What are some of the most bullshit boss fights in any game?

What are some of the most bullshit boss fights in any game?

Attached: witch.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: Mother_Mem_Aleph.jpg (1000x995, 119K)


source please

Attached: 1045.png (311x351, 41K)


>the boss has bulllshit mechanics

Attached: 1563844574279.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

jesus wept

stop posting porn/lewd threads reeeeeeee
I'm on vacation at someone else's house and I can't masturbate for 2 weeks

Attached: disgust.png (500x380, 362K)



anywhere where you can just see all of the scenes?

Under the Witch


Post the one where she pulls down her panties. Her expression gets me fucking diamonds.

with semen


what did she mean by this?!?!?


Attached: fuck this shit.gif (314x176, 2.23M)

Attached: igniz-hugeball.gif (595x300, 362K)

haha imagine being forced to do this

She looks so WEIRD now after she lost all that weight. Fuckin' bimbofication.

>expected oral sex
>get footfag degeneracy instead

Attached: 1563487881922.gif (333x250, 2.74M)

*jumps over u* *sweeps u* heh nothin personnel NESTS...

footfags disgust me

jokes on you my gf does this to me


holy fucking shit. I just busted a nut to this shit this morning

Attached: 1557630999523.jpg (1024x1016, 97K)

this, what a waste

Such is the life of a soft-medium femdomchad

Looks like Bailey Jay.

*gets infinitely comboed by tentacles*

>what a waste
It's not a waste, because oral's in there too. Fucking idiot.

How come this is not on F95?



>these aren't my glasses


Attached: basedjack.png (359x410, 26K)

I have literally only lost to her once across both SJ and redux. If you don't trigger reason's start, she's so fucking easy. Ouroboros and Shekinah were both harder.

are you afraid of sex revolution? cuckservative? the future is lead by WOMEN, understand that stupid incel
shut up, cuckservative, back to /pol/ stupid incel

>miss the 1 frame I haveto abuse his AI
>he uses that time to full-combo me into the corner

>this will never EVER be me

Attached: 1379612468145.jpg (180x157, 10K)

Her foot really isn't well modelled enough for a scene like this.

Man, Kingdom Hearts got wild near the end.

are there any gameplay to this

Bullshit, you get to her like 20 levels before you're meant to reasonably fight her

It is, you don't pay attention.

I didn't serve 5 years on thot patrol to be defeated by a WITCH

Well she is definitely easier in Redux because you'll probably run through the womb of grief first and be over-leveled.

>no route where you dominate this slut

Attached: 1516482681913.gif (360x360, 2.51M)

Attached: sniff.webm (480x360, 322K)

REMINDER TO ALL ANTI-FOOTFAGS: Non-footfags exhibit pathological behaviour. Notice their perpetual anger, their idiotic incredulity. No other fetish seems to inspire such devoted hatred, it is not only that “they don’t get it”, but that for some reason they believe that no one should “get it”, they must crusade against it. It is bizarre. All kinds off odd and abject bedroom rituals get a free pass, and yet partialism for a part of the human body, something on literally almost every single person, inspires obsessive, unbridled antipathy. Perhaps the rage is because other people’s healthy desires reminds the anti-footfag of how they are alienated from their own bodies. It is probably a very Western prejudice, an affliction of modernity (even a century ago I notice in proper bourgeois literature references to “pretty” or “handsome” feet, not something that would appear in today’s literature without the connotation of fetishism). Feet are kept out of sight and out of mind. And keeping them bundled up tight in shoes all day is what is responsible for most of their unpleasant characteristics—infection, odour, misshaping; meaning that when the shoes finally do come off most people, presented with their neglected feet, associate them with disgust... the feet themselves are unfairly blamed rather than the conditions forced upon them. Notice the completely disproportionate commodity fetishism built around shoes. I’ve had some “people” remark to me that they prefer the gaudy design of designer label sneakers over the limb you wear them on. Is there a more rotten, insectoid, consumerist and anti-human attitude than that? Preferring literally cheaply made industrial fibre, cynically marketed, a fad, over flesh and skin of an anatomical marvel which has served us for tens of millennia. Also, to end this: Feet >>>>>>>>>>> garbage >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Assfags + boobfags

