2019, I am forgotten
2019, I am forgotten
>delusional players still play this game
heh retards
>there are people who paid $100 for the game plus season pass
>they still had to paid for lootboxes
>dlc was on-disc and locked behind a paywall
>they still had to paid for lootboxes
False, there are microtrasaction but is useless when you can get everything by playing the game
>dlc was on-disc and locked behind a paywall
nigger what? stop lying
>Mortal 2 Kombat
What an odd choice for a name.
>They went with the RNG prize trend
>Pirates are waiting for the first season of DLC to release even start working on a crack
>Postponing DLC to flex with a trailer at the big fighting game tournament even though other companies have their own tours going on
So what's the Yea Forumserdict on this game, besides the obvious muh burka muh SJW whatever shit?
I played it for a while and I thought it was solid but I kinda lost interest; hated the movesets that don't even use every move a character has at its disposal and overall felt rushed as fuck.
Overall I think it was an okay fighting game, certainly a step up from MKX and pretty fun but nothing special. Does the NRS scene like it?
Technically Shao Khan is on disc DLC.
But yeah, no loot boxes and the only premium currency is only usable on a select few items at a time and can be completely earned in-game. The game literally incentivizes not using it until something you want is available on the shop, which forces you to save.
The problem is that the game feels like it's built around loot boxes and premium currencies but it isn't so there's no way to speed up unlock progression. They've worked on it but a lot of the skins and equipment are only available via RNG and a good chunk aren't even unlockable yet.
Dull as fuck.
The grind doesn't help either if you're a sucker for customizing your main(s), thank god for the unlocker.
If we skip the whole customization/grind for straight up ranked play, every single match just feels the same, no variety at all. 70% of specials not being available in ranked doesn't help either. I don't know what it is exactly, but even MKX felt more dynamic with all its meta bullshit.
Timed meters are whack. Neutral on the krushing blows.
I don’t know why but I went back to SFV after a month of playing mk11, even though people say mk11 is just a better sfv.
>Technically Shao Khan is on disc DLC.
Oh fuck i’m brainlet, I forgot about that. Gotta apologize
Also I agree the progression for unlocking item is kinda fucked up but recently there was a tower about maskless sub zero, which nobody knew how do you unlocked it. But playing Towers of Time is lame, specially when the game was released. I started to enjoy this game when I started to use the online and after meeting a comunnity that plays the game online.
But I agree that sometimes this game feels unfinished, there are only two competitive variations and half the costumes are reused and lazy
>Playing single player
Lame, X and 2011 was better
Kino as fuck but need a balance patch
>people say mk11 is just a better sfv.
I never heard someone saying that except myself
They really need to fix the variation shit and let customizable movesets into ranked. Having Shang with his new Klassic Ninja gimmick and then not letting him use them at all in ranked is retarded. Let people use the variations then start adjusting the most busted movesets when they float to the top in Ranked.
It was okay.
Not great, not awful.
My main complaint is that fatal blows get so tiresome.
They're way too long, and after a while you start to wish you could just skip them.
Not quite true, the NRS cycle means it'll have a bunch of players in tournaments this year that will evaporate as soon as EVO is over. Come back next year and entrants will be less than half of what they are now.
Good. What a shit fighting game series.
Reminder that this game is the 2nd best selling fighting game on Steam on the best selling game of 2019
I loved it for a week, first fighting game ive bought in 20 years. Now I have no desire to go back. I saw a thread the other day showing off some other fighting game webms and they looked more fun. Like other anons said seeing those fatal blow animations thousands of times is annoying as fuck. If there were more per character that you could choose or switch up it'd be more interesting, but it's just awful.
Would be nice if they added quick fatal blows to Ranked that do the same amount of damage but in like a single, slowed hit (like just the first or last hit of the blow.)
I haven't played 11 yet but I played X with a friend and the janky looking animations really turned me off from the game. Even if the models themselves look okay it's how the characters move around that just looks jarring. I had the same issue with DoA where some characters looked really awkward while idle or moving. Oddly enough I have no issue with Tekken and KBD since the characters at least look more fluid and human outside of dashing around like maniacs.