ESA Summer Marathon

Now: Red Lake
After: Bugdom
Now: Yoshi Topsy Turvy
After: Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones (GTA:SA Choas Relay)

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Universal_Gravitation


Where will I get boners now that Ben got banned


what is the best pringles???????????

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> (GTA:SA Choas Relay)


He has to physically tilt the entire console to move Yoshi?

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This is a seriously quality game.

Stellar run on stream 1. Stalker eat your heart out!


> (GTA:SA Choas Relay)
What am I even watching?

Should UK runners be banned from ESA cause of Brexit?

No. Only the English participants seem to be bad people.

This is where the fun is.

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i don't think the uk is leaving europe, just the eu

>get wasted

>gets tiny
oh shit my sides

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So are this just modifications on a "normal" GTA run, or are there other objectives?

once more

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The UK should be banned from this planet.

Didn't watch from the start, but looks like random effects happen to the game when the blue bar at the top runs out + 2 team relay with people who don't know how to play the game being coached by Joshimuz and KZ_Frew.

Did any nugget stuff make it into TWEWY? I didn't get to watch all of it

Looks like they're
>5 minutes per player
>Trying to play as much as the normal game as they can
>Chaos so random shit happens

how big are switches, it looked huge even in jon's hand, i thought they were like a psp

Is he playing by tilting the fucking Gamecube?

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Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-23 11-33-48-73.webm (1380x774, 2.59M)

Quite big, but actually very light.

all his friends sleeping at 17:40 pm?

omg lol

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>Spawns a huge vehicle on the van
Fucking kek.

big jon should try sumo wrestling out
im not even joking

like a tablet that isnt very wide.

Is that Pennsylvania?

Too top heavy. You need as low of a center of gravity as possible.

where are you watching this

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read the OP

> (GTA:SA Choas Relay)

I didn’t know that motion controlled GBA games worked on the GameBoy Player

OH fuck this game, this is that one game that was installed in a couple of computers in my primary school that everyone fought over
Anyone else have that?

>he doesn't follow speedgaming
what a bitch

didn't even know that GBA and GBP had motion controls

The EU is not Europe. get it through your head

Just a few games like Topsy Turvy and Wario Ware Twisted

we had a commodore 64 with predator and some dino game where you had a jetpack and collected eggs

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The carts themselves include motion tracking, so you have to tilt the Gamecube in this case.

had it as a kid and was searching for it for years, thought I dreamed it

it basically is. Brits have made their feelings clear

So this is not a serious run right? It's just htem having fun?

this can't be real

Gamecube does not use cartridges.

It literally isn't

No they're going for WR attempts in Los Santos Chaos Relay With Random People Who Have Never Run Or Even Played The Game Before%

could be real

what this chaos relay shit, some sort of co-op gta:sa?


It figuratively is

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yeah and ban shouldve happened before the 1600'

Listen to me asshole, it's not an official ESA thing? That's what I'm asking, got it?

Do you disagree with me?

you're a moron

The gamecube doesn't use cartridges. The gamecube has a gyroscope. There's no motion tracking in the fucking cart, you retard.

Quick rundown on notable runs so far

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This is peak elementary school nostalgia.

A relay race is a track and field event in which athletes run a pre-set distance carrying a baton before passing it onto the next runner. Often, a relay team is a team of four sprinters. In athletics, the two standard relays are the 4x100 meter relay and the 4x400 meter relay.

Bugdom? More like SOULdom!

seething brit. You have a literal clown now for PM. Don't come crying to us when your economy crashes and burns

You can put GBA carts into a GBP on a GC


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Wario Land Shake-It!!
I posted this in the last thread about it
"Super cozy run that started with him just enjoying the feel of the venue, smiling when the people cheered at screen #1, and eventually people started to OH YEAH whenever Wario picked up a diamond except it wasn't fucking annoying(and sometimes he'd avoid them on purpose with a smile or a laugh)
then more and more people got into it and he was so into it he got on a great pace and PB'd"

They switch players every 10 minutes or so and random effects happen when the blue bar on top runs out.

Are some of the GTA runners doing it blind?

look this up in your history book little zoomzoom

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Silly euro, he won't be PM until tomorrow which means we won't be forced to eat our dead until at least Friday.

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based capitalism

what the fuck is defend the north

Literally google Defend the North and it's the top result.

some fighting game tournament was run in the middle of a heat wave and they didn't turn on AC or provide drinks, someone died of a heat stroke

So so sad that srg died. It was the greatest place on Yea Forums but you Yea Forumsirgins turned it to shit and now its gone.. fuck yall
pick related, its you

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what's 'protect the north'?

