Anarchy Reigns

why didn't you tell me about this before Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because it was dead a month out.

v doesnt know what good games are

because it's an unbalanced piece of broken junk.
the game soundtrack is genuinely one of the GOATEST of all time in the history of video game soundtracks and I don't even like rap/hip-hop - that's how fucking good it is:
it's really sad, because the idea itself is fantastic and the characters are all iconic in a 90s/early 2000s sense. the game is just really shitty executed. If Platinum had overhauled the gameplay and rebalanced things we could have easily gotten a household IP.

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we do your bitch ass just doesnt know how to look for a god game

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good fun & great aesthetic but terribly unbalanced, it got frustrating/too easy real quick

>make perfect multiplayer game
>online is dead
>no local multiplayer
>no split screen
>no remastered
>no sequel
>no PC port
Fuck you PlatinumGames

Rin sisters ruined any semblance of balance right out of the gate
sega intentionally delayed and botched the release
no crossplay and no pc killed the community faster than the speed of sound
god was it fun though

this takes me back
when was it? 2012, 13? There were online threads about it here. Before this place got all stupid nationalist
To think that console wars were the worst thing about this place back then

Deathball was the best mode. I miss it.

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game ahead of it's time

should be ported to PC
also should have had couch coop

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does MadWorld need wiimote?

Jaw was my track, literally never lost when it was on.

I'm surprised they haven't ported this alongside Vanquish really

I'll be mad till the day I die that this game never had a real chance.

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I'd kill for a PC port of this, I loved Anarchy Reigns.

Are there any games out that are similar to Anarchy Reigns in concept?

At least there's a good side to it being p2p instead of server-based, you can still play online as long as there's players willing to play... which it seems there aren't, but still the possibility is there.
Sega of America fucked up by delaying the release of this game outside of japan for half a year.

her ass is so amazing!

I would love for this game to get a revival on PC, It was doomed from the start back then but maybe things would be different today.

is there a way to get the bayonetta dlc now?

based post

>when the best gamers made a video trashing the journos who only based their review on singleplayer
I miss them so much bros

Vanquish did get a PC port

Blame Sega. Max Anarchy was a perfect multiplayer game. Look at shit like Overwatch now how it rides on its characters and shit. They could've done the same with Anarchy literally years before with proper multiplat release and marketing. But they fucked it up.

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>Bought this game to play with my brother and a buddy of ours.
>It only allows online multiplayer
Haven't touched it since, tho part of me wants to try out the singleplayer campaign but I doubt I'll get around to it

Fucking yes!

>you can still play online as long as there's players willing to play...

Let's make it happen one of these days. I'm sure all twelve of us who still have the game will be interested.

>no one in the lobbies



it really was. Like, you could easily convert it to a pretty good F2P game. It could just copy fortnite and break the game up into seasons that adds new heroes and features a gimmick for the over map.

we can arrange lobbies, at least with 3 players we can play survival and beat up some bots.
or 1v1.

>tfw I was able to play full death ball match a couple of times

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The couple weeks after launch where people actually played online was some of the most fun I've ever had with an online game


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People would talk about it more had sega not killed it
Everyone played the demo and shit was amazing
Laggy as fuck, but it was fun
It released in Japan and they told us to import it and don't get our hopes up
Then it released overseas eventually and died within a month

the 2v2 mode was kino

Bayo was the only reason I heard about this game but it looked cool

Platinum were plain pissed with Sega of America because they delayed the game for no reason: the game was already in english for the japanese release, too. It was ready for worldwide release but Sega delayed it, with no explanation.
Not sure what was going on there but it didn't do good for the game. At release in the west in early 2013, most people who were interested in the "cuhrazey" games already imported it, and the new people that jumped there just read online about the infinites and spammed them nonstop online. It wasn't dead within a month, it was still possible to play all throughout 2013, but yeah after that it started waning off.
I've had fun playing with japanese players, and have seen some really weird glitches. Game was broken and unbalanced, but it's the best kind of unbalanced. Love Anarchy Reigns and want to play it again now.

