Holy shit Doom bros we've been btfo'd

Holy shit Doom bros we've been btfo'd

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this, doom needs forced stealth sections like nuwolfenstein

stop reading shit opinion pieces.

this thread is cancer
off yourself op

and more cutscenes!

That's not true at all though.

There are plenty of sections where you're exploring empty halls and most rooms with enemies are setup in such a way where the encounter starts when you engage with particular objects.

>intense combat

Well ok

The basic tenant of pacing is nothing new to games. I've never played 2016 Doom so its possible that it does have a pacing issue but given how many people seem to fawn over it, I kind of doubt it.
But lets not pretend like action games (or any games) don't need to account for pacing and player exaustion. You rip and tear a few too many demons to bits too often and you'll get tired of it. It's why the original two DOOM titles werent just arena-style maps.

this series is DOOMed

Doom fun different bad. More same boring good please.

>You never get a chance to breathe, and it's overwhelming
it's called a pause menu

(2016) babbies think the arenas are brilliant game design

>no rest
Then why the fuck is he playing it in one sitting?

The true problem with DOOM. Arenas

but that's just... wrong? I agree completely that games need moments of quiet to make the action more meaningful, and doom has those moments.

Violence, should never be condoned but people like that need to be taken care of. Holy shit, I didn't even like doom 2016 but that game has a fucking pause button, or play something else.

doom is problematic because of the over masculinity of the character. honestly if they gave him a little more realistic human compassion i may have enjoyed it

What the fuck is this article talking about, there are plenty of moments to rest from combat in Doom, unless you are a retard that cant do basic exploration of a level to try and find collectibles, power ups, resources or upgrades and wish to just BEELINE to the final boss, in which case that is your fault.


>Uncharted is garbag-

Attached: God Tier Uncharted 2 Gameplay.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

>lmao just pause it
you people are just as retarded as the guy that wrote that article.

Does nu-doom not have levels or something? Is it just a continuous thing like Doom 3? Doom 1 and 2 levels never took more than a few minutes.

Quiet time is a fucking meme meant for movies and movie games. After a long day of work I'm not interested in looking at boring fucking hallways and listening to exposition, I want fucking thousands of spiders and ants moving 100mph to fuck my day up.

that and the lacking representation of POCs and LGBTQIA+.

It has levels. Pacing is fine

>those animations
holy kek

Then I don't understand the article

>journalist screencap
This thread will reach bump limit. Welcome to 2019 Yea Forums.

Are you one of those "muh story and exposition" homosexuals? Please put more forced walking segments or crouch walking stealth into fps, otherwise I can't enjoy it, might as well make it 30 fps only while you're at it.

>blown the fuck outed

lmao looks like those crappy fake games they play in tv shows / movies

Too much gameplay in my videogame

There is plenty of slower parts in doom. But they are still 'gameplay' parts. Like the platforming sections. What he probably wants is more cutscenes where you can put the controls down or something. Anyway his opinion is shit.

I think they're mocapped

Game Journalists are obsolete.

>There are plenty of sections where you're exploring empty halls and most rooms with enemies are setup in such a way where the encounter starts when you engage with particular objects.
Also 60% of each level is spent looking for secret areas once all the demons are dead

No, it's just a stupid argument. I'm not saying it applies to NUUM but if a game was literally exhausting to play for more than 15 minutes it's just a bad game and pausing doesn't change that.


>the issue with X
>the problem with X
>we need to talk about X
You fucking know that it's a telltale sign of faggy articles

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>Boot game up
>Ready for some visceral action
>Oh wait I'm at the quiet part, so now I have to sit through some third graders writing assignment of a cutscene
>Thank God for cutscenes and WALKING forward otherwise I'd be exhausted!
Frick off grandpa

>hur durrr we're games journalists with the congregate IQ of a high way speed limit

Fuck off with encourageing "stealth sections" in games that don't need them. Is your mental capacity so limited you can't handle any form of intense stimulation?

to be fair doom 2016 did have a pacing problem

No it doesn't

>people are getting paid to come up with this drivel
journalism was a mistake

btfo doesn't stand for anything anymore, it has entered the online lexicon as a simple word. Like with lol.

did you reply the wrong post?

>enemy pushed lightly against a wooden crate
Wew lads, this game sure is chamlenging

Gameplay: the games journo kryptonite

That looks so lame. Holy shit, I even like the uncharted games but calling that god tier gameplay is retarded.

