Reminder if you are born during this year or later...

Reminder if you are born during this year or later, you are cancer who's life and opinions do not matter in the slightest. Video game companies would do better if they did not try to appeal to you "people".

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I was born in the wrong generation

1995 was 43 years ago

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>tfw 1979

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t. youngfag trash that was born in 1994

If your birth year doesn't start with 198- you're worthless.

Four for non-smoking, please. I’ll have a Bang’s. Thanks sweetheart.

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>tfw 1994
Safe. I can claim both zoomer and boomer status to best fit any context

seethe harder 1994fag

fuck off memefag

I literally turned 18 a month ago

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cool, how long have you been on Yea Forums?

you missed 9/11

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This is a very good Oblivion cosplayer.

I was born in 1995.

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Which are you?

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nice wig, cancer boy

Look user. Everyone hates people younger than them. But are you at least self aware of the jaded fuck you have become?

Born in 2000, kiss my ass OP, where the Y2Kchads at?

You sound like a faggot lol

Kill yourselves.

You still sound like a faggot lol

Reminder if you are autistic it's hard for you to understand that other people have different opinions and they're just as valid as yours

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>Zoomers who grew up on Bieber, iCrappy, and Web 2.0 are now the majority of the internet

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>be youngfag in 1995
>get god-tier like games
>let game companies water down games for profit over time
>"Oh wow! I can pay to get some cool looking loot, you betcha!" -OP (2006)
>realizes that games have become shit

fuck off.

1989 here. All the cool people are born in '89

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The sad part about this it's very much true. I have seen numerous threads defending Final Fantasy 13 and Lightning. There are kids here that unironically like Fortnite, Halo, and Minecraft.

Early zoomer

Yea Forums talking about Minecraft and Halo is absolutely nothing new

Time passes, and despite the meme, people do genuinely leave here as they get older

There are people that unironically like old counter strike.

>tfw born on december 31st 1994 at 11:58pm
made it, bois

old fag reporting in

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I turned 18 two months ago.

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I...I'm sorry user.

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At least i lived trough the Ps2 era, and managed to play some of last good RTSes like AoE2 and C&C generals.

I am have sex

>says the basement-dwelling autistic incel who complains about people's age on a taiwanese anime imageboard

You guys remember 7 years ago when "defeners"/boomers hated late 00s-early 10s pop music and said it was pure torture?

Well now zoomers are posting nostalgia for that era and saying it was the "golden age" of pop.

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okay I'm a 20 year old and I've unironically never seen this before

If you were born after 1992 you will always be underage

if I'm 97 am I a late millenial or an early zoomer?
i'm just fucked up

On twitter, people are now saying 2008-2014 pop was the best

what if im nostalgic for 2004-2009 era pop rock
u know like mcr, afi, fob, patd

No one born after 1999 should be allowed to use Yea Forums desu.

I'm gonna respond to ThePrequelsSuck just this once because that pic is pretty damn retarded.
2008-2014 pop is "universally beloved"?!
Maybe by normies. It was universally beloved then too. But all people whose opinions actually matter have always hated it. This is so fucking retarded.
You were born in 1995, I don't know why you feel the need to make yourself feel better. Get a life and stop spamming shit.

Old enough to not find this funny.

I'm born '93
I matter!

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If you were born in the 90's i gots da lobe for yous...

95-99 is a buffer zone. I'd say about half are boomers and the other half are Zoomers, so it really depends on whether you like boomer things or not.

>I have seen numerous threads defending Final Fantasy 13 and Lightning
I remember close to 10 years ago thinking "wow, look at these fucking children defending FFX, they must have been 12 when it came out and it was their first ever JRPG." It's nice to know that nothing changes.

Why are /soc/ threads so popular on Yea Forums? Fuck your age you fuck stain losers

hi grandpa

congrats, user, i hope your future years bring much joy
>tfw born in 2000
stay mad old farts

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No one's opinions on Yea Forums matter in the slightest.
t. born in 1994

Late millenial I guess (1992). That said I'm familiar with all those Gen Y games.

phew, I'm safe

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I'm 1993 and still feel like a kid help, I swear just few years ago I was watching johnny bravo and teen titans

cool story bro, but i don't give a shit LOL XD

Attached: im a redditor and im not leaving lol.jpg (183x275, 6K)

97fag here, go ahead and call me LE ZOOM ZOOMIE ZOOMER XD. People don't stop being born after you, deal with it faggot, just as every other jaded retard who thinks he's part of the last good generation throughout the past several centuries has.