Yep, the OST and some character designs are the only good things of it

But what an OST my god

I really enjoyed it for the month I could find matches. A shame it died so fast.

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Were these girls DLC? I don't remember unlocking them.

we did
you werent listening

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no bayo was the only dlc

MadWorld without any of the actually-fun parts, and especially without the announcers.

this is one of those games that would have done better nowadays compared to back then.
maybe they can bring it back

There were 3 sisters. The only dlc the game had was Bayo and I think you got her for just buying it new.

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madworld sucked

>not remembering Rin sisters
Come on, senpai.

>only one doujin in it's lifetime
absolutely criminal

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I keep hoping that Sega re-releases it on PC, like Vanquish and Bayonetta, but I doubt it.


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I hope the PS5 can finally emulate PS3 games so I can play these games again (I could buy another PS3 but after two of them dying on me I'm pretty tired of that shitty generation)

Gameplay was fun, modes were fun. Single player campaign was OK, had cool bosses and mid-bosses.
It was an all around good game really. It needed balancing tweakings and more online support.

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be thankful that it had one at all, let alone a good one

i feel like they should go over it again and remake and improve the whole game, then release it again.
i feel like it could make it big now.

I remember the red one, the other two are completely void from my memory.

It wasnt just balancing, the netcode was terrible for an arena game and those big all vs all stages were a shitfest.
I think the only times I had some fun was with the co-op stages

that's true.
being by zunta means it's worth about 10 mediocre releases.
even if it was a bit short

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The fun was in the MP though. It was a broken mess, but that's part of what made it fun.

It was the type of game you just jumped around the map, mashed shit and cool shit happened. I remember Bayonetta being broken as shit, I think that big mech guy was broken as well.

Honestly the netcode would be the only thing I hope gets improved if it would ever happen. It's actually one of the few MP games I genuinely miss, but truthfully that might be just because how short it lasted.

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Her concept art are even more hot.

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There were touch of dead combos that kept you in the air for a week, and I remember the chinese sisters had spammable jump attacks. And the big characters just had to play the turtle until you ran out of stamina to wreck you with a throw. It was a competitive game were not a single thought was put in making it fair for every player

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I don't necessarily think m,ore or less, but variety is always good. This game would have benefited tremendously from different outfits, and maybe even style changes for different movesets for the characters. Think like, the system that DMC has, but swappable on the fly. Those concepts give me plenty of ideas.

>tfw people getting genuinely mad enough to trash talk when I get a Sasha loop
It was already dying on release since Sega delayed it a lot then didn't market it at all in NA. I got it at release and enjoyed it as much as I could before it died completely. Could've been a Power Stone type classic if it had local/LAN and some polish.

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Why isn't the soundtrack on music streaming apps?

Because it wasn't competitive. If you were going in expecting a balanced fighting game, you were high.

It was always meant to be a button mashing spectacle. If you were going in expecting an in depth arena fighter you were never going to get the game you wanted.

It's crazy how much Overwatch ripped off from it's character designs.

>Trashing people all day erryday in 1v1 matches using Max
Fun game, wouldnt mind a remake, someone here who isnt blocked ask Kamiya

If only Reinhardt would charge people into an RKO

who knows
easy enough to just download it anyways



Sega would have to be on board.

>every single girl was a fappable waifu

It should have succeeded Bros.

It was fun while it lasted. I know it was the most fun I had in an online game.

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>mfw no PC release for alive online

I played this non-stop for a month, such a fun fucking game.

I knew it was dead on arrival, but it was fun to screw around in and the soundtrack is absolute top tier. Still listen to some songs from it pretty often.

>I knew it was dead on arrival,

It got delayed to shit, and on launch the online was awful. Japan got the game six months previous, and the servers were shared. It was a no win situation, so you basically had to grind through it, and most people didn't. Also, it got next to no marketing.

