EDF deploy

THEY'RE bipedals
Yea Forums server
you guys no the password

Attached: frog.png (1014x804, 1.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:


awesome but you forgot
also I don't know the password

Play air raider and destroyed all my allies bargas in mission 99 :^)

Finished the whole story and now I get it why you call her egg-chan! That's cute

>also I don't know the password

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When should I start playing other classes? I don't really want to do Hard again, but I guess it's required....

>but I guess it's required
Only if you actually care about completion %. Nobody is making you play it again.

>fencer with twin spears and a shotgun
>mfw properly controlling him
so this is the power of fast

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Do you get % completion for difficulties below current one? I'm doing hard and don't want to do easy/normal for %.

>Mission 40
>you're the only one destroying turrets on the bottom side of the mothership
>after they're destroyed you are the only one shooting into the drop hole
>meanwhile your team is busy shooting at the useless cannons on top of the ship and dying to ants

That was fucking horrible. Please tell me there are not many other missions like this.
Took me 1,5 hours to basically solo this on hard while my team was watching.

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hard counts for normal and easy, but hardest and inferno only count for themselves. So for 100% completion you have to play each mission with each class 3 times.

I wish buyfags stopped posting on these threads. They don't belong here given how pirate multiplayer is possible.

yes, you beat on the hardest and get medal for all 5 difficulties

only on hard (where you get normal&easy) and normal (where you get easy).
So that means in total you'd have to beat hard, hardest and inferno for 100%

t. Giant monster
EDF is for all.

Paypigs not only are responsible for the sorry state of the industry, but they're at odds with Yea Forums's culture.

Buyfag hardest 31 room?

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I hate wingdivers

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>implying I buy triple A games

Based retards

>triple A
>triple anything
My dudes... I have news for you

Are you going to make one?

>85 dollarydoos for the game
>theres 91 dollarydoos of DLC already
I will not buy it

I'm waiting for one

Online wingdivers that disregard friendly fire must be slapped!

and then they fly into a giant clusterfuck to res you with half of their health, which isn't enough to take even the smallest hit, and you both instantly die

Buyfriend room.

Mission is hard, difficulty is 97.

Room: Momji
Password: awoo

Okay but that doesn't mean buyfags aren't welcome.

Almost all of them are PS4 preorder shit that gets obsolete fast. Mission packs are the only worthwhile DLCs and they're not even released on steam unless you use creamapi or something.

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Momji, not awoo Momiji, he's a retarded

well I don't see why you don't make it yourself, but okay

Room is up
Yea Forumsdf
mission 31 hardest

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What do you use for personal defense as AR? Those artillery callin guns that autoreload?

Friendly reminder to respect your brave Air Waifus out there

But not when they do this

Attached: CUTE AIR WAIFU.png (850x1206, 1.42M)

>winged legion
>ok this is the mission where dragons appears
>ok beat the frogs here come dragons
>there are a lot of them better deploy sentries
>wait a minute these aren't dra-

oh fuck

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Unironically call a gunship strike on yourself.

Only up to mission 101, but I don't think I recall any that were as annoying as destroying the walking base. I remember 2-manning the level with like 8 teleportation ships in that open rice field map took ages, but nothing quite like the walking fort.

They aren't.
Stop inviting them to these threads

Nigger, what you're saying isn't wrong, but edf isn't in that category of mass marketed shit that isn't worth a penny but sells well because of the 100 million spent on marketing.

reminder that they also eat people

New to the game and the series, how do you go fast as a Fencer? Any loadouts I should try?

Jokes on you, all my NPCs got killed and I had to deal both with the mobs and the cannons. I probably spend like an hour running away (ranger) from the ship trying to thin out the herd. I don't even know how I fucking survived.

There are other tedious misions but good news for you is that one was probably the worst of that type.

How do I play with pirate bros?

dash > jump > fire a twin spear

Early game you don't go super fast as Fencer. You need to read weapon descriptions and make sure you have a weapon with side thrust and a weapon with jump boost for speed. Usually any CC Piercer with any Autocannon will do the trick, but there are more options than that in other categories. Your secondary weapon set can be anything.

Dash cells, addboosters. Equip a CC striker or piercer in one hand and something with boost in the other, then thrust and hit boost immediately to go flying in the direction of the thrust.
Until you get some better dash cells and addboosters you can't do it many times consecutively though.

Double spear acts as extra dashes. Other than that, equip utilities in the two accesory slots that give you additional dashes and/or jumps, depending on your playing style.
Personally I have too much fun with dual gatlings so I just equip jump boosters to shoot from the sky and change loadout to double spear whenever I need to run away fast.

you'll be pretty slow until you unlock booster equipment. use both jumps and dashes then after your last dash use weapon attack or shield to retain inertia

You need upgrades that you won't have to start with. Dash and jump upgrades to be more specific. Double/triple/quadruple jump and boost upgrades, and even combo upgrades will gradually get unlocked with progression. It also helps to have one of those that upgrade your base speed. I am not a 100% sure on this, but I could swear the leg exoskeleton upgrade actually also diminishes the time it takes to recharge your jumps/dashes.

Sorry for being retarded, guys.

Are Special Weapons worth giving a look at while playing Ranger? I've been playing mostly Shotgun/AR + Sniper/Rocket launchers

If you wanna meme around yes

>Waited for the game to come to PC
>Refused to pay the ridiculously base price
>Refused to buy the greedy DLC
>Fought against all odds to get the multiplayer running due to their sense of true camadery

>Threw their money at the PS4 version even knowing that it came to PC
>Only bought it because they saw it on the Steam frontpage
>Played it until the next flavor of the month game was released

That's why buycucks aren't welcome here.

That said, I think reversers are there which could be situational useful
I've heard flamethrower could also be useful against FAST ants

Whatever poorfag

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>being an aussie

grow up

>Didn't do anything to contribute to the game coming to PC

>Gave financial incentive to port the game to PC

What's a decent solo AR loadout? I've been using Limpet/Autocannon/Spritefall and that's been working out okay

>Then cry because sandlot stops making games or worse, decide to convert the game into a F2P service like Destiny 2.

Acid guns are fucking insane
They tear through Ayys armor and drones

>When you're got the highest completion in the lobby but the lowest armor
Grindfags disgust me.

that's decent enough. I'd say that you could change the autocannon/spritefall for a bombing run, but that depends on the mission.

