Somebody, anybody please explain to me how the FUCK SMT fans let the spinoff series usurp the so called "mainline" series in such a manner as it did? Anybody that tries to argue that Persona isn't or hasn't been the flagship franchise for atlus since 2008 is clearly in denial and still believes people actually give a fuck about nocturne as if it's 2003. Someone please explain how such a thing can happen because Shin Megami Tensei is dead and buried and i don't understand how.
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too old and depressed to care
SMT fans didn't let anything happen, they watched in horror from the sidelines as people who are completely unfamiliar with Atlus or SMT picked up Persona 3 and said "Damn, this Atlus company is based!"
t. personafag, get cucked smtfags
Persona is more anime than SMT so fucking pathetic weebs and incels were fine with it taking off.
Persona has a much broader appeal than SMT.
Is it another SMTfag whining? Post best girls
Happily! I'll start by posting Makoto Nijima, the best best girl!
Could have been done to have stopped the hordes of weebs and waifufags?
>weebshit sells more than deep hardcore games
Surprise surprise
Persona is everything SMT is, plus waifus.
One thing that turns me off Persona is that the cringe-tier English dub is forced upon me. I tried to play 4 and every time some American woman goes "OHHH, CHIE-CHAN" I die inside and my soul recoils in horror.
I get that the game is set in Japan and you sort of need honorifics to understand the relationship between the characters and the social dynamics but if that's the case why not let me use the original audio?
Somebody, anybody please explain to me how the FUCK DK fans let the spinoff series usurp the so called "mainline" series in such a manner as it did? Anybody that tries to argue that Super Mario isn't or hasn't been the flagship franchise for Nintendo since 1983 is clearly in denial and still believes people actually give a fuck about Donkey Konga as if it's 2003. Someone please explain how such a thing can happen because Donkey Kong is dead and buried and i don't understand how.
t. p3 zoomer
>Donkey Konga
>How could you let this happen?
What exactly were people supposed to do while atlus refused to make a mainline SMT4 for 10 fucking years?
Why can't SMT and Persona live side by side? What's the problem? One won't usurp the other - they're both successful franchises, Atlus has no reason to drop either of them for either reason. The only real issue is that the release times take longer than usual given they're handling two major franchises plus a crazy amount of unnecessary spinoffs.
>fans let the spinoff series usurp the so called "mainline" series
how did we "let" that happen you fucking moron
i have no personal control over my friends eating shit and buying persona 3,4 and 5
i just let them sit in their community and pray to got they don't find out how much better SMT is. they ruin everything they touch.
what's your issue then? you're gonna hear the ohhh chie chan in an even more annoying voice, and not understand it.
what do you want from the game?
The only reason Atlus even bothers with SMT is because they're afraid of rabid fans turning on them
as long as they pretend to give a shit, you'll gladly wait 10 years for another throwaway mobile title
So, remember this game Atlus?
afraid of rabid fans? what? persona is infinitely more popular.
persona zoomers please stop posting.
This. The jap dub is just barely less base obnoxious but when you account for how much jap voice actors ham it up it's even worse
What do you mean "let"? Waifufaggots made persona so popular that Atlus just forgot about the main series. Now we only get shitty 2d games for mainline SMT and they don't even release those anymore. Enjoy your persona 4 and 5 dancing games weebs
these kids are fucking dumb.
>throwaway mobile title
I mean, SMT4 was disappointing, but it wasn't a bad game by any means, in my opinion. Just painfully average. I don't think they'd ever drop SMT for any reason, though, given it's the series Persona diverged from, and I mean, Persona games are still called SMT: Persona for some reason. I just think the real issue here is the amount of spinoffs they're developing for a non-existent community (is there even an audience for Persona dancing games?), not the two mainline series competing. Besides, Persona 5 was about eight years after Persona 4, too. Atlus is just shit when it comes to release dates.
persona has more waifus
I'm going to hear voice actors saying phrases that they actually use in their native tongue. English doesn't use those honorifics and it's cringecore hearing native English speakers use them.
those shitty 2d games were godlike though
watch an anime you fucking loser. get away form my hobby.
What's the source of this image? I've been trying to find it for years.
Shit on the English dub all you like, but listen to this
I ignore weeb opinions on literally everything that has existed, especially voice acting.
If you can't understand the language but feel it's "better", neck yourself please.
Kill yourself you dumb fuck. If you don't like Japanese games in Japanese then maybe fuck off and play western garbage like your latest naughty dog movie game.
Tie a rope around your neck and kick the stool.