This. It's also not an accurate representation of the game. It looks like it's being played on very easy as well.

Yeah, that's exactly what doom needs. Forced walking sections where the characters talk about the story.

what about all the platforming segments and discovering secret areas?

I'll handle you with intense stimulation you little fag

He probably didn't make it past the first level to see any of that. This article is mind boggling to me

The guy who wrote the article clearly lacks an understanding of why doom is appealing

Nonono you got it all wrong. Doom guy needs to sneak around and sit behind an overturned table while 2 characters talk very specifically about the thing he's looking for

>1 sentence in and already wrong
I hate journos so goddamn much

rest periods in video games are gay. I dont need game developpers to tell me when i should slow down having fun. If a game is exhausting to play, ill hit pause and take a break myself

AI is already replacing them.

This. There's more boring mindnumbing sections in nuDoom than there is action. Sure when the action is on, it's fun as fuck but I hate having to waddle through corridors with few zombies here and there. Doom Eternal looks like it's going to have that exact same problem. Fuck the demon limit and fuck the arenas.

Resting areas are anti-white. We are the worlds settlers and every second means more progress!

There's a good reason retro fps's are making a comeback. Triple A is pandering to retards like Zak Deacon who prefer cinematic experiences over raw gameplay. On a side note holy fuck Wrath looks so good when are we getting a release date.

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you forgot to spell it all the way


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Needs more world building in the form of being forced to walk, in a bland area, while some npc tells you something, no matter how hard you try won't be able to remember because how boring it is. Maybe add some annoying little kid as side kick while too, so that kid can grow and it can become a very engaging story about children/love/friendship. Make sure to make it console only at 30 fps, so it's more cinematic.

And that's a good thing!

You have plenty of time to rest, whenever you clear a room or are just exploring. Areas where you’re about to get jumped are pretty obvious

Pause and/or take a break
This is like when people pretend a mute button doesn't exist in mp games.

he described it perfectly

>self own

Pause the game

THe first 3 games would just throw sponges at you

They're mocapped and retouched by animators, that's why they always look floaty

>no rest in doom 2016
What? It literally has too much rest time, you get few minutes of walking and platforming between every encounter.
Some levels are mostly platforming with little combat.
Not to mention there is a lot of navigation and looking for secrets or keys.

fucker clearly never played it, or played one or two levels of the arcade version where a lot of slower segments are cut.

>mutts have breathing problems

I’m shocked!

It's level based, I think you could get through each level in 5 -10 minutes depending on your FPS skills

Doom 3 is the best Doom

>murder man

Still mad that Doom was fun and shitty cutscene game #300 was objectively garbage I see.

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>it's bad because no shitty stealth sections and not enough plot cutscenes
The lengths that game journalists go to discredit themselves astound me.

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This, you have to be a hopeless retard to not understand this and think you understand anything about games.

The real problem with nu-Doom is that you have to ""explore"" (quotes because the map system makes it a trivial time waste) to find the guns.

I don't understand this
Otherwise the game would be too easy?

I'm pretty sure this "journalist" is just using "brief respite" as an excuse. It really just wants the game to be more like a movie and that's the best justification it could think of without directly saying what it means.

>Why cant we just talk to the demons?

DOOM1 didn't have arenas and it never suffered from being too easy. Noone likes being locked in a room and told "YOU HAVE TO SHOOT THIS MANY" it's boring

looks cool until you realize its just press button for cutscene animation combat: the game

Does ANYONE take game journos seriously? Absolutely pathetic.

There are plenty of quiet sequences is in Doom 2016, the writer is an idiot and likely bad at video games.

The real problem with Doom is that it's pretty one-note. I felt just about done with the game two levels before the end, it overstayed its welcome a bit.

but you do the same thing in old doom. i spent more time in doom 1 and 2 running around looking for secrets and places i havent checked yet than actually shooting shit

doesnt even look good. it looks retarded. you run straight at bad guys with guns that have storm trooper aim. then you push them all of some wooden planks.


It becomes boring. Fast. The whole game is 99% just
>linear section with little/no enemies
>locked arena with spawning waves of enemies
>linear section with little/no enemies
>locked arena with spawning waves of enemies
and so on, with the occasional jumping puzzle in between.

