>0.04% drop rate
0.04% drop rate
That's not even bad, that means you get the item every 25 tries
user, I...
How am I wrong? You add 0.04 together 25 times and you get 1
>1% drop rate
That gets you only 1%, stupid, not 100%. This takes 2,500 tries.
This user is absolutely correct and none of you fuckers can prove otherwise.
If I recall, Ragnarok Online's monster cards have a 1/10000 chance of dropping.
0.04 x 25 is 0.1
0.04 x 250 is 1
That means you have 1/250 chance of dropping the item, which is quite retarded
you are also fucking stupid holy shit
>American education
>drop chance % is additive
>world boss that requires 150 people to kill it and is only available after some extensive questing has a 0,01% rate of dropping one (1) piece of armor
>you now have to upgrade it, with a chance of destroying it on failure
Why was this allowed?
>0.04% drop rate
>Need to wait 3 months for reset so you can try again
>95 other people rolling on it when it does eventually drop 18 years down the line
I-it's fine, it just m-means I get to p-play my favourite game some more :)
ohnononono all these niggers getting baited hard
No, it means every time an item drops you roll a dice, it could take 1 attempt or a million
Wait, you roll the dice after the item drops?
Are skulls really that malleable?
Is it a 2d(coin), 6d or 20d?
>He fell for the bait this hard
Pathetic newfags
>I-i was only pretending to be retarded n-newfags!!
That lim is wrong, vertical asymptotes are when x is to a number
this, but unironically
that was obviously a joke you inbred
Not usually, the brain has enough mass to keep the skull fairly rigid and nontensile. However, frequent masturbation/porn viewing (the cumbrain effect) will lead to hypofrontality and the subsequent decay of soft brain matter. Along with reducing brain mass, this also has the effect of diminishing executive function, which makes even getting of bed to do simple chores incredibly difficult. If prolonged wearing of headphones creates a noticeable depression in your skull, this is proof that you have suffered permanent brain damage from too much sexual stimulation.
>finish the item that requires several very rare drops
>don't even use it
why am I so fucking stupid
.04 x 25 is 1.0 you idiot.
>Get 1/5000 drop
>look it up
>its worth nothing
That limit is completely pointless, the graph is just -1/x^2.
Nevertheless, it has been shown that chronic administration of nicotine reverses hypofrontality in animal models of addiction and schizophrenia.
look at this fuckboy
>i was just pretending to be retarded
inb4 you are not the poster in question
yeah, i miss ragnarok online too OP
gambling addicts don't play for the thrill of winning, they play for the thrill of maybe not losing
>Grind for hours for that rare enemy drop
>The item is available in the shop in the next town
Korean MMOs should be banned.
You called?
What are you on about, is there any sources for this cum brain effect?
It takes them a shitload of time to translate the fucking show. Nonetheless it was a good Batsu Game this year.
>Drop rate is reasonably high at around 5% or so
>but the enemy that drops it only shows up once every 100 battles or so
No, it's some fag cult on /pol/ that talk about jerking off all day.
what a mongrelized nation it must be where such a guy can get to fame.
It's just a gamer notch dude, plenty of people (me included) have one.
You have one like that? Christ
ragnarok online was a fucking hoot
Legit, what is wrong with his head
>droprate is decent
>enemy is so hard it's barely even an option to farm
I told my friend to stop using headphones back when he was a kid, he didn't and now the stupid fuck keeps crying about about not getting girls because of the huge dent and the bald spot they made.
Shoud've listened you fucking moron.
Being considerate to neighbors and family really paid off, huh?
wtf is this real?
Like I said it's really common. No need to be freaked out by it. Probably half of Yea Forums has one.
>it actually drops
>someone else takes it
>forget server maintenance and it logs you out right as the item drops
Yeah it's common but still not having it is always way better.
It's like herpes. It's common but you'd rather not have it. You do feel and are a slightly lesser human being if you have it.