I'm arguing that the jap dub is also shit you moron
It would be best for them to stop making non-Persona games. But they're afraid of SMT boomers for some reason so they dangled a carrot in front of you years ago and pretend they give a shit
They dropped them SMT thing around P4G. Persona 5 is Persona 5, it has nothing to do with SMT.
>Now we only get shitty 2d games for mainline SMT
SMT V sure doesn't look like a shitty 2d game
A shot in the dark, I don't like Naughty Dog games either. Keep it up.
I'm making a comment agreeing. Maybe you should start watching anime, your have the reading comprehension for it.
we've barely seen anything about SMT5, user.
What? I don't understand what you're trying to say. (2nd quote) - but why do you keep implying SMT makes no revenue? It's their original franchise, and it still makes revenue, and Persona just existing serves as a huge advertisement to SMT. There's absolutely no reason to get rid of it. The games aren't at all bad, either, despite 4:A's endings being utter garbage. Besides, there's still a few more interesting plot points to go after if the writers are feeling lazy, like the Great Will. It'd be cool to get a breath of fresh air from the Chaos - Law - Neutral bullshit.
>It would be best for them to stop making non-Persona games
Retard. Just because Persona is more popular in the west doesn't mean that SMT doesn't sell and is not popular too. SMT IV was the second best selling Atlus title when it released, and in japan SMT is still one of the biggest jrpg series. Killing it of would do Atlus way more harm than good.
Waifus sell
Persona 4 is a fucking jojo Part 4 ripoff, it's trash.
You heard me right Personafag, P4 is ripoff trash.
>I'm scared as fuck about Switch getting SMT V exclusive, pls guys confirm that persona is better please!! I'm going mental from this!
I'm not a Personafag, faggot. I don't necessarily like P4 too much, either, but do excuse me if I'm having a hard time believing you without question when you don't even provide a reason or explanation as to why that's the case.
My first SMT game was P3P, but then I played P4 and was so disappointed I started playing mainline SMT starting with SMT1 for SNES and never looked back.
It's nice to see how P3 is still living rent fucking free in your head. P2faggots/SMTrannies still blame this game.
Tbh I believe it's time to stop calling SMT a series. It's more like a game genre now.
Why can't you faggots just get along. Both Persona and SMT are part of the same franchise
>actual gameplay? pfft, who needs that? i'd rather watch "marin karin: the movie: the combat system" in between social links with my emo waifus!
zoomersona 3 was a mistake. thank god it was only a one-time deal and the series got back on track with p4.
Are SMTfags the Meleefags of the Shin Megami Tensei community?
Most people simply didn't care about the slog of the mainline games and wanted something with a decent gameplay pacing
jojo redditors, just like mainline-only fags and smashfags, love to shit up persona threads for attention.
>Somebody, anybody please explain to me how the FUCK SMT fans let the spinoff series usurp the so called "mainline" series in such a manner as it did?
Because Persona... sold... more?
I mean, this isn't even rocket surgery, it's a simple case of them going where the money is.
...Oh, I guess they should have just not continued the series that sold better? Why?
i want to experience persona series but i only have PC :(
Yeah, I've come to notice.
No. Those are the Nocturne babbies
Luckily you can emulate all 5 of the games on PC, get to it.
mainline series doesn't have romance dating bullshit and silly anime shit.
It's why no one even bothers to play P1/P2 as a history lesson. Nobody cared about Persona or SMT until you could fuck a highschooler.
>It's chad to whine that your series got usurped
I like SMT too but this stuff just feels embarrassing
Is there any recent SMT game on pc or on a console that is not marketed towards children?
> no Vita emulator exists
> can't play the real version of 4
Don't lie, user. It's not nice.
>Xoomer meme
Please go the fuck back.
>Marin Karin
It's nice to know you didn't play the game. Mitsuru's AI doesn't even spam this move. Stop spamming this meme.
>Zoomers are bad! However P4 is good!
P4 is the worst persona, what do you mean it got back on track?
UwU I love my waifu~
You can emulate all 5 games on PC, user.
>He didn't buy a PSTV years ago for $20 and hacked it for free games
Oh then you're retarded
>the real version of 4
The only thing P4G improved over 4 was the Adachi social link. That's it.
Nigger what the fuck
is everyone supposed to be fucking clairvoyant?
Why would I be able to guess that there wouldn't be any way to emulate a Vita?
Fusing was way better, it had more difficulty options, more endings, more dungeons and extra bosses... and I even liked Marie. You're extremely wrong.
