.
Having a functional sex drive and sex organs does, however.

>respond to my bait so I can get more (you)s


no im not

This game was always actual overrated garbage, simplistic and repetitive gameplay. Why am I even in this shitty /pol/turd b8 thread.

I’m here because I like arguing with people on the internet

>Little Britain was rubbish
I agree. It was extremely popular though. One of the most popular UK comedy shows of all time.

>because most people don't
Yes they do. I dont really know how to convince you of this, my lived experiance, and that some of the biggest comedy shows of little more than ten years ago agree doesnt seem to make an impact.

>All your boss cares about is that you can do your job, all your family cares about is that you're happy
this is so deeply wrong that I don't even understand how you can type this. Get a facial tattoo and see how people react to you from now on. This isnt cognitive dissonance, as I understand it that only occurs when someone holds to an opinion when new evidence is brough forward.

I could post some, but I suspect your own cognitive dissonance would cause you to disavow it. But most people aren't even happy about trannies in their bathrooms, nevermind being fine with their kid being "non binary".

But again, those are your experiences. They're valid, but they're not absolute.

I'm just here to shitpost and rp as a tranny

Good thing life is more than dumb replication

Shit, you're right.

fuck you

>mom, dad, im non-binary~ i dont conform to your rules of society ;^)
>thats nice your dinner..

It has zero effect on my life, so why would I care?

>a child

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I really don't care where you like to put your penis or what you fap to. That's what all of this comes down to.

Yea Forums gets mad if someone is even implied to be non-straight or a person of color. I'd say people on Yea Forums, let alone Yea Forums as a whole have the weakest will power of all humanity.

wait till you move out and stop caring what your parents think :)

Excuse me, did you just make light of the oppression non-binary and other queers experience every day? Someone needs to attend a diversity and sympathy workshop; it'll also go on your permanent record.

Even if you hypothetically felt that way, what is even the point of coming out as non binary?
>Hey everybody, I uh, have long hair and earrings now

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Cared enough to post in this thread

oh then my friends on twitter become my parents!

ironic considering most of these mentally ill freaks are basement dwellers

>Unique facial features
>The exact same face these fags draw on all their characters

>Celeste and Towerfall
of course if would be one of that

>Belly dancer
>Let's cover her up lmao

I don’t think many people identify egg as a slur. At worst it’s a playful jab. I don’t think you can argue the point that egg isn’t lingo used primarily within the trans community either. Sure, I don’t have a study performed on the connotations and use cases of “Egg” but I think it’s obvious to anyone caring to casually observe.

>Yea Forums claims to hate him "just because he's doing this for attention"
>give him even more attention in the process
>this happens every fucking time people talk about this shit

just admit you hate gays, trans and minorities.

I feel like I was supposed to be a seven foot tall hyper giga Chad with a 15" dick, but you get the hand your dealt. Deal with it.

Because part of being in a healthy relationship is being able to confide in the other person your true feelings

You're not very smart, are you?

attention and sympathy from others

This tbqh. I've never really understood what trannies meant by not feeling right in their gender, because, well, I don't feel right in my gender either. I don't feel wrong, either. I just feel like me, you know? I p much feel like bolting boobs on me or keeping my massive >10'' dong wouldn't make much of a difference, other than socially obvs.

so your twitter pals can suck your (female) dick

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>says the Yea Forums poster

Those people are psychos. The same kind of people that say, the very similar, body integrity identity disorder should be treated by giving the patient the unnecessary amputation they think they want.

>I dont really know how to convince you of this, my lived experiance,
Where do you live? Be specific on the town/city and also whereabouts you work and what sort of company it is, tell us its name.

>Get a facial tattoo and see how people react to you from now on.
People have facial tattoos were I work (Which is an office, by the way). Nobody cares, boss doesn't care. I know the same is true for other people I know who work in retail.

>most people aren't even happy about trannies in their bathrooms
Most people don't care, maybe where you are - but not where I am and not any place I've visited either. I don't know a single parent who would be unhappy if their child said they were non-binary. Why would they be? Only people with an existing prejudice would care and most people I've met are not prejudiced.

You need to be specific about where you come from, because I'd be interested to know why you think that's reflective of the rest of the UK or even the world.

>it's ARTIFICIAL gender dysphoria

>And so, the most powerful cultural hegemony the planet had ever seen came to a cataclysmic end
>not because of plague, or famine, or volcanic winter, or apocalyptic war,
>but because user's games had sassy black afro women as side characters

>lol trans people aren't political
Pick one you retarded baby or shut the fuck up

>this steaming turd of a thread gets to 500 replies without being deleted

if this isn't proof that this board is moderated by actual trannies with a gaping wound between their legs, I don't know what is

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Revulsion and pity aren't anger. Dilate.

imagine walking up to a black person and referring to them as a POC

That just sounds like a mental illness to me, chief

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>unironically falling for the "Yea Forums - videogames" meme

The entire fucking thread is shitting on trannies though? What the fuck are you talking about?

true that

>Thread full of 10 year old underage b&s spouting the latest trannyphobic memes from 9gag is allowed to stay up
>I bet the trannies did this!

lol dilate.

Because they don't feel like women. They feel like what they think feels like a woman.

A man can literally never have the same experience as a woman because of the sheer fact hormones are basically the coding to our base behaviours.

Fun fact: Men and Women both react to the way a baby cries. Men actively become agitiated while women become distressed.

I thought there was more than two genders? Wouldn't be binary then would it?

Shut the fuck up

All attention is good attention for trannies.
If you give trannies any attention at all, they won.

I'm not sure what you mean. It's a mental illness riddled with unhealthy delusions and expectations that will never be met, that much I can tell you.

user it's called NON-binary because they're rejecting the binary

right, it's the trannies with the mental illness and not the mentally ill pol posters who can't stop seething