Attached: Miriam Aradia feet.png (2349x1697, 2.13M)


yeah you can beat her after grinding enough

Your kind ruined tons of good femdom doujins. Go fuck yourselves

Attached: femdom doujins.jpg (738x1620, 425K)

>No other fetish seems to inspire such devoted hatred
You are just a tier below scat and furfags but you all get the rope, yours has extra weirdness because it doesnt even have a taboo attatched to it


>witch girl
>no overwhelming pube hair

Sucks to be a femdomfag huh

Attached: 1594099081948.gif (400x296, 443K)

This happens in 90% of femdom doujins. If there's something like this then they need to add the tag maledom, so I can blacklist it. RISE UP FELLOW FEMDOMCHADS!

You're right but it looks like yet another UE4 """game""" with fuck all optimization or graphics options

This x1000
Fuck I hate these niggers, no one wants to read a fucking /ss/ femdom doujin to see an elementary schooler dominating a 30 year old MILF, fuck off with that shit.

It only has 4 it's shit right now

The first one to nap the bait! Keep seething and keep them coming.

Attached: dfc feet.jpg (640x640, 102K)

Femdom is shit

>the boss can charm you

Attached: Help_Temptation.webm (1262x684, 1.97M)

v0.1.0 donate to my patreon (of course)

lol enjoy your fart porn

I installed it and I'm actually trying to kill her. I'm guessing she has infinite hp?

That's where I first found it

Attached: 1490439343984.png (365x507, 221K)

Attached: very big whiff.webm (480x480, 2.89M)

top right is her hp

yikes this thread

Man she was cute when she was chubby.

Reminder that this is the patrician fetish.
Deep down all women are whores and must be treated as such.

Underrated post

If you're that desperate to make a thread to talk about this LQ porn game then just make it properly.
There is no need to pretend you are trying to ask for something else.

looks like a retarded mutt

Did mosbles draw this?

story of my fucking life

The only good femdom stuff nowadays is non-human lolidom or smut written by westerners about little boys being brutally raped and psychologically tortured by older women.

it's actually very easy, you just need to grind for about 5 minutes, maybe more if you take your time with the cutscenes

You literally have a defective brain that confuses feet as being genitals.

>I'm an expert I readn an article onine somewhere

That pic is after she lost weight and botox’d her lips retard

How come there's literally none of this with netorare where the cuckee comes back and cucks the cucker?

same shit
looks like a retarded mutt because it is

i find every part of the female body attractive
im not gay like your dad

not futa on male not intrested

I threw the fight against the witch, because I'm a pervert masochist who loves jerking off while my cock is being spat on and I will give up everything to Mistress Dealer!

>gorilla noises

Attached: 0a1.jpg (643x820, 80K)


Who else PALADIN here?

Attached: ez.jpg (1611x875, 624K)

go dilate, i can smell it from here.

The pussy scene is kino but desu I was hoping for some analingus.

based based BASED
but I did just nut to this pussy lickin good


>no butthole worship
cmon now

yeah the pussy scenes were good but this needs butthole stuff

This is fart porn, isn't it

Word brother, it just isn't the same when a girl isn't forcing you to smell and lick her asshole while she teases you and makes you jerk off for her. I miss my gf bros

It's going to be.


oh thank god I thought that was scat

So uhh I did this irl the other night and yeah...
Pretty unremarkable.

Attached: id.png (728x544, 299K)

On his patreon he actually just updated the game where defeating her once enables you to view all the scenes.

>only 4

There's 5 at least
>oral (both)
>footjob (and foot scenes)

He actually did a vote for it but fart scenes didn't get enough votes.

on the patreon poll fart piss AND footshit all beat ass worship which got 0 votes.

game is ded, will just be footfags and brap/piss troglodytes running the show. unless ass and pussy bros rise up

Fuckable foot pussy

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i like how are angry at this one porn thread, but there is at least 3 other lewd image threads on Yea Forums right now.

Attached: 1560600368242.jpg (3000x1687, 1.54M)

based patreonchads

kill yourself

based and righteous

not until I drown in witch pee

>Cast Off
yikes who wants to stare at an open wound

based and righteous

Attached: Excalibur.mp4_snapshot_02.16.12_[2017.04.02_02.36.51].png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

Cope. Also you proved my point kek!