>the leg exoskeleton upgrade actually also diminishes the time it takes to recharge your jumps/dashes
it doesn't. only dash cells affect the intervals of dashes

>tfw NPCs keep crossing my line of fire and killing themselves. Even when I get to the roof of some building, wing divers somehow manage to catch my bullets.
I try so hard to avoid it but man they are dumb.

git gud, then you'll have more armour

I wish I could have a highlight reel of all the stupid shit NPCs say on comms.

It trains you for multiplayer. I legitimately had one ranger that for some reason always wanted to snipe in front of me until i accidentally oneshotted him with my shotgun and sent him flying away.

virgin moral pirate
>too poor to afford anything
>tries to find excuses for why he is morally superior

chad marauder
>doesn't care about morals
>pirates everything for fun

It means I'm gooder than the others cause I don't need to sponge as much damage.

>Forced the developer to make a game worth playing
>Created the word of mouth that made the series popular in the first place

>Gobble $40 of DLC and ask for seconds

Anyone have the grim reaper voice lines? Especially from Mission 40 Brutal Battlefield

>Created the word of mouth that made the series popular in the first place
you do know that the series was console only for quite a fucking long time, right?

Claymores are great in mission 101 or whenever there are green ants

>Piracy doesn't exist on consoles
Why are paypigs so hopelessly ignorant?


why are americans so poor?

Is this a new shitpost tactic or something

and you do know that it's nowhere near the size, right?

its the power of summer and idiocy unleashed.

Stop replying to retards.

Anyway, my point is that we shouldn't allow buyfags on the EDF threads and the OP should include a guide to enable the Pirate lobbies.
If buyfags want to post their lobbies they should make their own thread, away from us.

>hurr git gud
>durr piratefags/buyfags
Cool, not even 2 weeks and threads are already reaching /vg/ quality.

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Ahem, fuck gold ants.

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>shotguns you for 5000 damage

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Watch your back

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Playing Air raider, I'm having fun but I'm afraid of friendly fire I might do.

be the chad AR and nuke the entire map while not giving a fuck about casualties

The maps gets painted red so they can get out of the way. Getting blasted is their own fault.

Just throw out a "watch out for the ranged attack!" and make sure it's not on top of a ranger or another AR. Fencers and WDs can easily get away unless they're already trapped.

People usually fuck off from the strike zones so it's not a problem.

as long as you don't deliberately want to fuck them, its fine.

no fuck that
Swap it to "Watch out for the air strike!" and spam that shit forever
Fuck I have it on just so I can spam it in missions where an AI one happens so idorts don't get killed by it
This is a lesson learned from 4.1


As long you make sure everything inside the blast radius is kill and your not the idiot that agroo the entire map

1 Ranger and 1 AR working together are literally unstoppable

Literally impossible enemy, what were they thinking by putting an hard enemy on the first mission?

Attached: ant.png (489x289, 262K)

user in the previous thread said it was a Photoshop. I am so sorry to give you these news.

Almost no excuse in this one, 99% of stuff paints the danger zone red so as long as you aren't launching your shit directly onto teammates it's their fault if they get hit.

*throws cave mission with gold ants on you*
Nothing personnal....

in theory you can. Some other user already showed the UV maps. from there its just a question of finding...lets say the WD UV maps and replacing it with your own.
Just keep in mind that you might not be able to change their color, unless your modded file has the same properties as the original one.

Attached: when EDF says FUCK YOU.webm (1100x618, 2.92M)

This is where I start attaching Napalm to them until they get the message.

>The AR brings the power gun, depth crawler and the turrets.
>The ranger destroys the ants with a single look.

>AR throws out buffs and turrets from the back, using his depth crawler for extra oomph
>Ranger, now buffed, rips and tears through the caves with his trusty shotgun and flame pillars

Buying a quality niche AA game is not being an industry ruining paypig it's the opposite you fucking retard. Black and white thinking is moronic.

Lobby up
Mission 23 - Hardest

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I love wing divers!

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I'm not a pirate friend, but this piratefag is the type that gives them a bad name

Can't believe EDF thread have turned into piratefags vs buyfags.

This place fucking sucks.

gg our 10 hour hardest lobby. Sorry for nuking you all.

The game just isn't worth its full price
^ bought the game twice

Air dancers are better

It really sucks. Nobody cares if you pirate but claiming moral superiority for it is plain obnoxious

I have a feeling these 2 are discordfags or smashfags being butt blasted a decent thread that isn't eceleb, waifu wars, or HE'S IN isn't getting jannie'd

one slot open here
Mission 36 now

Can the EDF supreme commander get some love? Yes, he only appears like 5 times, but all his speeches were very inspiring.

>calls Americans poor
>can't afford A/C
>dies in heatwave

My friend was pretty big on him when we played on PS4
This is, the EDF Commander

>Sarges team is storm 2
>You alone are storm 1

It's worth every single cent.

average day with air raider in team

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Storm 1 is ideally the 4 man team you make in MP

For me its the Nix Saber

good job everyone, 10+ hours of kicking ayylians arse from mission 60 all the way to GOD


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Oh that makes more sense

>didn't buy the game
>bought the game
>like to defend our mother earth from any alien threat
Stop falling for the bait you dumb niggers

>sarge was escorting 4 civilians the whole time

>EDF5 was a harem game all along
>but you were the harem

Me too

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>search HARD
>about 50 rooms
>search HARDEST
>1 EN, 1 CN, 1 JP room
>search INFERNO
>1 CH room
I hope interest doesn't die before people reach the higher difficulties

Too much of an effort

Who's the fucker responsible for the Blood Storm M2 (and M3 I guess)? I hate them.

the green ants are fucking retarded

Will you teach that guy a lesson?

1 spot opened up
Now at mission 29 - Hardest


>also I don't know the password

the password is user..?
That's a fucking stupid password

why do 2 people say otherwise

password is rage

Because they just don't seem as good at the first one. Also because they have less explosives, which seems to go against the general progression theme of the game.

what kind of shit password is that?
and why am I expected to know it?
what's it got to do with EDF?

Still one slot open. Mission 39 now. Come have fun with us.

Fuck you, lurk moar.

