Is this genuinely the worst videogame trailer of all time?

Is this genuinely the worst videogame trailer of all time?

They literally showed nothing of the game. Is the new marketing strategy to just hire good looking young people and make them say your game is good into the camera?

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Other urls found in this thread:!GpIVDJgI!cQGMID1gkw8Rkw4Myxxh2w NoCC save 22 Nov

who cares
sims is for girls and homos

>trailer for a game released years ago

That has always been the strategy. Women make most financial decisions and 99% of their purchases are made to make them look better or more attractive to their peers.

Who would buy this?

I feel like everyone knows what the Sims is at this point. They're probably just trying to remind people that it's on PS4 with this

Is it back yet? What's the new link?

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>the absolute state of this guy
Thank you for helping confirm that being molested as a child makes you gay/trans. Scooter you need professional help and not a video game.

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>good looking

I don't get it, is this an expansion? The Sims 4 has existed for years, what the hell are they trying to sell here?

>Are you sure this will help us sell more video games?
>Video games?

>that extreme faggot face on the dude
jesus fucking christ my man
there are plenty of punchable faces but that face is one i would kick down

Eat your burgers Ahmed


That Gears 5 trailer was worse.

>Think Yea Forums is being retarded and over-reacting again.
>Start to watch it, "Yup, Yea Forums is just being stupid."
>"Mom, why was I born black?"
Okay. Why the fuck do companies insist on continuing to virtue signal?

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>not the asian woman whining about blonde hair

This genuinely terrified me. Are they advertising Oblivion?

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>why am I black

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This one is more understandable. Constantly being subjugated to propaganda about what is considered attractive will more or less start to warp how you perceive yourself if you don't fit that.
However, no child has the fucking mental and philosophical capacity to question their parent on why they were /born/ with black skin.
Not once did I ever ask my mother as a child, "Hey mom, I'm brown and everybody at my school is white, why is that?" It is such a fucking REACH to assume a child could understand that kind of a concept.

I have never been molested and I am trans.
Makes your think

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how is envy over blonde hair real like literally dye your hair

post anus

Hateclick become more profitable than clickbait.

What the fuck is this?
Is that shit shopped?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-23 The Sims Play With Life Trailer PS4 - YouTube.png (937x670, 1.12M)

Except the general meme is that asian women are the perfect women. Asian women are the last group in America who have any right to complain about stereotypes. "Oh no men think I'm the perfect girlfriend and also everyone assumes I'm smart woe is me"

Maybe you were just kind of a dumb kid? When I was like 9, I asked my mom if I was circumcised. Because I wasn't sure if I was like everyone else. When I got older, I figured out that I just had a generous cut that left me with a bit more skin than others.

Kids really do ask off the wall questions like that. They can see patterns and discrepancies.

>This one is more understandable. Constantly being subjugated to propaganda about what is considered attractive will more or less start to warp how you perceive yourself if you don't fit that.
What? First of all, shut up.
Asian women are shown as incredibly cute and attractive nowadays, but even before with Lucy Liu.
Unfortunately, for the bitch that was in the video, she's a fucking American Asian, therefore, she's not attractive because all American Asians are unironically pornstar-tier looking. Trashy. Every single one of them.

Post yourself qt

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and wear contacts if you want blue eyes

Meanwhile among real kids.
>"Why are your eyes slanted?"
>Makes slant eyes with fingers
>"Ching chong bing bong"

Imagine unironically thinking that the vast majority of white people prefer Asian women.
Your small little shithole bubble of Yea Forums is not the general consensus.

No, the new Gears one is worse.


>playing sims on a console


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A kid in our school was like that and he failed penis inspection and got his scholarship cancelles, consider yourself lucky

You will never be a girl.

So, you're serious about this.
Wow, holy shit. This is surprisingly bad, user. You're wrong as fuck right now.

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Here's a fun fact: people actually play minecraft on consoles and phones

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minecraft is fine on consoles. i've even played it on an xbox at one point.

sims sounds extremely uncomfy to play on a console


I bet you're autistic. Don't lie. Only an autist would have that reaction image at the ready.
Why are we afraid to discuss the link between autism and transexuality?

well, yeah, look at that dude's face, no shit

They should advertise it like yeah can torture white people, isn't that great?

>a literal freakshow trailer
This is a good trailer to watch to cheer yourself up, at least I'm not like any of these subhumans

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I'll have you know that Sims 4 is one of the best porn games I've ever played.

join the 40 percent fag

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maybe new sims
old sims are for girls and epic psychos

> Facebook Frog
Kill yourself

sprinting sucks on console from what I've played
building probably sucks a lot more too

dilate tranny

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>just hire good looking young people
They're mostly freaks and diversity actor. some jew made this.

prove it

Search for bio-leninism

where is the gameplay

I am not autistic either

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i hope u and everybody who didnt rude post in this thread has a wonderful day

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What do you mean, prove it? Just go to loverslab and check it out for yourself.

Neck yourself zoomerfaggot, Facebook Frog is shit and so are you

haha imagine if she put milk in her tea haha

And you save tea drinking animate characters, squarely cropped because...?

> Says he's not autistic
> Posts weebshit
Kill yourself

Yeah Jesus christ they could've tried angling the frame better. She's I assume a midget and looks massive compared to everyone else. Plus has no neck which threw me off for a beat. Gollum get yee or whatever

There's this one

yikes here's a (You) free of charge

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>why am i black

Tfw no depressed black girlfriend who hates her own skin color.

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you deserve it

>thinking kids dont question differences like that
Either youve never been around children ever somehow or you grew up in a 100% monoculture and no one around you or yourself ever experienced that

la goblina...................

Literally looks like the fucking lens effect they put over faces to distort them

I play it to jerk off. It doesn't get any deeper than that.

