Wishlist thread

Rate em, Hate em, tell people what to buy and what to hold off on.

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Pretentious and trying to fit in.
Youre a fag/10

Based. Now post yours.

I bet you enjoy sniffing farts of other people.

It kinda sucks, but funnily enough it's still the best wishlist that is gonna get posted in the thread cause it has no japshit in it.

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I don't claim to have good taste but I wish someone would call out which games on it are shitty.

Berseria is there cause I want to check it out and pirate it, but I never do.

It's not about what's in it, but why you did it you shallow twat.
Read a book.

Damn I just wanted to know which games I should take off.

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Don't buy destiny 2, it's going f2p soon

All of them.
Make a real list, not what you think will get upboats on Yea Forumseddit.

Sorry but these are the actual games I want. I don't like JRPG's

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This "wishlist" is like if some clueless out of touch marketer tried to wishlist all the top marketed games instead of making a wishlist that actual people are interested in.

>tales of berseria

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Look at my list and then look at yours.
I actually play game.
You sniff farts.

I probably am out of touch.I really only use my wishlist for games that haven;t come out or I can't afford so it usually is only mainstream titles. I didn't realize shit like wrath and nightmare reaper were mainstream though.

cuphead is fun

Damn you're shallow you must be american.
What he means is a marketer who would cater to Yea Forums demographic.
Every little zoomer shit claims to like arena shooters, but nobody actually ever plays them.

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Glad I'm not the only one excited for starbase

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Based Primitivist.

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I just picked out the games that I thought looked fun in comparison to the games I've recently been enjoying. If I wanted to cater to Yea Forums I wouldn't have put shit like D2 and MCC.

2300+ long.Would be banned for spam.

desu you just sound like a random normie who likes and wishlists games he hears about most

Functionally there's no difference between your tastes and a marketer pushing bullshit because you're literally just parroting what you see/hear most, as is the job of marketing to do.

It takes time/effort to find decent games that don't have a fucking army of paid liars promoting them, and most people just don't have the fucking time for that.

Hence why your list is being called plebeian.

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oh shit, another Emily game? hell yea

>Hurr mainstream bad!
I don't understand this logic. I've played enough games to know my tastes and if its mainstream so be it.

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Emily or Evelyn?

With the exception of Evelyn being used goods , Evie all the way
>tfw tried to play both of them at the start of the game to be my gf
>get terrible ending
I really learned nothing from the first game, huh

really dude? mirror's edge really?
they sell it for dirt cheap during every sale.

Was going to buy it when it goes on sale. Is it even worth it?I heard its not very long.

I agree. If she didn't want to settle down after college it wouldn't have been worth at all. The next game should be interesting because its during the early Facebook days.

i agree 100%. If it wasn't for what she wanted to do after college I would have picked Emily.

The top places in my wishlist usually end up with games that haven't come out yet. Makes sense, really: if they were already out they wouldn't be in my wishlist any more.
Then there's the other 300 or so indie and mainstream games that I never got around to playing. They're there too.

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Yeah, I would have figured Emily would be more of a homebody while Evie is a free spirit. Glad we made the right choice