>not playing female monk
Not playing female monk
>playing a female
>female character
>no penalty to strength, speed or health
>monks just punch the fuck out of enemies
love this shit
what the fuck i thought dfo was 2d, give me the rundown, is this p2w garbage
Name of the game?
Release when
Name one game.
I'd rather play with my dick.
>playing as some fighter's sloppy seconds
>male character
>no penalty to intelligence, wisdom, or charisma
WTF bros?
this is the sequel. release date never ever.
>gook MMO
I'll never fathom the amount of window dressing these people put on their skinner-boxes.
I'll never fathom why they don't just buy a fucking pc/console and chill at home, instead of paying fortunes at internet cafes.
scripted as fuck
looks too good to happen desu
Gook MMOs always take 5+ years to come out after they are announced, it's best to forget they exist and then be surprised when they actually release a beta finally.
Koreans don't script gameplay it's against bushido
>pseudo-christian martial arts monk that is also a fit tomboy
fucking perfec-
>korean game
>looks good
>runs and plays terribly
every. single. time.
She should've leaped like a freak and used a backward spinning eel strike.
I want her to scurry away from a conversation, surreptitiously follow her, watch her glance around, and when she thinks no one is watching, unleash a torrent of pee all over the ground.
>maleposting on Yea Forums
>all those goblins around
You just know
I can't, user. It's in the back of my mind. Always. Whenever I want to play an RPG, I'm trying to recreate this monk tomboy, and everytime, I am reminded of how far I am from the real thing.
You know how it feels, right ? This endless void. The bare, cold and too real to even be cruel truth. It's enough to push any sane man to the... extreme.
>death from no tomboy monk
Jesus Christ how horrifying
i wonder how my main class witch will translate into this game
Disgusting. Go Necromancer or go home.
>fur on the tits
>crotch smooth like a baby
That's not how it works.
>short hair
I should kick your fucking ass
short hair on girls is gay
Absolutely based
>Fanatsy game where lightning shoots out of your hands, and self aware monsters roam the lands looking to steal the booty, and Gatorade heals you
>but muh real life women
katyn kurwa
This, or else you'll just be disappointed again like if you followed Black Desert and Peria Chronicles from announcement, the current versions didn't deliver anything that was promised.
After Peria Chronicles I'll never get hyped for anything ever again.
No. No it's not.
If it has a natural vagina and isn't some kind of tranny trying to be a man than liking it is not gay.
Female monks are top tier.
i just associated it with lesbos and trannies, it's pretty hard not to
Female Monk was one of the few good things with Diablo 3. She cute.
Name of the gamu?
shes about to get GOBBED
>is clearly wearing a clerical collar.
uhm excuse me sweaty, i also really like necro
>love unarmed classes
>hate the "monk" fluff
Peria Chronicles isn't even out yet.
>penalty to health
But women in general are healthier and live longer than men.
That's because they can digest semen more efficiently.
This might seem odd but can you give me some more spider jerusalem pics user? Really like em and Im lacking at the moment.
Are goblins a female monk's worst matchup?
No, that girl was just dumb and underleveled.
they're fucking goblins
where are you supposed to start, punching ants?
>cute short hair with a choker
Where do i preorder?
rat cellars
That's a chief gobbo though, he's clearly stronger than the regular goblin mobs. Also goblins are still usually a step up from wolves and slimes.
men of culture.png
Sorcerer should have saved her fireballs for him, whole point was that the party thought it'd be a cakewalk and didn't prepare at all for it, had no potions or antidotes or any concept of strategy and tried to zerg rush the whole nest
>tfw new Fire Emblem has gauntlet weapons
Gonna do a run where everyone punches the shit out of dragon of the week.
>giving a shit about Monk
I want this.
But not in mmo format.
It's what I wanted from DFO all those years ago...
So there‘s nothing wrong with a nigger baby shooting gallery either, right?
should be the exact opposite desu
fur everywhere, except tits, and extra furry bush
Street Fighter
Those quests actually exist in gs but noobs dont wanna do them.
give me list of games or mmos with best monk gameplay/class
game? looks cool
You forgot intelligence, charisma, faith, constitution and stamina
Unironically love when they just go full ATATATATATA/ORAORAORAORA rapid punch on people.