Attached: 0f53b0553490aeb1961d06b3e4666883.png (1338x1634, 899K)


no, because i am not married, and i swore to the lord to not have sex before marriage.

Attached: chirstian child.jpg (313x161, 11K)

this is the kind of game that should be getting over 10k on patreon, not trash like cloud meadow

Attached: DzD_K7xUUAIbsxM.png (392x588, 293K)


*unzips dick*

Attached: have sex.webm (720x1280, 2.17M)

Basic femdom jrpg turn based combat.
>fight her
>get a little stronger
>repeat until you're strong enough/get lucky with grapples

This is what you retards was so excited about? Why am I not surprised.

Attached: brap retards.gif (326x300, 817K)

Attached: angry stonetoss poster.jpg (555x1024, 72K)

>ass worship got zero votes
Are you fucking kidding me?
You have a perfectly good ass sitting right in front of you and instead of worshiping it and pounding it you gotta go straight to the gross shit.
Why so many?

so its only 20% feet? nice, here i was thinking it was all feet, now you have peaked my interest

Did she always shower beforehand?

>tfw not a footfag, but am a femdomfag
>tfw the bit where she forces her foot in his mouth

Go to the bathroom and pretend to take a shit

Moar!!!!!! Muh dick needs it

how do I get a Dealer gf

Because sex organs are the eptiome of degeneracy.
>muh "reproduction"
>not appreciating everything a body has to offer
/pol/kike get out.

Seething. I think Stonetoss created more enemies with that one comic alone than with his entire political ideology.

>before she's ready to settle down.webm

Attached: 6949ed8fb688e139941131e600b3c0a969e7560a.png (325x865, 23K)

>now you have peaked my interest

It's piqued you languagelet

Attached: 1518327078681.jpg (591x587, 34K)

The irony of this post

His patreons have shit taste. I also attribute it to the one facesitting scene in the game already and people might not want more of the same? But then Riding got the most votes so I don't fucking know.

I wanted Titfucking or Giantess at least.

Attached: patreonpoll.png (502x406, 50K)

>Thighjob at 0%

Attached: 1529095054319.jpg (295x342, 16K)


This really should've gotten more votes, it can even combine with other options easily.

thank you friend

Post your ranking.

>0% Thighjob
>0% Armpit
>0% kiss

Attached: 1563226838605.png (700x700, 1.87M)

>taking the bait
Keep 'em comin'.

Attached: smelly wine.png (645x912, 564K)

game was kinda meh but I fapped anyway

What's in this google drive file

Then you're not a footfag

Stop watching porn

Attached: 1562744428806.jpg (952x717, 118K)

Can I PLEASE browse this piece of shit board for 20 seconds without getting an erection??!

>fart is higher than blowjob

what shit poll is this?

I'll just write some more porn.

>no thighjob
>no titfuck
>no handjob with panty
this is horrible

Attached: 1560607654056.png (631x627, 394K)

I only did it so that I can pent up sexual frustration and visit a prostitute in a week or so.

Shitposting on Yea Forums also gives you the same effect, dopamine, and lack of creativity yet here you are

Attached: 1563162547825.png (570x489, 407K)

>piss and fart that high
>higher than hypnosis and tittyfucking
>nothing for handjob, kissing, and armpits
unrelated but

Attached: 1483516205043.jpg (578x600, 83K)

shit like this is always so skewed because almost no one makes art for these awful options, so people are more willing to pay for something that is rare

of course, at the end of the day the people who are paying are the only ones who matter if you are living off this as an income and not doing it as a hobby

>おなら 12%

Attached: 1562815375793.jpg (645x773, 30K)

I closed the game already but my final grade was B

>tfw I developed a /ss/ fetish specifically because reading /ss/ doujins was the only way to avoid this shit
you motherfuckers made me adapt to a fetish with your caveman instincts

Attached: 1472772980076.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

You're the best user

>level drain
Very based.

Is that a girl or just a supremely effeminate male?

