>play civ 6
>see this
No need to be so mean to Mr. Ayers, he wasn't the one naming it.
>play civ 6
>see this
No need to be so mean to Mr. Ayers, he wasn't the one naming it.
Other urls found in this thread:
>>playing civ 6
I'm australian and uluru is literally a meme. We only call it uluru because its shorter than saying ayer's rock, saving time so we can spend more of our days shitposting on Yea Forums and /int/
does the game take the piss from other wonders around the world or just the wh*te ones
Great Mosque of Djenne as seen in CIV V dlc
meanwhile, IRL
take a guess.
Except that's not even the original mosque.
>civ 6
>Kongo is a civilization
>The Maya aren't
>non-white wonders
I had gay sex with a Mayan once, it felt good, he had a tight asshole. I came all over his legs and kissed him right in the mouth.
tell me about your gay sex with a Congolese guy next, please.
Ooh, please do new guenian pygmy next
Nobody takes the landmark names of savages seriously. I don't want to visit the mountain range of Mbukutulopompokaguha.
aren't there thousands of abbo languages? Do they all call it Uluru?
To be fair, the kongo weren't unga bunga tribesmen, they did have actual towns and cities and stuff. They deserve to be in.
The Maya exclusion's is stupid, though, but there's a broader issue with the series barely using precolumbian civilizations other then the Aztec, Maya, and Inca, but then also using a bunch of precolumbian tribes, instead of putting the spotlight on other cviilizations like the Purepecha Empire, Mixtec, Zapotec, Teotihuacan, the Moche, the Wari or Tiwanku Empires, the Kingdom of Chimor, etc.
The Maya not being in 6 but trhen the Mapuche, the Cree, etc being in is just another example of that.
IMO, the ideal representation of the Precolumbian Americas in civ without giving them too many would be:
>North America
Pubelo/Oasisamerica amalgam
Aztec Empire
Purepecha Empire
The Maya
The Mixtec
>Central America
The Musica
>The Andes
The Inca Empire
The Chimu Empire/Kingdom of Chimor
The Tiwanku Empire
The Mesoamerican and South American civs here are all urban state socities. The Mississipians had cities and were at least proto-states if not formal states for at least Cahokia; the Pueblo/other SW groups and the Muscia had arguable proto-cities and cheifdoms, and the Iroquois didn't have anything close to cities but had relatively complex socities/governments.,
Also Teotihuacan should be in game as a city-state, so should the Republic of Tlaxcala. Having the Classic Veracruz, Totonacs, or Olmec as a represenative of the Gulf Coast quadrant of Mesoameirca so bpoth the center (Aztec) east (Maya) west (Purepecha) South (Mixtec) and gulf are represented would be neat but that might be pushing it in terms of having too many. Also we don't know of any specific Tiwanku rulers so that might be a problem, other non Inca/Chimu andean civs like the Moche, Wari, etc have the same problem.
litrerally all of the worlds indepedent complex civilizations are nonwhite
I think the problem with most precolumbian civs is that we don't know the names of their cities (or leaders), even if they had plenty. We don't even know the actual names of many Maya cities, only glyphs without pronounciations or no name at all.
Teotihuacan is in the game as an Aztec city, iirc.
Friendly reminder in all their left wing zeal, they actually included a proto hitler when they added the Australian leader in John Curtin, a radical socialist who implimented many of the same policies that Hitler did, while also being a staunch advocate for the White Australia Policy.
Dareth I sayeth, baseth
"it is of incalculable importance that America, Australia, and Siberia should pass out of the hands of their red, black, and yellow aboriginal owners, and become the heritage of the dominant world races"
"The most ultimately righteous of all wars is a war with savages."
"the conquest and settlement by the whites of the Indian lands was necessary to the greatness of the race and to the well-being of civilized mankind"
- Theodore Roosevelt
fucking Obama did something similar renaming Mt. McKinley to some eskimo bullshit
I mean, it's true that for a lot of sites we don't know the name it';s inhabatants would have called them, but pretty mcuh all of them have a modern name we can refer to them by, most of them still in a Maya language ("Tikal" is still a maya word even if we now know it would havge been called Yax Mutal), so that wouldn't be an obstacle. And we know the names of specific Maya kings, princes, queens, etc for dozens of cities due to inscriptions as well as their deeds, dates of boirthds, deaths, wars and alliances that happened, etc.