They live longer because all the unhealthy work is done by men
>lol did u know us gurls are healthier? U GO GIRL! GIIIRL...POWER!
>haha eww me working in the sewers or in the mines? fuck you sexist!
DFO's monks are my favorite interpretation of it.
>Religious monk, subclasses from Priest, who wields giant crosses as weapons
>Slams weapon into ground, leaves it there as a buff totem
>Goes full FISTICUFFS and beats enemies to a pulp with holy boxing
>male character
>int/wis penalty
I see you've never talked to a woman
>lightly bump into a woman
>they break into tears from pain
womyn are like glass statues
how could you fall into such an obvious contradiction?
why are women so fucking disgusting?
Gays not welcome
nice larping tranny
Why would want to play as a realistic women
>muh realism in vidya geims
eat dirt
Rat then crabs then wolves then tigers/lions then young goblins then goblin soldiers THEN elite goblin
>Biggest out of all the goblins
>only gets sloppy seconds after midgets are done
The goblins must have been the result of a manlet revolution
>fem monk
is there a fem grappler doing chain suplexes
western release when?
I need some Hibiki webms
I love tomboys. And hope I can find a girl like that to start a family with one day.
Never, the trailer released 5 months ago, the trailer also looked unfinished. Meaning the game is 3-5 years away from being released in KR.
I honestly would have preferred the minotaur guy to breed that girl nicely.
there's a great chance that it'll only be published by nexxon in Korea since Neople has published DFO internationally on their own.
>female monk
I pray that this is good after they've hamstrung and casualised DFO to the extent they have.
I honestly want to play the old DFO that nexon fucked over rather than current DFO, at least back then content below the level cap still had relevance and still had a modicum of challenge that encouraged parties.
I play male monk.
female monks are called nuns
But user, Vah Shir can't be monks, only beastlords.
>monk female
>wrestler male
i will now buy your game
uhmm literally 99.99% of everything was invented by males
Men are superior in all those categories to women. You need only look at history and the history of science to see that, brainlet.
>both of these came out around the same time
>tfw just imagine the DF2 monk girl being whacked over the back of the head and taken as a breeding slave
>she agreed to the 1v1, so she has to honor it and stay willingly
I like gunner more.
Because men do the hard and deadly jobs that actually uphold and maintain society.
>thread about video games
>off-topic Yea Forums brings /pol/ mentality into it
This board is fucking shit.
Female bodies are more susceptible to physical damage and wear. Why they suffer so many more injuries from military training, because their bodies plainly don't recover from lugging around heavy loads while doing strenuous exercise for days like men do. They get physically broken down.
Women live longer because they do less damaging work, and because double X chromosones are more resistant to disease and genetic defects. When one X chromosone is damaged, the other can take over, while men are plainly fucked because they don't havd a spare to fall back on.
TERA's brawlers are pretty fun. You can even play popori brawlers these days, not just girls.
The guy who makes these bait threads just to talk about DFO needs to be stopped
You all did make a Ghostblade for the event, right?
Wrong. Genetically women should be able to run faster than men. And before you post Olympic times, there are socioeconomic issues I dont feel like writing an essay about.
More women than men are religious, and women have a much easier time landing sex so charisma would be higher too.
Of course.
Free raid gear + a new OP character
I used to camp elin and popori players on sight until they logged out. That'll teach those cunts to enjoy something I don't.
Of course not, I would never betray my beatiful Enchantress wife.
I liked Tera but it felt unoptimized as fuck and really chugged at some parts of the game.
Must sucks when you get mad and have to literally talk non sense as a comeback.
They're quite welcome now, though.
It definitely takes a lot more to run smoothly than the average MMO. Looks absolutely gorgeous on a good one, though.
Is this a upcoming MMORPG or what? Please gib details.
Project BBQ, sequel to the highest grossing MMO in the world: Dungeon Fighter Online
Well yeah all the normal people quit playing. I'll bet elins rule the game now instead of being crushed like the shitters they are.
Is DFO good tho? Should I be hyped for its sequel?
it's free, download it and find out
K, I'm on it.