I just don't understand how your self confidence can be so low that a shallow piece of shit like the sims can make you feel any better about yourself.

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Thanks user

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I was molested and I'm not trans.
Granted, I'm not white, so that's probably why.

Don't fret user im sure she's single. You can both get pandered to together

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Are all trannies weeaboos or are all weeaboos trannies?

>the girl who fucks her sister's husband in the sims and laughs

>i always thought that the term beautiful meant blonde hair and blue eyes

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I didn't know it was this easy to farm some You's

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> THIS is a 10/10 in America

Lets turn this shit thread around. So is that WickedWhims mod actually good for this game? Are the animations fluid? Is there any gameplay changes at all or is it all just animations?

wtf i hate racism and also white people now

Nothing offends a tranny more than being called out as one doesn't it? You're like fucking redditors and jews.

>Constantly being subjugated to propaganda about what is considered attractive
this absolute cope lmao

>that girl who modelled her cousin in the game and her self-insert was married to him

go on

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Trans man?

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>hire good looking young people
where are the good looking people?

it's true
I'm a girl and a homo and can confirm this

Why is everyone so surprised?
This shit is literally a digital barbie dollhouse with the accessibility of a mobile/nintendo game. What would be surprising is if women, faggots and trannies actually didn't play it.

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post feet

no, Male to Female trans

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explain to me what's with the haircut of the nigga on the right

OP is just too dumb and out of touch.

The trailer is good at painting a picture that you can make a nice comfy inclusive world with the Sims

so are you the gone through with HRT type or just a guy in a wig larping on the internet?

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>It's more than a game, it's life.


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No, that will always be this.

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Both of you
Have sex


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I'm 14 months in HRT love it or hate it

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>poo in loo
>british accent
why of fucking course

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>The trailer is good at painting a picture that you can make a nice comfy inclusive world with the Sims
The trailer fucking lies since there's no height slider and no genetic diseases
You could not make the woman who needed all of the surgeries in the Sims

None of them are good looking

well good luck to you. don't become part of the statistic

yea surpised me too. I thought british are mostly arabic

If my 11 year old cousin made me hotdog his penis when I was 8 and I was just doing what my older cousin told me to does that mean I was molested?

>The trailer fucking lies since there's no height slider
When will they EVER learn

Instead of asking yourself if this is the worste game trailer of all time, you should be asking who makes the sims.

Think about it..

>Good looking

Americans always do this. Have a black, arab or indian with a British accent.

Yes. You best put on the wig and cut your dick quick.

Can I molest you please?

El abominacion...

>Not once did I ever ask my mother as a child, "Hey mom, I'm brown and everybody at my school is white, why is that?" It is such a fucking REACH to assume a child could understand that kind of a concept.
I asked, but it wasn't out of depression; more general curiosity after a day in class. I got my answer, then I went back to doing retarded kid shit.

This victim mentality shit has away been crazy to me though. I was teased, and I bet most of us were, but I never internalized it to the point where I let it fuck with my life. Well, outside of a few fights where I felt like I had to stand up for myself; but I never looked at that as a negative for boys in particular. Just a lesson you have to learn early.

>I thought british are mostly arabic
I think you're confusing arabs with pakis.

God, I had forgotten, why did you have to remind me. As if the cancelled banjo threeie trailer wasn't bad enough.

But I don't want to!

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Nuts and Bolts is not horrible, but it's not what anyone wanted out of the series and it's definitely not what they promised in this trailer.

Have a nice day.

I'm sorry user ;_;

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>9 niggers and 1 white girl
niggers don't even spend money because they don't have money, why is everyone pandering to niggers lately

sucks man. you either move on from this or you let it fester and control you.

Don't worry, I will never cut it or do anything retarded

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Do you have tits yet?

You don't have and will never have ovaries.
You don't have and will never have a cervix, a clitoris, a self-lubricating vagina, labia.
You don't have nor will you ever have a uterus and fallopian tubes.
You don't have and won't ever have XX chromosomes.

You have higher muscle and bone density, narrow hips, wider shoulders with long arms and large hands. You have an adam's apple and a lower voice. Your hair will always be thicker and harder.
Your hips' anatomy was and will never be wide enough to give birth to a baby. Your brain has higher neuron density. You'll never go through menopause, you'll never have a period and cramps.

You'll never be a woman. Cry.

Not that user, but holy shit you are seething.

he's not wrong though

Plus they are like 13% if it really was about money as they claim they'd all be mexicans

they are pandering to the people who pretend to care for just about anyone except white people.

Does wicked whims have a trailer?
Coz I'd watch that.

Unironically this.

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Yes! Still working on it tho
Keep seething

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this. i'd like to know a bit more before going through the pain in the ass that is downloading/installing sims and all the expansions

Can't hear you over the sound of my colon tissue, used to stitch my fake vagina walls, popping out of its stitches. Guess I'll have to take a skin graft from the inside of my cheeks.

Agreed, you can't make people this ugly on Sims 4

>why is everyone pandering to niggers lately
Because they know white people are the perfect corporate paypiggies who'll give them their money anyways, so now they're trying to branch out.
It won't work of course, because black gamers come in 4 varieties:
AAA-only dicksuckers
PC boomers
None of whom give a fuck about The Sims.

Post tits.

I wish Sony still didn't get all the good exclusives because I really hate supporting them in 2019.

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Denial won’t help no matter how many drugs you pump in your system

Literally drag and drop.
There is a nice mega link with all the mods on the general thread

I'm just someone who's genuinely curious, why do you do it?

I've stopped telling trannies to kill themselves because it's kind of redundant lol

>all the good exclusives

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Yea, great exclusives like...Days Gone?
I think they've only got one other exclusive game slated for this year.
Maybe 2.
Is Dreams out yet?

