Fallout New BLAND

How the hell will FNV fags recover now?

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Oh no. A link to some YouTube I won’t bother clicking on. Not even a huge NV fan like some here, but you have to do better with your bait, OP.

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Obviously the bait was good enough to make you reply, retard.

Well in short.
FNV< Fallout 3
FNV is only praised because pretentious losers can pretend to be smart and enlightened because their game has more arbitrary limitations and pointless choices.
Fallout 3 is simply superior.

Attached: fallout nv babies.png (1086x1006, 132K)

imagine being so scared of people disagreeing with you on the internet that you have to make a wall-of-text comic where everyone but you is an idiot

user I'm not watching your youtube video

>Shut up TODD!
lol ok.

Reminder that New Vegas is reddit incarnate.

Attached: Reddit's favorite games.png (844x664, 70K)

fuck off
not watching your video

>Reddit like thing so thing bad and if you say you like thing your reddit
Reddit also likes Yea Forums so maybe you should leave.

based. obsidiots in ruins

Holy fuck imagine being this triggered by people liking/disliking a game

based troll poster OP dabing on the autismos that cant not post

fallout 3 isn't a bad game, but it's worse than FNV at being a fallout game. bethesda completely misunderstood the narrative themes and humor of the game. this is shown in fallout 3 with all the wacky and zany shit you can get up to, and finally it reached its zenith in fallout 4. they're looter shooters, not trying to portray great characterization and stories. it's okay emil, your great american novel was never good to begin with, that's why the players make paper airplanes out of them.

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Fallout 3 is for gay pedophiles

This is mostly reddit culture copying chan culture, not the other way around.

>oh no why are you roleplaying in a rpg?!

>He thinks people responding to him with fuck off is successful bait.
Maybe you should make another YouTube video about this topic and post the link. Sure to be more successful bait.

One can still see threads here about NV reach the post limit with anons discussing the factions and the in-game politics, philosophies and moralities. Because the writers put thought into it. So much thought that people still debate who is right.
That will never happen with a game like 3 or 4. It's quite simple. They just don't have good stories. Good stories are something that lasts. Gameplay and graphics, which are more reliant on technology, are always changing. But something as well-written as New Vegas can stand the test of time upon story alone.

Attached: bethesda.jpg (1625x2319, 569K)

So it's a novel, not an rpg then?

>bethesda completely misunderstood the narrative themes and humor of the game. this is shown in fallout 3 with all the wacky and zany shit you can get up to, and finally it reached its zenith in fallout 4. they're looter shooters, not trying to portray great characterization and stories.
With Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, it's becoming obvious even to the normies that Bethesda is just a bad company coasting on its previous reputation for good games

How is it a novel?
Because you actually have to fucking read?

butthurt bethesdrone detected

Yea Forums is reddit

No because you said those exact words.
It's garbage as a game, and below average as a VN.
And those threads you talk about are just fart sniffing retards. Look at /ptg/. Is drumpo doing anything worthwhile? Na, it's just a bunch of redditors jacking each other off..

No its an RPG. A role-playing game. Like one you'd play on a tabletop.
They designed it that way. Trying to give the player as much freedom as a tabletop-rpg player would have. It's why you can kill literally every single NPC that isnt children.

Hey guys I like Fallout 4 for the intricate weapon and armor modding

Intellectual and based.
Dumb as stupid.
You have to follow a recipe online to play FNV, kill the wrong npc and you're stuck forever unable to complete the main story line.
Pick wrong stats and you're stuck unable to "skillcheck" your way into something and must shooty tooty instead with absolutely no other way around.
It's dumb and lazy.


>and you're stuck forever unable to complete the main story line.
That's factually wrong, Yes-man ending can be done no matter what.
You really are baiting. After all you're making empty, vague criticisms on the writing. Guess I'm the fool for falling for it.

I have like 200 weapon mods from nexus installed and a lot of them have better weapon modding than the vanilla guns

>shitting up a discussion for a 9 year old game you don't even like
Even in your I AM SILLY comic, you're still a faggot

>says that Life is Strange is better than New Vegas
opinion discarded

>You have to follow an online recipe to play FNV

Playing Fallout 3 right now through Tale of Two Wastelands, it’s decent - especially if you play it in Hardcore mode w/ JSawyer Batty (Or Ultimate with the TTW patch installed, Batty scraps JS’s level cap but it does make some adjustments with 3’s difficulty curve in mind) and BLEED installed.

