he snapped. it finally happened. watch before this massive autist deletes it!
He snapped. it finally happened. watch before this massive autist deletes it!
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a pathetic faggot driven insane by Valve's sheer incompetence and lack of drive to make anything.
Nu-Valve is a mistake.
honestly though his autism is endearing, ive never seen someone as shit on as him and keep on going
Punished Tyler
>that part where he brings a literal printout of a screencap of some retarded video to valve HQ and sperged out infront of Gabe and everyone else and they all laugh at him
is he actually autistic?
This really comes off as pearl clutching and acting like some victim. Learn how to take a joke. If you feel offended and don't want to support Valve, fine, just fucking don't, fucking crying about how they hurt your fucking fan fee fees is akin to throwing a tantrum like a fucking baby. Half-Life is so overrated anyway, the only decent thing Valve did was goddamn steam and they could've done better if they gone the gog route. I have zero patience for fans that DEMAND other people work on what they want. If you don't want to give them your money just don't, they don't owe you anything.
Half-life sucks
>22 year old autist continues to tell a billion dollar company how they should be running their business
Tyler is pathetic, and his obsession for TF2 is infuriating considering that valves market IPs are obviously Dota 2 and CSGO.
I'm not giving him a click.
What happened?
He's crying that Valve are still making jokes about how they can't count to 3 while not giving any information on what is going on with Half Life 3 and why it hasn't come out
Geez, what a pathetic faggot.
remember that he's in debt and in deep shit ( it was accidentally revealed in october/november during Artifact Hype) and he chose to base his career about a very popular game developer that started going to shit and doing nothing just after he began.
it's legitimate ground for insanity.
Watch the full interview numbnuts
False rumors
I really liked his video where he was coping about TF2, saying how it can never die because Valve needs to keep it alive so that people don't realize that skins have temporary value. Valve is actively killing TF2 with each update, they're the ones killing it anyways.
Fuck off zoomer, I have the right to bitch and moan as much as I wan't about anything I wan't. So can you, but just remember, you aint better than me, bitch. I will drag you to the depths of the saddest faggotry, you are comments coming with me.
he was caught doing a phone call with the person he owed money to during a podcast with angermania. he forgot to turn off the mic. the youtube video has been deleted ( it's probably still mirrored somewhere but i can't find it), but it was all over reddit.
He needs to do theses videos more often, valve is a company fueled on micro transaction and autism
Holy shit, is there a full story to this?
Is someone going to break his kneecaps?
You mean you? Fuck off and kill yourself.
Fucking retard.
Wait, so not a bank, but a person he owes money to?
i am ashamed to say i can't find traces, given they have been deleted from twitch by anger and from reddit by leaf. but it was very real. he talked for 5 minutes about how he was going to make it thanks to artifact and he ended up lying and saying that, being valve favourite boy, that 1M dollar tournament would have seen him rising to the top of (the casting) scene and he was going to get a lot of money.it was super embarassing because he went on and full on lied about how well everything was going and how much he was involved into the tournament.
Shouldn't have messed with yakuza
It was only a matter of time before he lost it
How could anyone provide non-stop coverage of the development of games at a company that isnt in the business of making games without going insane
Jesus Christ, that sounds desperate as fuck
it was hard to understand and i am going by memory, no amount was never revealed but it was so informal and dragged out that it doesn't make sense to be a conversation with a poor bank employee.no amount of money was cited so we don't know how much it is.
what i can assure you is that it sounded exactly as a phone call between a drug lord and one of his workers who just failed him and begs for his last chance, complete with begging and lies about how " the next month i am gonna get the money please just wait", lacking only tyler begging him to not shoot his daughter.
how do you fuck your life up that badly?
Reminder that this faggot could of gone full Bethesda news network DURING THE 76 SHIT but didn’t
Tyler is a retard and also sucks at tf2, I’ve killed him as every class, and you know that because you are reading this you loser
Haha i got you
Forget that, he could go full on Epic News Network covering every exclusive they're stealing from Valve, stirring the pot and making money.
>Bethesda news network
Wasn't ShoddyCast originally that?
>this shit has been going on for 12 years
Just let it go. Stop giving Valve money.
>how do you fuck your life up that badly?
it's easy: base your entire income off activities from a company that doesn't care about you and has no obligation to you and is completely unpredictable.
don't forget to allow another company that doesn't even know your name and offers no control or care to have 100% control on how,when,how much, and to whom your "product" is delivered.
and to make it even better make sure what you produce is completely replaceable, unneccesary and free to its main consumers.