Because we live in 2019. If you put a white person in anything there's a big controversy. Developers bend the knee to these types of people and release products for people who aren't going to buy it. You can take the announcement of the white hero in Overwatch yesterday.

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Does the megalink include the game as well?

I feel nothing but disgust, pity and contempt towards you. I might be back to being overweight, I might've just returned from a root-canal, but I'll NEVER have to:
Put on makeup and pretend I'm a girl
Visit a psychiatrist for my sexuality
Take hormones as treatment for my emotional shortcomings

You're not of enough value to be worth a seethe. Get over yourself.

>Snoy trailer
>already more dislikes than likes
Taking bets on how long before they remove this video and reupload it with comments/likes disabled like they always do when the narrative doesn’t go their way.


Get over yourself

Nope. Just not pathetic enough to go full autism over people who don't share my skin color

you wish I was a tranny, you closet faggot.

in about 2 hours

>posts anime
Makes sense

Stop falseflagging

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should've gave up on this site after the election started

Dude, you sound like you're the one high on himself.
get over yourself, you pathetic retard.
Seethe harder.

you called?

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How disappointed are your parents?

seethe more fatty

Who christened you the delegate of judgement, you constipated cocksucker?
Learn to type properly then commit suicide.

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why are consolewar faggots so cringe

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I can recommend you guys to read some of the responses to the comment, pretty spicy

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Can't wait for Muslims to start murdering more white fucktards, they're the only people that like trannies.

>sigma balls


stopped watching it right when she said that

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comments*, I mean of course

Only 2 whites dudes are scrawny looking faggots

>comments aren't disabled

whew I just assumed this was a default for these types of things. thanks user

I can not even begin to imagine seething this much.
Seek help.

>niggers don't even spend money because they don't have money
but that's wrong you retard

Yay good job user
You should post an imgur link for a picture of you
You aren't posting it on Yea Forums so you can't be banned!

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and yet they have to make a good shota mod.

Transgender doesnt exist
your a dude in a dress

Thank god I can make my own characters so I'm not stuck playing as that lot of hot garbage.

He's just larping. Stop giving him attention.

mind linking it?

I fucking swear, its like liberals are trying their hardest to make everyone hate blacks or something....

I can not even begin to imagine being this devoid of creativity.
Seethe? Again? For the billionth time?

Seek help.

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Yes, yes it is.

>actually playing the game

Am I the only one who builds a house and gets bored a few minutes after that? Actually playing the game seems like a chore.

Seething. Absolutely seething.

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>worst videogame trailer?
No. This is literally every single e3 trailer

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Kys. Youll never pass.

>Pirate The Sims
>Download porn mods
>Create a family. Usually a hot mom, daughter, a ripped a silver fox chad dad, and an overweight Otaku son.
>spend an hour making sure the girls are perfect, spend like 5 minutes on the dudes.
>Spend 6-8 hours building a house.
>Have the dad cheat on mom with the daughter.
>Have Mom be an overbearing mommy that fucks her teenage son and enables his terrible lifestyle.
>Do this for like, an hour.
>Get board, have fatty fatty fat fat seduce Bella Goth and cuck Mortimer out of boredom.
>Quit the game.
>Come back months later
>Repeat the process over again

makes me think you're lying, on the internet of all places.

I have more fun building and decorating than I do playing. Sims 3 was a lot more fun when it came to actually playing, but 4 took some of it away.

No. Everyone gets the fitgirl release, it's the smallest
>Mods and Custom Content (RIP Lana) - Alternative repository for CC - Maxis Match for Sims 4 - Sims 4 and 3 - Sims 2 - Adult CC - Collection of links of mostly Japan themed Sims 4 CC - READ THIS BEFORE USING THE MEGA LINK BELOW!GpIVDJgI!cQGMID1gkw8Rkw4Myxxh2w - Sims 4 Patreon exclusive mods - Sims 4 Patreon CC NoCC save 22 Nov - /tsg/ No CC save

and don't come back

I've done the exact same fucking thing... Right down to Bella Goth. The fuck. More recently I made a young adult that fucked the Mom and two sisters.

based spoon-feeding user. thank you

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literally all that's in this trailer, this is very accurate.

No problem.
Hell I even uploaded my own mod folder but I'm not at my computer right now.
If this thread is still alive by the time I get home I'll post it.

Pls no bully

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Actually pretty fucking good. Would definitely tit fuck. Assuming this isn't a repost of someone else.

Great post. Tranny scum btfo

You look really good!
You're more beautiful than most biological females
Great job user
I'm sure you put a lot of work in your transition

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HRT is crazy

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Instant pasta right here

Stfu no one wants to see this freaks body. Stop giving it attention

Truly we live in a society.
>Playstation Europe
It's weimar all over again

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Mine are bigger

They're assuming that people who will be interested in this game are leftist ideologues and will go along because the trailer "says the right things." It's a weak approach and you'll be able to chalk it up to the go woke get broke board if they continue with this marketing strategy.

I don't think there was a single good looking person in the entire trailer.

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>doesn't exsist

am too late I guess

>image gone

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I don't get it. How did you grow actual titties as a man? Someone explain

Post them, then.

That's because the kind of foul creature you are doesn't belong in sight, and even implying the player could accidentally make a visage half as upsetting as yours by hitting the shuffle button could be a dealbreaker for people who aren't into freakshow/schadenfreude shit. Those gross homos want to fuck each other, nobody wants to fuck you.

It's probably the worst trailer I've ever seen.

I genuinely felt disgusted while watching it.

I add the murder mod and purge all shitskins from my game.

Easy save. Not gonna post them but they are nice. Freckles and all

Attached: freckles.png (277x84, 43K)

Dios Mio...