Lurk more you newfag

Lurk moar

Attached: Air Waifu Chainsaw.jpg (500x328, 79K)

green dies easily, gold on the other hand

you'd know it if you wasn't a newfag

what, is it some grand Yea Forums conspiracy that all passwords have to be rage?

go back home to lelddit

seethe harder tranny

mission 103 hard
room name veedf
password vdf
almost there bros trying to finish up hard this evening

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Funny thing is you got alot of replies for that bait

Dude you're doing it wrong, you're not supposed to tell people the password

Let me iterate, lurk more.

Did you fully upgrade them?

i have intel on air raiders secret new weapon

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>Accuracy: D

It was pretty good but now I'm just pretending to be retarded
Did you know? Yea Forums used to have a board called /rs/ that would catch any fileshare links posted, it was really cool.
It had a major problem though, being that it wouldn't catch passwords unless after the link you posted "Password" and then the password.
This became a real big problem on /r/ with people asking "What is the password for this?" to any fileshare link, which would update the link on /rs/ with the password "for this?"

I've had a thing about people failing with passwords since 2008, shit really bugs me at times

shooting 2 miniguns downwards as fencer should allow you to fall slower

>fall slower
lift off*

>being this assblasted

that would be OP
literally just stay in the air for 900 ammo killing everything that cant shoot you

>try out the pillbug inferno cheese
>get a neat robot with 4 seats
>no friends


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Wait /rs/ is no more?

How do I remove this stupid controls message?

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No, not quite, but my first ones weren't fully upgraded and I checked the fully upgraded stats. I don't actually have the M3 since it's dlc, I assume it's better. But I can't get over them lowering the explosive count from 20 to 10. It just seems wrong.

People really need to remember that air raiders work best as support characters
Work with your teammates
Stop nuking your rangers cover
Stop calling in spritefalls onto your wing divers
Stop diving into groups of enemies

That being said
Rangers, protect you Air raiders from fast bugs
Fall back to air raider defenses
Keep Air raider vehicles from being flanked

>This kills the rolly polly

>nvidia gpu
>have to play windowed cuz fullscreen runs terribly

What the fuck devs fix this shit. Also like how the default was integrated graphics.


>can play hours in online
>can barely do 2-3 missions before I'm bored in offline

i jumped as a fencer and landed straight into the mouth of a tadpole lmao

thats the power of EDF friendship

Having company when playing does wonders

the first wing diver outfit/bodysuit is better

the enemies i hate the most are the ones that fill your screen with flashy particles and dim the light
fuck you laser alien
fuck you tadpole
fuck you deroy when your leg laser fire off

i wish i could play as the frogs
they're cooler

what do you mean we basically do play as the frogs

they look just like us

Every second you can understand what's going on is a second you're not playing EDF. I judge anyone who turned screenshake off.

sadly you must either play with cataracts or simply not get in barga

Fuck you big core wing diver spamming heavy plasmas all the time


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I turned the camera story snap thing off, does that count?
I mean I've played through the game several times before and its really fucking annoying when the camera snaps to something completely different and you die from not being able to attack things or move correctly

but they're cooler

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Nah that's fine.

my hopecanon is that for EDF 6 is that the remaining colonists are no longer controlled by the Primers after their departure and, now abandoned on Earth, join the EDF in fighting the next big threat, and become a playable class all about huge weapons, but also being a big target

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Fuck you I'm having fun

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frog cute

Damn user that sounds fucking retarded

Lurk moar newfag.

i just think body suits are sexier

is that labeled "camera effects"?

>letting ayy's live

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yes, it is evil, turn it off

There's a shake one and the effects yeah. Make sure you turn the former on during mission 100 for the maximum EDF experience.

They are when they don't look all saggy. Plus that helmet looks dumb. Cool retro jetpack though.

There is nothing wrong with frogs unless they're pepe. Frogs are total bros and deserve a chance to fight the bugfag menace.

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Why is mission 6 such a fucking shitshow, jesus.

i turned off screen shake in 4.1, but i feel like it isn't nearly as bad in 5


I leave it on in both. It's part of the experience. Maybe I'll turn it off once I'm at the stage of inferno where a single split second means death.

Whatever dumbshit

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Because I'm an idiot and assumed beating Inferno once would put a medal on Hardest, which it doesn't!

What is the point of that picture?
Why would he want to turn into a frog?
What does it have to do with EDF? I though you just fought alien bugs.

Attached: One Hundred Percent a Frog.png (1920x1200, 907K)

do 10 seconds of research on EDF 5

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It's not a conspiracy, it's common etiquette so we don't have to bother with looking up passwords in threads.

I would like seeing them helping against a bigger evil, but I don't think the remaining of humanity would accept them so soon

Found someone who isn't playing EDF5.

Go fuck yourself, newfagedditor.

Play mission 15 in EDF5 and everything will make sense

the EDF already showed they were willing to accept them as fellow humanoids, but the remaining public being against them could be a plot point I suppose

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You know what time it is
>Paypig lobby
>Difficulty: Hardest
>Mission: 24
>Room: Yea Forumsdf
>Pass: rage

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How much armor do you need to go into hardest and not get roflstomped instantly?

Iunno, I started at like 800 or something and didn't have much issues.

at least 1
weapons are more important than hp

just like be air raider bro.

>have 3000 armor
>some chump with 300 joins
>he dies immediately and starts spamming "SAVE ME!"
>expects me to sacrifice 1500 armor just do he can die 10 seconds later
hahaha, no

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>give AR a spin after fencing through hard
>get new toys slowly as shit because nobody is there to fling themselves around the place picking everything up
Fuck you pubshitters I'm taking grape everywhere I go from now on.

>Greatest Final Confrontation
I feel like I am not helping at all and just watching the death of my framerate

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Would you a frog?

That's what happens when you don't get a WD in your team.
Not only does she carry the mission by herself and never dies because she's fast as fuck, she also gives you free loot. How can other classes even compete.
Remember to thank your WD waifus.

>How can other classes even compete
Fencer can do everything WD can but without being bound to some gay ass energy meter.
Make sure to thank your local Fencer for reviving you with a full healthbar

>Help random pug out with mothership mission
>We go on to fight God
>One of them types You're Under Arrest

My sides are in orbit have you seen any aliens with them?

Heath boxes heal is % based dipshit. It actually benefits you to revive him since the health boxes will heal you way more than him.

Can't TK as effectively.

There's some gay ass jump counter instead.

Fencers can TK just as hard if not harder than WD. They're just not as useless as those dumb spriggans.