Nintendo news network
Epic news network
Bethesda news network
And this fucking retarded dude chooses the company that does nothing, and I get that he has been doing this since 2011, there’s still time to swap
He is right, Valve's jokes are cringey and they should just flat out state that they are only making f2p and VR games from now on. Maybe HLVR will provide some closure, but who knows if that thing even exists.
Anywho, does anyone even give a shit about HL3 anymore? We all know that HL3 would've ended on another fucking cliffhanger, you can read the "fanfic" if you don't believe me.
I fucking hate the fat fuck himself and the company + service he's built up over the years, but also the braindead faggots who still praise every game and thing they do.
Half of Valve's IPs aren't even original, they're either mods or student projects they ended up buying out.
L4D2 is a good game, but it's nowhere near a 9.5/10 like the steam store makes it out to be and that's another issue. The Steam store's rating system is retarded. You either "recommend" a game or you "don't", but the way the score/rating is presented is more like an actual rating you'd give a video game and not a stupid recommendation system. It makes no sense. 50 guys "recommend" a game and 50 "don't recommend a game". You're not left with a mixed rating of 50% and half the people gave it a 10/10 while the other half gave it basically a 0/10.
L4D2 isn't a 10/10, it's not even a 9 or 8. If you're some braindead faggot who maybe played "back in the day" or for a few hundred hours and got fun outta it I can understand why you'd think it's a "pretty good game", but in reality it's a broken mess that punishes people for no reason.
Expert is ruined by TKing faggots, braindead bots and yeah while those things can be avoided, you can't avoid the broken stuns or lack of on infected when they're crouching below low ceilings or even props. You cannot properly deal with the shitty lag compensation even when messing with lerp and hitreg (both tie in together) is shit as well even if you're on a local server.
So the game's plagued by decade old bugs that still aren't fixed, but they're fine with fixing a random ammo upgrade bug back in 2017 and then you also have the source engine's shitty hitreg + lag comp that just turns the whole mode into a shitshow.
Guys are you ready for the half life card game?
They cannot possibly release Half Life 3 after so much time. Look at the fiasco of DNF. The market when (if) it comes out will be completely different. Best they can hope for is a community made mod like Black Mesa to keep the few people who care happy
Then there's realism which is unbalanced because a fucking magnum can one shot a zombie to ANY region of its body but a fucking combat shotty can't 1 shot a zombie to the chest.
Whenever I am forced to play realism I am like "oh this is cool, not so bad", but that's because I am using SMGs atm. As soon as I get to pick up any tier 2 gun I instantly remember why realism is shit. Realism should've heavily limited good guns and guns in general and just generally be much more stingy with resources. Instead we have bullet sponge enemies that require headshots which isn't something you should ever go for in this game and nothing's really changed besides that. I am just mad furious with the game, the players that still praise the game with their fucking 80hrs on record and lastly Valve and their stupidity.
How do people still think there's even a chance of HL3 happening?
A writer posted in his blog what it was supposed to be after he left/got fired.
You can only mess with yakuza if you have something behind you. Tyler doesn't.
I always found it funny how, out of all the companies on this green Earth, he chose to base his whole channel on a company that is notorious for two things:
- complete lack of communication with the playerbase, only exception is a single dev from the D2 team that posts once every 6 months on the subreddit to announce that a small fix will be released soon
- not having any announced project they're currently working on, deriving much of their success from what they've done 10-15 years ago
The expression "Valve NEWS" is an oxymoron in itself, because they haven't done anything new for the past 5/6 years at least (without counting the updates for Dota and CS, that used to happen twice per year)
I would feel sorry for the man, but his delusion and his poor choices in life will soon start coming back to bite him, and he has noone to blame but himself.
>He doesn't know about DNF
You have to be eighteen or older to post here bud.
Can you honestly blame him for making such a stupid video? Hes does news for valve, the company who doesn't fucking do anything or communicate anything.
Why doesn't he just try to do something else?
Watch tyler base his channel around epic now.
Never, he is way too autistic
Guys I think tyler might not make valve videos anymore
>starts making videos on other companies to see how many views he gets
>changed channel name from vnn to his name
>less and less valve videos from him
>needs money fast after calling j.c. wentworth
I'll honestly never understand the love for half life. They were two fun games, both if which I could probably live without just fine. Sure, valves reluctance to wrap up the story is weird, but I dont really care. Just feels overrated as hell
Half Life 1 is still incredible now. 2 hasnt aged that well really
>just two games
Showing you don't know what your talking about.