We may not know the specific information since they were mostly "On X date Y thing happened" style records, but we have them, and we only need 1 ruler toi be the in game civ's leader.
As far as the Purepecha Empire, the Relacion de Michoacan provides enough information, even if we have no surviving written records from the civilization itself. Tzitzipandáquare or Tariácuri could be the leader, and we have enough city and town names to use in game for them. Bonuses relating to copper resources or bronze working as a technology; defensive bonuses/a unique garrasion building, or city mangement make sense given that they were at the cutting edge of metallurgical development in the region; formed a series of forts alongside their aztec border following invasions, and had the only imperial style empire in mesoamerica (vs the hedgemonic system that the aztec and others used).
For the Mixtec, 8-Deer-Jaguar-Claw is the obvious leader choice, given he united most Mixtec sity-states into an empire. Tuetutepec would be the captial, and there's a number of other known mixtec cities which could be used for the city list. Bonuses to culture or luxary resources (namely gold and gems) would make the most sense given how the mixtec provided a huge source of the region's fine goldwork and stone mosiacs.
>provided a huge source of the region's fine goldwork and stone mosiacs
stopped reading there
well, that was the end of his post after all.
IV > rest
the death-stacks ruined it for me.
Not too informed on the Musica but I know they are stupidly well documented. As far as the Chimu, I know we know at least some decent info on them via Inca accounts and the Spanish, including the names of some of their rulers and governance, so they should have a leader to use. Chan Chan as teir captial, obviously, and I imagine we know at least a few other Chimu cities, if not enough for a full city list they can use some modern cities and towns around that area of peru. Bonus food from coastal tiles alongside, like the mixtec, culture bonuses or to lkuxaries, for gold and cilver, make the most sense given they were a coastal state and we see a lot of marine notifs in their art, have seafood dumps in archeological findings, and had really nice gold and silver art.
I could go on for the Pueblo and such but tl;dr bottom line I don't think lack of information would be a problemn for any of the ones I listed other then The Tiwanku Empire and the Mississippians.
It is. It sort of makes sense since during the Aztec period the towns around the ruins oif the city formed one of the Aztec's tributary provinces, but it wasn't a partiuclarly notable of important province for them and it's importance as a city in it's heyday 1000 years before the Aztec is way more notable and important. I'd just drop it out of the Aztec city name list.
Tlaxcala is also on there but that's even more baffliong since the Republic of Tlaxcala never got conquered by them, they alongside Huextozinco, Cholula, and some other less important towns and cities were in an unconquered enclave.
Am I misinformed? like 9/10 I see some cool goldwork or mosiac piece in museum catalogs it's labeled as being made by the Mixtec; and them being a huge souirce for those items is something I see noted a lot.
based and vbpilled
>It is. It sort of makes sense since during the Aztec period the towns around the ruins oif the city formed one of the Aztec's tributary provinces, but it wasn't a partiuclarly notable of important province for them and it's importance as a city in it's heyday 1000 years before the Aztec is way more notable and important. I'd just drop it out of the Aztec city name list.
I'll also add that Teotihuacan during the classic period is SUCH a big deal It honestly deserves to be a playable civ: It was fucking giant, bigger then rome in physical expanse (see pic) and while not nearly as populated, still would have been in the top 10-15, maybe even tied in the top 5 most populated cities in the world at it's height. Had a sewage system, running water, tons of giant pyramids, pretty much all of it's popularion was living in fancy palace complexes, so it actually is straightup the single most egalatarian urban city in history; and it was hugely culturally and politically influential in the region based on how much othjer cities adopted it's art and archtectural motifs and the fact it was conquering maya city-states like 1000 miles away.
