Do you like your games to be fun?

Do you like your games to be fun?

Attached: fun.png (934x683, 446K)

How many times are you going to make threads crying about this?

>TLoU2 is going to be another overrated movie game from Son-

Attached: God Tier TLoU2 Gameplay.webm (960x540, 3M)

>virgin used up lesbian tranny VS chad cute and funny character
They don't use the word fun because they know they can't compete

fun is unironically boring, I've had that all the time when I was a kid I'm honestly pretty bored of it


I don't play games

For how many months will Nintenkids continue to spam this thread?

Preemptive damage control when TLOU2 outsells their bing bing wahoos several times over.

>95lb girl manhandles two full size adult men while being hacked multiple times with a machete

>inb4 it's hold square to dodge and tap triangle for light attacks
Games that auto dodge for you suck ass

one of those is a lady

cool, cool
where's the gameplay because it seems to be that you just press a button in a long time frame and then the game checks if the 50 IQ player has inputted a button on queue so that the character does the dodge in synch with the enemy.

This shi is uncharted/Nu Tomber Raider tier trash

>literally included with the console during the holidays for everyone that buys a FIFAstation

This sucks compared to webm related.

Attached: 1560999870030.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

stay seething little nintenlard


Also God of Onions

lmao cope

post the TLOU1 gameplay trailer, same scripted shit

>implying they're not both shit

Glorified cutscene

reminder this was a meme on Yea Forums for about a decade straight about how "fun" was actually a buzzword thats used by fanboys to excuse shit game design

No, I don't want to think, games can only be fun, I don't want to use my brain or feel sadness, just stimulate my brain with a reward like a lab rat.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 97K)


>when TLOU2 outsells their bing bing wahoos several times over
Already at 15 million BING BING WAHOOS sold, the first TLOU didn't come close to this even when you combine both PS3 and PS4

Attached: 1286732398690.jpg (350x330, 21K)

Can you imagine designing a game and when someone asks you what's it about and you just reply with "fun"?
It's such a vague answer and it this case he's absolutely right.

Ok, too bad TLOU still has shit game design along with not being fun.

>I don't want to use my brain or feel sadness
Are you implying games can't do this and be fun?

>I don't want to use my brain
Well I'm sure you won't have to worry about that.

This but unironically

interactivity > a movie

>play TLOU
>It's boring and shit
yeah, sounds about right. what a shitty company attitude

Not all movies are fun.

>press X to dodge
>quick! press triangle to swing back.. or don't, we'll make that happen anyway
>now you have to press circle to roll!
>gee wasn't that immersive?


Lmao fuck of pretentious ass prick, your video game is not a movie and will never be a movie, it'll always be a kid's toy.

Attached: 1547698497930.png (645x773, 11K)

Attached: 654.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>fun bad
>cute girls bad
>full character control good
>gameplay good

>boring good
>ugly woman good
>gore good
>full character control bad
>gameplay bad, cinematic good

Attached: tw-oBcQI_400x400.jpg (318x318, 12K)

No I like them comfy

Not my horror games. Make me feel like shit and spit in my face, please. Misery porn is what I want.

that said TLOU1 had some funny moments in too, but most of the time it was just bleak and miserable, and 2 looks to be even bleaker and miserablererer.

movies should have been a dead medium decades ago.

TLOU sold 20 million

>Cinematic games are shi-

Attached: Metal_Gear_Solid_cover_art.png (250x215, 32K)

17 million, on two platforms with a combined 160 million install base

Meanwhile BING BING WAHOO sold 15 million on one platform with a 34 million install base, and is still selling

TLOU2 will be lucky to crack 10

Games aren't movies because they have cutscenes, they're movies when they play themselves like this
And pretend scripted bullshit is gameplay

user are you implying metal gear isn't fun?

They updated their numbers since that 17 million figure and it's already at 20 or close to that.
Uncharted 4 sold over 15 million and TLOU2 will do it as well.

Attached: 5423552352453.png (530x580, 88K)

If it's not fun, why bother?

Attached: reggie fills me.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

>Uncharted sold 15
lol after they bundled it for Black Friday, you couldn't not buy Uncharted if you bought a PS4

TLOU2 has so little hype behind it, and PS5 is coming so expect a PS5 re-release that Snoibois will double-dip on

Kek. Based Pavlov’s dog poster just wants to be showered with rewards and flashy colors.

Compared to actual stealth games, not really.

Attached: Stealth game level design.jpg (650x519, 55K)

>the first TLOU didn't come close to this even when you combine both PS3 and PS4
>Meanwhile BING BING WAHOO sold 15 million on one platform with a 34 million install base, and is still selling
I don't think you understand what intstallbase means for game sales.

>lol after they bundled it for Black Friday
Yes that was the first year and in that year the game sold 8.7 million. It did another 7 million without black friday after that.
>TLOU2 has so little hype behind it
Wishful thinking. I'm not saying any of this games will sell better than Mario, but you are downplaying them for no fucking reason and TLOU2 is definitely going to sell well over ten million as something like Horizon did it easily while being a new IP.

Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll try to move the goal posts in a retarded way absolutely proving his correctness.

>I don't think you understand what intstallbase means for game sales.
I understand that Nintendo games like BING BING WAHOO sell to half the people who own the platform because they're timeless, fun games while movieshit sells to maybe 15% of PS4 owners despite costing 10 times as much to make because they're movies you watch once

I think the zombie fad is pretty much over and TLOU came out six years ago, I don't think it'll sell as well as the first game did

>Have to combine both platform totals
>Literally shilling a PS3 port
Its okay when Snoibois do it, I guess?

>I think the zombie fad is pretty much over
RE2 sold 4 million, Days Gone we still don't have concrete numbers but it did really well in NPD, UK and Japan so it's probably over 3 million right now, even World War Z manage to sell almost 2 million in a month.

>replying to your own posts

It not selling 17 million copies like the first game, all those numbers tell me is that the genre is in decline. TLOU was a """new IP""" like Days Gone and sold gangbusters while Days Gone is gone and forgotten.

Super mario galaxy sold 13m on an installbase of over 100m and it comes from an ancient revered franchise.
TLOU is a new IP and it sold almost 13m on PS4 alone.

All those numbers are only for a few months.
>TLOU is a new IP and it sold almost 13m on PS4 alone
It didn't even sell ten million as you can see in the picture i posted early. TLOU sold better in the PS4. Also Days Gone is a mediocre game so of course it won't sell nearly as well, but if TLOU2 is as good as the first, it will sell just as much. You will be downplaying as well because of bundles ot whatever of course.

Maybe she's got mushroom strength from the infection

So not buying that trash. The first one was FUN. If the second one isn't. Not buying it.

He is talking about story and themes, which weren't "fun" in the first game.

Fun? Fun is for children. I'm not a child. I am a grown man and my hobby is about exploring new worlds, seeking long lost treasures, and immersing myself in simulations. I am not some autistic child who claps at the screen and laughs as spittle runs down my face like the average "gamer" does while having "fun." Anger, pain, lust, and sorrow are what I crave. Life is pain, and I want to experience all life has to offer. Not drown it out with the mere and petty dopamine rushes of fun. Take your Marios and Zeldas. I'll take The Last of Us, Detroit: Become Human, and all the other true masterpieces of our time.

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I think it looks fun

Attached: gibbed.webm (1920x1080, 2.21M)

When are they gonna show more gameplay?