>she never takes her sweater off to let me see those Witchy-DDs

Attached: 1563766748927.png (357x371, 130K)

Is he going to implement any of this in the future or what?

young male knight
older witch

Imagine being unable to use your imagination instead.

Gotta pay his patreon and vote for it user :)

/ss/ femdom is the only acceptable form of femdom anyways.
Unless it's lolibabadom, that's also acceptable.
Regular old femdom is shit and makes no sense, but mainly because the good shit relies on a decent story/characters (something like a girl blackmailing her older brother into fucking her or something similar), and most porn artists can't write a story to save their lives.

The riding, foot smothering, and titfuck scenes are going to be added into the 0.1.2 version. You can always hope your shitty hypnosis cocksucking fetish will be included eventually in a later version.

>Titfucking or Giantess
You're a good man with good taste, don't ever change that.

Attached: 1558197125479.jpg (443x455, 33K)

literally me

Attached: 3.jpg (1600x900, 260K)

Are you male or female

It's not just that a lot of the the good shit didn't get a lot of votes.
It's that some of it didn't get ANY votes.
Like, NOBODY wants ass worship?
NOBODY wants thighjobs?
NOBODY wants handjobs?
Only one guy wants kissing?
Blowjob's already in the game so I can understand that, but still.
Dafuq, man?

Attached: disappoint.png (323x354, 121K)

>No marriage route where you start a large family with the witch

how do you get her to sit on your face goddammit

>Socks over stockings

lady pls

Attached: 1559214557417.png (1080x1284, 937K)

>boss can trap you

Attached: witch2.png (1275x679, 1.14M)

It was only 25 votes.

>no NTR
Rage porn is the best porn, when will you faggots learn?

>socks over stockings
Imagine the smell.

>ew feet are gross
>but shit factory is ok though

Probably. He made the poll after all. I wouldn't be surprised if we see all of those things eventually.

Naaaame of the game plox

Me underneath

witcher 1 first boss

They probably do want those things, but other things were a higher priority to them.

>came for ass
>get foot shit

Attached: Jimmies.jpg (299x288, 21K)

the one with ghost dogs

His patreon is fairly new so not many votes. But I do agree though.

Just wait for her to turn around and wiggle her ass at you at the start of your turn. Just spam block until she eventually does it.

You have to click on her ass when she presents it to you

Por que no los dos

I will if it fixes those problems, does it?

What's his patreon handle?

Attached: 1556732832124.png (528x501, 293K)


Delet this

>t. likes to get pegged in the ass
ahegao is shit though and fuck thots who made it manifest in 3D.


Attached: dee.gif (500x281, 2.59M)

Attached: are ya winnin son.webm (614x768, 2.5M)

imagine being a fucking footfag in 2019

>that part when the hero starts barking during the footjob

Attached: hahaha nigga.gif (400x265, 494K)

Thanks nigga

Attached: (You)tsuba04.gif (536x519, 387K)

>Love femdom
>Hate pegging
>Hate cbt
>Hate any gay shit made for closet white faggots
Feels bad man.
I just want a cute girl who takes out all her pent up anger and frustration out on the neighbor boy.

I don't know how to trigger these 2

that pic is the best doujin type though?

>t. likes to get pegged in the ass
There is literally nothing wrong with this.

>porn game
>you get scenes by losing

that sfx was hilarious

Attached: 1538432725145.jpg (1399x2233, 2.84M)

>beat the boss
>you lose in the cutscene

That is way worse.

>He's never had a woman sit on his face
it's alright

I am telling you guys right now this game looks like absolute vaporware.

Dont buy it yet

Fucking this, it's even worse when it's locked behind an autistic grind when you just wanted to jack off

Attached: 1555699030144.gif (400x282, 1.91M)

>no ふたなりplanned
that's a hard pass for me or in this case you could say it's a flaccid one :^)

i hope he changes the jizz color most of all, then a titfuck scene

it's already out and already great


Both of these are during the facesitting hold. Just get charmed and then after not breaking the hold the first go round she starts doing the headscissors.


have sex

would Yea Forums drink this juice

I dont remember this part of Infinite Azure 2. Is this a 3+4 break?

>reading comprehension
Yep, that's a cumbrain alright. There was no implication of fapping being bad in that post.