The problem is just that, other then those 3-4 maya cities, there's not really any other city we can dfineitively say Teotihuacan controlled, so it doesn't have a potential city list; though Spearthrower Owl would be the logical leader choice.,
>An incelberg called ayyers rock
But user, the locals had been calling it Denali for decades prior.
>Spearthrower Owl
I love that the archaeologists just described the glyphs (initially).
>Smoking Frog
>Knot-eye Jaguar
Fair enough, but it was still naming a rock that was already named because they thought they had the right to do so/assumed that there wasn't an existing name from the existing people.
See: when Llyn Bochlwyd was called "Lake Australia" by the English because they thought it looked a little bit like Australia.
I'm well aware
>let's rename the tallest peak in North America named after a war hero and President to what "the locals" call it
Are you going to rename D.C. whatever name the local tribe called it, also?
things have different names from their native name all the time and nobody had a problem with it:
China - Zhongguo
Korea - Hanguk
Greece - Ellas
Using the aboriginal name is one thing, but I don't get the belittling of Henry Ayers. I can only imagine the blue-haired nightmare blob that wrote this.
Honestly every place in America should be renamed with an injun name, including America itself. I hate immigrants.
Not really comparable is it because a mountain has been there far longer than a city.
>not playing the best iteration of the series right now
I pity you.
>Meaningless joke in a video game
>/pol/ seeths and comes sulking to Yea Forums
Being a dick to some harmless dead guy qualifies as a joke now?
What kind of skirt wearing dilating faggot are you thinking we can't make fun of people, let alone dead people?
>Gives shittons of unique bonuses to civs, making some at a massive disadvantage while others basically play themselves
also, being elected to governor of a state five times isn't an accomplishment apparently.
Evidently you're a zoomoid secondary who started the series with V, but the civilopedia used to be full of useful information on history (and how to play the game, for that matter). Even V had this to some extent, but now it's just smug "woke" """humor""".
Wikipedia used to not be a thing, they aren't going to waste their time writing a page worth of quick-history for a rock when some autist has written a twenty page detailed account of the rock for wikipedia.
>""white"" wonder
t. Henry Ayers
>make game about the history of mankind and civilization
>cba with history, just go to wikipedia if you want to read about that lol what a nerd
>>cba with history, just go to wikipedia if you want to read about that lol what a nerd
Nice strawman. But you're right. If you care about history go read the wiki, or better yet go to school and learn about your favorite subject. You're not just complaining for the sake of it are you?
>I love history and learning about history and everything about history, I was going to be historian and follow my passion but civ 6 didn't have an ingame wiki so I didn't.
>Wikipedia used to not be a thing, they aren't going to waste their time writing a page worth of quick-history for a rock when some autist has written a twenty page detailed account of the rock for wikipedia.
If this is truly the case, then don't include any historical background at all and actually explain how the game mechanics work. Also, 4 and 5 had fine civilopedias and wiki was around for them.
SJW snark.
imagine being such a triggered snowflake
it's called freeze peach, sweaty look it up
>>No need to be so mean to Mr. Ayers, he wasn't the one naming it.
But user, COLONIALISM BAD!!! Think of all the poor aboriginies who would be doctors and lawyers and the little black kids who would be playing by candy rivers with gumdrop smiles if it weren't for straight white men.
>see joke
>get offended
>cry on the internet
fucking /pol/cels are such unbearable tumblrinas sometimes
>see joke
>get offended
>start calling names
You're so much better.
The mountain was also there far longer than the natives were. If it isn't ours to name, then it wasn't theirs to name. The whole point of naming something is so that everybody knows what it is and so that it can be used on a map. At this point you might as well just keep all of the "white devil" names because it's what people know.
I'd also like to take a second to tell the Welsh to fuck off with their bullshit, if 90% of your own fucking people don't speak the language, why the fuck is it on signs?
get a load of this retard
Stay mad, Ayers.
I don't really give a shit about names, but I do think that we should be making more of an effort to be aware of and intergrate native american culture into the broader culture of the US.