That one time platinum tried to make a multiplayer game.

She was OP as fuck.

It’s more of a spin off.

>tfw sold the game because I couldn't get a match started since multiplayer was dead
>now craving to play it

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I bought it on PSN for like a dollar

shut up, fag

Does anyone want to play it right now?

I remember going to gamestop on release day and asked for it and the clerk didn't know what I was talking about

Single player campaign was lit though

>20 britbongs
I guess I should keep it on my wishlist to track the price drop, didn't even think about it for some reason

i love matilda!
i deperately hope this isn't the last we see of these characters

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why dont we choose a time to start up a game on ps3?

theres a decent group of people who still play it on the ps3 but they coordinate matches over discord so youll have to keep an eye out over there
theres usually decent amount of matches every week though
bunch of fags though

Does anybody remember when we brigaded the twitter and trashed the new DMC

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Yeah I doubt I'd be able to have fun in multiplayer at this point, considering they're all likely good while I'm garbage
Would at least like to go through the campaign again

>sasha will never freeze your face with her ass

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I did. I shilled this game hardcore for both the import and official US release. I also posted guides and combos and begged people not to abuse infini-dodge or the air KW glitch

The game still died within a month both times because people are faggots and Sega wouldn't pay for a patch

sasha was too perfect

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We should set a day and hour so more anons prepare and get ready.

still have a combo guide?
i could use that since i started playing again a while back

>tfw I was the asshole that would toss long ranged icicles into big fights just to mess someone up or steal a kill

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being an asshole like that was honestly half the fun of the game for me

Take another look at the game's name and remember it's named after anarchy. There's a reason for that. Ever wondered why you get no points for doing damage or assists, only for scoring the kill itself? You're meant to be opportunistic and kill steal for easy points. Why are the combos so long and leave the characters so stationary? So that when they're distracted with doing that long combo on some dumbass you can use your super slow charged KW Heavy to kill them both at the same time. Anarchy's the name of the game, if you're trying to play fair 1v1s on top of the tower, you're doing it wrong. The game's easily at its best in a massive full deathmatch lobby where everyone's beating the shit out of everyone else and it's not the guy who memorised an infinite who wins, but the guy who plays the smartest and the meanest and the cheapest. The game encourages you to. Anarchy.

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No but they should still be on fireden in the old Anarchy Reigns general threads

Search for the PSN's Felix656 or TheNosMan

That would be great. I have a game it would be neat to get online some time. Might also help if anons made threads about it more regularly.

*I have the game

We've tried this before, it's nothing but infini-dodge and ToD air KW glitch combos

I used to play as Douglas and fucking do the charging double throw. Shit was so funny to see 2 people having an anime fight when BOOM giant swing both of them.

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All that much "Anarchy" didnt managed to keep the userbase afloat beyond one month, so maybe the idea is faulty methinks

>be Durga
>running grab two bishies fighting
>immediately air KW
>they both tried to flip up instead of dodge away

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let's play survival and mad survival then

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>>immediately air KW
>>they both tried to flip up instead of dodge away
So many retards would try the kip up and it was so fucking funny.

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Fast Lane > My Town My City > Kill ‘em All > Days of Old > the rest

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All I wanted was to play some Survival


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Same. Needed more polish/balance but actually playing a full BR was absolute chaos.

>tfw cornering people solo as sasha in BR and doing as many reps of her loop as I could
>kill stealing all day every day and hitting top
>actually have a guy on microphone screech "GET THAT FUCKING BITCH" one time
Felt great

>tfw when in cpu battles, this bitch would do anything her power to hunt me down or make my life miserable
pain in the ass, I swear

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Wait what?

Fan Art lmao. Big Bull is literally a brain in a robot.

aren't we all?

This game was so close to perfection, yet so far.
It tried to do and pioneer so many amazing things, if we could get a sequel, to just tidy tings up a bit...
It could be the greatest game ever made.

well that's exactly the issue with any kind of anarchist ideology, it wouldn't work unless you meticulously train the people beforehand.