>the worst story
>the most archetypical average characters
>most pg12 story
P3 was an anomally,P4 was the downfall
No one really cares which games you prefer. As long as smt sells well enough to continue exist, i dont care how well persona does.
Don't get angry at me just because you're retarded, user.
> you're retarded because you can't see the fucking future
this is a new low.
Marie wasn't as detrimental as she was a needless addition. The new dungeon didn't add much to the game, either, but maybe that's just because I didn't really get invested into Marie at all. I didn't really like the card system, though, the difficulty is mostly irrelevant, the endings, I'm assuming you mean siding with Adachi? That was nice, which goes back to me saying Adachi's s link is the one great thing about it. The extra bosses seemed like mindless clutter, too. I'd have preferred an extra ultimate boss of some sorts like the DLC bosses in SMT 4&4:A, even if the games were bad, the fact the DLCs offered an insane amount of challenge was fun. Adding another dungeon to mindlessly run thru given its randomly generated structure isn't really too fun in comparison, for me.
I dont mind Persona being the flagship series for Atlus.
All series become worse the more popular they get so SMT being in that Limbo of being popular among enthusiasts but semi-obscure to the general audience is the perfect fit.
If anything I have to thank Persona for supplying Atlus with money so they can make more and better SMT games.
"Usurping a series" would mean that SMT would cease to be but that clearly will never be the case
user, you're retarded because you could be playing Persona 1-5 on your PC right now but you're bitching you can't play the re-release of P4.
Quit being retarded.
user, it's literally your fault. Stop being mad because you didn't buy it at a cheap price. Now either buy a Vita or cope by playing Vanilla P4.
>Uh actually everything that it added was bad?
Man, what a shit opinion. I liked almost all of it, and extra options are universally better.
>It's nice to know you didn't play the game.
i wish i didn't play that trash.
>Mitsuru's AI doesn't even spam this move.
but it does spam marin karin... until she learns mind charge, that is. then the ai starts spamming that instead.
>P4 is the worst persona
it has gameplay, less boring dungeons than tartarus, and an actual story outside of the final hours of the game. that alone makes it better than p3.
>i wish i didn't play that trash.
But you didn't
>but it does spam marin karin... until she learns mind charge, that is.
Oh you sucked at the game and didn't switch tactics once, huh? Sad.
And I actually agree that P4 is better than 3 so yeah
Sorry if I came across as overly hostile
I'm not going to do your research for yourself, you big faggot, it's a clear ripoff to anyone that has any knowledge of both.
>But you didn't
but i did.
>Oh you sucked at the game and didn't switch tactics once, huh? Sad.
switching tactics to full assault doesn't stop mitsuru from spamming mind charge.
and switching tactics just makes p3's gimmick even more pointless than it already is. at that point, they might as well cut out the middleman and let you control the characters directly like a normal jrpg.
for all the shit 1 and 2's combat gets - and both of those systems have serious flaws - 3 is by far the worst. it takes too much control away from the player for the sake of a "cinematic experience."
SMT is a tryhard RPG series for people who want to feel like they're playing a mature game. They're made specifically for a niche Japanese audience that westerners can only pretend to connect with.
You're not me, fuck off. Anyway you're right mostly. P3 is still better than P4
>P4 is the worst persona
>>it has gameplay, less boring dungeons than tartarus, and an actual story outside of the final hours of the game. that alone makes it better than p3.
Tartarus isn't even bad. Stop using memes for your baseless claims.
>It has a story
So does P3
>outside of the final hours
Now I REALLY know you didn't play this game. Fuck OFF. September, November, hell, EVERY month contributed to the story. Of course a brainlets P4faggot like you didn't notice it.
>but it does spam marin karin... until she learns mind charge, that is. then the ai starts spamming that instead
If this bothers you so much then play P3P, casual. And you can set tactics in P3FES.
>>But I did
You didn't.
>switching tactics to full assault doesn't stop mitsuru from spamming mind charge.
Please provide a video source of your Mitsuru spamming Mind Charge and Marin Karin, with different tactics also. I can guarantee she doesn't.
>for all the shit 1 and 2's combat gets - and both of those systems have serious flaws - 3 is by far the worst. it takes too much control away from the player for the sake of a "cinematic experience."
No one complains about P1's combat. It's the dungeons that turns people off. P2 gameplay is THE worst in the entire franchise. What the fuck are you on about?
>3 is the worst
Stop with this meme. 3's combat is literally 4's combat. If you're saying 4 has terrible combat, then so does 3.
