Heh... nothing personal... console peasants... ;)

Attached: Bloodborne-PC.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>15fps in a window

I will never understand whats the fuss with this game or why people treats it like the second coming of jesus, it looks like another souls game but with guns

Not too far off from the PS4 version.

it's very well made

its plays the best of all souls games, even with the frame dips
its just satisfying to play, and isnt scraps made into a game like ds3
Its really high paced fun

This is that emulation I've heard so much about. LOL

Sorry bro, we all finished it 4 years ago.

It's not guns that make it stand out, it's that it's a much more aggressive take on the Souls formula. You can replenish health by dealing damage after taking it, and there are only two shields in the whole game and they're both fucking useless besides one which has a super situational use. Your shield in BB is your dodge timings, it's not about wearing armour with good defence and poise out the ass or hiding behind a shield with a longsword or whatever. It's about dashing around at stupid fast pace dodging and punishing with incredibly cool weapons.

That sounds gay.


Fair enough, now you know it's not your thing and your question has been answered

Attached: 1561659849342.gif (147x154, 565K)

Yeah because you'll never get to play it.

I have all consoles and a PC unlike you, dirty poorfag.

ps5 would be worth it just for a BB remake at 60 fps

An entire game gen later, and still obsessed

>and my dad works at nintendo
>and he has a racecar
>and a rocket ship
Never ever

It came out 4 years ago and I still play it every week

they did something right

Obviously a virus

Fuck that

Gimme a fucking sequel

I'm so sick of sony remastering shit

It's a good ass game man, that's it. Does every game needs some masterpiece aspect or groundbreaking feature about it just to justify people liking it so much?

It's just a really good game, that I wish I could play on PC.

>Gimme a fucking sequel

Attached: 1509551930994.jpg (645x729, 26K)

Thanks for calling my attention to this, OP. I'll add it to my backlog, maybe next year I'll reserve a bit of time to play it a bit.
It is the other way around though. Whenever you PScucks get rightfully laughed at for being the consolepeasants you are, you always brandish Bloodborne as an excuse. Not anymore it seems.

After all the fuss on this game, it was disappointing once I tried for the first time. While the first part was kino, as usual for soulsborne games levels started to get worse with swamps caverns and sewers. I expected much more cool armors and in the end the best was a bunch of fat bed sheets. DLC was fine even tho Living Failures was a not fun boss. It's honestly a 8/10 game, expected much more content

don't hide your insecurity behind dumb memes and speak for yourself, retard, why sequels and remakes are bad if they are done by the B team?

hell yes
now I can stream a 4+ year old game from a ps4 halfway around the world, with added latency and no DLC at 720p with artifacting
stadia and vidya streaming for the win

where does it say streaming you moron?

>Still-- STILL-- getting butturt about Bloodborne

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

Attached: shiggy diggy.jpg (345x376, 15K)

I thought the same thing for years but finally played it last year and it really is a great game. Far and away better than anything from the Dark Souls series for sure.

>Far and away better than anything from the Dark Souls series for sure.
It's on par with Dark Souls.
Dark Souls 2 and 3 are just kind of shit.

it's the only thing consolefags have as a fuck you to masterrace pc gamers
>u won't play it haaaa
but i will, op's video is the prove of it.
thanks for betatesting.

Still wouldn’t buy it lol

jesus christ that chromatic aberration, why do people keep saying this game looks good?

yes, this looks totaly legit.
Definitelly not a scam, nope

Attached: 1503210379001.jpg (536x536, 47K)

isn't this one of those survey password thingies that only unlock a gameplay video file for you to watch?

Literally how? You'd have to decompile the PS4 game and re-compile it for PC.



Attached: Screenshot_20190723-194216_YouTube.jpg (468x268, 28K)

download and try it. Its totaly not a cryptovirus .

They perfected it

okay hbomberguy

This is what PC plebs actually believe.

Dark souls combat and atmosphere are shit compared to Bloodborne

I have a PS4 and a PC, BB runs at around 28fps, and when you defeat Rom it drops to 23-24

It doesn't run at 15fps on a small window. Stop being butthurt.

yeah sure, i have the "extra special ps4" that magically runs bloodborne at 17fps while everyone else has 30+ frames!

It is jesus v2

and then Sekiro came along and achieved everything that Bloodborne failed to do.

The issue is frame pacing.

Combat wise I'll agree with you

Souls games all have shit combat
Snoy goys, Demon Souls Is the only good from game

It runs at 30fps on my PS4. Stop being PC pleb.

What am I looking at? Is it an emulator boxed with an iso of the game, or an actual amateur port?