If you go to places like Arizona where there's still a decrntly sizable native population, you can see that and their culture permeating public art, architecture, etc. It's pretty neat.
i am fond of pigs
if he didn't want people to make fun of him then he wouldn't have died
We still call it Ayer's Rock in Britain.
absolutely based. Bean is the best thing that ever happened to this franchise.
But this already true to a vast extent, even at the national level.
The story of Thanksgiving being a venerated holiday being the biggest example.
even something as innocuous as dreamcatchers being a well known thing to white people
and you said you don't care about names but the majority(?) of states are indian names, not to mention countless cities, counties, etc.
not to mention the countless local stuff like you mentioned
Colonialism bad
I get the feeling it was burned down.
yes and?
I can just imagine the seething woman that typed that.
I remember the annoying, unlikable British faggot in AC3 kept crying at me because the red coats lost the war.
Like, calm down bitch, I can't change the past.
*feminist screeches*
what does colonialism have to do with feminism
imagine defending
every feminism is inter-sectional feminism, which means feminism must also consider the plight of the natives.
Why would you even touch this atrocious game after they shat all over Sid's vision of no politics at all in his game.
The game itself is fucking shit too
>look up Henry Ayers
>birthplace: Portsea, Portsmouth
Hey, he's a Pompey lad, nice
Don't get why people would buy Civ 6 when Civ 5 still exists, and I think has more players.
I don't know, I didn't check.
because CIV 6 is unironically better
I already have over 800 hours in Civ 5
Yeah, no.
The stuff you mention is utterly culturally superficial, even the stuff I mentioned is still largerly superficial, just more prevasive. People have little to no knowledge of actual indignious history or culture, and other then perhaps a name of a neighboorhood or two, they aren't referenced or used. As a demographic, native americans hardly even exist in the general cultural sphere;' etc.
>dislike some of the flavor texts included into the game
fucking drama queens
Current Civ 6 is great.
no people in history have referenced their defeated foe with more respect than the Americans.
I don't know what you want man.
Indians are overwhelmingly "respected" throughout American culture.
even the most stereotypical racist white hicks like to claim Native ancestry and have sort of an odd reverence for them
>"use" their culture
Literally nothing is stopping people from producing related media, etc. or living like an indian.
The state-level fairs and stuff you mentioned seems like a good start.
If all you mean is the history department in the public school system, then I'm right there with you.
more history in general
I'm gonna be honest anons, I just don't have the energy to clarify further right now
I stayed up for like 3 days straight with 4 hours of sleep replying to shit on /his/ and threads here on Yea Forums people were making; and i'm super burnt out. Worst of all half the shit on /his/ 404'd before I could finish
Aztecs sucks.
Copan? More like Cope LMOA
if you want a deep conversation about Native culture and history in popular culture you won't ever get it, like any conversation in popular culture, it's never deep, informed and nuanced.
Copan is Maya, m8.
All look same.
>it's fine that we enslaved all their kin cause they didnt have stone houses and rifles and technology
u pro colonisation fellas better spread ur cheeks wide if aliens ever come here to colonize us. it's only fair right bros??
god you fucking retards
Alien colonization was terrible! They cured every known sickness, brought us a post-scarcity society and educated our children
>everybody is playing the "might is right"/"to the winner the spoils"-game since pre-history
>Europeans play it extremely well
>suddenly the others complain that it was mean and not fair
i am sure that was only possible AFTER enslaving all the locals, it's a necessary stepping stone
Sure, it's only fair since they are stronger. Which is why i expect you to willingly become an alien slave from the get go
a) we don't play might is right anymore.
b) we would fight the aliens first
c) Alien invasion is such a bullshit scenario
I'll be the first one in the line of cooperators. Assuming they don't instantly turn all of us into cattle.
Nah, there's pretty noticeable differences in their art, architecture, clothing, etc. I'd say comparably distinct as Egypt vs Mesopotamia, or China vs Japan. As I said tho, super burnt out right now and not feeling the energy to give my typical 6+ paragraph long explanations on stuff.
