Bros, /int/ is making fun of us again

bros, /int/ is making fun of us again

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every board is making fun of us
and Id say its well deserved

why are they such bullies

/l/ is making fun of us again too

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/int/ is the reddit of boards.

Yea Forums is making fun of us for liking UA3 because of the big butts and curvy women

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At least we are not Yea Forums

bros...Yea Forums is not even thinking about us again!

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..or, are we

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/int/ is full of Brazilians and pidorashkas who are so easy to piss off

>Yea Forums and Yea Forums used to be basically in love with each other
>normie worship and pretending to be a chad cultures set in, now we never even interact

No, that's Yea Forums

No one gives a fuck about /int/, their only manifest action in the world is spamming a dude eating shit in every single place they can and consequently shitting on small chan communities.

We are those faggots boogeyman though

>t. angry mutts

>everyone else in the family hates the retarded degenerate

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nah that's /pol/ and Yea Forums now.

>Yea Forums and Yea Forums used to be basically in love with each other
This never happened. Yea Forumsermin were always hated.

Nope. During studio burn-out everyone on Yea Forums was like "Yea Forumsermins out!! REEE"

I don't care, I don't even browse any other boards except maybe /vg/ when I feel like jacking off to a shitty RPG maker h-game.

Just head on over to then go back to Yea Forums. Yea Forums might be a normie board but not to that extend, at least people on this mongolian basket weaving forum in the video game subsection are sometimes funny.


I doubt that

I don't hate Yea Forums but I hate this mindset they have about "crossboarders" polluting their board. I mean, what kind of sad pathetic idiot comes on Yea Forums and only posts on one board? I may be most active on Yea Forums but that doesn't mean I'm gonna just sit here and wait for someone to make a thread about hockey, or kamen rider, or gorillaz, or any of my other non-Yea Forums hobbies and interests.

good joke

>at least people on this mongolian basket weaving forum in the video game subsection are sometimes funny.
They aren't. Yea Forums """"humor"""" is normalfag shit like
>Not a single soul:
It isn't funny or clever

This. Russians should be only allowed to post on /int/ to keep them away.

Yea Forums hates normalfag humor

i literally just got called a faggot for using a me and the boyz meme by some autistic child

also humor isn't about being clever, it's about being funny

>Yea Forums hates normalfag humor
Then why do you retards spout normalfag memes constantly?

christ, please go back

>also humor isn't about being clever, it's about being funny
Normalfags are neither.


>99% of /int/ is "why can't I have a girlfriend"
I don't get it, is it r9k with flags?

/int/ is only good for larping as blacks

>implying that isn’t textbook:101 tier bait enabled by the hordes of newfags and sub room temprature redditnintendoid that actually reply to it

if you think any board is that bad, go take a look at late night Yea Forums

Someone post that passport compilation.
You know which one.

Link the thread

fuck Yea Forums, are you kidding me? it's easily the most contrarian board. people are on 7 layers of irony here.
i've been here longer than you lol

>this reddit spacing
>this obviously underage minded post
I’m inclined to believe this is a subtle and mastercrafted bait

sure thing redditor

Yea Forums is garbage now. i reddit space on purpose but i'm serious.

not your army


This , it's the most ugly brown board we have on this site, everyone there is a smelly pajeet or a Spaniard angrily telling you he isn't a spic or an Argentinian tell you he is white

How is not being a tightass about what you laugh at being underage
YOU people are the ones who sound underage.
>i'm too cool to laugh at that! haha only mature Yea Forums humor watch this WHIRRRR NOOOOO

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cocи хyй

Yea Forums is actually funny. Also based.
Yea Forums is 80% legitimate underaged autism and 20% brainrotted porn addicts

did you forget about /vint/, retard? This board is nothing but niggers

Good point.

god, I want to lick cunny so fucking bad, the urge is killing me

I've been on Yea Forums since about 2009 and they never liked Yea Forums, mostly it's because Yea Forums has normalfag taste in anime and wants to know why every show isn't like attack on Titan and dragon Ball super

>wants to know why every show isn't like attack on Titan and dragon Ball super

who said this? all anime is the same.

>implying Yea Forums isn't the containment board since Yea Forums doesn't work like that anymore

>LOL THREAD #1'000'000

fuck, literally what happened to Yea Forums? I leave for 4 years and it's suddenly a porn board now. Wtf happened?

Yea Forums is funny at times but I would argue it's the most off topic board on this entire website, even more so then even fucking Yea Forums

retard. you are new as fuck if you came in 2015, you know nothing.


/pol/ get along well with Yea Forums and /jp/, Yea Forums has too many cancerous newfags to like, no other board puts up with Yea Forums's incel vs have sex routine

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Yea Forums will always be easy to troll. you have to imagine how many people are showing up.
now imagine how many of those people just lost in ranked in their favorite game.

I only remember Yea Forums being somewhat okay back in in 2004-2006.

I've never actually thought about it before, but why the fuck is reddit spacing a thing? Is there something about the site that makes reading normally spaced shit difficult or something? Or is it some horseshit about being inclusive to the visually impaired or mentally retarded?

Yea Forums wasn't here in 2004. what the fuck is this thread. yet i'm the one being called a redditor for having normie humor.

>/int/ actually discusses games

No shit, but /int/ is literally all brown niggers, atleast Yea Forums is filled with asian incels

>why the fuck is reddit spacing a thing?
autistic semantics
#chan will dive deep for any way to dismiss someone's argument or opinion, formatting is just one of the more recent ways

Yea Forums does not like most anime, they unironically like bleach, think isekai genre is great, like that
Meanwhile one of Yea Forums's favorite shows is ping pong, the difference is huge

is this bait?