Worst thing to happen to the alien franchise since prometheus
Worst thing to happen to the alien franchise since prometheus
maybe colonial muhreens is more your speed
>Prometheus was shi-
Set the standard too high?
Promotheus was underrated, but I always thought it should had just been its own movie. Making the sequel an Alien origin story was a mistake.
Both were alright. Prometheus did fuck over the space jockey aesthetic and mystery, but as an overall film it's ok.
I liked Prometheus. I literally cannot understand the online anger for this movie. And the girl from it was so cute.
>popular thing bad
I think people would have liked Promethius a lot more if they were told from the start their were no aliens as we know them. Covenant was okay but would have been waaay better if the female lead from Promethius wasn’t killed off screen. What an insult.
>Alien uterine impregnation, not just in the chest/stomach
penis, please stop
this was one of the most boring games I've ever seen
Best thing to happen to the Alien franchise since Aliens.
Ah, a man of culture.
The alien didn't impregnate her, the corrupted sperm of her lover did.
she still had an ayy growing in her lady bits
that's hot
This game was absolutely good but fuck Aliens.
Without Aliens, we wouldn't have the first 2 AvP games, which are fucking great. So fuck you.
THOSE are the stills for your grid? jesus fuck
has great visuals and set-pieces are interesting on their own, but none of that works together (+characters follow slash horror logic)
Isolation was ok unlike the fnaf mobile game
Also fuck covenant
fuck off nigger its the best thing in Alien since 1987
>you can pick good looking stills from a movie = movie is good
That was just insulting. It helps drive David home as an unstable antagonist but it just left me feeling shitty
>it's a good movie, but not a good x movie
>Dude the games too long lmao
>*Hides in a closet for 20 minutes*
A movie can look pretty while still having an abysmal story and characters.
only 3 of these images look remotely like star wars
and one of them is the fucking text crawl
Alien Isolation is an awesome game, fuck you OP.
If there was absolutely only one thing TLJ did right, it's the high budget direction of photography and the sound production for the most part. Shame about everything fucking else.
Where do you fucking retards come from? Reddit or just middle school?
Alien and Alien 3 are the only good films in this franchise.
I love alien isolation but you cant deny it dragged on a little too much. The game should've been 90% done when you first get the flame thrower. They should've had you get the flame thrower much later.
This, James Cameron is a soulless fuck who turned a classic into another 80s action flick.
While I don’t agree with the latter despite it being my second favorite Alien movie, it definitely had the better cinematography than Aliens.
Don't delude yourself, original Alien movie was just another late 70s slasher film
Awful bait.
Rlm retard
It's literally the only good thing to come from Alien since 1986 and you're an actual fucking mouth breathing dipshit if you disagree. You're objectively wrong.
>It's literally the only good thing to come from Alien since 1979
>thinking you need to watch reddit shit to think otherwise
Alien is Fallout to Cameron's Bethesda
Prometheus was good you fucking faggot.
Extremely weak bait OP
Now what do you guys want to see in a sequel? Instead of reusing the Alien I would like to see more of a spiritual sequel.
Imagine Jurassic Park: Isolation where you start out having to hide from the raptors and distract them with flares, but eventually you find weapons that have limited ammunition like in a survival horror game but let you fight back. But then the game can introduce enemies like a T rex thats impossible to run from, or other enemies like pterodactlys or water dinosaurs.