Vulcan Hammer. Nothing more fun than ohko flinging your fellow WD into the orbit

>Can't TK as effectively.
>dual dispersal mortar
>some npc passes in front of me just as I unload both barrels
>3/4 of the team dead
>spend the next few minutes spamming EDF as we wait for the air raider slowly walk with the missile mech to reach us to revive us


lol. Have you forgotten about heavy and dispersal mortars?

The number of wing divers I have accidentally destroyed the asses of with my mighty blasthole spear is astronomical.

Is this game good and fun?
I fell into the Risk of Rain 2 hype and got it. I had fun for a while but hit the enjoyment limit quite fast because gameplay feel dull after a dozen runs because there wasnt enough varied content or new characters to play with.
Also the slow updates didn't really help.

Just wanted to know if its safe to get into this game or is it just too niche.

Does the ranger's dodge roll have any invincibility? I either rolled through an attack or the area you're actually hit by a late-game enemy's attack is deceptively small.

>mission 38
why are retards pinging stupid shit like drones? I had a WD who stood trying to be a sniper with the most retarded loadout when there were a million transport ships that he could of just flown up and 1-shot with a phalanx and cleaned the map in less than 10min instead of the 40 it took.

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its pretty fun and there's variety desu

is there an easy way to check my mission completion for each class so I know what missions Im looking for?

>Is this game good and fun?
yes. 61 hours of fun and I've just beaten the third easiest difficulty. Not repetitive at all since every mission is unique and greatly affects the strategy
If you're not sure, just give it a pirate and if you like it, buy it.

In the room create menu you can see the missions and the medals. If a mission is missing then you haven't cleared it.

I've always wanted to try edf is this a good place to start?

You can check the medals earned in the mission select. There is a key prompt to show medals for all classes.

>Go to create lobby [you can do this in any lobby if you want]
>Mission select
>Show all medals button
>Displays all medals got by all classes on the selected stage
>Scroll through and find missions you need completion on

I'm currently missing Hard 16 with wingdiver

nope. what enemy attack are you talking about

ayy lmao smap's lobby gods been detained hes doing an eternity in the slammer

Attached: skelecop.jpg (652x457, 29K)

>enjoy game
>see this

Attached: 1563920993.png (229x24, 3K)

It's official: Fuck red drones. Just reached their introductory mission and these things are tanking 3 1k sniper shots and eating half my health with a laser barrage I've got no idea how to dodge.

ah thnx, I hadnt tried to create a room online yet

>Never able to fast as fencer, dropped him very early on
>Fucking GET it
I am speed!

>be fencer
>eat a bowl of red drones for breakfast
Without any milk.

It's the only place to start. 5 has essentially made all of the other EDF games irrelevant.

what did he mean by this?

Yes, this is the best time to enter


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ayy lmao

>1 shitty new stage
>1 middling new character (talking game feel wise, I know REX is strong but he doesn't feel unique to play, at all)
>like a handful of new items
It upsets me when I think of how fucking slowly the development of that game has gone.

>steam died

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maintenance every tuesday


the earth... is doomed...

Playing as Ranger?
Honestly I bring that one missile launcher that shoots of like 20 weak ass shots and just keep dodging in and out of cover while they chase down the red drone
Try not to draw too many at once, I had a group get destroyed earlier today by drawing all of them

I want to play with my friends now.

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Like the other user said, I was kind of hopeful that 5 would be a continuation of 4.1 but it's better in literally every way except the EDF chant. I haven't 100% 4.1 but I have no real intention of going back 5 is so fuckin good

They look like humans!

Steam Shoah'd itself, was a good time with all you anons while it lasted

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Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png (1062x656, 305K)

>Was on the MISSION COMPLETE splash logo
I am fairly upset

Life as a Ranger is suffering. I'm hoping this experience will teach me how to prepare for and fight each type of enemy. That way I can come back as a Fencer or WD and just delete all the fuckers that caused me problems.

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Scorched Acres is the best stage now tho

dont play online steam games on tuesdays around this time
there is always maintenance on the minute

How long does this nightmare usually last?

I've got one like that but it only shoots 11. I tried using it to draw them in so they could eat shotgun justice but they just shrugged that shit off.

Hey civilian. Tell me where the enemy is and I'll let you in on a secret.

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> Plasma Big Cannon M2
> lvl10
> Cannon M3
> lvl52

Jesus christ this is suffering. I want to use cannons but everything I'm getting now is nowhere near as good. Currently at mission 61 on hard and I feel the M2 damage becoming less than ideal.

So her and AR got married after the war right?

if we could do it once we can do it 8 more times

Did it get updated again or something? I've definitely not been impressed with it the times I've gotten. Akward to travel around in if you don't have good mobility items, with shit like requiring you to go all the way around till you reach a ramp, or jumps that are just a hair too high unless you have a feather. Felt like a stage that was just intended to kick you in the cock if you didn't have enough speed and jumps.

We spent like 2 hours on the same mission and we finally beat the last golden queen and this shit happens right before we clear the mission

It was the best right from the start

>dc'd in the end of the mission
thanks obama

>You're an extraordinary man Air Raider
What do you think

rest in your bed for like 15 minutes

Life is pain user, after using the Plasma Big Cannon M2 on Hard you don't ever get a weapon as effective for hardest or inferno. The lvl 15 and lvl 55 cannons that do 8k and 22k damage are good but use a lot of energy

Attached: 1563426220018.png (833x1057, 433K)

Play some earlier missions and upgrade it
While it doesn't do much damage per shot, its missiles are really fast.
Its not about doing lots of damage, its about doing persistent damage while you're in a place it can't shoot you from.


Well she is a genius so no doubt.

So what loadout do you use? The lancers are OP as shit but they're close range.

How much will the DLC be?

>frogs eat insects by nature
>frog class is hyper strong against bug aliens but basically just a giant target against turrets and drones and robos and ayys
>frog is weaker in a lot of ways than the ayy frogs because its a pure-frog, without all the biotechnological/cybernetic enhancements the ayys used
>basically only viable in bug-only maps or in multiplayer

>early frog weapons include things like 'firing' your tongue ahead or sweeping it
>then adding attachments to the tongue like a wrecking ball or a bio-magnet to vacuum bugs in
>later game you can get armor to patch up your weakness against non-bugs and a variety of heavy weapons that cripple your movement speed with the benefit of turning you into a giant turret

mite b neat

>Finally got my second jump/dash modules, now I can change direction twice in midair and nearly fly, feel like a god
>Look up the weapon table to see when I can get the next one
>There's 10x dash/jump modules later on

Attached: fryhype.gif (320x240, 3.37M)

good enough for me hopefully this isnt 60 buckeroos down the drain though

Attached: dsfaw3we.png (461x387, 6K)

>what did he mean by this?
Everytime I find a game I enjoy it just so happens Masafumi Takada did the soundtrack. Been true for over a decade now.