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>gameplay is only combat
barely 2 min in and i already think this guy is legit retarded.

He never said that.

He literally said that dialogue does not involve gameplay.

The speech system in new vegas is bad because there is literally no strategy to it at all. You just put points in speech then you have an autowin button in conversations.

Fallout 3 being their first fallout game as well as first open world apocalypse game had to do alot to insure that older fans would still see the game as fallout, and that journalists wouldn't see it as using a brand for recognition instead of respecting it.

So in order to appeal to fallout, they went all out on including thing from previous fallout games as well as going all out on taking inspirations from the original inspirations of fallout. (I.E. Mad Max and tapletop games)
What this meant was that the game featured many 'wacky' things that you'd expect to see in a Mad Max movie or home brew RPG game. (vampires, city of children, city around a bomb.)

In that way fallout 3 was the most 'fallout' fallout game of all, it's just because New Vegas deviated from this that 3 is seen as 'not very fallout'

Modern fallout games broke the speech skill.
In the first two games you could unlock extra options in dialogue but you always had to chose the option. And it never had a skill check box next too it showing you that it was there.

>Hey look, we added thing! It's soooo true to the originals!

I just wish I could stop helping the NCR so much, but I love their quests. Anyone have any fun legion playthroughs?

Because it doesn't in cases like fallout nv.
You go with :
useless option A
useless option B, does the same as A
No thanks
and skillcheck to change the entire course of the quest, but uh oh I guess you didn't follow the online recipe guide and now lack 5 arbitrary points in pot plants.

lol nice b8 m8

not every game needs to be the same with a multiple choice main storyline, and a faction based world. Fallout 3 was a game about the remnants of the apocalypse, there wasn't a space in there for major factions or a faction and choice based main storyline.

Complaining that Fallout three has less interesting locations is very ironic because even though New Vegas has more locations, the majority are just caves or one room locations with no interesting loot or things to do there. At least most of 3's locations served as a dungeon with some good loot.

I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea.

Fallout 3 had it better with Charisma being also needed for speak checks.

Not to mention that most of fallout NV is a literal desert with only attraction being extended periods of walking and radscoprions.


Fallout 3 speech is terrible. A dice roll to decide if you can or can not pass a check is retarded and encourages savescuming.

IMagine if you made a game in a franchise which didn't have any of the trademarks that franchise was known for. That alone is pretty damn dumb, but imagine if it was a game in a franchise that had not recieved a game in years and made by a developer that had nothing to do with the originals.

If they wanted to make a fallout game without seeming like they were abusing the licence for brand recognition, they had to include things like the Brotherhood, super mutants, or the Enclave.

And then the faggot goes on about games that have dialogue choices as a significant part shouldn't just hand you the clues but make you investigate the area/background of the character to find them. Which he then admits that it's not a realistic choice for any title without a AAA budget to blow on dialogue alone. So his whole point is fucking moot and the video is pointless because anyone who thinks his ideas aren't total dogshit doesn't have the budget to implement them and those that do have the budget aren't interested because it takes too much work.

BUT PICKING THE SKILL CHECK DIALOGUE CHOICE MEANS YOU HAD TO SACRIFICE SOMETHING ELSE TO BE ABLE TO DO IT! You either have to plan ahead a lot, simply because you already know what's coming, or you have to accept the fact that you suck donkey dick in other skills to be able to RP as a silver tongued wordsmith. Which he totally ignores as well, 90% of Obsidian games are about roleplaying a specific character that you made up. Maybe he is blind as a bat but super lucky. Maybe he is a fucking brain surgeon but dogshit with a gun. In this faggots world he would ALSO have to be a world class investigator to find the clues. Fuck this dipshit in every hole.

playing fallout 1, should I get the fallout fixt? is melee shit?

Yes, but not having charisma being used at all in speech is equally as bad. Fallout should do a system where charisma and speech give you access to new dialogue without having it be shown without it, like fallouts 1 ans 2

So instead of making their own game that remains true to the world, they hamfist every element from previous games into it in a way that doesn't make sense at all

It's even more stupid to straight out block your progress because you didn't foresee the future and guess that this certain skill will need 25 extra points in it by necessity.

You don't need to, but yes, Melee is shit

I like NV and all but this image has some bullshit that needs clearing up, specifically in the content section.

