>game has tumblr artwork
Game has tumblr artwork
Other urls found in this thread:
Define "tumblr artwork"
why are you obsessed with tumblr
>shitposter doesn't understand what "tumblr artwork" means
Just be happy Calarts style hasn't gotten to vidya.
What a horrible image
red noses
its gonna get in one way or another
Pray for our immoral souls if it does happen
I thought tumblr was dead, can tumblr artwork actually exist now
Red noses, brown skin with or without vilitigo, brightly colored hair, piercings
Banner's Saga for example.
Fuck off, like actually
Is the irony supposed to be that this artist can only draw one look of disgust?
>So, I gotta sneak through this bait thread without getting detected and (you)'d, huh? Alright. I'm ready to go.
Insta (you) coming right up
what's with the red roses? why?
What was that noise?
Who's footprints are these?
A perfect example of "shitposter doesn't understand what tumblr art means", sure.
It's a quick and dirty trick to add visual depth to bad art.
>Define "tumblr artwork"
Mostly difference races / darker skin color and other political stances
>stumble onto a video with an anime nun insulting the viewer as depraved and scum
>find another with a maid
Yo, why is this a fetish? Why you get off to people calling you shiT?
>the left can't meme
Boner do what boner want
Expert magamemers can't take a rag tag group of lefties and their field acquired memes
How will the right ever recover??
>lumping in all art as tumblr art
try harder
Its good shit
Honestly the reason why I didn’t play Celeste.
but couldn't they go for the anime noseless look? It would be even easier and look better
Tumblr fags ruin everything
Anime look is characteristic of DeviantArt and is a different aesthetic.
Your loss, man. That game is a fucking gem.
>giant red noses
>weird "that's how life is *Goofy laugh*" look
>big lips
>flagged as offensive to everyone
mostly by pointing and laughing
I used to date a mulatto cajun girl whose name was celeste. She took my virginity when i was 13. She now has multiple children. I dont want to play that game.
Anything I don't like drawn or designed by people I want to be the enemy because my entire lfie revolves around this culture war that doesn't exist outside of internet cliques.
No, tumblr art has a specific style which has been posted throughout the thread. but keep seething
>game has anime artwork
In the trash it goes
Haha based fellow magapede point and them and call them ni-
you know tumblr art is bad when it's impossible to masturbate to it.
You idiots would call this Tumblr art. "Tumblr art" has no meaning anymore and is exactly what I said it was.
Nope, keep strawmanning though
calarts meme aside i don't really like the artstyles that are popular in cartoons now.
>genderless potato blob people
>shitty flash looking stick people
No. Examples have been posted. Dilate more, tranny.
im getting deja vu and then getting deja vu again, ive seen that image at least 3 times here now right???
first time posted here
taking established characters and making them black and fat
From the thumbnail, I thought the glasses were cumstains and thought it was kinda hot
Western "animation" vs anime
there is no competition
Cope and seethe drumpftard soon we'll all be dilating
Is it not better to have something that looks good than something that conforms to some artstyle nobody likes?
>"she's 16"
get out of my board plesae
Plenty of artists on tumblr do just that, but they are making regular art and not "tumblr art".
>all right wing individuals are trumptards
is this the power of the mutts?
Why does everyone who browse tumblr have some kind of mental illness
>58 new posts
So what was with Jimmy in Ed Edd and Eddy? He was a dude right?
Gee, I wonder.
... said user, posting yet another autistic wojak scrawl.
>Unique features
>Big nose
>Fat face
>bushy eye brows
Are they just modelling it after themselves or what?
I wonder user
seething tumblrite
>I kill people who kill people they disagree with because I disagree with them, making me a better person than them
this is why I don't consider myself part of the left, I don't want anything to do with these """"people""""
Horse shoe theory, user.
Tumblr does that to art. Yea Forumseddit makes wojak edits. Same thing with a different skin.
Maybe, i have hundred of these
t. brownshirt
There's a difference between "kill people I disagree with" and 'kill people who spend all the country's money declaring war on the pigeons while making 'pie' out of it's citizens"
For real though, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Battletoads (2019)
Fags never played Chrono trigger
Funny how the anti war types are always boot licking cowards.
He was just young while everyone was older
I started to save bad art that was posted on Yea Forums a long while back, i wanted to make reaction images out of them but got lazy, i dont really feel like deleting them at this point since they feel like history to me, plus i get a chance to show them once in a few weeks whenever there is a decent thread on it on Yea Forums
Stop speaking in ebonics. You sound like an idiot.