Unfortunately, I've got something else to do before before they have their weekly 6 hour maint. Was pretty fun with you lads and I'll probably be doing some more EDF later.
t. turretman
You could pirate it and try it out. You can look up how to play with other pirateanons too.

you can always refund


I always use a lance, right now it's the triple lance as my primary and that never changes. My secondary is often a Dragoon lance or the lvl 15 / 55 cannon, depending on the mission. Everything else feels so underwhelming except for those two cannons and the lances

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it's back

For me, it's Raijin

Protip: play a few missions on Normal to try out each class and get the hang of things, then move to Hard.

I always prefer taking a weapon with a magazine for emergencies. At least you can defend yourself if you run out of energy. Weapons such as the Spark * series

Room here is back up
mission 48

>Join Game as the only AR
>Feel like PHOBOS and the like is ruining the experience for the other classes
Truly, I am trashman, but I always get the sneaking suspicion that wiping the map for the team is making it less fun for them since there's less to shoot.


I'd rather have the prowl rider instead.
>The GLIAR controls several insects at the same time.
>It can be upgraded to control Robots and even Ayys

This is how I feel
At least make phobos super expensive so its more of a wipe one/two waves per mission

I think the one I have is capped at 15, going by the text box describing it. Maybe I'll see what level ranges drop a potential upgrade while I try and get some of my newer weapons upgraded. Just gotta find a stage that has a good amount of non-bullshit enemy spawns that's within that range.

I love seeing phobos wipe 50+ monsters behind me
t. fencer

I just feel that the spark series is so underwhelming, even though not taking a magazine weapon cucks me sometimes I feel more effective with the option to use the long range plasma cannons

Attached: EDF WD 4.1.jpg (1920x1080, 345K)

for me it's fun seeing bug dead, doesn't matter if it's me or my teammates doing the killing

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It's annoying when you destroy all the buildings

Born to raid
World is a strike zone
I am AR man
410757864530 dead dinosaurs

Attached: oh no.webm (750x420, 2.95M)

>not running 3 phobos

Attached: 1534066592771.gif (367x265, 558K)

Take the KM6 instead. It has all the damage of phobos, none of the destruction and arrives faster.

Fork A-15 goes up to 23 a shot
I love EDF

I love seeing a great Phobos strike or hearing Spritefall-chan but when they are centered on me and destroy the building I'm on it's frustrating

Anyone upload the EDF song lines that are NPC exclusive?

it's DLC2 only though so by the time you get it, you'll have beaten the entire game

Attached: bug attack.webm (1000x562, 2.98M)

Wtf is the 70 meter long alien? I just finished the cave mission and said there was some kind of organism 70 meters long. Did they mean the godzilla?

So, I know that shotguns and semi-auto PT rifles are pretty much your primary weapon for all levels, but what are some good secondary weapons for Ranger?

I'm happy to kite a large group into AoEs but please don't make a giant flat plain when going against robots

yes mega.nz/#F!pl4iVSCa!C8XTEHVayRH1eCH637PXvw

they meant muh dick

aoe type reversers
stampede/napalm launchers
another rifle

I like the Rocket Launcher, because I'm a classic kind of guy
I see alot of people using Grenade Launchers
if I'm going against Humans I've started taking an AR to stuck lock them as I run up to shotgun their legs off
I also enjoy taking some of the lock on missile launchers, they can be very good in some missions

theyd get swarmed and die without you anyway

if it's not a difficult map, just bring 3 autocannon type weapons and an ambulance, still super useful and helpful to team but probably not gonna make everyone feel useless; though I guess the joke here too is 3 autocannon-types also works on difficult maps

Alright bois, we're back after that short outage
>Paypig lobby
>Difficulty: Hardest
>Mission: 28
>Room: Yea Forumsdf
>Pass: rage

Attached: BdjJvpq[1].png (1051x629, 572K)

thanks bro

>M3 Gallic Cannon is at lvl33
>Next one isn't until fucking lvl70
Why do they keep doing this

Attached: 1535368969561.png (326x245, 126K)

Fuck your bike

It's outclassed by the NCs anyway so why care

Alright lobby's back up
Name: vee
password: the usual
Lobby back up
mission 33 - hardest
Lets finish this

How do you break the game to this degree without any mod tools?

By making your own

It's entirely tier dependant, but NCs are worse than Gallics for most situations. The only time NCs shine are on targets you can't possibly miss (like dropships), otherwise it's absolutely not worth crippling your dashes to make them usable.

the guy has 3000 asian IQ, but he's also a faggot and wont share his secrets cuz he doesn't want to encourage cheating

Attached: 62118269_p37.png (640x495, 81K)

NC being split rounds for same DPS is inherently useful for crowds, they can handle green ants way better than Gallics for example.

Äżiterally join my lobby right now

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Final boss's rock attack.

You also shouldn't be use Gallics or NCs for dealing with ants or fodder in general, as literally any other weapon will server you better (like the melee weapon you're guaranteed to have in your dash set up). In addition, you're trading the higher burst DPS in exchange for wasting more time on reloading throughout the mission. Basically you have no reason to use them outside of dropships since every other niche is going to be filled better by one of your weapon sets (crowd control with melee, long range with Gallics).

this startles the not-anguirus

Attached: 61235325.jpg (1920x1080, 605K)

piratefag EDF seems to have a problem with random disconnects. Haven't experienced it once in the regular version.

how the fuck do i control this thing?

>NCs are worse than Gallics for most situations
>higher dps
>hit more targets
>quicker recovery
>crippling your dashes
a 3-2 multi charger is more than enough as it allows you to evade anything without any downtime. Aside from that you can also just take an add booster and do consecutive grounded dashjumps

Also as an addendum, using NCs for pretty much anything forces you to run Muzzle Stabilizers, meaning your dashes are going to dogshit compared to a Gallic user. I'm talking "literally double your dashes" level of dogshit.