>No, you misunderstand. I prefer GENTLE femdom, commonly referred to as "role reversal". This is because I am not insecure about my masculinity and was never sexually abused by my mother to get arousal from degradation.

Attached: 1529102143614.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

el copo

What show is this?

regular pussy eating does nothing for me but sitting on my face or doing 69 makes me diamonds

Based bro. I just want a girl to handcuff me and ride me, edging me for a long time with her pussy until I nut.

Attached: 64877492_10214065251402098_8022002081378336768_n.jpg (720x417, 19K)


Attached: 1558156209733.jpg (209x242, 9K)

>and was never sexually abused by my mother to get arousal from degradation.
Fuck you nigger.
It was an older sister actually.

you have the new ones?

>Do I prefer gentle femdom or rough femdom? I don't really see why it should have to be a choice. Both breeds of femdom bring different erotic elements to the table, and I feel that I have the capacity to enjoy them both as two sides of the same proverbial coin.

Attached: men-with-beards-are-officially-more-attractive.jpg (970x485, 41K)

Guys I lost I'm so sorry

Attached: witch3.png (833x669, 720K)

Fapping actually causes less prolactin than sex but I suggest you have it.


>faggot-in-denial tomboyfags thinking they're not part of the cesspool

Attached: smug Shaq.jpg (765x599, 140K)

Gentle femdom is literally the fetish of people who were emotionally abused by their mothers, though. You didn't get enough affection, so you still crave it as an adult.

The alternative is even more pathetic, that you're so much of a beta that the idea of having to do anything to woo a woman fills you with dread. So you displace your inadequacies by pretending you're into women taking the lead.

Anyone who says they're into "femdom" and just wants a second mother who tells them what to do is mentally ill. You're not into femdom. I don't care if you want to have chicks sit on your face, kick you in the balls, or surgically remove your limbs so they can keep you locked up in a box. All of these people just have fetishes, but what you have is an anxiety issue. Pull yourself together, man.

usually when there's mass replies to images like this it means they're true

>not just having everything you want, but in moderation
It might take us a while to get there, but we'll all get there.

Should I shampoo my hair every day?

>ony 4 votes for hypnosis

Attached: sadness1.jpg (982x717, 37K)

greentext it

>openly admitting to being gay

This has to be the stupidest fucking picture I've seen in a while.


Attached: Triggered.png (499x378, 145K)

>fart 3
oh god..

>dopamine addict vehemently defends his drug of choice

based and bobby pilled

No way dude. greasy fuckers will come in here and tell you that you never need to shampoo your hair. Don't listen to those fags.

J/k but really it depends on how much you shampoo right now and how long you're willing to cope with having a greasy mop before the natural oils in your scalp get to a normal level again. For some people this takes weeks. I personally don't feel like looking like an unwashed hobo for a few weeks so I just shampoo erry day regardless

Also a sudden uptick in scalp oils and sebum can cause other complications like breaking out in acne and sebaceous cysts on your forehead and scalp. Not fun

What do you think you're getting in return from replying to an hour old post of nothing but a reaction image, and with such an awful meme to boot?

Attached: what a freak.png (383x283, 27K)

>that accent

Attached: gross.jpg (615x409, 29K)

I already did, did you?

No dude, it can range from every 2 days to once a week depending on how oily your scalp is/how much dandruff you make
There are some oils produced from your scalp that needs to remain there for a couple days and washing them out all the time can in fact damage your hair follicles iirc

Attached: 1497321007370.jpg (471x480, 12K)

>none of the demons are labeled loli
made me think

if he adds a fart scene i won't be able to fap to this game anymore


lolifags can't help but expose themselves

>no buttjob option at all
Alas, the most patrician fetish is neglected once again

Attached: 1111111111.jpg (427x427, 78K)

replace pregnant with NIGGER

I wouldn't recommend it. Everybody produces a different amount of oil but you don't need to every day. Sebum is naturally produced to keep the scalp moisturized and overshampooing will just stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more of it.

For me, it's doskoinpo

Attached: 1559939078976.png (400x527, 460K)

>kiss at 0

>not wanting to hear her rip a huge fart in his face in this scene
I didnt know taste this shit was possible

>no nursing handjob

>tfw no gf to tease you and then cuddle you afterwards

Brappers already have kino released and fully playable.