And why is punchy still condescending to dead people?

>runner is explaining stuff
>announcer butts in in the one second where the runner has to breathe in in order to keep talking
>"can I read some donations?"

how fucking autistic do you have to be to try to read a donation in that moment? jesus fucking christ

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susan retarded as always. you couldnt bring in your drinks yes, but they had free cold water in the venue.

>dying rather than paying 50c for a soda

how do they sync up these random effects on the gta run?

You would describe a simple gyroscope as motion tracking? You would describe an addon to the console as the console using cartridges? What I said is absolutely correct. Saying the CART uses MOTION TRACKING is stupid. The console uses a gyroscope.

>Divinity OS2

I hope it won't be a huge failure like it was the last time.

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based dude on the right has no idea how to play GTA lmao

Someone actually died or is just a game????

I doubt the hotel bans water.

for real bros it's too fucking warm. I'm in the UK and I'm fucking sweating right now.

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Oh man, this sucks. But knowing the FGC, some stupidity on the deceased part had to be a factor as well.


I miss pokeruns and friends.

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I'm fucking dying too lad. My northern blood is not made for 30 degrees.

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Was that the game where the runner forgot to get an item and he saved past the point he could get it?

false, they provided water

supposed to be the hottest night time temp recorded in the UK tonight lad

Just play some normal games, you fucking euroweirdos

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It's what high 30s right?
Insane weather, here in FL is normal though and I hate every second of it.

This SA relay is amazing.

Fighting game players are this dumb


People are saying he had a seizure, there was free water and AC at the venue.

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>thunderstorms tonight to clear the air a bit
Can't wait, they'd better fucking turn up.

exactly the one

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I want Joshimuz and KZ_Frew to kiss

what does the chaos stand for in the relay race

You get used to swimming while walking.

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Is it the same guy?
Redeption arc?

>34°C outside
>literally fled down to the basement and build my man cave here

feels good man

Random shit happens in the game at certain times

yes someone got heatstroke and they found him on showers trying to cooldown

That one was just sad to watch.

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duh, yeah

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cute tranny on stream 1

could go with a sausage roll rn lads

what are we even watching

Actual girl(female)?

>Almost lose the race again
This relay is really fun.

this SA relay is pretty fun

I opened the mcdonalds shill thread and now I'm thinking getting some

Topsy Turvy is pretty comfy. Shit music though.

>laying around in underpants and a dressing gown with a nice big glass of ice cold water

True comfyness achieved

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she has the gay flag on her twitter @rythin_sr

Why does stream 2 have the best games all the time?

what the fuck is a chaos relay

>pc exclusives



>people in europe dies at over 25C
Why is that place so weak? Here we are over 35C all the summer

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did he say a high schooler made this wtf

this game would be perfect for switch

classic scottish summer

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The amount of no fucks given in this stream is outstanding, what the fuck are they even running right now?

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Go on

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who is the person on the right? she is cute (or he? anyway they're cute)


*dies at fighting tournament*

Houses aren't made out of wood in Europe, also nobody has AC

I'd beat his prostate into mush to be honest.

>A place with an average temperature of 10 degrees and no resources to deal with high temperatures such as air conditioning
>WhY CaNt ThEy HaNdLe It

>It was the greatest place on Yea Forums


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>even the transgirls are cuter at ESA

How can Amerilards ever hope to recover?

That's literally what I have my AC set to. God damn brits are fucking cucks.

>Why is that place so weak?
>Here we are over 35C all the summer
We don't. When you usually have 0c-23c for most of the year, that one season where it can go up to 35c-45c is hell.

>tfw 22C outside but 28C inside because of commieblock insulation

what is hhgregs? a supermarket

he didn't die of a heatstroke and there was free water at the venue, it's just retards on twitter overblowing it and pointing fingers to feel pious and just (as usual)

>implying it's only the UK that's burning
All of Europe is on fire

Reminder that Susan was part of the upper echelon of /srg/ and e-begged money from them to fund his trip to a GDQ event in 2016.

rare goose detected

see Houses in Europe are built to keep heat in, when it gets really warm they can turn into fucking ovens, plus AC doesn't really exist.

>American level

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Thursday is gonna be peak comfy, I love summer showers

>when a coupon indy game is better than most switch games

Post shygirls.


>AC doesn’t exist in Europe
Excuse me?

>inverted controls

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>26 in Dundee
I can't handle this.