Same, I miss getting beat in early game dungeons and having an incentive to party. Behemoth used to be a threat.
It looks like flash shit wtf...
>giving a shit about graphics > gameplay
Fuck off zoomer, no one wants you anyways if you are going to be like that.
Is this game going to be instance based like the original?
everything dies in 3 hits
fucking boring shit with terrible controls
I'm not even a graphicfag, but seriously... couldn't they at least put some effort in it!?
This game is over 15 years old at this point user. It's just aged, but by no means 2D looks bad.
Pixel art looks better than most AAA shit.
>playing a game where you can't edit controls
>15 years
Well that explains a lot.
Nice meme.
It's not a meme. You're just underage I guess.
The game is over a decade old nigger.
monks are chumps. play bard whenever possible
I knew he was a zoomer.
Pixel art is for soifaggots, go choke on a dick.
You mean biologically. You're using the wrong word for your explanation, stupid.
>write an essay.
Please don't ever explain anything on biology and physiology, you've already shown you know jack shit even on a premise made of assumption. People like you are why the internet is a cesspool of misinformation.
Yeah, poor kid.
You have shit taste and it's fucking terminal dude.
Since when did DFO get a bard class?
It'll be added with M Thief (F Lancer never).
It looks cool, but i wonder how much is just push button and awesome shit happens for ten seconds, meaning yawn fest after 2 hours of playing.
It's a beat-em-up, if you are bored after 2 hours than the genre isn't for you.
Dungeons & Dragons and derivatives
When were they announced?
>Dungeons & Dragons
Gender malus in TT isn't a thing since forever.
Are they fun user
>literally no POC
Why the fuck are they so fucking racist?
Ghostblade is okay but I still don't know what skill to go out of stance from, but in this game it doesn't matter. I have no interest in the new mage.
You can make literally everyone black as pitch with skin avatars.
What are you talking about? There is a guy with tan skin on the bottom.
Dark elves are close enough to being honorary black aside from avatar skin colors.
New mage is sader-tier, get interested.
I don't play Saders either.
You fucking subhuman leech
Nope, I don't play Lancer. Try again.
okay you're not all bad
>mage surf animations
>MPriest surf animation
>knight surf animation has jiggle
I fucking love neople
oh fuck
thanks for the scenario user
Get over yourselves, sader mains. All you're good for is hitting DI so I can actually kill the boss.
why would there be penalties to traits that only appear in men?
And you know literally keeping your ass alive
Anyone else finds the new slayer class absolutely boring? So far every one of his skills look boring and dull, looks like a blademaster, but with a bit of soul bender vibe
They should learn to be more original then
m8 I played from beta to right after manayas core got nerfed, elin were always >60% of server pop
>started playing just barely after the event cuttoff
>my explorer club counts as New Friend
Any of you nerds gonna play long enough for these event awards
the biggest shame is that those cuties aren't in a decent mmo
which mmos are decent?
Eh, he's alright. I like being able to have my ghost buddy pick up right after my throw so now I can continue my combo.
So this thing is probably vaporware right? At best maybe some sort of game comes out in 5-6 years that uses it as a reference and is bogged down by microtransaction lootbox shit right?
press one button to wipe the screen? then tiers just defined by how fast you delete boss bars ignoring every single mechanic? meh
I play every day because I have nothing else better to do.
What's your explorer club name nerd
>fmonk replaces the superior fpriest subclass
I'm gonna be mad as fuck
inquisitor was least fun, nothing of value lost
>doesn't know the difference between nexon na and nexon kr
Vindictus/Mabinogi was pretty ok at some point in time, games like this aren't always 100% horrible, is just that they turn into miserable cash grabs once the hype dyes and only neets and some whales are left playing. I mean it's been proven every one of this games get flooded on release, so there's a fuckhuge audience for them, but they never have enough lasting appeal besides daily shit that feels like a job.
what game is this?
I used to do the same. Then I got into gacha and finally abandoned the evil clutches of hell mode. Haven't looked back since.
Any footage of male priest monk? or just male priest. They better have kept his absolutely PEAK TESTOSTERONE look. Absolute alpha character.