Attached: vIVLkcK[1].png (666x221, 18K)

higher level ones handle much better

I agree, but if you need piercing NC can fill a gap in a catch-all situation. Gallics can't even pretend to do the job.

I would but i dont have high enough lvl weapons to do hardest ;_;

>establish a kill alley
>aggro the swarm
>charge up my Starfall Cannon
>ally steps in front of me


>higher dps
In exchange for spending more time reloading.
Is irrelevant because Gallics amputate aliens instantly (or outright instakill on headshot, depending on your tier) and other targets can't be stunlocked
>hit more targets
You shouldn't be using NCs or Gallics for crowd control, considering you have two weapon slots and whatever you have in your dash set up is guaranteed to do a better job.
>quicker recovery
Is a non-issue because Gallics allow you to engage enemies far beyond retaliation range.
>a 3-2 multi charger is more than enough as it allows you to evade anything without any downtime. Aside from that you can also just take an add booster and do consecutive grounded dashjumps
Refer to .
The ONLY times NCs outperform Gallics are scenarios where you shouldn't be using /either/ of them, and on dropships.

The monsters are trying to trap those people!


>a 3-2 multi charger is more than enough
>Aside from that you can also just take an add booster and do consecutive grounded dashjumps
ask me how I know you don't actually play fencer on Inferno/DLC

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Attached: burn.jpg (1440x1080, 706K)

The best Add Booster with twin spears is at times better than multi-chargers, which are genuinely awful.
The alternative is just not using the muzzle stabilizer, which is not as crazy as it sounds.

You should worry about armor, not weapons. You'll have high enough level weapon after getting carried through a match.

now get the JP version

code name verginus

He has got good taste.

>The alternative is just not using the muzzle stabilizer, which is not as crazy as it sounds.
It is considering this whole argument spawned from Gallics vs NCs as sniping weapons, and you are NOT using NCs as snipers without Muzzle Stabilizers. I like NCs, I use them fairly often as they're nice generalist weapons, but people have a really dumb idea that they're somehow "Gallics but better" when they don't even fit into the same niche.

>more time reloading
so fucking what. you can just swap and back mid dashjumps
>other targets can't be stunlocked
yes they can you fucking moron
>You shouldn't be using NCs or Gallics for crowd control
if you're at long range and see your mates are having trouble you can offer them some help that way
>Refer to
Like I fucking said running 3-2 is more than enough as you can keep on moving forever or you can just bring an add booster for just as many grounded dashjumps

True and agreed.

What weapons should I be using as Fencer (besides the obvious mobility picks)? Most of them feel very lacking compared to Ranger.

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I've been using a grenade launcher and my best shotgun as my general load out. The GL can reach a lot farther if you figure out the trajectories needed, which is great for thinning hordes in missions that start with a bunch of monsters and humans headed your way, while the shotgun is self-explanatory. I've also had success using the Tortoises in similar situations.

Also, thanks to the user that recommended the Fork for the red drones mission. I got it upgraded to max with one mission and took that and a G&M AR. Ended up aggroing a lot more than I wanted when the initial target swerved off into a bunch of his buddies, but I found a decent spot to use to pick them off as they swept by.

use 4 dynamo blades

whatever you want/need
please don't cause this argument to go further

Jackhammer/Vulcan/Twin Blast/Blasthole + Dexter/Dispersal Mortal
Second set can be whatever the fuck you want

Dual gatling is surprisingly effective

Attached: whether we wanted it or not....gif (500x375, 1.13M)

>Stop calling in spritefalls onto your wing divers
Spritefall is fine
It's the big fuckoff bombing runs that fuck up WD, they're easy to dodge but you have to spend a bunch of energy that you might not be able to afford

One slot open here.
Mission 53 hardest


what do you do about long range targets? do you just close the gap or bring a long-range weapon?

>long range targets?
double cannons. NC if you can afford muzzle stabilizer, otherwise gallic

>so fucking what. you can just swap and back mid dashjumps
Thats time spent NOT firing, which means you aren't doing DPS. Burst vs Sustain is one of the most basic concepts, user.
>yes they can you fucking moron
It's entirely tier dependant, but the only thing you would stunlock that a Gallic doesn't outright instakill is maybe Kings and Queens, and even that is only if your NCs are brand new.
>if you're at long range and see your mates are having trouble you can offer them some help that way
The Gallics can do that, and often BETTER because they're guaranteed to oneshot whatever you hit, where as NCs often have to sink multiple rounds into anything tougher than a basic ant or spider.
>Like I fucking said running 3-2 is more than enough as you can keep on moving forever or you can just bring an add booster for just as many grounded dashjumps
It's not about "moving forever" you scrub, it's about maintaining aggression. A fencer with no dash jumps is a fencer whos weak to counter attacks, meaning you're forced to back off or else you're going to get hit mid-dash by something and then shotgunned. You can mitigate this by running Twin Blast Spears, but now you've hamstrung even MORE of your loadout just to get the NCs to function.

name ONE good wing diver weapon that isn't short-range
you can't

Not pairing an NC cannon with a spine driver.
>can still dash cancel with the nc cannon letting you evade attacks
>cannon and spine driver both give you some slide when dash firing
>able to shoot and dash for long range and evasive dps, perfect for shooting anything and avoiding swarms of enemies.
>at close range the weapon animations cancel off each other giving more close range dps.
In edf4 the nc cannons needed to dash cancel every shot (or be a pair) to be useful, but in edf5 the base fire rate means you can chain fire and do like 1000dps with a lvl40 weapon that has both penetration and no damage fall off. The ONLY downside to the weapon is losing jumps.
The garlic is fun and probably a little easier for scrubs at extreme ranges with it's muzzle velocity but it's outclassed.

what's a good load for wing diver?

>he cant control double nc recoil

>NC instead of dispersal mortar
>Fencer set up with no dash jump
Man I'm not even gonna justify your post with a proper response.

thanks bro. I'll try out double NC with the multiboost and stabilizer

Attached: 1539035729342.gif (270x270, 930K)

>>he ONLY downside to the weapon is losing jumps.
>the only downside is losing your core movement skill that lets the class function above hard
wow such a small drawback

>Thats time spent NOT firing
the idea is that you reload while you're not doing shit anyway
>they're guaranteed to oneshot whatever you hit, where as NCs often have to sink multiple rounds
and yet those multiple rounds fire faster than a single gallic shot. so the TTK is still lower with NC
>A fencer with no dash jumps is a fencer whos weak to counter attacks
or you bring a striker with hyper armor

Either use the other weapon slots for dash jumps or stop being so shit that unlimited dashes isn't enough to get you through most situations. It's a single nc so you don't even need a muzzle stabiliser.