You are too polite user. Gif gave me a hearty kek.

>shit guns
>shit plot
>shit chalices
>shit pvp
>shit covenants
>rushed development
>all good ideas cut out
>barely salvaged by DLC
BBfags have literally never played another game in their lives.

Lol imagine being in this much denial about your PowerPoint game

it's more like a trimmed dark souls with a few good ideas but far less content
dark souls 3 is what bloodborne would be if it was a full souls game, similiar to what dark souls is to demon's souls but more extreme
sure there are some things it has got going for it but in the end the only reason people fallate it so much on Yea Forums is simply because it is less popular

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It's the PSNow streaming service.
You can stream the game from a system online, but only the base game. No DLC.

>Bloodborne is the most overrated game in recent memor-

Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid 5.jpg (3264x2238, 3.39M)

It's acclaimed more awards than DaS3, and it's cited in the top best games of all time, while DaS3 is nowhere to be found. And no, a couple thousand autists doing invasions to this day doesn't make it more popular. Keep being contrarian though.

DS3 has too much "okay" content with a few good bits laced in it where I enjoyed Bloodborne from start to finish besides Forbidden Woods. I can only name 5 bad bosses in BB whereas I can probably only name 5 good ones in DS3.

Clearly it's not

>cathedrals from Anor Londo
>rotating staircases from Duke’s Archives
>hamlet based on Blightown
It’s like Miyazaki hasn’t had a single original idea since DS1

Probably a video running in unity or unreal

It's the only way the game can be played on a PC, retard.
The Orbital emulator has barely done any progress. It cannot play any PS4 games.


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>>cathedrals from Anor Londo
Anor Londo doesn't look like anything in BB.
>>rotating staircases from Duke’s Archives
And yet the level design is significantly better.
>>hamlet based on Blightown
You are blind.

I wonder how many people will fall for this hmm

This looks fucking retarded, just play it on a PS4 and you can actually see the game

People will meme on you but you are correct. Sekiro is what Bloodborne's combat should have been. Sekiro falters in other areas where Bloodborne excels, however.

Why has PS4 emulation not even really started yet? You'd think 6 years would be enough time for people to get interested in it. I mean hell, CEMU was fully playable in like a year after BOTW came out, and Bloodborne is 4 years old already. Mind you I know jack shit about emulation so I may be talking out of my ass but you'd think autistic reddit fucks would've started hard on it instead of a single guy in his free time like the Orbital one

Attached: Shanalotte.png (1920x1080, 427K)

>popularity = awards
DaS3 is multiplat, it simply sold more than bloodborne and more people played it
and anyone that played both will be able to tell you about how much less content bloodborne has

You can also play Bloodborne on a hacked Switch. Just stream Bloodborne to your desktop with PS Now, then stream your desktop to your Switch. Voila.
A similar, but more autistic, technique can be used to stream to your Switch. Stream your PS4 to your desktop, then stream your desktop to your Switch, so you can play Red Dead Redemption 2 on a handheld. This also works with Xbone. Unlike Bloodborne, you actually have to own a PS4 for this work, though.

The downside of course is the input lag. Red Dead Redemption 2 will have about 350 ms of input lag under ideal circumstances on the Switch. The best use of streaming to a handheld is to stream your PS4 to your Vita, this has about twice the input lag of the PS4, or stream your PC to your Switch/Vita after disabling Vsync, this will have about the same input lag as the PS4 running natively, although if you look up at your PC there would be no input lag since Vsync is disabled.

The reason Wii and Wii U emulation got running so quick is because they were previous gen hardware. I wouldn't expect a playable ps4 emulator until the end of the ps5 gen.

It wasn't until like last year that ps3 emulation really got good.


>rotating staircases from Duke’s Archives
>hamlet based on Blightown
You are spewing garbage you heard from that one SuperBunnyHop video, aren't you?
Those things are nothing like each other.

high paced fun at 20 fps

>Less content equals bad
What a brainlet.

Reminder that PS4 owners have to like it because there's fuck all to play on PS4. If Bloodborne wasn't exclusive it would be no more praised than any other From game.

Sekiro was great, but a lot of us were weebs to begin with and were already burnt out on the japanese aesthetic


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It's the other way around. I'm still stuck with the PS4 because BB is one of the very few worthwhile games on there to this day.