To be fair, I think everyone cucks Mortimer.
Bella is easily one of the most attractive default NPCs, the Goths have been around since day one, and Mortimer was usually that asshole in the first game that turned his nose up at your brand new Sim the first time you met him.

Plus, no matter how ugly you make your man sim, it seems like any baby you make with Bella comes out looking great. She's a baby factory.


Telling the truth isnt seething your mentally ill faggot.

Give me your discord so I can jack off on webcam with you.

Awww she deleted it because she's shy
So cute

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Did that user strike a nerve?

Would if I were an attention hungry tranny needing validation to keep the day of the rope at bay

every tranny freak is gonna get this pasta

>itt: salty biocunts and white knights absolutly SEETHING

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what's the best way to get vanilla sims 2? is piracy my only option?

Then don't bother bringing it up you fucking retard. No one gives a shit about you.

They managed to make 3 play ok with a controller, but 4 is abysmal without kB + mouse

If I live long enough to become a pasta legend I don't know if I'll ever peak like that in my life ever again.

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>I don't need validation!
>whores for attention
Well done roastie, well done.

You mad lel

Based. You’re doing gods work.

who are you quoting, butthurt trannygger?

I don't even understand what the fuck that was about, is that a new game, they trying to pull some sort of awareness campaign? Like what's going on here?

take it as a compliment

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Why are white guys so gay?
You guys unitonically froth at the mouth at some ugly dude's fake titties while simultaneously wondering why companies keep replacing you with niggers in adverts.
It's genuinely pathetic.

I know the guy who made the Madara Uchiha pasta and he still won't shut the fuck up about it.

Your words will go on to BTFO of many tranny freaks user
Just think
Your words will cause Tranny suicides as the truth of your words sink into their mentally deranged skulls

Why are you assuming everyone is white?

implying I'm white

It's Sony pandering to mentally ill freaks.


Spics still count as white.
Hispanic's not a race.

To be fair, in [current year] >she is more feminine than most females.

implying im a filthy wetback

i only have 1 buddy I could share this with, so even if I didn't want to I still have to keep it humble.
>Your words will cause Tranny suicides as the truth of your words sink into their mentally deranged skulls
Stop bro you're going to ruin my nofap

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give HIM like 3-4 years and HE won't even look like a girl anymore
Also only where you live HE's more feminine than most girl

She must be Japanese if she thought that.

Dios creatura americana.....

>/pol/tards seethe at the mere thought of transexuals
Holy fuck, based transpeople. They're the chemo we've needed all along.

I know, I said spic, not Mexican, spic.

I've been playing the Sims since Sim-City 2000 and Sim Copter. This is absolutely killing the franchise.

Seriously? You guys still post this shit after all these years
The entire medical field considers them female and calls them "her"
Just because some insecure autist doesn't accept this won't change anything
Just get with the times already, Jeez!

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HRT user...

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The problem is the /pol/tard will derail the thread much harder than a tranny can. It doesn't fix the issue

How many biologically female girls have you seen in your life? You must be British.

El abominacion....

It's more like fighting cancer with another cancer. Anyways, trannies are replacing biocunts left and right in all fields and I'm loving it. So let's support them.

They're men, so he.

hormone replacement will do that? that's wild

Only white people and faggots (who arent people) unironically believe trannies are women.

To be fair, white women are horse faced as fuck and usually have manjaws, so I can see why he'd say that.

What is this game? Didnt the sims come out on PS4 years ago?

She clearly has a physical deformity, you two edgy fucking retards.

It's one thing to laugh at niggers and shitskins, but it's plain unchristian to laugh at people with disabilities like this. Fuck both of you.

>hey guys this isnt so bad
>wait it gets worse
>trans people
>1:11 happens

I want to lick your tits so badly.


fug I missed it


>I'm not an attentionwhore, but I'm going to post the fact that my tits are larger.

And until like, ten years ago you were all considered a mental illness. Didn't stop you all from bitching and moaning until it changed.

>unironical tranny worshipping ITT
Faggots, the lot of you.

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This. Just fucking post them. The other girl had the balls to do it, don't be a bitch.

tranies are thinking man fetish. Only fool would fuck real girls.


This could turn out to be a tranny boob measuring contest, that would be funny at least.

Transpeople only make up 0.6% of the population, but because they are over represented because companies want social justice brownie points for hiring the most oppressed group in America.

I feel bad for David Crane. Must feel awful having your creation from 1985 degenerate into such awful identity politics.

The little dude just wanted to live in a house and write stuff. He ate, he slept he watched TV and listend to the radio. Sometimes he would use the phone. Why can't games just be about fun and experimentation anymore?

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I hate how right you are.

I actually messaged the mods for some form of action because /polv/ is real and really fucking annoying. I just want to talk about vidya

>I play to be me

Normalfags are literally deranged

they didn't catch it

Attached: 502145900.jpg (500x375, 38K)

For real, it's like you haven't been on this board for longer than 2 years

>the other girl had BALLS to do it

Just your typical white anons (and spic anons who think they aren't white).
There are a TON of in-denial spics on Yea Forums nowadays, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.


Attached: 1558101049504.jpg (928x799, 134K)

now that you mention it i saw it
good one

Based escapist zoomer who hates his own life and body

>le based boipussy meme
I fail to see the funny part.
>muh board culture
Eat shit and die.


making yourself in a game and fixing a thing here and there IS escapism you dumbnut

>being this retarded

Attached: 1563819612472.jpg (512x512, 14K)

It's literally still just bloodborne

Attached: 1383446880461.jpg (140x265, 13K)

Why are they all either ugly, black, or disabled?

Why does the """trans""" character still have a boy character if the guy is male and trans?
Wouldnt it make sense to have a girl sim fade over the male body?
its like the special effects team didn't even read the script.