Attached: 2015-08-12-0954-09.webm (1022x768, 2.86M)

Did this guy ever go on to make any other games?

cringepilled isabelle poster

Yes. Both Magical Girl Riiru and World Defense Force are full of farts and are pretty well made.

Attached: skunkriiru.png (550x416, 317K)

I want to be aroused but that title screen is hilarious

Attached: 1561171638022.png (617x498, 82K)


lol gay

I would like her balls in my face too, user

God I miss gmod movies

>Extreme loner loser throughout most of elementary school
>Got into internet culture around 2nd grade thanks to my sister introducing me to Newgrounds
>Also got me into anime and more obscure vidya
>Kind of became a bitch around the time I got into 3rd grade
>Made me perform sexual favors (lick her tits, sleep naked together, let her jerk me off, etc. etc.) whenever I got caught doing something I shouldn't or came home with a fucked up test or something
>Went on until the end of 8th grade, when she dropped out of college and moved out
Almost a decade later and I'm still a virgin.
Honestly, wouldn't recommend it, I still jerk off to the memories but in the moment it's less hot and more scary and nerve-wracking.

I actually have read way more femdom that doesn't end like that or have a male dom

>he's attracted to wieners

Attached: michael myers plots his next murder.jpg (776x602, 145K)

The best part about this game was the monster girl transformation for the loli midget partner into a skunk girl. I fucking wish more eroge had that kinda shit for female protags.

Has a single person actually answered the OPs question?

Attached: 1407202148661.jpg (244x250, 9K)

why the fuck is this thread still up? this board fucking sucks


Yeah both unbirth scenes were pretty fucking great.


This board didn't have moderation the whole day

Attached: brainlet.gif (645x773, 41K)

Yeah why isn't the MC futa so I can get some /u/ too.

>tfw a sexy evil witch will never smother your face with her ass and force you to eat her farts

Attached: 1486515442561.jpg (597x800, 79K)

>Cope. Also you proved my point kek!

Attached: 1561211700718.jpg (680x940, 63K)

Like one or two people at the beginning of the thread.
Butt since there's a girl's ass facesitting someone of course the thread's gonna get derailed.
Shit, it was never on rails in the first place.

>Yea Forums has no moderation
>Yea Forums has too much and are basically the Thought Police

It's impossible to win.

Attached: HOTPOCKETS.jpg (423x438, 13K)

I thought the Shadow Queen in paper mario was bullshit because if you lost you had to watch 3 long unskippable cutscenes before trying to fight her again.

>cuts out halfway in
Is there a re-recording of this somewhere? I love this fucking guy.


Here's my audio answer to that:

Attached: 1506955941576.jpg (691x597, 27K)

>Fight is decided by an obnoxious QTE at the end

Attached: fall damage.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

is that... linetrap?



Attached: 1537879001139.jpg (480x467, 39K)

Well, at least the bones didn't pop out

>it doesnt even have a taboo attatched
the irony is lost upon this you, it seems


Attached: 1554576787046.jpg (552x524, 25K)

oh my fucking life

Attached: 1461741613044.jpg (349x314, 9K)

Attached: fall damage2.webm (720x720, 1.38M)

Holy shit!

Attached: 90be4901c7b8d804d8787f1ba564d09a890d762a_00.gif (300x246, 2.44M)

she didn't flip so good

Attached: 1560271398411.jpg (413x395, 20K)

PLESE tell me the one on the left is a girl even if it's a lie PLEASE AAAAAAAAAH

Attached: 1563909709908.png (1024x576, 531K)

>literally only one dude cares enough to check on her
The fuck


Attached: 1531018108977.jpg (800x999, 64K)

was he trying to kill himself? what the fuck?

You got a link to World Defense Force? All google gives me is EDF.


>Time Delayed Damage

Attached: one shot.webm (640x360, 479K)

>he's never had an SSBBW's ass cover his entire face and torso at once
imagine being such a virgin

The left is a girl.
It is indeed a lie.

Attached: 1553749986720.jpg (480x521, 49K)

You are already dead.webm

Based af.

