Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Caveman literally did nothing wrong. What he said is a totally normal human interaction and people say stuff like that to eachother every day. The only reason this case stands out is because Chibi's autism took over and he didn't know how to react. All he had to say was "woops my bad, I'll be quiet" and that's it. 2000 cringe compilations and years worth of threads avoided by acknowledging the fact that you're being annoying and apologising.

Funny when Chibi started to sink into the couch and sulk. Then his face lit up like Christmas lights when he was asked to do jumping jacks.

not vidiya

Caveman was being a dismissive cunt but that's Caveman.

Chibi was being an annoying weeb but that's Chibi.

They were both in the wrong. Years after the incident, Chibi got caught cheating in a live stream then handled it extremely poorly. Caveman eventually grew a stupid Victorian mustache and didn't change his attitude, until recently, when he was at a marathon and apparently now acts exactly like Chibi. Not sure what changed him but it was depressing to see.

What marathon was this?

chad answer
>chibi was wrong

cuck answer
>both were wrong

retard answer
>caveman was wrong

The retard is talking about SGDQ this year where he was playing his favorite game, with three of his ACTUAL friends on the couch with him, and was enjoying himself as a result, which Yea Forums apparently decided means he is a completely different person because their only experience with Caveman came from watching Tomba 2.

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Chibi... had a hard life

>knowing these names
i honestly hate celebrity faggots; man or woman. if you namedrop in all of your conversations, neck yourself now



Fucking this, namedropping makes you look like a fucking poser faggot trying to impress someone on the internet

What a pack of fucking dweebs

The dilating tranny.

You for making this shit thread.

If you don't see this as one of the most important memes to come out of video game history then you might as well kill yourself.

>most important memes
>video game history

You first, I insist.

>spend a bunch of money to fly out to some shitty hotel venue to speedrun a game among a bunch of smelly autistic virgins
>get thrust in front of a camera and watched by a bunch of wet blanket redditors and twitch zoomers who will scrutinize your ever move
>some fat faggot sits next to you that you dont even know and doesnt run the game just because it's his birthday or something
>acts like a massive sperg the entire run just spouting nonsensical garbage
I'd be pissed, too.

Spergs need to be put in their place or they will never shut up.

Caveman didnt do anything wrong, you're right there. But he could have delivered it better. "I would really prefer if you'd be quiet" is a bit too passive aggressive plus Caveman seemed a lot more autistic back then. He's come out of his shell a lot and looked great during SGDQ. Fuck Chibi though.


Kys underaged

I insist you learn to read you fucking mongoloid.

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>Gatekeeping a word that's been around longer than your balls dropping.

please, consider euthanasia. Your genes aren't worth spreading.

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>>acts like a massive sperg the entire run just spouting nonsensical garbage

I fucking hate these autismos because they're the ones that think they're really interesting.

Chibi wasnt even invited to the couch