Attached: 1532376389749.png (680x437, 408K)

Or perhaps game gives me fictional options which i dont have in real life.

what's going on in here

Attached: 1561548272010.jpg (325x325, 16K)

>Laughing at people for something they can't change is fine
>Unless it's THESE specific people
Wanna know how I can tell you're an autistic untermensch?

Bloodborne is incredibly overrated and not even that good

Attached: sample_cb14e98157a876ee427af063c8dfa0a5.jpg (850x687, 139K)

So yeah, just because I think I am cat, you guys are obligate to think I am cat. Nice logic.

Attached: 1562523792049m.jpg (1024x516, 116K)

I honestly thought that she was being shot with some kind of stretch filter

Attached: 1530196348217.jpg (400x400, 27K)

Attached: 1562733368034.png (546x454, 223K)

You're overrated

Attached: 1380681869646.jpg (190x153, 5K)

It's a game for the ps4.

>footfag has a faggot tier opinion

why am I not surprised?

Attached: 1561440770110.gif (330x166, 2.24M)

I hope they advertise the PS5 like this.

This feels like a compliment

Attached: 1562912742563.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

This. I loved killing my sims.

One of my lots was literally a cemetery.

Traps are not gay

Sims 3 was so much better compared to Sims 4.

dont worry
your pet muslims will take care of them for us.

If I was a gremlin tied to a wheelchair you'd bet your ass I would choose escapism

Whitest flex I've ever seen.

Please come back, cutie.

How does it feel to know someone in this thread jerked off to your titties?

Attached: 1445695675422.jpg (600x602, 32K)

Don't forget us blacks.
These next 20 years are gonna be fun, hope you trannies are at least packing heat.

he was crying out for attention what the fuck do you think


Attached: 1537350580153.png (323x570, 214K)

I'm not a trap but y-yeah...
I am back
W-well... At least I removed the pic...

Attached: 1563738983997.jpg (590x700, 147K)

Why aren't you in my room sucking my cock right now?

This level of projection is unsettling

I was just trying to make anons go "pssh" and continue scrolling


Attached: true.png (462x249, 189K)


Attached: 1562338967189.gif (500x532, 904K)

Please cut your dick off, we need higher suicide numbers

You wouldn't happen to be making your feet look more feminine too would you

Attached: 1561667481246.jpg (475x482, 37K)

is that a new sims game? Im confused bros....
>inb4 >t. brainlet

I want to have sex with your boy pussy. Respond to me.

This level of samefagging is a little pathetic user, tone it down.
Just because you're a tranny doesn't mean you also need to be horribly embarrassing.

Post it, faggot

nah it's Sims 4 for the PS4

Post the rest


Attached: f4BqPfM.jpg (2190x1302, 419K)


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Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-23 at 11.18.05 AM.png (607x131, 35K)

someone repost

Let me titfuck you.

Be sure to 40% yourself freaks

Come the fuck on, niggers, post it

That's somehow even more pathetic.
Guess there are more gay white guys and spics than I anticipated.

Nah that would be messed up. She deleted it, that means she doesn't want anyone to see it. A lady deserves her privacy

>no gameplay
what the fuck?

That's even worse, You have no excuse

I'm pretty autistic, but I don't have images 'at the ready'
I just go into the worryingly large image folder and grab the first appropriate one

Attached: ばか.png (395x361, 295K)

Be honest, what race are you?
I need to know which faggots to avoi

Jesucristo y la santa trinidad... La luz extinguida...
El ogro de las Americas...

Post it, i need a laugh

Is this advertising The Sims 4, The Sims 1 or some new Sims game? Literally no idea.

You have to understand how desperate and pathetic they are to chase a tranny
They are the bottom of society
They really have no other choice to find any sort of affection
I feel sorry for them


Attached: pink fields.png (680x708, 387K)

T-thanks user...!

Attached: 1563715194215.jpg (345x300, 13K)


Reward him by sucking his cock.


>They literally showed nothing of the game.

You know what The Sims looks like, my nigga. Do you really need to see the goddamn game? It's a bunch of motherfuckers with green rhombus over their head talking like they're singing "Lift yourself" by Kanye West and washing their dishes in the bathroom sink while another Sim is taking a shit with no clothes on because you have WhickedWhims installed.

C'mon son.

Nothing personnel?

Your bloodline ends with you tranny, and you know what that's unironically good, the weak will be purged entirely with their own mental unstability.

Attached: 1553382350663.png (784x911, 109K)

You are the reason game companies keep trying to pull the shit they've been doing for the past recent years

Attached: Ouno.jpg (860x1032, 192K)

wtf I love trannies now. maybe this will be a way to purge /pol/ out of here

Attached: 1522646687183.gif (500x500, 42K)

No, Reddit. A jew is going to jew, It's in their nature

Dios mio.......
El Atrocidad.....

The way you type reminds me of my gf, thanks for the posts user, im gonna fuck her ass up tonight

Wtf user are you me?
Also that fucking goblin girl from the trailer hahaha I can't breath. My fucking sides just look at her

Attached: 1562880165721.png (3296x2250, 341K)

Attached: AvsP.jpg (202x250, 13K)

Please give me your discord so we can mutually touch ourselves together.

top kek

Attached: file.png (1274x719, 1.1M)

Just post the tranny pictures already, holy shit.


Attached: 1562049942521.jpg (255x292, 28K)

Your retarded statement implies they are an only child.

Thats not how /pol/ works
If anything you will just bring more of them here so they can trigger tranny suicides.

... so please keep going

w-well I don't know about that...

Attached: 1562332552985.gif (220x360, 60K)

Don't fall for the propaganda. When you get everything handed to you and your ass kissed all the time, you can not be depressed. That shit doesn't exist on female easy mode life.