>When you start P4 everyone is on tactic mode just like P3FES
>You can control them like in P3P
>>Cinematic Bullshit
If any game is a movie, it's P5 or P4.
SMT is a spinoff of MT.
>Tartarus isn't even bad.
tartarus is the worst dungeon in jrpg history.
>So does P3
you're just lying to yourself by trying to claim p3's pacing isn't abysmal. p3 is as boring as watching paint dry until september.
>Of course a brainlets P4faggot like you didn't notice it.
i'm a p2chad, though. p2's story was so stacked with kino, it needed two whole games. p3 is padded with bland filler between full moons.
>If this bothers you so much then play P3P, casual. And you can set tactics in P3FES.
like i said, switching tactics doesn't actually change how shitty mitsuru's ai is.
It's more of a successor than just a spin off like the other series.
>Persona games past 1 having decent pacing
Funniest thing I've heard all day
>>tartarus is the worst dungeon in jrpg history
Except that it isn't. P1's dungeons, or Strange Journeys are even worse. At least in Tar Tar Sauce you can relax and go back to the exact spot you left on. You're not supposed to beat it in one go, fag. The game even tells you this. Plus, in P3P, you can restore your health easier, and teammates don't leave when exhausted.
>you're just lying to yourself by trying to claim p3's pacing isn't abysmal. p3 is as boring as watching paint dry until september.
P3's pacing isn't even bad though? Maybe stop spending all your time in Tar Tar Sauce and do some Social Links instead. And I think P4's pacing is even worse.
>Character gets kidnapped
>Once you find their dungeon the story comes to a screeching halt
>You can save them immediately for little story
>Wait until another one person gets kidnapped
I mean, some of these can be applied to P3, too.
>Until Spetember
There's story even before September.
>I'm a p2chad
Sure, buddy
>P2's story was Kino
Too bad the gameplay wasn't
>like i said, switching tactics doesn't actually change how shitty mitsuru's ai is.
Yes it does. And like I said, go play P3P if this bothers you so much.
>Please provide a video source of your Mitsuru spamming Mind Charge and Marin Karin, with different tactics also. I can guarantee she doesn't.
sure, let me travel back in time to 2008 to record that for you.
>No one complains about P1's combat. It's the dungeons that turns people off.
people complain about both, actually. people don't like the encounter rate, the grid positioning system, or the exp system that rewards certain characters more than others instead of evenly distributing it.
>Stop with this meme. 3's combat is literally 4's combat.
4 actually lets you control your party, which makes it better than 3 right off the bat. there's a reason why they added that into p3p.
>If any game is a movie, it's P5 or P4.
> P1's dungeons, or Strange Journeys are even worse
Fuck off. Both Tartarus and P4's TV world shit were atrocious. Neither of them had any level design whatsoever, just procedurally generated hallways of absolutely nothing. I don't care if you don't like trap floors or whatever, it does not get lazier than 3 and 4 did, where every single area was just filler space between you and the boss
>sure, let me travel back in time to 2008 to record that for you.
You don't have to travel back in time, play a new file and prove it.
>people complain about both, actually. people don't like the encounter rate, the grid positioning system, or the exp system that rewards certain characters more than others instead of evenly distributing it.
Really? Damn, that's just.. most of these got fixed in the PSP remakes. And the grid system is actually good.
>4 actually lets you control your party, which makes it better than 3 right off the bat. there's a reason why they added that into p3p.
If they later added it to P3, it still means it's the same combat. The ONE MORE system still returns, (most) shadows still have the same weaknesses, etc. Also, they are still in Tactics mode from the start of the game, you have to manually put them on "Act Freely" anyway. Why would they add this, if it was so ""hated"" in P3? In fact, why didn't they remove this in P4G? It's because it isn't bad, and it adds challenge to the gameplay.
>>If any game is a movie, it's P5 or P4.
I'm not, though. P4 is literally Jojo part, the movie. So like that live action movie WB made. And P5 is just a "comedy" mafia movie.
The truth is that even since P1 got released SMT has been a side thing
P1's dungeons are bad, fuck you.
>First Person
>High encounter rate
>No enemies on screen
P4 and P3's were better. Hell, even P2's were better than that shit.
>P1's dungeons, or Strange Journeys are even worse.
funny joke. both of those games had actual level design, and even when they put in some tedious bullshit (like the pits in kama palace and the staircases in the ice castle) at least it didn't take up the entire game.
tartarus is the only dungeon in p3 and it's a boring slog that never gets better.