It is 2 2/3 games. Not counting spinoffs.
Learn before speaking nigger faggot
No tyler does post in these threads from what he said on his twitter that was posted here.
tylenigger literally posted posts from Yea Forums on his twitter
>"You're like a car crash in slow motion. It's like I'm watching you fly through the windshield."
>how do you fuck your life up that badly?
Relying on youtube to make money.
i would seriously kek if he opened epic news network just to spite valve.
>herro and welcum to Epic News Netwolk
>it is youl host Tyrel speaking
>ping png ching chong *sounds of kitchen utensils dropping down 10 flights of stairs*
>don't folget to donate to my patleon! I see you guys latel
I remember some user years ago telling how he took a loan from yakuza.
Said it was pretty much civil except some scary dude by the window chain smoking cigarettes who said user described as "he was probably there so i don't forget who i'm dealing with here"
Valve hasn't released a single notable and good thing since this guy started "reporting the news" on them. Think about that insanity.
How dare Valve not give whatshisface news to report on. Don't they know who he is?
Holy fucking yikes
People are essentially making HL2 Ep 3 with Project Borealis in UE4 and Boreal Alpyh in their custom version of Source. Its probably for the best since all Valve can do now is make Dota spinoffs made to cash in on market trends.
He should have done so ages ago, but he doesn't know how to expand at all.
LOL I'm not reading all of that
The only think I don't understand is why any valve dev ever responded to him. Imagine working at valve, tired after spending 8 hours carrying gabe in dota 2 bot matches and some little fuckstick keeps pestering you on the progress of x and y. Would you respond?
Looks like Gabe gained the weight back. He was looking somewhat better for a while.
Good for you. Keep on replying "brainlet" and telling me I don't know anything about the game while you shit on noobs in VS and kick everyone on your team who's not god tier.
Have any of you seen this man lately?
>all this projection because I didn't want to read your post
Sorry buddy I hope you feel better
It's not projecting, 2 faggots literally called me that a while ago on a L4D2 thread on here.
You already know they're VS retards or faggots who only play on easy/normal in the campaign and basically have nothing to do except hold W to win.
He's so garbage at content making. Only reason he's getting attention is because he's the only one dumb enough to create a news channel on a company that shares NOTHING about anything they work on.
There are already one or two decent old-school forums that follow Valve's leaks what's he doing
It's because if he'd link the source, he'd out himself as a trash poster. I know what he's talking about, it's a skit he did about how fake the Artifact fanbase acted for a while, wanting to force it to be a next big thing. He even emphasized it was a skit before he did the thing, and people still took it out of context.
You do zero research.
I'm honestly surprised people still even play l4d
He tried branching out, but the spicy leaks he's known for gets him in trouble with other publishers, meanwhile Valve lets him do whatever. He made a video on Fallout Shelter 2, Bethesda didn't want that information readily available, and made him take down the video.
Also, Valve news if it happens is hard to find. VNN's schtick is that he finds the news himself. Which is a step up over just parroting what other news sites say, IMO.
Yeah, it has between 10-20k people playing, but "matchmaking" is awful and you barely find any lobbies. It has a hidden oldschool server browser that's garbage and lacking features too.
I can't get myself to play it after 1100 hours on OC and 500 on console. Been there, done that and every time I just get angry over how broken it is. It's the fine details that just ruin it. Losing half your health to shitty coding isn't fun.
>"it makes it feel like you dont care about your fans"
yeah, they dont. RIP downie McVicker
Looks like you're in the barrel today
Hi, Tyler
Tyler “ugly idiot” mcvicker
Why would they care about autists like mcnigger? Does he want a card from everyone at valve saying they love him?
It's not worth it most of the time.
There are some mafia groups you can fuck with but not yakuza.
Nah, I'm just familiar that r/Artifact was a trash heap, and this was one of their big spicy's. I don't have to be a shill to give an user crap for misinformation.
Did you just mention r*ddit in a way that you view the site in recent times?
Go back to r*ddit scum
The user was the one who used Reddit as a source. I just debunked his statement. And for some strange reason you take personal offense.
Also, trying way too hard to look cool. Yeah, r/Artifact was a trash heap. I do not retract that statement.
i think he unironically thinks valve shold make him a statue based on how long hes been licking their boots and trahs scavenging through their files
There's a point in time where you should just give up in trying to hope for a new entry to a franchise you expect to be good. Perhaps valve did have the best interest of the fans in mind by saying "we don't have an answer".
