>Yea Forums complains about movie games
>Yea Forums love visual novels
Explain this
Yea Forums complains about movie games
Movie "games" are frustrating because they literally would be better off as a movie. The gameplay in them is a complete waste of time. Not to mention they get massive amounts of astroturfed hype from all the wrong people. We're essentially told to like them. They also tend to be made by studios that used to make actual video games with actual gameplay, so all the production value and talent being used for a movie game instead of a franchise that people used to love brings out the bitterness.
None of the above is true of VNs, which usually don't even have gameplay or production values. And when they do, the gameplay almost always ends up having far more depth than your average movie game
Japanese developers versus Western Developers. That is basically it
>a group of people shat the bed so hard with vn /vg/ was created
get out of here newfag
Is Saya a loli?
>Yea Forums love visual novels
Hello newfriend
>Yea Forums complains about movie games
>Yea Forums loves Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Yakuza, Persona
Explain this.
Because VNs literally call themselves novels. They aren't pretending to be a game.
I don't mind "movie" games as long as they have a good story. Shit like Dear Ester or David Cage trash is what I think most people think of when they think movie games. Stanely Parable is pretty good though.
VN's are almost universally trash and are only used as friend simulators. Ace Attorney is the only exception I can think of
The only one there I like is Yakuza.
Ace Attorney is an ADV, not a VN.
Yea Forums >>>> Yea Forums
Umineko changed my life. I'm not being ironic here.
>they get massive amounts of astroturfed hype from all the wrong people. We're essentially told to like them.
Those aren't movies at all though, Metal Gear pretty much popularised stealth gameplay and Final Fantasy popularised RPGs. Many people on Yea Forums are just dumb as a brick.
I love trannies now because of umineko
Why not both?
Is OK when Japan does it
They don't pretend to be video games
user tolerance will not be accepted here
Why everybody here loves Umineko? What the appeal?
Honestly There's nothing wrong with movie games being in the media. Uncharted 2 is a fun time and I thought God of War 4 was decent. the issue is most of the western sony developers wants a piece of Naughty Dog's pie so variety outside of Insomiac is lacking alot. Doesn't help that Sony Japan Studio games don't get any popular outside of Bloodbrone so the PS4 library so alot of these games don't get off the ground like gravity rush. Right now I'm hoping these remakes Sony is now pushing is an indicator that the PS5 will be pushing more obscure games.
Good characters and really interesting/unconventional story. Really amazing ending in my opinion as well.
Because there really isn't anything like it out there
It's also a fun mystery story with good characters, atmosphere and a 10/10 OST
MGS games are literally 75% movie you moron
babbies third vn.
>Metal Gear pretty much popularised stealth gameplay and Final Fantasy popularised RPGs.
Metal Gear popularized movie games and that's about it. There are stealth games that predate MGS by ten years with more involved mechanics, such as actually needing to hide bodies.
vns arent games
What's the second?
Yes you can hyperbole anything to make it sound retarded you fucking mong
MGS isn't the first game in the Metal Gear series holy shit you're stupid
Your point? There are still stealth games that predate Metal Gear that have more involved mechanics.
You do realize they're called eroge/bishoujoge in Japan, right? ge meaning game.
Books >>> Movies
Katawa Shoujo
*blocks your path*
I thought that was the first
>never any VN threads outside of bait like this
>same shit like Saya and MuvLuv after all these years
>VNs literally call themselves visual novels and not games and don't pretend to be anything beyond that
What's the problem?
I read the entirety of Umineko as it came out and I feel like I'm being generous when I give it a 4/10. It's a convoluted mess that reads like it was written by a 12 year old. The Japanese fanbase refuses to so much as give Ryuukishi the time of the day nowadays for good reason.
Honestly, I find the extent to which the western fanbase is obsessed with Umineko to this day to be frightening in a sense. I have no idea how you guys can drone on about it day after day nearly six years after the final episode was released; Ryuukishi is a hack who has no idea how to actually tell a story that does anything except continually bait the reader with red herrings and empty promises of greater themes. He's been like this since Higurashi and will never improve, either on a technical level or as a storyteller in general.