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I'm very well aware of my shit taste and don't ask for developers to appeal to me, I still have """f u n""" and that's all I care about
t. 1995cuck

I feel the same, user
I feel dumb as a rock
Everyone seem to progress in life, I've just stood still for 10 years
Doesn't help that I dropped out of school
Get everything I need to prosper, still a colossal fucking failure.

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Born in '87, not sure if I fit into early or mid millennial. I remember pogs though, everyone was into them when I was a kid. I loved pokemon cards the most.

97 isn't Zoomer.

I'm 30 and I'd rather replay 13 than 10. Nothing after FF9 is real FF anyway.

I'm not one of those "the left can't meme" faggots, but holy shit, when you need to post walls of text like that, then the entire fucking point is lost on the person reading that garbage. What a clusterfuck of an image.

Minecraft is Yea Forums's game, cope.

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Late 90s is zoomer

>kids born in 85
>bought into the cancer that was mario 64, goldeneye, metal gear solid, and half-life
Unless you were born in the 70s and/or saw mid-90s and later gaming as abhorrant garbage, you are the cancer.

31, and I'd say anything after 9 is garbage, including 13. Final Fantasy peaked at 5 though.

No it isn't. Zoomer begins at 2000.

It is. 1980-1994 is considered Millennial aka Gen Y. Everything after those years is considered Gen Z aka Zoomer which is what you are. Sorry for your shit taste, brash personality, and annoyingly positive attitude for everything.

I mean, I bought into it, as I was born in '87, but now I'm not really fond of the 5th gen anymore. I think 4th gen is the true golden age, and that vidya peaked by that point.

1,5,9,12,13-3 are best FFs organized by original console.

1995 was 73 years ago, chief. Why don't you unplug your life support already fucking faggot boomer.

Early Minecraft is great, what you on about.

4th 5th and 6th gen all had a ton of gold. Just because it had a lot of trash doesn't mean it wasn't good. The NES had a ton of trash and so did the SNES but they're still great. 64 sucked though, but ps1 has some of the GOAT games.

>annoyingly positive attitude
Bitch, I have depression. I am anything but positive.
I like to think I'm cautiously optimistic of the future, but I am far from "positive".

Anyway, Gen Z begins in 2000, AKA the beginning of the 21st century.

Zoomer begins at 1900 if Yea Forums is to be believed.
1900 BC

>look mom I posted it again!

>t. Boomer

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There are some Zoomers born in the late 90s, but that is because the late 90s is a buffer zone. About half the people born from 95-99 are Zoomers, but the other half are boomers.

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64 had some GOAT games as well, Bomberman 64 and Second Attack were kino. Overall I'd say 5th gen aged the worst, with gen 3 being damn near close due to some archaic design in some games.

Having the case of the "sadzies" and making ironic self depreciating "jokes" does not count as real depression you fucking zoomer.

It being sometime around '97 or so. I don't care what video game systems your older brother let you play.

STFU boomer

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I was born in 98 but I have extreme Boomer tastes and really dislike my generation of Zoomlets. Any Zoombers here?

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Take your pills grandpa

This is the young boy cope. If you like black twitter memes, wojak, and minecraft, you do not belong here. 95'ers and beyond are not human. No exceptions.

Drink from your bottle baby

Listen asshole. I have trouble bringing myself to do anything. I spend most of my time thinking about my plans for the future, and when I'm not doing that, I post on Yea Forums to pass the time. The only thing keeping me from an heroing is the hope that I will eventually be able to realize my future desires. And I don't make "ironic self-deprecating jokes". Depression isn't a fucking joke, dickhead.

Good thing I despise "black twitter memes" and Minecraft.

I'm 22. I can honestly say that by some act of God Almighty, pop music managed to get even worse than it was in the late 00's-early 10's.

Only newfags don't know notch is /ourguy/.