Take battlefield, or any other EA title that has been fucked up beyond all belief. BF franchise is dead because the last entry was a huge letdown, with trend chasing in mind. Look at Valve's current lineup: dota csgo artifact and autochess? Lol. What a fucking joke. They have the formula for success, but they don't find it appealing to develop a game that either doesn't please them, or conduct an experiment from which they can draw tons of new info, at least, anything they couldn't find out through their own storefront and allow other devs to take risks on.
I've been waiting over a decade for a new timesplitters game, and the state of TS:R looks like dogshit in part because Crytek are totalitarians, and we are JUST NOW getting ue4 footage that shows game modes working with character imports.
Valve knows the demand is there, but honestly, do you expect anything worthwhile to come out? They're going to fully develop some meme VR shit that nobody has access to to try and coerce people into buying their $1000 headset or whatever the fuck it costs.
Valve had a hard time doing HL2 right, they somehow made the gunplay worse and the pacing was poor of Hl2 (if you ignore the fact you can reverse bhop through the boring shit). Interesting concepts, was fun fucking around with an interactive world, but it's dated now.
Anyone who grew up pre-MTX era should really not expect anything significant from Valve. All they do now is market research nonsense that serves to serve investors or whatever nonsense. Sure, they have fancy tech labs and all of the greatest devs in the world, but what does that even mean when you're still using source? Even if source2 had commercial releases other than dota 2, it would have been dated as fuck.
I sympathize with the feeling of betrayal in the video but you gotta learn to just let go of your personal attachment. At this point in time there's no reason to be so invested in Half Life that you take actual offense to jokes about how difficult the production of the series has been. Valve is not obligated to show you how the sausage is made and trying to cope with the difficulties related to Half Life 3 and Episode 3 with humor is totally reasonable.
hey tyler
how does an autist with no money get a gf like this?
>having a kid when you’re 30
>Valve fans
No such thing. There are Half Life fans, DOTA2 fans, probably even 2 Artifact fans. But there are no Valve fans.
And especially there are no Gabe Newell fans, or Literally Who programmer giving a talk and making a HL3 joke fans. They are Half Life fans, not a fan of the programmer talking to a crowd.
So how is he "betraying his fans", when he has no fans? Stupid premise.
THERE ARE NO VALVE FANS. NEVER WERE VALVE FANS. There are Steam users, many of which are Counter Strike fans, for example.
>"It makes it seem like you don't care about your fans"
tyler "valve bootlicker" mcvicker
>But there are no Valve fans.
ever heard the term valve drone?
people have been sucking valve's and gabe newels dick for like 13 years now, how have you not seen any of these people? you somehow missed the whole "gaben represents pc gaming" bullshit that was REALLY fucking popular from like 2011 to 2016?
valve fans do exist, they are bottom of the barrel gutter oil troglodyte scum yes, but they exist
You didn't prove me wrong
>ever heard the term valve drone?
Yes, I've been called that every time I support Valve or Steam in any one single thing about them.
And no, saying "retards exist" is no an argument. Obviously retards have retarded views. We ignore them and don't count them.
ok tyler
no,, go fuck yourself, go fuck yourself and everyone in this thread..
valve used to be more consumer friendly round the early 2000s. Those "Valve drones" are just some desperate millennials that grew up with them and still think they mean no harm (Tyler is the prime example). I dont have then nor resent them, i just pity them. I was one and still am somewhat when the hope reignites
he keeps on thinking valve is dead buy they actually released games over the years, sega does this constantly with their crap
i feel a little bad for tyler, he has went full tin foil hat, idk if it is valve's fault or his
i really hope he spergs out completely
it'd be the best thing to happen this year
>It makes it seem like you don't care about your fans.
It's ultimately his fault for trying to make a career on reporting on the games of a company that barely gives a shit about making games, or making anything at all really
Valve is one of the most complacent companies in vidya, and as long as Steam keeps printing money they have no reason to change. Of course you're not going to be able to make content beyond "Someone at Valve is probably thinking about making Half Life 3"
>>It makes it seem like you don't care about your fans
Our little autist is growing up.
He'll be back to "IT'S COMING OUT THIS YEAR, BROS" in a bit. Battered wife.
Tyler should have given up when Epistle 3 was spilled. Maybe find a new company to suck the tit of.
impressively autistic thread
tyler is comfy I always give him my twitch prime
Valve do not deserve Tyler. This pure boy is too good for them.
