Will she make it into Borderlands 3?

Will she make it into Borderlands 3?

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I've asked devs. They said no.

Why? They are just gonna turn her into a gay meme loving retard who could do no wrong if they did that.

I want her to scurry away from a conversation, surreptitiously follow her, watch her glance around, and when she thinks no one is watching, unleash a torrent of pee all over the ground.

I enjoy how even Tales of the Borderlands could not salvage Janey Springs personality. Literally all her lines was being angry and reminding everyone that she's gay. They also ruined Athena.

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Shut up, Scooter you are supposed to be dead.

Guys I haven't been paying attention, is this game going to be good? I liked borderlands 1 and 2

Rhys is in so probably but I hope not
Nope, they're fucking up the shooting, adding stupid alternate fires to everything, and the writing is even worse

Thank you for the concise answer

>not even same voice actor for Rhys

This game is going to be so shit

More importantly, will her cute sister be in BL3, and married to Rhys?

Can't keep a good man down, you know what I mean ha ha.

We already saw how they fucked over Vaughn and Cassius. Be grateful she doesn't appear.

>scooter dies
>option for ebin pop culture reference
>ebin pop culture reference is made the canon choice in the new DLC
this game is going to fucking suck

>cute sister
I didn't even try to settle for that short black bitch, despite the game trying to push me into it. She always questioned all the shit I did.

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Fuck no. That would mean actually saying Telltale matters.

Laura Bailey is probably too expensive for the cheapskates at gearbox. Vaughn is likely the only one, unless you include some presequel characters (though not hot lesbian Australian, I'm sure)

It's a real fucking shame, Tales made a decent to good story out of Borderlands. Too bad we couldn't have Tales's writers make a story campaign for the main series.

Even if you don't know what Cowboy Bepop is, Space Cowboy is a really accurate description of Scooter. Its only bad because they acknowledged that its an anime reference seconds after that.

Cliché as it was, his death in Tales was some of the best writing in the series.

Get the GotY version in a few years.

>and the writing is even worse
This would actually impress me

Do you think BL3 will be able to compete?

>She always questioned all the shit I did.
Of course she did, your Idol was Space Hitler.
In a perfect world, the writers of Tales would be writing BL3. A choose your adventure game is the best thing to come out of the series.

She was alright when she was just being a mildly insane and otherwise pleasant individual. Definitely spent too much time talking about her lesbian credentials.

It'd be nice if LB with his voice and outfit (up until the last chapter anyway) came back.

Just watch the E3 gameplay demo, Anthony Burch's writing was already bad and they're tying very hard to imitate it and actually managing to fall short

Gameplay, guns and skills are looking better. Writing isn't. Basically if you liked 1 and 2 you're probably gonna like this one.

Aurelia is already confirmed to come back, so who knows?


Oh, so he's the beasthunter robot dude then?

>strong female
obviously yes, double yes if she was BAME