>the idea is that you reload while you're not doing shit anyway
Unfortunately for you, that's not going to happen during an actual fight.
>so the TTK is still lower with NC
Only if you land every shot, and only if you land the shots on the same targets. Good luck nailing the same red ant in the crowd of 100 thats swarming your mates, meanwhile the Gallic deletes entire lines of them.
>or you bring a striker with hyper armor
Hyper armor that locks you in place (unless its a roller), putting you at an even worse position because you've given every enemy around you 3 seconds to get into bukkake range. Also means you're using a Striker, so you're giving up the superior damage and range of Piercers just to facilitate the NCs. Again you're making sacrifices just to make the weapon work.

>Either use the other weapon slots for dash jumps
Or you could just not use some weird ass franken set up that has no benefits.
>or stop being so shit that unlimited dashes isn't enough to get you through most situations
Fencers ground dash is dogshit user, it's pure shotgun bait unless you supplement it with dual blast spears. Try playing above Hard before making comments.
>It's a single nc so you don't even need a muzzle stabiliser.
Why the fuck would you ever use a SINGLE cannon, NC, Gallic, or otherwise? Dispersal Mortars and Dexters do the same job but so much better that it's not even funny.

>or stop being so shit that unlimited dashes isn't enough to get you through most situations
a regular dash isn't even enough to dodge a fucking frog lmao. meanwhile a fencer with dash jumps can dance around and solo ant queens/spider kings without taking a single point of damage.

if i pirate this game will i lose any of the multiplayer functionalities ??

You won't be able to play with Steambros, only other pirates.

you can only play with other black people

>Only if you land every shot
>he can't aim
>meanwhile the Gallic deletes entire lines of them
NC has PT too you twat
>Hyper armor that locks you in place
nah, it carries momentum
>because you've given every enemy around you 3 seconds to get into bukkake range
just strafe dashjump away from the projectiles
>superior damage
vulcan hammers have way fucking higher DPS and a roller stomps through an entire crowd with a single attack

>shotgun bait
you know, you can just take out shotgunners before they even get in rage and then focus on everything else

>this weapon is definitely better!
>you only need to cut your dashes in half and dedicate half of your remaining weapons just to make it work
>also it doesn't even have higher DPS at higher tiers

Attached: ecEP4UD[1].png (1093x135, 17K)

Is there a mod that puts in the old 4.1 EDF chant instead of this garbage that replaced it?

Attached: [Contemplative Mad Max].png (800x600, 75K)

Because the single cannon never gets bogged down by long animations. The damage isn't as high but the time on target is far higher. This is a weapon that's doing full dps out to maximum range whilst avoiding damage and keeping whatever range you want.

The NC202 is only 200 less DPS so it's not that bad, if you were using two it would be the gaylic every time.

the 4.1 song gets added to the dialogue list once you beat the last mission on Hardest/Inferno

>NC has PT too you twat
Yes but you still need to land every shot on the SAME enemies to get the same effect. Doing 90% of 50 enemies HP doesn't matter if you dont KILL them.
>nah, it carries momentum
Yes, like 1/4th of it on an already slow dash.
>just strafe dashjump away from the projectiles
Good luck doing that when the spiders have already bukkaked you in webs, eagerly awaiting for you to dashjump and get shotgunned by all of the leftover strands.
>vulcan hammers have way fucking higher DPS
It does not, especially when said damage is located in a small blast zone and is likely extreme overkill.
>you know, you can just take out shotgunners before they even get in rage and then focus on everything else
"Shotgun bait" does not refer to shotgun frogs and aliens, it refers to any enemy that can hit you upclose for massive damage like Ants and Spiders, AKA 90% of what you'll facing.

Its 200 less DPS on a weapon that fills no niche and requires you to make sacrifices if you want them to fill the same role as Gallics; it's bad.

>its a sandstorm the entire mission episode

Attached: fuk.gif (256x192, 546K)

Again, theres no reason you wouldn't just use a Dexter or Dispersal Mortar instead. Fencer can use FOUR weapons, theres no reason to have weird hybrid sets instead of two specifics ones.

I heard you get a nude skin for WD if you beat inferno with Ranger at minimum health.

the nc is almost always enough to oneshot everything but the red ants

Anything weaker than a red ant is unlikely to seriously swarm you given their fragility, with obvious exceptions to greens due to their speed. Using them against Wasps is also fairly unreliable without AI/PC meatshields, since you're liable to get shotgunned during your animation lock, regardless of how short it may be.

i dont know what you are trying to say but i also just wanna add that the NC is fast enough to stunlock while the gallic is too slow

not funny
didn't laugh

Attached: didn't laugh.jpg (500x813, 69K)

tfw you have no idea of what you're doing and you just joined Yea Forums

What do you even say after you blow up your fencerbro with danger close against ayyy?

Sorry :)

Tell him to get glasses

It didn't even happen, okay?

"alguem BR?"

I apologize.

Watch out for the air strike.
EDF doesn't leave men behind. Ever/Its for Real

>but you still need to land every shot on the SAME enemies to get the same effect
unless you're an absolute retard this should be no fucking issue
>Yes, like 1/4th of it on an already slow dash
use it at the end of a dashjump you brainlet
>the spiders
you mean the spiders that are already dead because i fucking hammered them into space? Also hyper armor hits push you back quite a distance, giving enough breathing space to start a dashjump
>is located in a small blast zone
yea so you just group them up and take em out with a single hit. any leftovers can be cleaned up with your secondary tool or another grouped up hit
>extreme overkill
free overkill since the charge time is less than a second to reach 2nd level which is all you need to nuke critters, meaning that it doubles against both single big targets and crowds

Room: Yea ForumsDF
Usual password
Starting at mission 1 on Hardest.

depends what you blew him up with

Good job.

now factor in the mag size and reload time and in the end the NC does deal more DPS
>you only need to cut your dashes in half
>he's that much of a shitter that he can't ration 3 dashjumps

Still going, mission 58 now. one slot open.