I have never met a tranny that wasn't an only child or whose siblings weren't also horrible disappointments.
Hence why so many people on Yea Forums and /r9k/ have tranny siblings, failure is literally in their genes.

We both know you're a lewd slut with nice tits.

guys, sims is the exact kind of trash we want these people playing, the more time in the sims the less time to complain about shit like 'representation' or whatever

Attached: D9MfpcgXkAABvuu.jpg (720x720, 57K)

>Nice, they added a dwarf race to the game
>What's more sad, this or when Bethesda did it at E3?
>Time to buy Xbox

Attached: [Banters].png (323x320, 219K)

>killing yourself over what some user says on a this chinese basket weaving bulletin board


Attached: 1561433824460.gif (342x246, 1.87M)

I downloaded Sims 4 recently and I've been hearing this term alot
is it the kiddy didler mod?

Honestly we need less people in this world

What retards here call "/pol/ infestation" is just a couple of crossboarders fucking around.
The whole board will feel it when /pol/ will decide to come here for real.

can you please just post the titties so I can be disappointed because the virgins on Yea Forums have low standards

Have you never been to /r9k/?
Those people are legit insane, one LITERALLY killed some e-thot and then tried to kill himself because she wouldn't fuck him.
Plus that spic tranny that blew his brains out with a KSG, it's insane.
/r9k/ is basically a recruiting ground for Discord cults.

You can pinpoint the moment this place became a complete shit show. It was during the election. It wasn't perfect before that, but it was fine.

This time, it's personnel.

Less white people*

>On the side of the severely disabled
Is this... reverse-falseflagging as /pol/? You've really got me this time

Attached: Confused chick.png (314x278, 129K)

>implying /pol/ is bad
/pol/ is composed from the same people that is tired of politization in their hobbies, they wouldn't exist if it weren't for all this neo progressive propaganda threatening the good ways, good manners and traditions, Yea Forums will never separate from /pol/ because the majority of the people of Yea Forums is tired of the libtard agenda.

>not GG
Yea Forums was never good.

Midget gets mad when one of his people are targeted

Just fucking playing dudes. Gas the trannies. Here's the pic

Attached: 12512315.jpg (300x241, 63K)

>We're tired of politics, so we're going to be even more annoying about SJWs, except on the platform the people that feel the same way about use

Even if you're telling the truth, this is so goddamn retarded. I unironically love SJWs and trannies now because of how much it makes you faggots seethe.

Fake and gay

Y-you almost killed me!!!!

Attached: 1562343363276.gif (500x500, 585K)

They do it often over words lol
They are weak people

>/pol/ is composed from the same people that is tired of politization in their hobbies
So tired that they descend into spreading it everywhere else, yes.
If they directed their hatred at the problem instead of the people who are already annoyed at what they are, maybe we wouldn't hate them so much for it.

Attached: My portrait when.jpg (512x512, 19K)

thx bro, got really unpatiened

Dilate, tranny.

Attached: 1561658597401.jpg (1024x681, 95K)

Just post it again, its not like anyone here is gonna pin point your current trajectory

>still spreading fake news
He wasn't a robot, she was a manipulative whore however. Nothing was lost.

Attached: 968.jpg (1920x917, 191K)

There's nowhere for /pol/ to go because Yea Forums was /pol/ from the start, you're the ones that need to go, enablers.

While I think that /pol/ being a scapegoat for everything that happens is completely retarded, I also can agree that they are a hassle to be around, mainly because of shit like pic related.

Attached: 1553146806192.jpg (826x1024, 185K)

>He wasn't a robot
He absolutely was, everyone on that shithole of a board is fucking insane, trannies included.



>le contrarian fenceshitter
And I unironically hate you more than SJWs and /pol/ put together.

Post it again, please. I didn't get a chance to save it and wanted to jack off to them.

Why do all these commercials have such dramatic string music? And then at the end the music stops so they can deliver the punchline before the music starts up again.
I swear, these commercials are so fucking predictable.


>Yea Forums was /pol/ from the start
>Not Yea Forums
Yuo have to go back

You just say that because it fits your view.

The only reason i went to /pol/ was being sick and tired of libfags screaming racist over everything
The left are creating what they fear

Fucking leave

Attached: WHAT DID THE FIVE FINGERS SAY TO THE FACE.jpg (500x300, 24K)

Cool. Find me in the next vidya thread actually talking about video games instead of being a massive fucking faggot.

No it's not
it is

>blonde hair blue eyes = beautiful

Attached: 99nazinights.jpg (1316x693, 41K)

This seems like something they should be doing on the switch. Or else why the fuck would I want to play the sims on anything other than PC? I can sort of get it with the Switch because of portability since it's more convenient than the majority of laptops that can max sims 4. With the PS4 I don't get it at all when PCs exist.

Can't confirm
Many years ago I was friends with someone and many months down the road he's been hitting on me and whenever we sleep in the same bed he molested me. I miss him now

That's not correct, at least not for the majority. It was mostly Yea Forums tier stuff that was here from time to time. /pol/ is a whole different thing

kinda based desu

My parents always passed me the thought that you should see both sides with a critical eye and take the positives out of each one, however i see no positives with trannies.

Attached: doghead_5_2.png (220x220, 23K)

Lower strati (non whites) can't be good looking. BY DEFINITION!

>instead of being a massive fucking faggot
You'll still be one, though.

>sleeping in the same bed

I mean you were asking for it

Okay, kiddo

>i see no positives with trannies.

they don't biologically reproduce. less people is a good thing. if they want children they adopt. which is a good thing in its own way. so there's a positive I guess.