They can replace Miko and her gay balls. The giant wheel stays.
seria's calling sent
This looks fucking sick and I hate that this is all there is to the game right now.
I did that, but then I dumped gacha like a rock at the start of this year. I'd rather grind hell mode (not like you need to anymore) then run on the hamster wheel that is grinding for pngs.
>tfw magireco and DFO at the same time
we grindan now senpai
nah this is all we have
Inquisitor is CUTE
as in dungeon fighter online 2?
Yes. Don't expect it for years though.
i see you're an incel
Have sex
This actually looks pretty decent. Im even surprised they made a new trailer after the last one
Least we got one of the male variants, albeit edgelord mcgee, just hope it isn't some dumb shit where they lazy out and make only one variant male or female and i swear to christ is the only priest we get is shitty ass tomboy waifu bait female priest instead of the dope ass classic jojo shitbrickhouse priest.
And then all the goblins surround and rape her.
Hahahaha every single fucking time
And then we have the fucking retards who think Nexon JP is different than Nexon NA.
How many times does Nexon need to ruin your games for you to understand?
This game is already dead.
>this is what dexfags actually believe
jesus christ user take a lap
these animations have so much SOUL hope it turns out well
I wish the levelling event worked like Jump server so I could guarantee max level in a day.
I'm sure it probably works out to max level with NP contract, but I dont wanna give them 10 bucks.
Quick Yea Forums! Recommend me anime themed phone games with monk as a class!
There's an actual DFO mobile game but you need a VPN to get it over Google play
>female monk
A nun?
Isn't it pretty much built on/is the jump server? Hell I don't think you even need NP contract, the pre-release events shat out 8 days of master contract and growth contract reduces the fp cost of each room in fast leveling event by one. Alongside FP pots and levelling tickets you should be able to hit max level in a day. Though I'm not sure if you have enough level tickets to get both to 95 but 2 days to hit 95 isn't that bad all things considered
Dungeon & Fighter M? You can just get it off qooapp.
>He doesn't play agent
Mah nigga
>these enchantress skills
This new loli is a bit scary lads
Vapourware general?
troubleshooter a best
hitman a second best
Will they make it into the sequel?
DK probably maybe.
Creator, dunno. Would point&click adventure work in 3D?
they do this in some fighting games. I know chunli and cammy have less health then someone like Ryu and Guile but they make it for it in speed
>Genetically women should be able to run faster than men
LMAO never ever.
>And before you post Olympic times, there are socioeconomic issues
oh, let's dismiss evidence you don't like, for what reason? "Genetic"?" no, "socioeconomic," hmm, which is it? Sure seems convenient. I think I'll go with ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY AND CENTURIES OF RECORDED SPORTS STATISTICS over your anonymous ramblings.
No way. DFO is THE highest grossing game of all time. There's no way they're not cashing in on it as hard as they can.
have sex incel
Creator in 3D would probably be just like crpgs
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Yeah sure, I'll believe it when they make Blu-Rays of Slap Up Party. The new anime whatever happened, right? Was it any good?
Sirocco's alive again
Lalatina is such a fucking slut.
So no. What's it called again? I kind of want to watch it unless there's no subs or something.
What game?
heh, well played (You)
Fate of Arad. There is no subs, so I hope you know chinese.
What new anime?
Why must the Chinese corrupt everything they touch?
They announced a new anime like... I don't remember, around the time they first showed off Fiend War or so. Since there are no subs I'll just watch Slap Up Party. I never actually watched it before anyway.
>hit random on musicbox
>gas gas gas
Ooooh, I forgot about level tickets. Thanks user.
god that show was stupid kek prob gonna rewatch now
never ever
and in the best case scenario, even if it DOES ever come to the west, it'll probably be lackluster like KurtzPel
It's literally some Pre-Pre-Pre Metastasis shit, okay? I first started the game around that time but I was not even aware it was a thing.
all memeing aside, men should have a penalty to Wis and Cha. Men are notorious for doing stupid shit and dying young over it, that's a wis penalty. People are generally happy to see women, give them more benefit of the doubt, and they're known for being social manipulators, so men should have lower cha in comparison. Men meanwhile are stronger and have more physical endurance so they should have increased STR/CON.