>The vast majority of them are story related or affect the game (in regards to locations).
Patently false. A majority is 51%. Vast majority implies much greater than that, an objective falsehood.
Lets examine the immediate area around Goodsprings. There are five markers on the map to be discovered aside from Goodsprings itself.
One of them can be called "story-related" (Goodsprings cemetery, and it's a fifteen second trip with no effect on any other part of the game). The other four are places like the Yangtze Memorial, Devil's Gullet, Goodsprings Cave and Goodsprings Source, none of which have any story content or quests associated with them. They are essentially a quick stop on the map which is easily explored in less than fifteen seconds. None of them affect the story or are quest related. This general pattern holds for the rest of the game as well.

energy or guns?

>simply because you already know what's coming
That's the whole problem.

>Which he then admits that it's not a realistic choice for any title without a AAA budget to blow on dialogue alone.
If he said so he is also a fag like fnv fags.
Just drop in random hints inbetween text not make up a bunch of assassins creed retard diaries and scribbles on walls. Nobody's reading that gay shit.
Nier Automata has no dialogue choices, but it had many little chats between character which if you pay attention and remember later on turn out into nice little jokes and character development. Simple as that.

Attached: fallout nv.jpg (600x800, 94K)

Skill checks makes more sense though.
You could have a rough knowledge of explosives but not enough knowledge to know how to handle and arm a prototype bomb.
You could also be decent at persuasions but not skilled enough to stumble over yourself if someone pulls a fast one

what's with this trend of
>ackshually FNV is a bad game now

Yes, to an extent that needed to be done. ANd Bethesda did well in making it not as hamfisted ass it could of been. The explanations for each faction being there made sense. Brotherhood likes to protect old technology and so obviously they'd want to see the pentagon, the Enclave want to be seen as the successors of the US gov't so of course they would try to re base in DC. And it makes sense that vault-tec, whose purpose was to study various tests to give their information to the enclave, would have access and used the FEV.

More than that each faction was a different spin on how they were in previous games. The Brotherhoods arc in every game they were in was about how they need to open up to the outdoors, and in 3 they have already done that. The enclave used to be a completely genocidal and evil organization, but now it seems they just want to be the new united states without trying to genocide the wastelanders. The mutants from fallout 1 were strong because of their few smart leaders that commanded the idiotic mass of them to battle, but in 3 they have rejected intellectualism and so have are a group fated to run out of FEV and eventually die out.

It's only me alone thinking that and im trying to convince you normies to my line of thought.


contrarianism. It's been with Yea Forums for years, this is just its newest form

I won't bother clicking some literally who's video but the fact that there's still New Vegas Threads semi constantly in the catalog instead of (your favorite rpg here) proves that it's simply a more interesting game to play and discuss than others.

if it's really just you, not even mad
for what it's worth, I never liked the
>FO3 is shit
stuff either

A combination of kids whose first RPG was the first Oblivion with guns now being 17-21 years old and good old fashion Yea Forums contrarianism

>FO3 is shit
I mean, it is, but that's par for the course for Bethesda

It's not, but this is par for the course with Yea Forums

>completely ignore the scope and focus of the games being compared
shit video from another pretentious youtuber

Fallout 3 is my first RPG
I prefer NV though
Never played the first 2.
Wasteland 2 beats all

This part of New Vegas is pretty cherry-picked. There are plenty of interesting ways to solve quests without shooting people throughout the game.

What do you suggest that a story driven rpg game have that uses a persons skill at engaging/learning/interacting in/with games world with the conversations in those kind of games?

If you get better at shooting with stats, then why wouldnt you just get better at talking with stats too? Whats wrong with that?

F1>2=nv>f2 mods>3>4>76

Shooting with stats is completely abhorrent and an insult.

>Reddit's top 3 games are all masterpieces
>Yea Forums's top 3 games are 2 nintendo games and a 90s fps
i thought reddit was supposed to have bad taste

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>how to make talking more fun than shooting
I haven't watched it but if Alpha Protocol isn't the answer they're wrong.

The hivemind is finally crumbling and the memes are over.

wait, the "FNV is actually bad bro" hivemind is dying?

Contrarian or just ignorant. I think it's ignorance though, people who don't see NV as the best simply haven't realized it yet.

Attached: Fallout Tiers.png (1996x820, 576K)

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>2 above 1

Attached: kys.jpg (509x741, 54K)

10/10 bait, I can't believe that anyone could sincerely display your apparent shit taste

This is a disservice to 4. Considering NV has no functional gameplay elements outside dialog choices and the character menu it doesn't belong in the same tier as any of the canon games.