>Never get a chance to breath

Why is this a fucking problem? If you want a break from the action, just turn the fucking game off. I'm tired of these idiots that think that the plot needs to stop for some sake a realism or something. It isn't a fucking movie, I'm playing a game. Stop with this bullshit.

Do you know what btfo stands for

2nd post best post

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No shit, I'm not sure how that person reached that conclusion other then like you said, they never played it

Has the article been deleted? I can't find it.

But, at least 20% of Doom 2016 is plus-forwarding down empty hallways inbetween arena segments. Did this guy play the game?

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>journalist is an emasculated soi boy

Imagine my shock

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I guess he ignored all the level exploration.

Looks like. Hilarious.

they aren't long and boring enough what it need its you searching the toys of a guy with an extra chromosome.

>this thread is cancer
>off yourself op


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article is either fake or he didn't even play the game

What? Once you clear an area of enemies they don't respawn and you can take as much time as you want. And I only played the game for only 20 minutes because motion sickness was killing me!

>no cutscenes every 3 minutes
>sucks at the game
>"Doom has a problem"
I suck at D44M but I still enjoy it, acknowledge I'm bad and try to git gud

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Doom 2016 is too fucking slow and is a shit game.
I could play with my feet, better than almost every video game "journalist"

How are intense games bad? It pains me to write this but they truly only need to git gud.

>walking forward
>pushing niggas off
>rinse and repeat

>he didnt get all the guns with the cheat code
lmao nerd

Well yes, it's a fault of the actual game. Arenas exist in Doom 4 because enemy counts can't go much higher because performance suffers.

>Matthewmatosis teases he doesn't like DOOM 2016
>Doesn't say why because he may make a video about it
>Video never comes out

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Fuck off, that's the best part of it.

I can guess why,
>tacked on upgrades
>alt fire modes are given to you as you progress the game rather than coming on the gun already
>double jump given half way through the
>hallways of nothing
>pain killer arenas for some reason

>no one forcing you to play the whole game in one sitting

>game is broken up into areas so you can digest it easy on you s o i diet

What did he mean overwhelming?

did you even play the original or even Doom 2?

>too much action

god these faggots actually exist and have to ruin games for the rest of us

If I want to get into DOOM, do I play the old school games or the remakes?

>plays actual fps
>has a panic attack
Some day people will believe me about the alien insanity beams.

>You never get a chance to breathe

Completely false, the guy clearly hasn't played the game. I remember spending lots of time running around exploring the levels without many enemies.

Shit article.

There's a lot of time to breath in between arena fights and you have exploration side paths.

imagine having an opinion so shitty and wrong that it has to be deleted

The faggot deleted the article

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Why is that an issue? Doom was never about stealth or big cinematic, is about fun and power trip destroying everything around you, the lore is usually hidden just like the many secrets, but fun to find, why adding elements the game dosen’t really need?

What a zoomer nigger faggot

Zak Deacon

My earliest experience with video games consists of my father buying me a PlayStation 2 for my birthday, and me responding by saying that "I just wanted toys". Couldn't have been more wrong.

Because big cinematic games are easier to play. Did you see that video of Polygon playing DOOM a few years back?
If all games are big AAA cinematic games, then his job is overall easier.

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what a pink pussy queer bitch

It's called searching for secrets/pickups

I hate secrets though, nu and olde doom. I wish it really was nonstop action

The man that refused to shot civilians, values life over million dollar company and has pet bunny is not compassionate enough for you?

Pause the fucking game you low test pussy

This article is extremely low test. Fuck off with this shit.

you get a time to rest, its called stop playing and play later.

Honor, compassion, and responsibility are highly masculine traits, though.

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He expects games to come with mandatory walking simulator segments and set pieces where he doesn't have to rely on his skill to do anything and can just loiter around.

But I fucking hate stealth sections.

>pistol with 74 rounds
>shotgun on back
>spend the entire time throwing random baddies off with the same pre-baked animation from a single button press
>modern "gaming"

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He’s right, Doom should be rebooted into a cinematic experience where you have to journey together with a transgender child who has the power to bring unity between the demons and the humans with the power of gay.

And people dare to say video games don’t have good role models

FPS ruined gaming.

Both. Doom 1 and 2, Final Doom, Doom 3, and Doom 2016 in that order.

What do you mean no rest, if you add all that time wasted on glory kills, you have hours of rest.