>You're not supposed to beat it in one go, fag.
no shit, sherlock. that doesn't change the fact that it never gets interesting at any point in the entire game.
>Going through a JRPG dungeon has to keep my autism in check
Fuck off.
>less boring dungeons than tartarus
I disagree with all your opinions, but this one is exceptionally dumb. P4's dungeons are just more of Tartarus. They have the same layouts and you navigate them the same way; they're the exact same in every way that matters. Anyone who claims that P4 has better dungeons is so braindead that just changing a wall texture is enough for them to think they're in an exciting new dungeon that is completely different from all the others.
>first person and no enemies onscreen a flaw
please stop playing JRPGs.
I'm not that guy, and for the most part I do actually agree with you, but I think that P4's dungeons are indeed better. If only because it's not just one continuous tower, there's reasons to return to previous places, and they're themed after the party members/enemies you fight. Admittedly though it's not like it's a massive improvement over 3
Because it is a flaw.
In vanilla P4, I don't think you return to any of the palaces you saved.
what am i looking at here?
>Strange Journeys are even worse.
I love P3 and have no problem with Tartarus, but this is insanity. Strange Journey has great dungeons and completely outclasses all of the Persona games in that regard.
You can indeed return to all of the palaces and fight optional minibosses
Persona is more profitable because it can pander to Otakus at the same time. It has dating sim/social sim aspects on it and you get traditional JRPG gameplay, along with demons/deities/creatures/etc you're used to seeing from the SMT series. It's an amalgam of everything in one game PLUS the Otaku pandering. You don't understand that pandering to sweaty, slimy and obsessive otakus from Japan is a priority. These fags have money they are willing to waste if the game at least has ONE waifu character they can obsess over. Same goes for anime and manga. Now combine it with the new wave of "ironic weebs" in the West now, and you got yourself a game that covers such a huge variety of people that the profit is just unbelievably good.
If you're a retarded monkey, maybe
Now admittedly, getting the first hit on enemies is a minor extra layer of gameplay, but it's so miniscule that it's barely worth mentioning. Particularly since 3 and 4 put shadows in confined spaces that more or less force in encounters regardless, making it functionally no different from random encounters.
Anyway, I don't even remember P1 that well, but I'm playing SJ right now, and the encounter rates can be controlled to the extent that you can go multiple floors without fighting an enemy, so you're bullshitting with that one as well.
JRPG vs. JRPG + cute anime girl dating sim
gee i wonder why persona is more popular and better
>You don't have to travel back in time, play a new file and prove it.
yeah, i'm not about to play through the worst game in the series all over again just for the sake of an argument on Yea Forums.
>And the grid system is actually good.
the grid system could have been fine if they did it like kiseki, where you can move your characters around during battle. with p1, you can only switch between a few preset formations you've made, so it's more restrictive than it should be.
also: guns are WAY too overpowered (especially in the late game). pandora is impossible unless you've either autistically planned out every aspect of your team or you've grinded everyone up to level 55+ with their ultimate personas.
>Why would they add this, if it was so ""hated"" in P3?
if it was so well-liked, why did they start giving players the option to turn it off?
>P4 is literally Jojo part, the movie.
your redditness is showing.
No waifus no buy. Also the same old law, chaos, neutral trash gets tired out by the second time around.
>yeah, i'm not about to play through the worst game in the series all over again just for the sake of an argument on Yea Forums.
You're not going to replay Persona 4, though? Anyway, thanks for proving me right.
>>your redditness is showing
>Muh Reddit Boogeyman!!!
Fuck off.
>with p1, you can only switch between a few preset formations you've made,
The fuck are you talking about? You can move anyone anywhere during battle in P1. It costs that character's turn, yes, but you can still do it.
>thread was made to throw shit at smt
>devolves into personafags smearing each other with shit instead
every time
The thing is, if I'm taking the question seriously, SMT was never going to appeal to a wide audience. With stuff like DQ and FF, it's nice and generic enough that it mostly doesn't offend anyone. Nobody's gonna bitch about beating up dragons, monsters or the like. Meanwhile SMT was almost custom-built to be as unfriendly to overseas audiences as possible, fuck SMT2 pretty much directly has you fighting the Old Testament God. I just think it was inevitable, due to the constant spinoffs they've been making over the years, that they'd find a formula that worked for general audiences. Frankly I think that this Persona future is a LOT more preferable to the future where something like Demikids became big.
