/ourguy/ did it again
/ourguy/ did it again
No one wants Smelee anymore.
I don't follow. Why is there a talking triangle?
And why did an angry grey haired woman suddenly show up in the end?
nerfnow is a piece of shit ESL faggot who stole all of his jokes from Yea Forums and his characters from cap-tan.
Thieving cunt
Street Fighter is the most generic fighting game in existence, it's more dull than a piece of cardboard.
Smash is not a fighting game at all, it's a party game for little children and autists incapable of letting go of their comfort zone.
>Revolutionate the fighting genre
>”Lol is generic”
NO SHIT user
I think it's the purple tentacle from Maniac Mansion.
>whole genre was built around SF
SF wasn't even the first fighting game, let alone the first good one. SFV sucks dick and everyone knows it, let's not beat around the bush here.
First, that's not a word. Second, it stayed exactly the same basic level of visual design and gameplay for decades, while other around it tried new things and evolved the genre, that's what makes it generic.
Who cares, post more Engie.
The entire genre literally is built around SF2.
>Thinking tr4sh is about it earning anything and not just so the real fighting game players can leave early and go to bed
Convenience lads, think the bigger picture
>the biggest gaming crossover in history is for autists that can't get out of their comfort zone
this is a certified poop nigga moment folks
EXCUSE ME but Melee is having a side event. We'll be at Evo. We'll be the loudest, the greatest, and BEST just like we are at every event we attend. We don't need your shitty tr4.5h main stage. The main stage is where Melee is at.
In your mind only.
alright, i'll bite the bait.
give me one game that crosses over more vidia franchises than smash (ultimate)
Jackie Chan
is that saya?
>4 people
oh, oh no....
aw sweet a non-answer
I guess we were talking about different kinds of "big". In your sense of the word you're certainly right. What I meant is that nobody cares about that franchise outside of Nintendo fanbase.
54 entrants, user. If we're going to point out how bad it is, at least use the actual number.
How the green shirt girl's arms are working? I don't get it. it supposed to be boobs and sleeves, but i still don't get it.
thats not much better to be honest with you, family
it includes more important sony-centric franchises than ps all-stars did. i'll kek if crash gets in too
>Revolutionate the fighting genre
Smash hasn't changed since it came out 20 years ago, and no other series tried to copy it.
>>Revolutionate the fighting genre
lol no. It made it popular, but didn't invent jackshit.
>in before the combo glitch is counted as an intended mechanic
That's the point I'm trying to make, onii-chan.
People still won't care about it whoever it includes. It's not a game anyone who isn't a nintendofag is interested in
Atleast bring deodorant this time so people can bare to walk past your side event
Try not to diddle any kids or lynch niggers
Man, I'm trying to make fun of Melee too. This is why you aren't going to evo, you don't know how to fucking read.
You guys talk more about melee than all other games at EVO combined, I thought you didn't like melee?
It lives rent free in their head even though there's no Melee elitism on this board, it's all Ultimate trannies seething over an old game because it's still being played and has a learning curve
God, he looks like he smells. I can only imagine the odour coming out of the unclean man.
Melee can never die because it lives rent free in their minds.
Its been 10 years get over it