This meme is worse than the constant sucking off of New Vegas.

The only truth anyone needs


It's not cherry-picked, it's pertaining to the subject. The way you solve most conflicts through dialogue isn't terribly complicated when it comes to choosing the dialogue option itself. If the option is available you just pick it and that's that, and making it available generally has to do with some other aspect of the gameplay (find the required piece of information, have the right amount of a particular skill etc.).

>You should design dialog like a gameplay
>But remember, autists won't be able to play the game

Attached: 1547157730239.gif (480x270, 3.78M)

>recognizable enemies are more important than RPG elements, logical worldbuilding, and overall tone

>logical worldbuilding
>let's BUILD A TOWN around a nuclear bomb :^)

>In that way fallout 3 was the most 'fallout' fallout game of all

Attached: 1541977746999.jpg (640x720, 152K)

>tfw downloaded Fallout 1 but it's so painfully slow I can't bear to play it
Does this make me a zoomer?
Shit like stumbling into a mob of feral ghouls and taking five minutes to walk away just isn't fun

I don't slam F3 too hard but, at the same time, New Vegas is simply a re-tooled Van Buren for first person and to fit F3 gameplay mechanics. It's as close to a real "Black Isle" F3 as we're ever going to get.

F2 is overrated and rushed out the door to capitalize on the surprise success of F1.

I enjoy the fact that F1 didn't feature the stupid "All of the Vaults are secretly government psychology experiments! LOL!" That stupid canon element alone has partially killed the franchise for me. Also, the over-emphasis on the Brotherhood of Steel didn't help matters either.

I'm drunk so I can't properly follow that thread, but 'muh classic enemies' isn't a criticism you can make of NV. The mutant mobs that were posted up every 10 meters in 3 are all but absent in NV, because it doesn't make any fucking sense for large mobs to organize in the Mojave- the only mutants you even encounter are in Utobitha and Jacobstown, both of which are explained as defects from the original wave of mutants. 2nd generation dumdums would make no sense in NV, which is why the only mutants you find are either intelligent originals or nightkin (also originals)

>Listing Caravan as a positive
I like NV but what the fuck?

there's a combat speed setting

>post youtube video
>video is about dialogue and how it can be much better
>actually like the video
>OP says FNV is shit
fuck you user, I liked the video though

You are a fucking retard, the problem is lack of care that Bethesda have over their ips, they don't give a single shit about world building because for them, everything must be epic, everything must be about the player, its fucking painful to see what Bethesda/Interplay did to Fallout and TES.
I don't why I care about this shit, Bethesda, Todd, Emil, Pete are fucking incompetent, wish everyone related to Bethesda Studios and Zenimax get cancer.
>Why there are no plants in Capital wasteland
>Lol radiation, FEV who cares
>But FEV mutates, Capital Wasteland should have mega forests with dangerous mutated creatures
>Fuck you nerd, who cares

>Does this make me a zoomer?

Attached: bethesda plague.jpg (683x6980, 2.02M)

me too. i just finished and quite enjoyed it, might even give him a sub.

The problem isn't that talking can't be fun, its that it requires a lot more effort and setup than combat and is non-repeatable requiring unique dialog and such each time.

>Ladykiller in a Bind
Paused there. Disliked this shit video. Ctrl+W.

Whatever utter retardation this nigger spouted next isn't worth listening to. He was already moronic to begin with but bringing this ugly tranny garbage explicitly showcases his retardation.

You don't need to deform dialogue choices into a pseudo mini-game. That's lame. It's an RPG. Stats govern the skill of your character, not your skills alone. You put points in small guns and surprise surprise your bullets magically deal more damage. You put points in charisma and surprise surprise your dialogue options are more convincing. It's a role playing game. If a player knows the right dialogue choice then the skills don't matter anymore on repeat playthroughs. This is why when you're playing a character that simply isn't charismatic or intelligent those options simply cannot be accessed because once again your character stats are not your 1:1 player skills. It's a role playing fucking game.

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Kinda funny because it became contrarian to like NV after 4 came out just to spite it even more, we're going full circle.

>game makers tool kit
>close window

dude is retarded and his videos suck eat my dick

I just like the fact it has multiple routes dude. Brotherhood are fags