We've stopped discussing how shit the video is, peace out

Attached: co finally outgrows comics.png (303x425, 284K)

Anyone have that comic about two guys kissing and the guys like how will this sell more videogames?

This happen to me, but my friend wanted to be fucked. So I lost my virginity to her when we used to be best friends. This is when i was like 13

Trannies btfo

Attached: 1541641229531.jpg (1024x482, 64K)

People feeling sorry for themselves: The video

And Sony of all people is encouraging it

Attached: quote-self-pity-is-easily-the-most-destructive-of-the-non-pharmaceutical-narcotics-it-is-addictive-j (850x400, 68K)

Yeah, but there was no place to sleep sadly
I didn't mind it though

They should just make PSHome 2.

It's racial insecurity. Has nothing to do with hair color. It goes much deeper than that.

>I hate girls so I want to be a girl

I needed that laugh

Attached: sim.jpg (1794x982, 98K)

yup, massive faggot

same. they can incorporate vr into also

Okay, kiddo


They did her so dirty. They could have chose better camera angles or zoom out a bit. Right now she just looks stretched out


Attached: 1563465444188.jpg (1280x1261, 152K)

People that talk most about video games are nintendo fans, and nintendo fans also have the largest trans communities, might not be as vocal as sony but is still bigger.

Still here?


>missed the tits

fuck. were they good at least?

Attached: 47d.jpg (437x431, 21K)

Yeah, actually. I was expecting mosquitos tits or something.
They looked pretty good and actually pretty large for being HRTitties.

Hearty kek
I'm so not posting them now

I was 9 and he was 12

he probably pushed them up

yeah no, pol was beginning of the end for this whole site. I wish it went down with moot.

Attached: 1414509903085.jpg (1024x682, 623K)

>pol was beginning of the end
you mean chanology, newfag

Shut up fag, you're just a weak subhuman.

Keep seething haha...

Attached: 1563133329428.jpg (2836x2428, 149K)

If you could tell 2007 Yea Forums that in 12 years time Yea Forumsirgins would slobber at the feet of other Yea Forumsvirgins with mutilated dicks they would laugh at you and tell you to post VIDEOGAMES or gtfo to Yea Forums

She was the same age as me, but she wanted to get fucked everyday. it didn;'t help that she lived with me for like 3 months

Prevent your mutilated wound from healing properly

This entire site is full of literal faggots and deserves to be purged. Only the based anons on Yea Forums tell trannies to fuck off and dilate.

Attached: 21345.jpg (1200x900, 307K)

>he doesn't have cute and funny mods
take a look at this fag

The bar is too low. Feminism has fucked over women so goddamn hard that guys think that fucking other mutilated guy is based honk honk

For me I kinda got into it because he was kissing me a lot. It was supposed to be him joking around at first but then it kinda escalated into him inviting his in bed and suddenly started to french kiss me under the sheets saying that he loves me and I didn't mind. It was my first kiss too.

I still have my penis and I have no plans to cut it, it's just a meme, my penis doesn't give me disphoria

Attached: 1563282550010m.jpg (1024x576, 56K)

I have bigger tits and I'm a man

Great, hold on to it.

>Okay, kiddo

Attached: Soyboy.jpg (715x539, 87K)

Attached: e07.jpg (480x542, 42K)

Not sure if I'd be flaunting that user

Attached: 1561784693462.jpg (216x262, 21K)


>Tranny faggot enters thread and posts bait.
>Keeps fishing for compliments and faggots keep giving him some despite him typing like "teehee silly boys, don't hit on me xD"
>He's also avatarfagging so that everyone knows his posts.
Why did you people even bother replying? God, it's like you don't even know to not feed obvious attention whores.

Good on you user, She was my first and although i had sex with her everynight I learned a lot. She made me into a masochist.

post them again for the lads

Attached: sadakechi.png (614x672, 427K)

>jannies trannies don't even ban him for avatarposting

>Has great tits and didn't chop his dick off.
Amazing. I want to fuck your ass and stick my big fat cock down your throat.

>my le sekrit club is being raided!!11!

id take that over every thread revolving around race trannys or alt right politics.

I was molested, i'm not trans but i'm white. Weird, isn't it?

Attached: 1492722259020.jpg (456x402, 30K)

While you're correct, Yea Forums brought the correct way of social media interaction with the wrong demographic, that's why the 'oldfags' feel threatened by /pol/, (almost) free discussion unafected by ratings or moderated propaganda is what conservatives want so naturally people became and brought more conservatives to this site. Eventually all the politically indiferent and uninformed as well as the libertarian social drones will leave.

>good looking.

Attached: 3dc9f3fa0f575a2182279ae056956424c187f0a584112e643a70cb0678561ef1.gif (290x288, 2.7M)

This. I want to talk about the game.
Sims threads were about cleverly taken screenshots of implied copulation and fun.

Why do you continue to browse the thread instead of leaving?
Fuck off already.

Attached: 1347603841287.jpg (552x538, 58K)

>They literally showed nothing of the game.
Why would they need to? It's been out for years.

Attached: 1328954625768.jpg (447x604, 56K)

how about you shoot yourself in the head you failure of a man?

>TS4 has no height sliders
>shove this gremlin in your trailer

Thanks user. He was on top of me too and out pure instinct for some reason I wrapped and locked my legs around him and start to push my crotch into his REALLY hard as he was kissing me even harder too.

Was it by a man or a woman?

Is it really this easy to farm (You)'s?

>I'm going to intentionally expose myself into things I don't like.
How do you remember to breathe you absolute retard?

I'd feed 100 attention whores(male), as long as it drives off femnoids.

Yea Forums is just an inverse of the real world. Go outside or turn on the TV literally EVERYONE is talking about how blacks and immigrants are innocent, how faggotry is our highest value, and how incels and alt rightists need to be reeducated.