>porn is harmful!
but having sex daily 2 or 3 times is fine? c'mon now


>nooooo how come people like actually good things more than my cuckshit
Stay mad, soiboy

Is this the best boss fight ever?

Attached: gunfight.webm (800x450, 2.76M)

>no good femdom hypnosis doujins
Either that or they're just really damn hard to find fuck

What's stopping me for posting asses in the whole board today?




still the dumbest shit ever, at least

Nigger what, 90% of /ss/ doujins devolve into some toddler-sized boy and his pencil dick making a woman three times his size ahegao and shit.

>like 20 different scenes in the game
show me a group more autistic than anti-footfags

does she at least wipe her ass?


This kind of crosses the line from "Theyre really good at dodging" to "They have really bad aim"


>swings gun while shooting like if it was a sword

You call that farting? Weak.

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Attached: kino.webm (500x208, 2.92M)


>This is fart porn, isn't it

He actually did a vote for it but fart scenes didn't get enough votes.
What do you mean this isnt fart porn? You can HEAR her fart

>shooting a gun right beside your face
Chris should be completely deaf at this point

he had an argument with two other men and this somehow made him want to kill himself.

that's also in the game

>out the ears
Is this 13o?

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me on top

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Attached: leon.webm (480x360, 2.17M)

>How many jump cuts you want in the action scene?

The bait and switch is what people don't appreciate. If I wanted to see a vanilla doujin and the doujin is labeled vanilla but it's actually yaoi and scat that's a problem. If you like yaoi and scat I won't judge your shit tastes, but keep it away from my vanilla doujins. If I wanted to see that literal shit I would've searched for it.

>Bat Country starts playing

me on bottom

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I am so fucking sick of loli farts
STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When? If you're talking about when she sits on your face I thought that was just a sound effect for her pressing down harder.

>want to masturbate to the final boss
>have to start the game at Raper Beast, let him grab me enough times to fill the bar, THEN beat the motherfucker and the second-to-last boss
god dammit Eluku

Why does he wave the knife in front of him though? Doesn't he need to stab with it?

Too close to home?

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>posts a reddit-tier meme in frustration
>still proves my point
>inevitable projection
>gonna cry about how I'm reddit instead
Read (You) like a book. How can anti-footfags compete?

damn what's umbrella been feeding those dogs

I want to facefart someone so bad

>dogs running at over 100km/h
what the fuck is going on

the grenade felt a bit gratuitous

>dude, shacky cam jump cuts, lmao

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The sudden transition is what makes it so good though.

More of a leg guy my self

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how do i get a gf like this


Let me double check because im 99% sure I heard fart sounds when this was happening where she said that she will punish you.

before I download, is there actual porn or is it all clothed

>smashes car

>No Way Fag of Murder

More cuts than a goth girl at a razor factory, Jesus.

Attached: It's that episode again.png (500x518, 388K)

Licking foot
sniffing ass
feet job
forced handjob
cowgirl (outfit is always on)

god i love this thread.

Nigga, people who actually like males domming arent gonna look up "Femdom" for their kicks.

Its ass backwards.

there is porn but the chick doesnt get naked you only seee her tits get blow jobs and she ride you without undressing

No, no it isn't. People look through the femdom tag because they want fucking femdom. It's like those doujins that have yuri tagged even though it's just one page at the very end where there are two girls kissing.

I don't even know why being on the receiving end of it turns me on so much, at this point I don't question it

More cuts than a gang of drunken white women waiting in line at a nightclub

how can they get the leggings so far inside the ass?

her man feet ruins it

I think that's relatively normal, it's more uncommon to want to do the act. There's worse fetishes, just enjoy it.

Are you serious with the amount of cuts

Let's see if this thread can get at least ONE moderated post.

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how is pregnancy degenerate you faggot replace tomboy for pregnancy

What indian movie is this?

Oh fuck here we go

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No it's not .
You see a product labeled as something you expect to get that something, not something completely different.

The steven seagal one was even worse. Anyone have it?

>n-no y-your reddit!

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first seconds of the clip you can see the black lingerie underwear

Why do you incels refuse to have sex?

is it her?

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