What's the comfiest game you've ever played?

What's the comfiest game you've ever played?

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Honestly? MHFU. The game is so mentally taxing that when you come back to Pokke Village you almost welcome just hanging around, going to the farm to pick up your crops etc. before you inevitably throw yourself back into the hellish combat. Later games never recaptured this feeling of temporary solitude.

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slime Rancher and Minecraft

What about in Generations where you can just make that your main Village?

more images like that, please

Where does the tube from the sink go?

>sleeping with a camera on your bed

Holy crap, i entered the thread to post a pic of Pokke farm. I thought i was the only one who thought it was super comfy

Digimon World 1. There's just something about it.

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Oddly enough, I have some of the strongest memories of feeling comfort towards games that were, all things considering, mostly very grim and uncomfortable.
Morrowind, the first Pathologic (The second could be, but Artemy's den is a little too unpleasant - I can imagine the Bachelor route would be at times comfy as FUCK), Gothic, Witcher 1/3.

Clearly into the colum that probably holds the water piping and shit.

Super Mario Sunshine

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dragon quest builders 2

Hollow Knight

Post more comfy pics bb

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Animal Crossing

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It's not that weird, I think Silent Hill 2 is one of the comfiest games ever despite how oppressive and morose it is. I grew up in a small town near a lake that Silent Hill reminds me a lot of so maybe its nostalgia but the fog and low key, chill autumn atmosphere is exactly what I'm all about.

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Banished would be comfier if I wasn't fussing over my retarded villagers taking coal for heating instead of the piles of firewood when I need that fucking coal for steel


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Fallout 3
LittleBigPlanet 1/2

I used to do a 30 hour week in college on top of working a night shift job until 4am where I'd have to cycle home as fast as possible to get in to bed and just hang around pokke village before I went to sleep to do it all again

this game was so underrated

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its okay they all die in the end anyways

havent played in a long time did they update anything

pic related
shame about the gameplay tho

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Either this

or chrono trigger

or katawa shoujo VN, if that count as a game

but haverst moons in general and breath of fire III / IV are also pretty comfy

Etrian Odyssey V

is there a fantranslation

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MHFU is a treasure of a game

Legend of Mana

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What am I looking at? This is a great reference

Please play it in Japanese if you can.

The fan translation is OK but it's still just a fan translation.

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Stardew Valley, at least recently for me. There's something just very soothing about it all.

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Zero no Kiseki.

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I don't think that's possible, the text in the game is displayed vertically, so there is no way to make it work in western languages.

pic stopped being comfy when the spider crawled out

together with sora 2nd, these are strong contenders for comfiest

oh i see. sad

alan wake

How am I supposed to roll for this? Come man!

Spiders are harmless. Even the venomous ones rarely bite humans. Stop being such a pussy.

I liked the second one better
But still, they're both great.

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1- Heroes of Might and Magic 3
2- Morrowind
3 - Daggerfall/Oblivion
4 - Stalker SoC

Also: Golden Sun, Chrono Trigger

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>dungeon crawler, monster raising, town building, dating game

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unironically this

I had the anime on VHS. I remember it being pretty fucked up.

You wont knock it off if you're not an autistic sleeper

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Plant Tycoon

Animal Crossing for regular comfy
Stalker CoP for alt-comfy

sims 4

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ahhhhh fuck me.. good memories man


TF2, probably. I fucking miss playing it every day.

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2Fort is like a second home to me

Harvest Moon. Any of them.

Euro Truck Simulator 2. When you're driving in the rain across France and Toto's Africa kicks in on the radio, you achieve the absolute zenith of comfyness.

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There are too many to count, right now im enjoying dayz but it has to be played a certain way. You play on first person servers only, turn off the hud, and add spooky ambient music to the background. Just running around in the woods at night is very comfy and immersive

Vanilla WoW when I was questing in Barrens at night.

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Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 is easily the best game in the series. I like 4 too because it had a lot of activities. 3 is the only one that was horrible.

I really wish that I can play this

think the town is just too ugly in stardew valley to properly feel comfy in it
same with the events, HM just did that better

Replayed Onimusha recently with the HD remaster, it was so comfy. Surprisingly short though, I remember playing it when it came out and it took me like a week to play through it, but this time it took me just 4 hour and I've beaten it in one day, getting all the secrets, even accidentally going through the hell palace twice.

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just store the firewood closer than the coal to the houses

The .hack games always had comfy root towns, well except for Net Slum, by then everything was FUBAR

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this one hurt

>Playing as Horde

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>being an autist that chooses 1 side

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I mean, personally I think that the game looks perfectly fine. Plus there are plenty of mods that change the graphics. And even despite all that, Stardew just has way more content.
As for the events, I really don't see how HM is any better or worse than Stardew, to be frank.

What Remains of Edith Finch unironically.

well how about leveling a dwarf trough the wetlands shit i had so much fun

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Really dull. Loch Modan a comfyest alliance zone.