I really miss the time when Yea Forums wasn't full of OH NO NO NO, twitter screencaps and eceleb cancer
shitty bait threads would just get nuked with dubs
probably around 2012 everything went to the shitter

This. Music has gotten so bad even garbage nignog rap from early 2010 is like golden age music in comparison.

People used to be better at ignoring bait unless it was genuinely good bait. I could post "trump sucks" "libs suck" back to back and get 20 yous on each one.

Born in 2000. Zoomer and proud! It's a zoomer world we live in gramps. Adapt or get out.

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Fuck off.

time passes and people get older... woah....

that's true and really really sad. you could see the how fucking dumb this board has gotten when Brink was about to get released - there were like 10 viral threads on all the time with the same phrases and pics in the OP and yet loads of people fell for the scam the game was.
after it got released there were multiple threads wondering that the game is shit

>who's life

Friendly reminder that it's usually young retards going through an identity crisis who make posts like OP's and obsess over age like it's some sort of status.
OP is likely in the 16-24 year old range and going through an old game phase or was surrounded by old games due to family members and doesn't know what generation to identify with.

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Minecraft was literally born on Yea Forums.

I'm 22!!

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Holy based

You might actually have a point there. I'm in my early 20s and I have boomer taste. I hate almost everything from this decade, and love things which I consider to be "soulful" i.e. most things before 2007.
Part of the cause of my "identity crisis" IS this emphasis on generations and ages. A lot of retards insist if you were born in the late 90s you're a Zoomer, which makes me feel pretty insecure about myself, since I know it to be false.
I do sometimes wish I was born earlier. Like, in the late 80s or early 90s. But then I would still have to live through this garbage decade, so it wouldn't make that much of a difference.

So long as you don't claim that 1998 is the greatest year for video games, like 99% of the userbase does these days, then I have no problems with you. What I'm tired of is the whole "LOW POLY = SOUL. EVERYTHING ELSE IS SOULLESS" garbage that I hear everyday. It's irritating.

There's nothing to be ashamed of, I just wish younger folk understood how based the 4th gen really was. That was a fucking magical time to be into video games, and hearing them shit on it makes my blood boil.


But that's already after Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Megaman X, Star Fox, and A Link to the Past had been released.

Reminder if you are born during this year or before, you are cancer who's life and opinions do not matter in the slightest. Video game companies would do better if they did not try to appeal to you "people".

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I was born in 82. There is nothing inherently better about it. Except maybe more of us (not all) don't place our entire value on outside judgment. And we can go without our phones for a while. I actually purposely leave mine at home a lot.

Somewhere somehow in between early zoomer and core zoomer

What anime is this? I can never remember

Why did this of all things make me laugh?
Am I actually retarded?

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whatever gramps

Serial Experiments Lain, just remember that the same guy who wrote Digimon Tamers also wrote this whenever you forget the name.

So you like Ben 10 unironically, right?

But I was born in 1995 and video game companies definitely don't pander or appeal to me. I haven't even played anything of the current gen because all of it is garbage.

keep seething boomers you'll be dead and gone long before I am
t. 1995 chad

>it’s boomer or flaseflagger zoomer thread

How’s it shaking brother

That’s just how every generation everything is built on childhood nostalgia


None of these aptly describe me.


Kill yourself now

Remember trolling? Only newfags get trolled.

I doubt it. Most people are fat and fat people die early as fuck. I'm in great shape and aging like fine wine.

I’m about to turn 21 in a few months, don’t have a license and drive around anyway, never been pulled over, parents don’t know, GF doesn’t know, only my best friend knows, help me god I’m to fucking lazy to go to a goddamn dmv

The game business is what it is right now because they appeal to that demographic


>1994 baby
>mfw barely made the cutoff

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Glad to see classic rock Youtube commenters haven't died out yet.

I was born in 1995

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>wanting to live

1988 master race checking in

>be 1996
>first console was my older brother's PS1
>first handheld was a gameboy
>feel like to much of a newfag to relate to old gamers on Yea Forums
>feel physically ill whenever my younger cousin talks about e-celebs or Fortnite
Do I even belong on this Earth?!

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ITT: old farts assmad they're old farts

Are you drinkin BLOOD perchance?