Well, China is the one who made it after all.
post the webm
>Manlet M Slayer coming that close to Lank Gunner's height
What were they THINKING
vetala a slut
a sluuuuuuuut
That's not Ele.
Ps do not talk shit about user's wife, Vetala. She is just a good girl.
>breath in the direction of a female human
>she begins to asphyxiate from CO2 poisoning
They ARE the fairer sex after all
mount and blade
should I start playing dfo? looks like a fun grind but I hate playing sidescrollers on the keyboard
Then use something like xpadder.
You can use a pad (with outside support). Or just play Creator.
Women aren't even allowed to be monks. There's no chance in hell of them being able to pass the vow of silence test, nor could they ever give up sex to focus the energy into martial arrts.
the kb controls are fine
Also you should definitely start playing now since there's a levelling event for the new classes that gives mondo amounts of free shit
its fun and is the top mmo for a reason but pick 3 characters to gear or even 2 everyone falls for the alt curse
Is that monk wearing sneakers?
I want to examine becky
I used to like it, but these days the game has taken the wow approach to content and made leveling too fast, dungeons outside of end game content too easy and the only thing that matters is end game gearing.
It's the same reason my friends lost interest in the game too.
The classes have been refined to perfection, but when enemies die to a mean look in 98% of content that kind of stops mattering.
>high five event drwoning you in FP pots
Sounds like when I tried Tera out not too long ago. Playing the classes was really fun, especially Brawler, but there was no reason to do quests or do anything in the open world. You'd could end up in endgame in a few hours just from dungeon queue. Then you're just where everyone else is, waiting for dailies and rolls to not fail.
>made it to 94
>could have made it to 95 but I completely forgot about level up tickets
This? It isn't airing yet.
>living as an incel
Kill yourself.
>Darkness posting
imagine her beating up Tifa
have coping seething dilation sex
Hilder Raid fucking when?
I want to know her motive.
Incels use every chance they get to sperg out
After Retaking Empyrean and Empire's Last Groove.
>her fucking motive
She's just the giant assholeâ„¢ of the game user
now show us what happens when she loses
Her motive is reviving her planet with the energy of dead apostles.
That's only because they removed open world PvP years ago.
>That's because they can digest semen more efficiently.
you drinking your cum user?
>can punch the air and kill her from range
>close in anyway to fuck her life up personally
i'd do the same if i was her
>I'll never fathom why they don't just buy a fucking pc/console and chill at home, instead of paying fortunes at internet cafes.
If they didn't go to the internet cafes they'd have no excuse to leave their houses.
ghost fslayer when
Pre Second Raid DnF was an experience like vanilla WoW. Hard as fuck, no one had elite fucking gear, consumables were rare, and one hit tanked your rating to the point where we agreed to spend a coin to reset our hit counter
Now the game did a another world of warcraft and copied cataclysm while ruining the best starter zones.
Clown Vietnam was a mistake.
So... whats dfo2?
How is it possible to simultaneously have the best and worst taste?
Dungeon Fighter Online 2. It's a game where you fight dungeons and meet cute girls.
I do miss rating actually taking some effort to get desu, as well as slayer parties
but comparing DFO at any point to wow is an insult to DFO
sounds nice
I'll never understand why it was CLOWNS. Seriously. Empyrean is full of retards despite being so technologically advanced due to all the forced conflicts orchestrated throughout their history, but clowns?
>mad incels replying to this
If men had higher base wis and cha they wouldn't have such high suicide rates and incels wouldn't be a thing in the first place. Consider contributing to those statistics.
Clowns are terrifying war monsters. Could you imagine an army of ak47 weilding clowns, honking their way towards you?
>I pray that this is good after they've hamstrung and casualised DFO to the extent they have.
They just moved the non-casual part from leveling to raiding.
TES 4 Oblivion
what game?
Both sexes should only have intelligence penalties if they obsses on CHAR and sex to the detriment of everything else.