Like I said, almost no Japanese fan cares about Ryuukishi nowadays, and it's more than people just being pissed off about episode 8 of Umineko (people were pissed off about Minagoroshi and Matsuribayashi long before then, anyway). It's because they've had enough exposure to him to see through his tricks and stop falling for his brand of spectacle and sophistry. And yes, his terrible, childish text is part of the problem too - there are parts of Higurashi that have such embarrassingly poor writing that they're used as copypasta on 2ch.
I don't know how the western fanbase continues to put up with Ryuukishi, and I honestly feel that it's damaging to the community as a whole to continue to obsess this much over a single work so long after the fact. The amount of Umineko discussion is one of the reasons people who read untranslated eroge feel so disconnected from the broader western fanbase, and it's not hard to see how stifling this level of obsession can be if you take a step back.
anyone got any good cyberpunk VN recs?
Oh, and make sure you play the remake, it doesn't have h-scenes but it's a much better experience.
Butcher is a shitty writer. The only VN that was any good was Unteralterbach
>The amount of Umineko discussion is one of the reasons people who read untranslated eroge feel so disconnected from the broader western fanbase
Maybe because the people who read untranslated eroge are looking for something entirely different than someone who reads Umineko? Assuming this isn't pasta because I am pretty sure it is since it says "last episode of Umineko was released" and Episode 8 is not the last episode.
it's a pasta by moogy, a translator.
>a translator
>implying he has actually translated anything
He ""worked"" on DraKoi, and that's it.
No that's FS/N
>Popular thing=appeals to normies
Yes, popular thing bad brainlet
>the issue is most of the western sony developers wants a piece of Naughty Dog's pie so variety outside of Insomiac is lacking alot.
then I understand the issue. God of war turning into sad dad 2 was a weird flex that ended well. At the samurai games look good and Imsoniac still makes Ratchet and Clank Games.
PS exclusives needs more variety
>having life and meet friends bad
>being in home all-day good
It starts off as an interesting murder mystery with some super flawed characters before it keeps revealing more and more layers surrounding an honestly super emotional core plot, even if EP8 feels too on the nose for most of the runtime.
I also think some scenes drag far too long with expository text. A number of scenes would've benefitted from letting the "visual" in visual novel shine more instead of chewing the scene into outright textcrawl.
It's literally just weeb prejudice
They're the same thing, one is just a bunch of stills as opposed to fully animated models
No differences whatsoever, and anyone arguing "depth" of VN "gameplay" is desperate not to just say "yeah I just like VNs more, oh well"
>one calls itself by its name
>another tries to hide its nature by calling itself a game
You can read VNs at your own pace. With movie games the pacing is so damn slow and you can’t do jack shit about it
Based and red pilled
Without love it cannot be seen
Who argues about the depth of VN gameplay? That's retarded. In terms of gameplay, even a walking sim is more interactive than a kinetic novel. I just tend to like VNs more because the plots, characters, and writing of most western movie games are unbearable in every possible way. I'm sure some people feel that way about VNs.
Yea Forums here
Only a few VNs are worth reading.
Fate Morgana
That's it gg
>movie games have tacked on gameplay as an afterthought
>visual novels are literally just stories with no gaeplay
>Yea Forums is full of pathetic weebcucks
here you go, OP, explained
A good OST
yup, exactly, one day you'll see it to when you grow out of your teenie phase
I thought Yea Forums wasn't supposed to be full of brainlets
Yea Forumserally the worst board
A few weeks ago I saw someone compare Avellone to Urobuchi.
sengoku rance is literally one of the best games ever made though
Yea Forums is not one person. Also most games people call movie games are 1st party Sony exclusives making them prime shitposting material.
Hello, Yes I'm Yea Forums the single person you reply to in every single thread and every single post in this board. I'm just here to tell you that your delusional and please kill yourself you herbivore. Thank You
I love Monika.
I fucking hate VN's I just dont go into threads about ""games"" I hate
Yea Forums doesn't love VNs. What you're seeing is a bunch of /vg/ and /jp/fags starting echo chamber threads on Yea Forums.
please read anything else
VNs are not games, retard