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Its a shame we live in times where a "failed"/moderately successful AAA game can't get a second chance due to bloat development budgets.

Its a shame we live in times where a "failed"/moderately successful AAA game can't get a second chance due to bloated development budgets.

stfu Pan



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Me and a friend loved this song so much that we'd occasionally just do the starting dialogue with eachother for laughs

god that reminds me of when my friend and I used to reenact Awesome Center word for fucking word back in high school. I would just slide into the door and go "Doctor there's a car accident patient in the ER!" and he'd fucking stand up and go "WHATS THE DIAGNOSIS?" and we'd go from there.

We were fucking losers, but fun times none the less.

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>Happens twice in the same year

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Maybe after you learn that you have to just stand in front of a super shot to stop it instead of blocking, grabbing, attacking, or doing anything. I never got into a single game where people realized that, and I barely realized it at the end of my time with it

>he wasn't here for the anniversary and played with Platinum

>We were fucking losers, but fun times none the less.
Being a fucking loser was the most fun back in school, reciting flash animations word for word was the go to friend thing to do.

We were stuck on this though for a while

Never watched the show, just seen this and the Steven bits but would just recite it all perfectly every time

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>he wasn't here when based nikolai was making threads everyday for like 2 weeks gathering people to play

>tfw will never be able to play this glorious son of a bitch again
It hurts.

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Wrong theme bucko

For a mindless button mashing brawler with focus on online, the voice acting was fucking superb, better than it had any right to be.

Why do Platinum games always have the best black characters?

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>how can we improve a name like black baron?
>blacker baron

I got this game as well. Had a blast but god damnit.

>Playing the Black Baron be like

honestly not surprising considering they had Greg Proops and John DiMaggio in MadWorld

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If pewdiepie started streaming this would the online pick back up?

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this shit was nothing but fire, merciless was my favorite track though

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I remember getting the Japanese version because I had some dumb worry the Bayonetta DLC wouldn't be released in the west.
No regrets though.

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The western DLC included both bayonetta and the dogfight/mad survival modes.
For the japanese version, you had to play some limited minigame in Max Anarchy's website to get the DLC code for the extra modes.

No, last gen game with no lasting appeal, normies would get bored of the online after a while. And it's a niche type of game too.
Plus who wants to play with PewDiePie fans?

Ai Rin master race

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>you will never exist in the alternate reality where Anarchy Reigns got a PC rerelease and Yea Forums has weekly threads that eventually moves to a general thread
>you will never EVER see "Yea Forums room" with password rage on the server finder
Why live

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God dam Leos moveset was so fucking satisfying

I got to play TM2012 online for like 4 days and it was one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played. Too bad it was hamstrung in what feels like every way possible outside of the gameplay

the "im too black for this shit" reaction image was popular for a while


I remember I played this a grand total of one time and fucking destroyed in this mode.

All I did was get the ball and run it with Leo. Some guy invited me to his party and said I was good. Told his ass its my first time playing.

Sorry but the game is still fun.

never played the asian chick with the red outfit is super hot

never played but**

>Maybe after you learn that you have to just stand in front of a super shot to stop it instead of blocking, grabbing, attacking, or doing anything.
WHAT THE FUCK. I thought you had to press grab like when catching missiles. Are you sure? I thought it would just hit you if you stood there.

Hey at least nintendo can use the characters for a gacha now that platinum's ass belongs to them

I'm so glad this game turned me onto Rushden and Diamonds.

oh yeah that's the good shit

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>literally old ass jetstream sam
guess they took anarchy reigns designer right revegeance

I imported this shit when it was called Max Anarchy. It was hella fun when it was alive, but over time all the lobbies just turned into Bayonetta with sniper rifles. Then it died because that's became the only thing you would ever see.

It was I, the guy playing as Ninjaman in Death Ball!