Both OMG Instagram Xd and 'muh dik send picz plz' are fucking retarded cancer, but only stupid normalfag women encounter 'muh dik' enough for
them to hold a stereotype on all men because of it so don't act like you aren't retarded too
Honestly agree with this. Men are physically superior but we are a bunch of brainlets.
women attempt suicide more often
>no ghostblade / enchantress
Quit living in the past
>no bare feet
Enchantress is pretty fun and creepy, how's ghsostblade
Normalfag kys.
No, jello blobs and caterpillars.
Pretty fun, a lot of big AOEs and the ghost mechanic gives huge mobility. It also helps that he's the best DPS in the game right now.
>male engineers
>male chemists
>male doctors
>male physicists
>male mechanics
>female politicians achieving anything
oh yeah having a dick suddenly fucks your brain functions, and female's monthly instability makes them super productive in any field, specially video games.
Have sex with a woman.
Monks are nice.
I respect both men and women equally, everbody attempt to kill me
Insulting someone's intelligence is the worst thing you can insult them in imo
My post wasn't calling him a normalfag because all women are stupid, I was calling a normalfag because only gym insta normies are like this and think this as they have never picked up a single book so he must be a normalfag projecting
>wanted an fmage 5th class to get abyss
>get sader but more thematic fun instead
I'll take it
based and sqpilled
Female abilities, traits, and desirbility are a bell curve. They're made safe, and have it easy by evolutionary design. Even their social behavior, which heavily lends itself to conforming and being highly pro status quo and majority stems from this fact. Men ,on the other hand, are the complete opposite. All the greatest at ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that has been, or will ever be, will always be male, BUT, all the WORST will also be male. There will always be more loser males, and anti social males than female as a by product of this. That's why retarded leftists always point at the men at the top when they want gibs, but point at the men at the bottom when they want to feel superior and prove how much better women are (usually shortly after claiming how oppressed they are). Women are easy mode, but their potential is also none existent. Men are a gamble, most will turn out shit, while few will be godly at one thing. This is also why women are hypergamous, and the 80/20 split is a thing in sexual selection.
But didn't the soifaggotry specifically come about because of millenial faggots like you?
is bugbug good yet
give her just two more years
She's not the worst thing in the entire game anymore. Apparently gets even better come prey raid.
Does DFO still have that stupid stamina system?
Can someone show me some fun content available currently?
Ive never been able to play this game from start to finish. How do you guys do it? Also, my favorite class is the dude who summons those light spears that follow him. Super cool.
No because I don't make webms.
The worst thing is Creator again isn't it?
I think it's Kuno actually.
The only thing bad about Creator is the gameplay. Even they're a real class now.
not again, not after Vindictus
a shame too, I enjoyed Vindictus but nexon management killed it
Vindictus is not dead brother!
This shit really makes me wanna try Vindictus. Is it worth it? I
I tried it many years ago. The actual combat was really fun, but pretty much every other aspect of the game was a godforsaken mess.
I think so. The gameplay is definitely unique as far as MMOs go, and in case you have no friends it can all be done solo if you're skilled enough.
I'm just glad they added Female Monk, I hated all of the F. Priest classes at launch
Some of us are the type who enjoy these kind of grind treadmills like me but for the most part it's about finding a class you really like. Like I have 50 characters made but I look at the list and a lot of them stay in the old level caps because I'd rather not play them that day or any other excuse. Then I look at the 3-5 characters I deeply enjoy and think sure why not let's progress with one of them today. Honestly between the stamina system capping your daily playtime and the sometimes generous event rewards it's not too difficult to get attached to a character you deeply enjoy.
There are plenty of characters, and the experience can be super fun, but I think it really suffers in endgame content. What do you do when you hit the level cap? Grind some unfun dungeons or get lucky. What do you do when you have optimal gear? Pretty much fucking nothing. If you know the gimmicks and have the numbers, nothing is hard, and there's very little to keep yourself entertained with unless you want to do PvP.
This is coming from a guy who's spent thousands of hours playing this damn game
>benjamin franklin on the left
I dunno what you're talking about, Tayberrs is fun.
>Female Warriors
>this is what dexfags believe
Wisdom is the primary stat for Monks, retard.
>female monk in RO
>female MNK in FFXIV
>female monk in DFO2
Yeah, I'm gonna have a great time :)
>missing the fucking point