A quick/easy example for you would be to take a look at the art in some surviving Aztec and Maya books though and see how they differ
Aztec (or at least Central Mexican; perhaps not "Aztec" depending on how speffically one might define it):
>Egypt vs Mesopotamia
All look same.
>China vs Japan
Arr rook same.
Keep "copaning" (that's aztec-sounds for coping), lol
>a) we don't play might is right anymore.
up to the Aliens to decide, fucker
>b) we would fight the aliens first
Yeah so did the natives. But wait, why would you? Colonisation is a net positive according to this thread, sure your family and everyone you know will be enslaved but maybe in a few hundred years you'll be part of alien society.
>c) Alien invasion is such a bullshit scenario
It's the closest thing we'll get from the PoV of natives seeing europeans with guns.
>I'll be the first one in the line of cooperators. Assuming they don't instantly turn all of us into cattle.
No such option was given to the natives so for this discussion this isnt a possibility. You will be cattle, friend
>up to the Aliens to decide, fucker
fair enough
>Yeah so did the natives. But wait, why would you? Colonisation is a net positive according to this thread,
Depends on the colonizer, retard. The Belgians or Ottomans, not very fun. The English, on average, you will be alright if you don't rebel. The average life expectancy nearly doubled under British rule in India for example. And the Hongkongers are actually protesting RIGHT NOW because life under the British was better and more free than under the Chinese.
>No such option was given to the natives
I'm positive half Mesoamerica willingly joined the Spanish ranks. And motherfucking Gandhi studied in London.
So yes, I'll be banging hot alien chicks in the Galactic Empire capital while you'll be here in the mud farm I supervised for our ayy lmao overlords.
>shit tier
no stacking
>bad tier
>okay tier
corps and armies
>god tier
great general armies with independent attack and defense ratings
Most people I know (in Ireland) know that it's not PC to call it Ayer's Rock anymore but no one actually knows what you're supposed to say instead so we just keep calling it Ayer's Rock.
>I'm positive half Mesoamerica willingly joined the Spanish ranks. And motherfucking Gandhi studied in London.
To be freed from their Mayan empire, yes. Once it was over it's not like the spanish gave a fuck, off to the mines they went with the Mayans
And good luck with mainplanet women, im sure you'll be as desirable to them as an indian was to Englishwomen in the 18th-19th century
They need to put new mudd on it every year.
>I'm positive half Mesoamerica willingly joined the Spanish ranks
It's actually more accurate to say the Spanish joined the Mesoamericans.
I talked a lot about mesoamerican geopolitcs and how it played into the spanish conquest here pastebin.com
>Mayan empire
god you are making me want to stab myself
Damn, someone really cares about the history of Mesoamerica in the 15-16th centuries.
I respect that. Keep it up.
>he doesn't want to experience the radical vistas of the Mbukutulopompokaguha mountain range
>his argument revolves around little green men ass probing us because humans out competed one another in the past like every species ever including nativefags
And then when aliens wipe us out anyway you will be like but I called the rock Uluru!
>It's actually more accurate to say the Spanish joined the Mesoamericans.
To form the modern Mesoamerican state, right? Isn't like they became a colony of Catholics that speak Spanish, right?
I do user.
You can see more shit i've typed up and resources i've collected here: boards.fireden.net
though I really need to go back and re-do some of those post series's with updated and expanded info, as since I've done a lot of them i've learned more things/have worded stuff more elegantly.
Read the pastebin, towards the bottom I talk about why it ended up with the Spanish on top despite the fact that in many respects the spanish were being manipulated by native states to take out their geopolitical rivals and to their advantage and despite the fact that said native city-states and empires had the numerical advantage, did most of the work in the conquest, andcould have turned on the spanish at any time
bottom line it comes down to differing ideas and norms for how political adminstration worked and what being a state meant to the mesoamericans vs the spanish; imperalism really wasn't a thing in mesoamerica due to them lacking beasts of burden and political influence and empires functioned on indirect rule and a lot more fluid of a system of political relationships and reapoltik; so they didn't really get what they were signing up for/with and by the time they might have realized it was too late due both diseases as well as the status quo having changed enough that native nobility and their descesdents had it in their best interests to not do so
>read my mesoboo tl;rd
No thank you. I already know the Spaniards were smarter than the dumb and smelly Amerindians.
