Can anyone recomment me some horror kino? I’m sick of childish stuff with cheap and infantile jumpscares and prefer a more atmospheric, slow-burn type of horror film. My favorites are pic related and Hereditary
Can anyone recomment me some horror kino...
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If you haven't watched 28 days later yet I'd highly recommend it
I would also recommend Martyrs (2008)
The Thing, The Witch sucked shit
Silent Hill 1-3
Alien Isolation
Or you can try works that aren't necessarily horror, but still have a very thick and disturbing atmosphere. Titles like Cryostasis, Pathologic, The Void, Knock-Knock.
Nocturne (by Terminal Reality) maybe
Darkwood is all about that atmospheric horror but top-down view might is not everyone's cup of tea. Still I recommend you check it out.
Just because you replied I'm gonna do so again
I wouldn't know because I don't visit that awful board.
Some other anons might be interested in getting recommendations too
Based. Hereditary is really scary but bad, The Witch is just bad.
The Thing and The Shining are the best western horror movies.
I just recently watched The Shining and I didn't get it at all.
Am I a brainlet?
What don't you get?
SOMA is fun and has interesting themes
No. It's just that you're overthinking it.
What game is that?
How was Jack taken over (or did he just go mad?)
How was the pantry door opened?
We don't know yet. Project by Sukeban
Video Games
Imagine having this much of a shit taste
I think it's normal not to get it.
None of the two main characters act, think or react like a human, and the entirety of the story revolves around dream sequences.
Ignore all the proto sóy trash like The Thing or The Shining and go watch something legitimately good like Angst, I Stand Alone or Man Bites Dog
Fatal Frame games are pretty slow burning.
explain how hereditary is bad but still scary, that shit eviscerated me when i watched it, and i cant think of anything that made me go "yeah but it coulda done x y z better"
>Can anyone recomment me some horror kino? I’m sick of childish stuff with cheap and infantile jumpscares and prefer a more atmospheric, slow-burn type of horror film. My favorites are pic related and Hereditary
I read the book a long time ago but essentially the hotel was built on cursed ground which caused evil spirits to haunt the hotel which explains the supernatural shit that happens as well as the change in Jack's personality
The book had a lot more supernatural elements though which weren't properly shown in the film
>shitting on based Alien
Nah, fuck that.
your point?
Hereditary is boring as fuck, I wouldnt even call it a horror movie. It's pretty much a family melodrama.
The Endless on Netflix isn't bad. It's a low budget flick but it has an interesting premise and some cool scenes. No real jump scares in it either.
What's that jap/korean movie?
Hereditary goes head-spinningly bonkers at the end but God, does it take its sweet time getting there.
>I don't like this thread so nobody else is allowed to post in it.
Noroi: The Curse
That's more of a comedy movie than horror
The ending really isnt even that bonkers, mom cuts her own head off than floats into a tree house.
Well while we're on the topic of Netflix horror, The Haunting of Hill House is great.
Crypt Worlds
well up until the party id agree but i think as of the incident the movie gets pretty spoopy, i think that the notion that horror has to strictly result in fear to be good horror is mistaken, i think that horror that disgusts or brings out dread can still qualify as good. doesnt mean youre wrong for disliking it, its pretty slow
see i agree with this exactly but frankly i think that it straight up wouldnt have worked if it went to 11 a moment sooner, this seems more a matter of taste than film quality but i can absolutely see why people would find the first like 2/3ds boring.
I watched YMS' review and expected it to be good for a horror film but I ended up disliking it
I thought the acting of every single character was really bad, my favorite character was the father because his character felt the most genuine although that could be because he had the least amount of scenes
I also thought that the family drama scenes and arguments were incredibly forced and the dialogue was just cringey which ruined the movie for me
The first death was also really ridiculous, you're telling me that she was leaning so far out of the car that her head was decapitated but her body wasn't thrown out of the car and the car itself or at least the mirror wasn't damaged, yeah okay
lol dude seriously you consider this horror? If anything its softcore porno.
And then the kid is reincarnated as the demon and shit, yeah. It's all thrown out there so fast that it's a bit "dude, what" in the moment.
>Lake Mungo
That one part fucking got me good
If The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, Alien, and The Shining are garbage, I don't care to know what this person thinks are better movies
Originally there was going to be an scene where he gets his eyes carved out as the final act of the ritual. It actually is foretold many times in the movie. But it was too much, and the end as it is, gets to be more ambiguous with his fate. Also spooky.
Great OST too.
Hereditary and Hill House are easily the best pieces of Horror in years, Occulus is amazing as well, dope as part about Hill House is that it has Occulus easter eggs in it
People that are saying it's slow aren't appreciating the build up that seems to be the trend in modern Horror, much like the shining we're doing descents into madness again, and amazing cinematogography.
Honestly if you could stay awake through "the witch" you'll love all of these films, they're a millions times faster paced than that shit
Rubber, the single horror movie worth caring about
He swerved close to the pole to avoid hitting a deer, so she didn't need to be leaning too far out. I have no idea if that would cause decapitation (I imagine not), but I can forgive it since it's a horror movie with supernatural elements. What bothers me more is the whole taking your awkward younger sister to a high school party thing.