>game crashes immediately as level load starts
what the FUCK

>Game freezes as all these green X's and O's cover the screen
Guess that's one way to bow out of playing with Yea Forums. Wish I could have screencapped it.

tfw riding your archelus into battle

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Those two and the galleon don't have the balance or range, PT, reload, accuracy and damage application. It's for situations when I want what is effectively the best sniper rifle in the game with enough mobility to cover ground and dodge without swapping weapon. It'll hit drop ships a teleport anchors whilst you're surrounded by bugs and drones avoiding their damage and it'll duel with frogs and ayys from 50m out to 1000M and it'll drop drone/bees in one shot out side of melee/shotgun range while being able to dodge. Not saying it does anything the best but it'll do a lot of things safely with decent time on target. Yes shotgunners will shred you but either stun then delimb them or keep range using dashes, the spine driver does increase close range damage as well as stun without no swing time either.
For specialist missions the dual weapons will work better but I tend to use the nc+spine in missions with varied mix of big guys and hordes/fliers.

Newfag here how do I go fast as Fencer?

>Farewell my comrades, the time has come
>it's over my lover and my family are all gone

Attached: 1532131632441.jpg (200x202, 9K)

dash then jump

My uncle works at sandlot and told me both of these are true

fucks sake let's all just agree that fencer has fucktons of different setups and all are viable, it's just a matter of preference

Are they gonna finally give Balam mechs rocket punch next game?

Attached: 20190723153800_1.jpg (596x782, 72K)

if your not flying around and fucking shit up before everyone else your a shit fencer.

or make smaller and faster balam type mechs with the actual size for punching aliens in the head

what is the purpose of the suppress gun why does it exist

stop being a faggot. dual setups are fun

Suppress minorities pre-space war


The only way to get free from red and tadpoles when you're solo without blowing yourself up. That said you're usually better off just getting another airstrike or limpet and hope nothing gets close.

Actual mobile nix with swords

Attached: 69703327_p3.jpg (800x907, 246K)

Just use the rapid cannon you shitters

1 step closer to muv luv tsf

Dual gats is the best combo
Nothing like being a CWIS

would rather punch

>the mission that's just tadpole spam
>the guy who spams homing missiles that are too slow to track tadpoles
>tadpoles now have explosive projectiles following them when they divebomb you
>more missiles are just blowing up random parts of the map
what an absolute clusterfuck

Galleon Rapid Cannon doesn't have piercing

I hate the tadpoles so fucking much
It's not that they're hard, but their divebomb force you to spend 99% of the time looking straight up to be able to hit them at all before they hit you

i like that you can shoot them out of the air and see them slap down on the ground

their AI does the same sneaky backstab thing as the bees and the ufos, but their speed makes them a lot better at it

Then use a blasthole to supplement

They synergise really well since the rapid cannon has basically zero recoil and does not keep you in place.

wait so it wasn't just me, they AI for flying enemies specifically tries to get behind you?
Fuck I hate flying assholes even more now

Definitely. They also do it more often at higher difficulty levels.

So glad I beat Brutal Battlefield on hard finally.

Congrats! You're no longer a soggy wet corpse.

For some reason, it seemed a lot easier with three people rather than four when I was trying for like two hours on Sunday. Even though it was the two other peoples’ first time, I think they were actually prioritizing what needed to be prioritized which made it really easy

thats because when you add more people to your game the individual battles become retardedly hard

there's HP/dmg scaling with the number of people in the lobby, so having 3 people with a plan is a lot better than 4 headless chickens

Attached: 20190723153816_1.jpg (680x619, 74K)

True, maybe it was also sticking by the Grim Reapers

>Can I stop launching missiles?

NCSS Cannon Shot
longest range CC Piercer (probably the Spine Driver)
What am I weak to? Don't want to use Twin Gallic or Twin New Conglomerate Cannons since the movement lock is always a liability, and they suck worse vs drones than the above

Attached: 20190723180115_1.jpg (1920x1080, 465K)

yeah NPCs soaking up hits is a huge help later on

hard 37
Yea Forumsdf
no pass

man 36 was cool boss fight

the one from my balls

>some weird ass franken set up
It was one of the best in 4.1 you fucking newfag.

Every enemy tries to surround you.

>What am I weak to?
ayys at long range

Attached: lazers.webm (1000x562, 2.75M)

>595 armour
No shit

>inferno tier gear
>600 hp

>mcdonalds color

Mission 87 farming I guess.

>maxed vibro roller D3 can't oneshot red ants on offline hardest

Think it might just be bait posting for ensured bumps similar to monster Hunter threads

>Grim Reapers
>in the last battle they destroyed 3 powered exoskeletons with just infantry
I don't think the aliens have powered exoskeletons, so did the Grim Reapers team kill?

hang on, someone's trying to call me

Attached: 1550765475174.jpg (400x444, 25K)

That fight against Pepsiman felt a little strange towards the end. Had plenty of health, but the stage between 'he's slowing down' to pinata explosion was almost nothing compared to everything before it.

Attached: bloodstorm.png (1920x1080, 972K)

[Actual] Terrorist exos but it's funnier to imagine they TK'd some EDF grunts

Attached: 20190722143946_1.jpg (815x634, 89K)

>EDF soldiers fighting over who gets first pick of steak and sunny-side-up eggs at the cafeterias

Attached: calartssponge.png (1530x1006, 1.96M)

It went so fast. I didn't even get the chance of picking up the shit ton of boxes the guy dropped.

Where are the Inferno rooms at?

Attached: fucking invincible.webm (1920x1080, 2.7M)

Cursed image, do not open

Attached: edfranger.png (1920x1080, 3.59M)

>tfw I colored my Civilian Air Raider like Dale Gribble
I always say "SH-SH-SHAAAAA" just before I land a tempest missile

wait, stupid question incoming: How do you crouch?

Attached: fucking invincibl3.webm (650x364, 2.38M)

You can't
That Air Raider's calling in an airstrike
You don't see it normally because the camera zooms out as you do so, but other players can see it

send help

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Oh, wow

The niche is hitting many weaker enemies that don't require a Gallic series to kill in one shot. HCs can be used to thin out monster swarms at range before moving in, Gallics are poor at that. HCs are decent anti-air when not drawing aggro, Gallics are only good against Imperial and Red Drones.

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Attached: 20190722234308_1.jpg (1920x1080, 472K)