Artists who work on gory cinematics integral to games like Mortal Kombat suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder

>Artists who work on gory cinematics integral to games like Mortal Kombat suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
I stopped reading there.

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Remember when these journalists praised the artists are Visceral for having the dedication to their craft to use the aftermath of car crashes as inspiration for necromorphs?

What is so stressful about creating fake computer violence? Do the computer graphics artists in the film industry get PTSD from doing gory special effects?

They had to watch actual gore videos as reference

forgot the link:

I guess everyone on Yea Forums has PTSD from rekt threads then.

They watched real gore videos as reference materials, that can be traumatizing for some folks.

If that was true they would be sued at the very least for making employees watch that sort of shit, if not brought up on criminal charges.

This wasn't a problem in the past when people working on video games, TV, and movies were men with drive to create something to entertain, and the kind of iron will that let them push themselves to innovate in their respective crafts and work obscene hours to get the job done.
Now it's all feminine onions boys and women with easily churned stomachs getting bossed around by a committee of Goldbergs.

you should become desensitized after watching 5 or 6 videos

Glorifying crunch time is retarded.

I got desensitized to life, emotion, and feeling from browsing Yea Forums for several years, so these soya-chugging faggots can get desensitized to gore making these fucking MK games for years on end

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B-but MK is just silly cartoon violence!

Yeah, pussies.

It actually is quite cartoonish in it's execution. And anyways it's obviously not real.

>posting a direct kotaku link


They had to kill people to get refference, gore videos juat weren't good enough.

>Artists who work on gory cinematics integral to games like Mortal Kombat suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
When they applied for the position to model and animate stuff for Mortal Kombat, were they expecting to model only flowers, hugs and kisses?

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Becoming an autistic sociopath isn't worth it

Knowing you made an MK game is traumatic enough

>White pussies can't handle a little IRL gore
Not surprised.

i really doubt 5 hours a day of browsing liveleak was in the job description

Pussies need to work too.

I remember reading about this case when MK11 released.
Most of it it's bullshit. The only thing that the aninator said was uncomfortable for her was how easily her boss would tall about gory shit when describing how to make the fatalities, like it was no big deal, which it wasn't. Besides that, she did her job and difn't have any issues, neither did any other worker.

And in the rare case it did give her trauma, why in the flying fuck are you workig on a MK game to begin with? Don't walk in the middle of a shooting range if you don't want to get shot.

If you understand what Mortal Kombat is, then you knew what you were getting yourself into when you joined the production.

>be american
>claim everything gives you ptsd

I've noticed Americans are obsessed with ptsd and claiming they have it, it's hilarious. Americans are addicted to sympathy, it's like they get off on people feeling sorry for them.

Surely artist have common sense to know whats up ahead when they applied for the job.It's not like companies could can stress test applicants by barraging them with gory imagery to see who last the longest. could they?

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Only the pathetic sjws and numales.

Just stop making Mortal Kombat games.

Not to defend anything about the article, but mainly I think the problem stems from the shit these artists have to use for research material. It's stuff you'd probably find in old gore and wrekt threads but having to look at that for a prolonged period time would have some effect on a person. The article however seems to really mischaracterize what these people are saying but no surprise there.

When they were making Conan Exiles, Funcom's character artist would joke about how having their monitor plastered with dick pics was 'just another day' when they were making the male body mesh.

It's easy to say "if you don't like that stuff then don't work on those kinds of games" but you guys really need more empathy and a break from the internet.

I'm dealing with PTSD myself (diagnosed and in treatment), and i know i'll just get shit on here for saying that. Yea I know i'm weak and pathetic and all this stuff, but I don't want to be, and I still need to work.

These people got a job in video games, likely because they cared about video games. In an ideal world they could work on what games they wanted, but sometimes you're forced to do difficult things in life, and it's not unreasonable to assume that somebody who isn't too keen on Mortal Kombat would wind up finding themselves forced to work on that game before ever having a chance to move onto another studio. Yea, there's probably some idiots that don't care about games that somehow wound up there, but you can't seriously think everybody in the studio does.

Not everybody can just relocate to wherever their desired studio is, so they make due with what's around them.

I don't like Mortal Kombat as a fighting game, it's a bit too stilted for my tastes, but it's clear to see that as a casual fighter it's an enjoyable game with a lot of polish. The developers weren't trying to fuck it up, and them deciding to downplay the sexuality of certain characters, while personally I think not necessary, really didn't affect the core gameplay in any meaningful way.

Kotaku sucks, and it's easy to say "fuck these people id take their job" because i'd rather be working in gaming too like most of you guys, but that doesn't mean it isn't hard for others. For AAA studios this industry could use more mental health awareness. Just relax anons

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>I'm dealing with PTSD myself

I bet you're American lmao

Or they could've just done the same L4D2 team did, human anatomy + textures and surfaces of destroyed apples and strawberries recolored with red.

>would wind up finding themselves forced to work on that game
Working on video games is largely a job of passion because it does not offer steady pay. If you're forced to work for something to pay the bills, video game development is not for you because money there is always uncertain.

But then how will the hyper-realism fags eat it up?

Did you get PTSD from witnessing some horrific shit in real life or did you get it from playing a video game or watching a move?
If it's the first one then you should unserstand the difference. If it's the second one then you're not even seeing a real psychologist/psychiatrist and are just paying some pop psychologist quack who you're paying to make you feel validated rather than getting better and grow a pair of balls you fucking pussy.

They will eat it up, MK11's violence is more cartoony than MKX's anyway.

I hope they finally unionize to get replaced by pakis and crash the industry as hard as possible.

My question is what could reasonably be done about it? Referring to my previous postShould companies filter people to keep them out? Wouldn't that cause more problems? Mortal Kombat is know for its over the top gore, its not like their going to change it because a few couldn't handle seeing one too many car crash victims.

Some fatalities have zoom in are dismembered body parts. That wouldn't work all the time.

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the artists of MK11 deserve it for their dogshit female designs

>In an ideal world they could work on what games they wanted, but sometimes you're forced to do difficult things in life, and it's not unreasonable to assume that somebody who isn't too keen on Mortal Kombat would wind up finding themselves forced to work on that game
It is trivially easy to swap from one studio to another in the games industry. Layoffs are happening constantly and those people always just shift to another studio. It's even considered a good practice to just swap around studios now and then because you'll get better pay that way.

yfw you don't play triple A trash so its coming collapse doesn't bother you one bit

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Easy, have a selected few to watch rekt videos and then have them direct the pussy ones. Or just drop the practice all together, normies don't care about accuracy and even less if it's gore accuracy.
I'd argue death is an integral part of any artist though, most old great ones learned anatomy from corpses.

>scientifically proven frequent exposure to violence desensitises to the point of psychopathy
>artists are too special to be subject to scientific reality

I fucking hate """""""""""artists""""""""""" so fucking much.

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>"scientifically proven frequent exposure to violence desensitises to the point of psychopathy"
woah, citation needed there buddy