The movie was overall a bit underwhelming. I liked it, but everyone else seems to love it or hate it. I really don't see the justification for the extreme reactions to it in either direction. It's just okay
You mean that argument at the Dinner table didn't feel honest to you? The way the mother is just looking for someone to blame, and she's basically frothing at the mouth and wording things retardedly and being a massive bitch.
also, the car basically completely sideswipped that pole, and he was going like 90, she really didn't have her head that far out
The Witch is more appealing as a family drama where relationships slowly, yet noticeably deteriorate than it is a horror film.
It's not really a horror game, but there are parts of Thief 3 that can blow any horror out of the water. Shalebridge Cradle is the scariest level in any video game to date.
It would have been better if they did that shit earlier in the film and then elaborated on what happened after.
I thought the exorcist and the shining were alright. Rosemary's baby is extremely overrated garbage. I've never watched alien so cant comment on it.
>Jumpscares BAD
Still remember the screams
>Jumpscares good
>taking your awkward younger sister to a high school party thing.
the mom forced him to take her, and if you notice slightly before that they performed a ritual just outside the house, which implies that the cult influenced that decision
Plus the witch has some really stupid scenes like the dad getting gored by the goat. The fucking goats horns were pointed behind its head the whole movie and in that scene, it would be impossible for the goat to gore him by charging him lol. The goat would have had to run backwards. Yeah it's an autistic complaint but youd think the filmmaker would have been smart enough to not make such a dumb scene.
>Late at night
>Haven't bought the game
>This happens inside your closet
You got shit taste, my man.
Shit taste. What horror films do you think are good?
The only good horror movie ever made is John Carpenter's The Thing.
That one where shaq played a genie was pretty scary
>contrarian non scary movie people hype up because its """"""artsy""""""
It wasn't even spooky or eerie or clausterphobic or anything, fuck off
predictable fucking jumpscares where they completely silence the scene and then hit you with a fucking obvious ass scary shit is fucking dumb.
when they do it right and they have it properly mixed into the scene it's actually surprising.
the absolute worst shit is when they do a fake jump scare followed immediately by a real jump scare
only good thing about the vvitch is Ralph Ineson. That movie fucking sucks.
>nooo you don't understand it is horror film
it's a shitty meme film disguised as atmospheric horror (which has nothing ro fo with that)
Ralph Ineson should do lore voice acting, oic related was good
wait what, you don't actually think Rosemary's baby is scary do you?
Rosemary's baby is drama piece far more than it is a horror film for anyone outside of the most precious 1950s-70s housewives who were all so far up each other's asses and assured of their self importance that they would be able to relate to the story
I know that (except for what you put in spoilers, that's pretty interesting), I just found the whole premise and scene to be pretty awkward regardless
You are so fucking stupid, holy shit. Do you not realize that goats have necks?
>goats have necks
Wow profound so the goat spun his neck 180 degrees and the turned his head upside down? Here is the goat from the movie.
No, I didn't find it scary and I agree that it is more of a drama. However, I still think it's a fantastic film and I find its themes compelling, even if I don't directly relate to them.
Wasn't that goat supposed to be satan?
The Witch had a terrible ending and so did The Thing.
It's interesting how this meme came about in response to people shitting on jump scares on here for a while. I wonder when it'll swing back the other way, presumably once enough people agree that jump scares are the peak of horror.
I've read complaints, bait and stupid things written here but this one takes the cake as the most imbecile thing of them all to complain about, and I know it's not a bait, but you truly, sincerely typed this out thinking you were as smart as a firefly at least.
>once enough people agree that jump scares are the peak of horror.
I sleep.
Cool story bro but not an argument
No it's not an argument indeed, it's an statement.
I honestly don't have any real preference. I'll take jump scares, I'll also take non-jumpy horror. I'm more talking about a general stance.
Yes and a completely meaningless one without pointing out how I'm wrong.
You motherfuckers think it's about jumpscaring or not, it's about how jewlywood makes idiotic shit any way and you still brag and dwell between them like they're worth a fuck or anyone's time
it was spoopy if you werent a retard
the thing, alien 1, la locataire, the conversation haha, moest horror sucks dicks anyways.
>the conversation
the sleeping and the dead freaked me the fuck out
also oculus
I don't really know what you're talking about, sorry.
almost nothing is 'scary'. But I liked him being so alone and autistic. The ending also fucked me. So yeah, had a good scare. Great movie as well.
Also paranoia 70s da bess.
Also ending of chinatown is pure horror
the ritual is extremely subtle, charley is walking outside, and there's a woman sitting in a burning circle outside deep in the field, and then charley's mom walks up behind her,and doesn't acknowledge having seen it in the distance it all occurs across maybe 10 seconds
then in the very next scene the mom forces charley to go against both of their wishes and completely out of general parenting intuition
> watermark
Vampire the Masquerade
The Ocean Hotel.
Meanwhile pic related is true kino
The thing has BEST ENDING EVER you shut your goddamn mouth!
outlast is pretty nuts.
I can't say I'd define that as horror, but it's pure kino nonetheless.
I also agree about Chinatown, the ending disturbed me far more than I think any straight horror film has