>If only because it's not just one continuous tower
This is completely superficial, though. Are you saying you would like the dungeons in P4 less if the game claimed they were stacked on top of each other? The dungeons supposedly being different areas doesn't change how you interact with them in any way, given that you can teleport to different sections of Tartarus.
It's fair to consider having a wider variety of textures and music themes an advantage, though it's such a minor one that it isn't really worth mentioning, and certainly not something that should be touted as a significant advantage P4 has over P3.
Literally all SMT needs to do to be almost as popular as Persona is add romance.
Dude the thread was literally made to shit on Persona, are you retarded?
SMT threads are just autist spamming Neutral memes and Hoy memes. And that one retard who keeps saying Nocturne is better than the whole franchise. We're discussing actual gameplay.
>This is completely superficial, though.
Well, yeah dude. It's my opinion.
>Are you saying you would like the dungeons in P4 less if the game claimed they were stacked on top of each other?
I mean, that wasn't the only reason I liked them. And I openly admitted that 4's weren't much better than P3's. Why are you getting so defensive?
>The dungeons supposedly being different areas doesn't change how you interact with them in any way, given that you can teleport to different sections of Tartarus.
I mean, all the dungeons in P4 have their own unique visuals and locales.
>It's fair to consider having a wider variety of textures and music themes an advantage, though it's such a minor one that it isn't really worth mentioning
...Uh, why isn't it worth mentioning? Variety is always better.
>and certainly not something that should be touted as a significant advantage P4 has over P3.
Not even I said that it was a significant advantage though, user
Seriously, why are you getting so worked up
Weebshit sells, not shocking. My problem is now the weebshit is infesting the mainline games.
I don't really care if it sells better, mainline is still the better games so it doesn't matter. What's really sad is series like Raidou are dead.
>sales determine quality
Wii Sports is better then every game in your favorite series combined.
>sales determine quality
But OP wasn't even making that argument. He didn't even bring up sales. I think he was more referring to the fact that Atlus has a studio for creating Persona games now while SMT5 has been silent for a while now
SMT hasn't had a meaningful gameplay update in fucking ever aside from Nocturne ditching the maze layout.
I disagree, I thought that the smirking system introduced in 4 was great, and 4A improved it. And the press turn system was pretty much introduced in Nocturne.
Finally, I get to post it again.
they arent throwing away either franchise. SMT is getting a new game in the Switch, we got the teaser when they did the unveiling, remember? Persona is just a much more casual experience (which isn't bad, just different), so it appeals to more of the potential players
The mainline series is Megami Tensei, not SMT
Should I play Persona 2 after SMT IV ? I really like this game, even despite i kind of WRPG type of guy. I heard that P2 have wonderful story and OST
Personally, I'd recommend playing P1 before the P2 duology. It's not required necessarily, but it'll inform you a lot about what's going on
I just finished Persona 5 and it turned me on to JRPGs so I’ll definitely pick up SMtV when it comes out.
Stay mad fag I’m going to enjoy both series and there’s nothing you can do about it.
I know this is Yea Forums, but that doesn't mean that anyone attacking your opinions is some immensely angry person who wants you to die in a fire. You should really know better than to assume you can read people's emotions from online posts. Even if I type in all caps and call you a faggot, I'm not actually getting worked up about anything.
>...Uh, why isn't it worth mentioning? Variety is always better.
If someone claims that one RPG is superior to another because it has new sprites for a second slime enemy rather than just recoloring it, I'm not going to take their opinion seriously. There's nothing wrong with appreciating more visual variety, but bringing up such a minor case in a discussion regarding which of two games is better than the other is pretty silly.
>I know this is Yea Forums, but that doesn't mean that anyone attacking your opinions is some immensely angry person who wants you to die in a fire.
I agree, this is why you need to calm down in the future.
>Even if I type in all caps and call you a faggot, I'm not actually getting worked up about anything.
I'm wiling to bet that means exactly that, actually.
>If someone claims that one RPG is superior to another because it has new sprites for a second slime enemy rather than just recoloring it, I'm not going to take their opinion seriously.
user, you directly said that visual and audio variety is good too. Don't be like that.
>There's nothing wrong with appreciating more visual variety, but bringing up such a minor case in a discussion regarding which of two games is better than the other is pretty silly.
The argument the whole time was that P4 was marginally better than P3 in the dungeon department. Did you just... forget that?
You seem to be pretty upset here for someone who claims to not be angry
That would just make it another Persona game
Why did Persona 5 turn full anime? Why the fuck is it turning full anime now?
>It's an anime game
Yeah, but this feels like a fucking seasonal shounen shit.