What else happened?

Attached: 141230983185913.jpg (388x333, 12K)

>When real life fucks up the aspect ratio

this is Yea Forums
the OP posted something about VIDEOGAMES
why don't you take your shitty """"tits"""" on a gay board or even better,why don't you fucking join the 40%?

Holy shit me too.

Looking at this thread, I can't blame them.
If all white guys are this gay (that includes spics) then maybe you deserve to be killed off.

>Eventually all the politically indiferent and uninformed as well as the libertarian social drones will leave.
I dunno man, that's too optimistic

I think about her sometimes, but even tho my new goth gf likes rough sex, I think about her when i choke my gf. Only girls i dated all seemed to have goth/emo attire for some reason

It posted adipose tissue in chest area so yeah

You will never be a woman.
You will never experience the feel of givin birth or seeing your partner birth your child.
No one will take you seriously.
No one will consider you a normal alternative of life and human nature.
You will never give yourself value for anything else other than 'being different' but that implies you subciously aknowlege you're not normal.
You will never be a proper human.


>this thread

Attached: jesuschrist.jpg (800x1163, 133K)

Attached: 1552678581596.png (472x468, 116K)

How do you know it's white people? All the white people fled Yea Forums during the great exodus and erryone knows Yea Forums is full of black gamers, and that black people are the most sexually promiscuous and engage in the most anal intercourse but don't actually consider themselves gay. Exactly like this board. It explains everything.

>Entering a Sims 4 thread means I want to see some dude whore himself out for compliments on a Laotian Canoe carving expo.

im white. me and my gf looked at the tranny titties and just finished fucking. would let her join in if she wanted to get fucked

Attached: c60.jpg (324x289, 19K)


Attached: ........png (499x279, 305K)

Sadly though that's all I had I remember vividly saying "We're gonna have sex someday" after we made out for like 30 minutes and other than that he treats me like we're in a relationship despite the fact that he had a gf too. Then he was being a dick to my mom for no reason and I wasn't allowed to hang out with him again sadly. I did miss him spooning me in bed too.

Well what else did you expect from Sims 4?

Obvious false flag. Inb4 you use your own post as an argument.

what do you expect from a mentally ill man?

/soc/ is leaking?

>I got pregnant with my sisters husband
>I prayed to god that he doesn't make me transgender
>I realized that I hated myself

Attached: 20786-078-6.jpg (1000x600, 81K)

White people are too compassionate, this is why they'll be going extinct, it's their natural flaw.

I think about him too, I usually go for the cute guys with pale skin and black hair. Reminds me of my friend

You know damn well from the way OP posted the opening post that there was no way in hell he wanted to discuss the sims at all.

>White people are too compassionate

Hero complex

>this is why they'll be going extinct

Birth rates

Black people always roast whites about Alabama incest memes, meanwhile all I see is "I suck mah uncle dick" shit from black women

>Posts an anime child
Is this really how you see yourself. you shave off another stubble and try to bend your knees to hide the fact that you were just a boring guy who felt lonely and instead of just improving yourself to find a relationship you thought you needed to add 5 pounds of makeup, thousands of dollars in surgery, and completely ignore self acceptance because you naively assumed women had it easier.

Not only are you an idiot for assuming women have it easier you thought being a MtF tranny would be a better life.

Don't you think that's really generalizing?

It does but it's more comfy to play with your gf :^)

same, i go for girls with no chests, cause i love that most girls wear nicer clothes that way,my gf loves to dress up in goth dresses she also like to wear japanese clothes a lot. I buy her a lot of collars. she loves to cook alot. probably from her spanish side.

Attached: 1547068280344.jpg (527x658, 38K)

Attached: 1561974028527.png (1409x4383, 655K)

Only the tough and psychopathic white guys will bother to procreate/survive the inevitable race war and we will once again be a race waging constant war against all other humans until the earth is nuked in WW3. This is what the jews want.

That's cool, she has a lot of my interest too. I hope you have a wonderful life with your gf user. That's awesome and keep it up user.

marry her user,don't fuck it up

Post the one with pictures and the Russian at the end, put this thread out of its misery

the greeks tried to warn us

>race war

dude you need to spend less time on /pol/. that shit rots your brain

Attached: 1561107691021.jpg (680x510, 30K)

Like I said, I am not going to chop it !

Attached: 1563190890545.jpg (601x625, 73K)

Post already

Just look at South Africa
The boers are so much tougher than anyone in Europe and America, and what did they do? Give up, cuck out , they'd rather shake the hands of their daughter's murderers than raise a finger and risk being called racist

you should aim higher user,chop your head off!

thanks user, i'll think about you when i fuck her tonight. I enjoy my time with you. Have a great day.
thanks user, she thinks about it a lot

discordfags launching mini raids on Yea Forums
autisticreconcommander their fag leader born in 2000
Duke nukem the avatarfag
scp discordfag jack
twitter com/merapsco

Attached: file.png (3262x1777, 2.78M)

what the fuck i'm sitting like that right now.

>Anons says, while posting on Yea Forums.

Not either of those anons, but I've been ITT for a while, and I'm wishing you more happy memories, bud.

Dude I'm not preparing for some imaginary race war. I just talk about some video games

If she thinks about it you're pretty much good to go
just wait the right moment and do it

>be a 18-25 year old virgin guy
>Has been ok the internet too long
>Overly critical of his flaws
>Thinks gender reassignment surgery will do anything

You will not have a vagina, you will have a gaping wound. You will need to take medication everyday to stop it from healing over and closing within you. Look up the medical term for dilating.

Attached: 1559673715577.png (1736x918, 374K)

You know I just looked at Playstation Europe’s channel where this video was posted on and the weird thing is despite having over a million subscribers they barely get any views on most of their videos