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I literally quit nudoom once I hit that shitty platforming level, don't know if there are more after that one, because I got bored. The whole game is move from shooting gallery a to shooting gallery b and it's just fucking boring. Overrated game.

>playing on easy

>OMG I'm overwhelmed, why is there no cutscenes? Where are QTE? I'm scared I'm shaking

>press triangle to awesome
>not garbage
The bar you've set is so fucking low.

>3rd-person Dark Messiah gameplay

Doom 64 is worth playing through too

Pretty much all doom is like that though, doom is always about rooms full of monsters and exploring for secrets.

>Doom 64 EX is worth playing through too

The original game plays great on the original n64 but yeah, nobody owns a n64 and a crt anymore so EX is the best way to play today.

>There are plenty of sections where you're exploring empty halls and most rooms with enemies are setup in such a way where the encounter starts when you engage with particular objects.
Was about to say exactly this. Even after most big sections of combat you aren't forced ahead right away and could easily stop and take a break just exploring the area you cleared out which you always should be doing. The exploration alone is basically a break but I'm guessing to these game journalist tards it's not considered a break unless control is completely taken away from you.

Amid Evil's ding pretty well for itself, even Civvie loved it

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yeah forgot that

"Role models" means self-insert bait for angry fat women nowadays.

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Funny you saying this in a Doom 2016 thread.

I'd like to see what the full article said but he deleted it like a coward.

I didn't read a single word of what this person wrote.

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that's wrong though, doom 2016's exploration and lock/key puzzles may be barebones as fuck but it's more than enough to break up the pace and keep it from getting boring


Yeah, but you moved with some goddamn urgency in the original Doom. Searching for secrets takes forever in New Doom because you move so goddamn slow and levels are often more open than they were in the original.

>get to the end of a level
>"WAIT... I never found that secret Doom 1 area"
>quietly backtrack and trudge through dozens of empty rooms because I already murdered everyhing
it's honestly jarring how empty these quiet moments feel

and you have to climb shit

>its another bait piece that dipshit op got baited by and as a result dipshit anons will get baited by and spend hours discussing some trash article the genius writer came up with in 5 minutes for the sole purpose of writing something controversial

No no no no fucking no. Nudoom is modern garbage arena trash with faggy glory kills, but you don't shit on nudoom to defend uncharted. Nudoom in all its shit is still leagues ahead of anything naughty dog has produced in the last decade

What the fuck is that sóy infused retard talking about?
I played nu-doom from start to finish and there were numerous moments there was nothing left to kill, granted, I did look for all possible secrets in the levels so after I had cleared areas, I'd search around them and there wouldn't be monsters left.

What a fucking retard statement to say there's no room to breathe in Doom games. The monsters don't spawn infinitely

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And escort missions!

Sounds like you agree with the author of the article to me man.

Honestly the real problem with any game is the people who already like them and don't want them changed to be only for me.

>Guy dies just by getting shoved into a box

>Doom leaves the player no time to rest
nibba just press pause!

I sometimes wonder if these are false flags by shitposters to make Sony niggers look retarded.

Is Doom 2016 good?

they're gonna have a heart attack when doom eternal comes out

Eh, it's alright. You can tell how not great it is by how much normies ate it the fuck up

Doom gives me ptsd flashbacks to when I had to wait in line alone at that bodaga in Brooklyn (nyc) and two urban style youths accosted me.


D44m is fun, but it takes more cues from fucking serious Sam than it does Doom. Normies ate it up because the dubstep soundtrack, marketing, and brand recognition

Most modern games don't even do this anymore as they have just given up and made your partner character some empowered immortal plot piece that's there to dole out free damage. A shame because there was nothing wrong with escort mechanics as a game challenge, it was just that the early 6th gen did a lot of them badly.

Loadtimes are your rest

Haven't played the latest Doom game, but the basic idea of "town -> field -> dungeon -> town" is always good game design. The town is a safe area where you upgrade your character, talk to NPCs, explore in relative safety, and decompress. The field is a moderately dangerous area with lots of side excursions. Dungeons are major game progression points where the danger level is at its peak. There's a gradual rise in intensity followed by a fall back to calm. They might not be literal towns, fields, and dungeons. Games like Resident Evil and Dark Souls follow the model of "rest area -> light combat and exploration -> intense combat -> rest area".

I'm not the biggest FPS guy, though, so I can't speak for fans of that genre.