Epistle 3 was the deathknell for half life 3 and he knows it, but autists aren't logical, they follow their autism.
>think of your favorite book series
ok, aSoiaF
>think about what if the last book never came out
I mean the last two books have never came out
>think about what if it's been ten years since they last spoke of it
I mean that's kind of the case
>think about what if they sold other people's books instead
I mean he is kinda living off the tv show
Valve news network is probably the most useless channel out there. Once a month he basically makes a video saying valve did absolutely fucking nothing this month.
we did not deserve this, valve boomers rise up
he really is
To be honest his channel gives the illusion that Valve is worth keeping track of. And when he tried Nintendo content, he offered info people didn't bother translating to look into, VNN style.
Really, he has more integrity than most the journalists that get posted here. And his streams are fun.
>half life overrated
Piss off zoomer
It is overrated anywhere but Yea Forums. it's amazing the hate boner Yea Forums has had over half-life the last year
>game updates 25kb
Fuck this idiot.
He's a total newfag who needs to lurk more.That explains why he's punished though
If you're reading this, Tyler, give up on Valve, they haven't made a game worth a shit in nearly a decade. They'll never make a good game again. Even if they make a new Half Life, it'll be shit. You still have your whole life ahead of you, my man, they're not worth it.
He once typed "poop" here on stream on a thread where people were taking a dump on him.
He cares too much is the problem.
>having a kid before 30 is retarded
>having a kid after 30 have a bigger chance for a CWC
no offense dude, but you sound really, really, autistic
at the end of the day, tyler won
>winning anything
Is she also a valve autist? how does she deal with him?
kys csbabby.
y-yeah, fuck 3d girls! he won nothing.....
I like his idea of promoting community content for TF2. It's just a pity that he's 9 years too late, the game's been worthless ever since it went F2P.
>characters were 1 dimensional
>episode 2's ending sucked ass
Literally who the fuck cares about half life 3 at this point.
enjoy having a harpy screeching in your ear every day
enjoy virginity
>put penis in wet hole foe 30 minutes
>have to deal with a selfish little crazy creature for 23 hours 30 minutes
Good luck.
That's one retarded guy, he also spam HL threads but his reactions is so obvious usually nobody bother responding.
doesn't half life series only have like 2 cutscenes in the entire series
HL2 ending & episode 2 ending
I think he's mainly talking about Red Letter Day and Black Mesa East
this happens because people think with their dicks and settle as soon as their dicks has a reliable source to get wet
Has a formerly beloved company ever heelturned so thoroughly as Valve?
Black Mesa Xen is coming.
Bioware would be close.
If you were making a lot of money for doing nothing would you want to work hard on a project that people are likely to hate anyway? Its much easier to open a beer and chill.
Valve hasn't really done too much that's all that horrible, they just haven't released much of value.
>Gravel Pit Wars
It's fucking Gravel War. Tyler is a poser confirmed.
Cmon play Black mesa.
ill play your mom, in her bed
>fee fees
Does his mom work at black mesa?
I don't know who even can possibly care about HL3 at this point in time. Valve is so deep in their own bullshit no matter what they release today it's gonna suck. I loved HL and Portal but it seems like the company that made those games is pretty much gone now. It's a shame but it's time to accept it.
it's not gonna suck but the expectations are gonna be too high, so that no matter how good it it's still going to disappoint
even if it's undisputed the best game of all time, people are still going to be disappointed
so there really is no point in releasing it
it was the same with duke nukem, but they just didn't care
the game wasn't bad, it also wasn't good or anything, was about average, but people shit on it like it was the worst game ever made
it would be a duke nukem forever 2.0
>the expectations are gonna be too high, so that no matter how good it it's still going to disappoint
The bitter truth. No matter what they do they will still lose. The only valid strategy is to delay it forever to uphold its meme-cult status, or at least until fans won't care anymore so there's no one to bash them over every single little thing they put in the game that don't exactly line up with the most daring fan fantasies.
seriously at some point you have to know when to let go, everyone already did and it's not because you keep having hopes for an official release of HL3 that it will happen for real. he's only harming himself and he doesn't realize it, because having too much expectations will eventually lead to disappointment
pathetic desu
I would say that the leaked script for Ep3 was pretty damn good, at least enough to satisfy the hype.
Yup and now that laidlaw peaced out of valve i have no hope for their writing ability
>and sometimes /gif/
>creepy smile
what a disgusting fuckface
I thought that was a funny joke
/gif/ was a bad choice though because I actually find it creepier than /d/
good goy