Amazing. I will save the link(s) and read it later. I promise.
It's just nearly midnight where I live and I am drunk.
But I am always amazed and humbled if someone is very passionate about a topic and shares it.
based eurochad
>could be learning about greek/chinese/roman history
>>>mesoamerican peeps
get a load of this very niche choice
>implying I don't have a collection of books about Roman, Greek and Chinese history
But my historic main-interests are fascist movements in the 20s to 40s and WWI.
I played it when it came out and it was not my style at all. Everything felt so fucking neutered, a billion options and none of them have any impact. Civic cards that have AMAZING game changing oppurtunities like 5% stronger military or a billion other small things like that over several hundred turns, unintuitive trade route systems and a completely out of control busted faith system. I don't know, I was not impressed at all, and ended up going back to 4 and 5 without much thought.
You got a history degree or just freetime?
a lot has changed after 2 addons, I was very dissapointed with the basegame but now it's an ok game. But the civic cards are still shit, completely unbalanced (some are must-have, some are unbelievably useless) and their layout is retarded. They should have scrapped them with the first addon.
>You got a history degree
in hindsight, it's what I should've done, but I was retarded.
>just freetime
It's my main-hobby/interest
Pretty cool. I assume too busy to take a degree now, but you should definitely give it a chance later in life
Taking a history degree myself rn. got greek exam coming, life is hell
lel Ayer BTFO
>white wonder
you can literally see it's red
Basically, the American devs are (who'd guess) Amerocentric, so they include literal who NAmerican tribes just because som *nglos happened to come to blows over who's cow belonged to who with them
>got greek exam coming
good luck.
>but you should definitely give it a chance later in life
maybe. Would be nice.
Chinese history is mind-bogglingly niche. Who knows why the fuck one of the most literary cultures on Earth is a relatively niche subject for history in the west, fuck it makes me buttmad.
im definitely choosing it as a free exam later in my studies
people cannot care about of affair insects
cope harder, chang
I was active on a civ forum for some years and their is a certain part of the community that have an absolute boner for native North American tribes and wanted every 3rd civ to be a native American tribe and would make the most outrageous and unfounded claims about their scientific and cultural accomplishments and if someone criticized them or their bullshit, they would chimp out.
So it's not just the devs, but a very vocal part of the community is pushing this.
ZHANG it's spelt ZHANG fuck you american wade-giles using fuck
to be fair, it's very hard to follow if you don't actually read/speak Chinese. Their names are very similar and not very memorable.
And their culture, ideology and religious thought are so different and weird, it's hard to understand why people react or act in a certain way.
This, I doubt any of the people who bitch about it being called Ayer’s rock call Japan “Nihon”.
That's why I'm learning Chinese
Culture/ideology are actually pretty similar depending on the era. As with western culture, the further back in time the weirder and more brutal it gets. By the time you're in the late Ming dynasty, though, you're basically talking about people who have similar attitudes towards life as early enlightenment-era westerners...even if they'll casually sell their children because they've fallen on hard times. And my God do they have a lot of extra-marital sex.
Plus, even when you go really far back you still find very similar outlooks to the west. Like how Legalists are basically Stalin but with bows and arrows and spears. They even wanted to give everyone a unique ID card so they could be easily tracked.
Religion is entirely different to anything the west "knows" about religion, but that's because the western religion vs. philosophy thing is weird.
>hurrr I am king convict, look upon my works ye mighty and despair
being the king of the convicts is still being the king.
of the convicts
i rest my case
Better a king of the convicts than a slave of the gods. Or something.
>Ayer's rock
Fuck me that was a long-ass dungeon.
Being king of the aussies is like being the most well-respected furry
Why not? Let's not be racists here user.
nice to see that the civpedia is still awful.
one of the many reason why 5 and 6 will never be as good as 4.
I for one welcome our alien overlords and they can probe everyone else but me.