This is the fakest shit I've ever seen, here's the current state of PS4 virtualization

That doesn't apply to bloodborne, it does apply to last of us, uncharted, spiderman, and god of war though.


because it's better than all the other souls games, dark souls can't hold a candle to bb (and since 1 is the only good souls game)

Attached: IMG_um8mtr.jpg (412x412, 43K)

The game sucks no matter what system you have it on.

it's such a good game miyazaki practically made ds3 a BB ripoff. Also people want what they can't have typically a pc gamer issue


I love coming back to it after months of not playing it and still finding people to help with Lawrence and Ludwig.

Attached: 1561232252600.jpg (600x450, 36K)

Its the only PS4 game worth playing

It does run sub 30 fps though. Not sure why you're in denial over it.


Attached: brosss.jpg (1086x659, 167K)

CEMU ran like shit at first too but it eventually got pretty good
Give it time

>imagine being so desperate for games you have to emulate console games

pc master race is as pathetic as ever

reinstall windows

you're a big dummy if you don't keep backups of your important shit

Nigga I can't even emulate original XBox games yet. Get your shit together PC fags I'm waiting

Too bad you are a shit consumer who buys new, unfinished games for 60 fucking bucks, loooolz.

Look at the shallow, materialistic consumer and LAUGH!

This is what you would do correct? Ive done the same with hardware failures and new builds and formatted plenty of harddrives. I dont feel like this would be any different lol

>welcome to the bloodborne install game

Playing it on my w10 system right now!!
Thanks bro for this exclusive game!! 60+FPS!!!

>ps4 emulation
>when ps3 emulation is barely a thing
>and ps2 emulation sucks for the most part

See you in 20 years bros.

Since its a ps4 exclusive thay have to pretend its the greatest thing ever made. It all snoyniggers have.

>Bloodborne isn't the greatest game ever mad-

Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid (Colored - 2).jpg (5760x3240, 2.35M)

basically but these ransomware programs are designed to fuck large organizations like hospitals/banks. places where they just have too much data to make regular backups

ps2 emulation is great! you just need to have this super specific settings at this part.. and these settings for this part.. and you can't do that thing or you'll crash it. But damn it's pretty much the real deal and more! PC WINS AGAIN BABY

>im not a shallow materialistic consumer cause i only buy this one company's stuff!

This is what Dilationstation 4 cucks are in denial about.

My god nothing beats this shit
kino levels through the roof

umad lol

Amazing victorian graphics and ayy lmaos.
That's it.

>average Yea Forums user ACTUALLY unironically thinks that's an emulator
lmao you're the exact type of retard to go and click that link on the video aren't you
jesus this board is retarded

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Anons someone post their own video of it running.
I don't think it is legit at all.

>reverse image search
>no results
fucking hell, user, seriously?


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>being proud of sloppy seconds

Enjoy guys :]

Hm this definitely seems legit and not like a scam at all.

Reinstall windows but this time get malwarebytes.
Since 7 doesn't have windows defender then get an antivirus.

>reverse image search
>no results
Nigger you're a moron

But what about my data???

Are snoys so retarded that they believe a scam is real without even watching a youtube video about it before shitposting?

>he actually doesnt know how to be safe on the internet and just never clicks any links
Fucking kids I swear.

Do you have any backups?
You could get a laptop with linux and run some commands to back it up.
You could restore a backup then install malwarebytes to remove anything bad.

You need to get on my level of shitposting, you're like three layers behind.

>durrrrrr, i-it'll be good eventually! :p
cope harder PC fag. pirated console games running on emulation will never run properly - ever. buy a console and shut the fuck up

Because it looks like a fun game and I wanna play it.

So playing botw at 1080p 60 fps is worse than 720p 30 fps?

>1.16 GB

Attached: 1549102880413.png (573x495, 212K)

fact: non-idorts should be banned from Yea Forums

The PS4 is basically a mid-tier PC, and you need a lot stronger hardware to emulate something. So the speeds would be acceptable to only like i9 owners etc.

>I eat ALL the garbage! Praise me!

hey buddy, just blew in from "no fun" town?

Delightfully Devilish

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>I just pretended to be stupid
oh fuck off

>hurr durr I'm an aspie please fuck my face
whatever, groid-san

Congratulations it only took you guys 5 years

It was literally on the first page of results. You're just stupid.

define "properly"


>30+ frames!
Yea, not on your fuckin' life.


Attached: 3472787.jpg (600x649, 63K)

I got hyped you fag. Then the ps4 buttons and keyboard popped up.

>Emulator with image compression.

Attached: 14853471483.jpg (637x637, 40K)

>he actually doesnt know how to be safe on the internet and just never clicks any links
>clicks random link on Yea Forums
It's folder with CP. Ebigg winnnnnn

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