Yeah nothing comfier than a stinky swamp full of raptors

>port GU for PC
>don't port the original four games

Animal Crossing New Leaf. Wild World was better but it playing it made feel more nostalgic and melancholic, so it was slightly less comfy.

game is comfy as fuck

i mean you go trough there too

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Playing TW3 on my computer in the middle of the night with an open window with the faint sound of rain pouring outside, walking around the woods in Kaer Morhen in green colored hooded cat gear larping as a ranger woodsman. Knowing I was the only person within miles who had to hunt and survive on his own. Shit was peak comfy.

lol are you kidding me? playing Oblivion today feels like playing a comedy

>link living with his girlfriend zelda in the house he bought in Hateno Village
fucking cute!
but we all know that Paya is a superior fucktoy to Zelda

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Tossup between Minecraft and Oblivion. The OSTs of each are probably an enormous part of it.
Others that come to mind
>STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl
>KotOR 1
>Dark Souls 1
>Sierra's Hobbit
>Thief II: The Metal Age
Haven't gotten far in Pathologic yet but I see it as maybe becoming one of them.
Extremely patrician choice

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More art like this plz

pleb taste

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Came here to say Slime Rancher. I found myself just chilling at my farm a few times, back when I actually played it. Endgame can fuck itself though, I hated having to hold my mouse down for like 5 minutes emptying all the plorts. Probably the only thing that made me stop playing.

>Sleeping with lights on

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Trains are the comfiest levels in vidya. I wish more games had them.

pic related is peak comfy for me. My childhood was hanging out in Clock Town and not progressing the story at all.

Time well spent

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How else do you keep the spooks away?

spooks glow in the dark

Tell a train like this exists!

your pic related is not even in breath of the wild bro..

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Yes, just turn the lights off. There's nothing to be scared off...

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Same, I was terrified of dying in games when I was younger so I'd ignore the dungeons and talk to NPCs

Yeah that was one of the parts that I really liked about Trails of Cold Steel. Title screen was always a train, you do your slice-of-life segments, do some training, then take a train to a nearby city to apply that training. Hang out with your bros/girls, get into trouble, solve the problem, and return on the train.

Also, snow levels are top tier too. Snow levels AND trains together? I'd instantly play that.

>I was terrified of dying in games when I was younger
lol why

lol, based

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Scenic threads on /c/ are going to be your best bet

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autistic sleeping is based desu. I always wake up upside down without my boxers and whoever slept next to me is either pissed or fucked off to sleep on the couch

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

The train made me realize:
Syberia 1 was FUCKING COMFY. There is a mood and beauty in the old point-and-click games with pre-rendered backgrounds that you can't just emulate.
It helps that I have a MASSIVE boner for art noveau.

Thanks user

>sleeping next to people
get a load of this normalfag

that's assuming a lot

Because aside from the fact that you have to watch your character fucking die and seeing the ominous game over screen, it also meant you had to go back to the save point and in the N64 era that meant going back a ways

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Oh sorry, I didn't expect you to admit to sleeping with niggers.
People don't use "who" to describe their pet dog/cat/whatever

>sleeping with niggers
Good god imagine the smell

Well if you haven't played CS3 then you'll enjoy the train parts even more since you can move around and talk to people while travelling on the train and it also acts like your hub during the travels. There's a few different carriages with facilities in them (hangar, private rooms, bar/dining carriage, etc.)

whoever sleeps with any kind of light on (moonlight and maybe a yellow street lamp do not count) has serious mental problems. get help weirdo

Metal gear solid 2
Mirror's edge 1 and 2
Splinter Cell double agent (360)
Hitman blood money
Assassin's Creed black flag
Fable 2
Gta vice city
Hitman go

That is pretty weird
When you're tired you're tired, I guess.

I sleep with ayys

Well it's summer right now so I mostly sleep with the sun shining through my window


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What game is this?

>ywn be that snug

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Oblivion definitely

>all these oblivionposters
Sometimes Yea Forums has great taste.

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morrowind was better
and daggerfall was the best

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>Playing this in my PSP under my bed sheet
Maximum comfiness

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No man's Sky

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I remembering peeling the skin off my left pinkie from clawing so hard against Fatalis. Actual blood came out. Good times.

Age Of Mythology

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>tfw huddling in the battery room with my [Masterwork Human Leather Blanket] while waiting for the zombie wolves to go away

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god i miss this aesthetic from ps1 games

surprised noone said Gothic 1/2 yet

Pokke song makes me feel things I thought I lost forever as a child.

Banished would be comfier if there was a bigger explore-expand-exploit period before the autistic minmax-or-die period begins.
I want expansion before optimization. Optimization starts too early, and the margin is too thin.

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well most people here are americans and not really into eurojank

How is a swamp jail comfy, my man?

Halo 3 ODST.
Everything in the city chapters is peak comf.

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Blood and wine.

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not the whole game but this village

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I agree about this one. Stardew is perfectly comfy. also Civilization and Sims games on PC. and there's something about dragon quest VIII more than any other dq that makes it soo comfy to me. and playing metal gear solid on a cold winter night when you already know it by heart.


this, also WoW back in the days of TBC

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