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>AC at 24C
As if anyone would believe it

goddamn your sons would be schwarzeneggers

AC was never needed, it never got warm enough to require it. Temperatures have risen in the past 10 years and now we're fucked


based anonymous

No they haven't.

I don't know about spain and that but in places like the UK it's so fucking cold 90% of the time that it's utterly pointless and a waste of money to get AC.

aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh I'm melting

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>The gamecube has a gyroscope.
>The console uses a gyroscope.
No you fucking tard, the gyro is build in to the GBA cartage, its exclusive to the one game.'s_Universal_Gravitation

and we know shes a actual girl (female) since she SUCKS


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>girls in charge of playing video games

32°C in Switzerland atm, pretty comfy

Are you actually retarded?

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Literally every year has broken the hottest record set by the previous year for like the past ten years lol

The last 5 years have pushed the maximal heat every time. I'm sceptical too, but it starts to look like a trend.

>They haven't
You can fuck right off.

shitty gimmicks like this make me miss cartridges

Hi Billy Mays here/10

hey doturd what's your mmr

>american education

>Live in northern scandinavia
>Still own AC because it keeps mosquitoes and flies out
>None of the coughing from the moss burning or smell from mosquito tablets
Best purchase I've ever made.

yes, they have
new houses in yurop have AC, older ones don't


Snu-Snu physique and cute voice = Wife material

>Euros dying to 30 degrees
ayy lmao, come see me when you guys get at least mid 40's.

haven't played in like 3 years but it was 3-4k

jokes on you fags, my gf is pissing on me to keep me cool

It's 38C outside right now. 24 is fucking comfy. I keep seeing brits bitch about the most comfortable temperatures known to man.
T. German near the north coast so pretty much the same climate as most of Britain.

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let me know how you handle -10 degrees you faggot

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I fucking bet doctors without borders brought here some illegal summer heat so people can't focus during ESA and therefore doesn't donate so Alzheimer's won't be stopped and everyone will get Alzheimer's so they forgot that they've already donated to doctors without borders and donate again

Fucking Chibi

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Big Jon really is a treat. He can totally come back to germany if he wants to.

defend the north was in NY


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>these mods

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Nothing personal

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Do you fags even speedrun anything anymore? Does anyone in these threads?

>jelly mario
i hope these eurocucks get sued

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And its still not even near the heat records from 70 years ago and further. Stop thinking in anthropomorphic lengths. The current heat waves are still 10c-30c lower then the lower-mid range of the ice age we're in.

>ac blowing at 24
>supposed to cool you down
Anything over 20 is torture, global warming is killing sweden we need help

Okay. It's fucking hot everywhere.

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what channel is this on

Fucking Bongs giving Yuros a bad name again. They get 2cm of snow? Blizzard. Over 25°? Heatwave. More than a fine drizzle? Hurricane.

>people complaining about 24c, it's 30c were I'm at in Florida
>no fucks given
This isn't even as hot as it can get here.

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We're not quite autistic enough to speeedrun.

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In Canada we had a 45c heat wave, like 20 years ago. It's a cool 27c today.



Nothing to eat right now gotta go shopping. What do you guys want?

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quarter pounder with cheese

get me a coke pls

mother fucker

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I would certainly not die.

>that fucking mountain teleport



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How come anytime the temperature rise is brought up, Americans come flooding in ''climate change not real'' ''pussy euros lel'' nobody is talking to you faggots

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>Global warming
>Making it warmer here
I can't wait for the gulf stream to get fucked and usher in the new ice age.

>3 streams all showing good shit
>don't know what to watch
nice, but also fuck

SA going wild.

royal with cheese

rain and snow is lovely, heat isn't

Bring me some taffel

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>the coin fucking wobbles out of the way
oh shit I'm dead

2 number nines.

Apparently they had these shitty little water stations that were always over crowded and had tiny little cups to drink from.

This banning drinks shit reeks of gross negligence to me.

All of you guys are little babies
Never come to america during summer or you would die

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>meme game
thanks ESA.

People in the US love to jerk off over temperatures, it's used as a way to portray yourself as manly. It's the same with cold region in the US, you get a bunch of retards bragging about how much cold they can take.

>tuned in just for the random garbage section

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>Climate bust
>Economic collapse -> EU collapse
>Migration problem solved
>Can go sledding again

Can't wait.


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>legit actual autist and his state appointed handler
the memes have gone too far

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There's something really satisfying about the jelly physics.

>we are literally dying and nobody cares

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Fucking kino game

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All the parts of America that are hotter than Europe aren't worth visiting anyway.


>Hearthstone: Blackrock Mountain
What the fuck?

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>going to be in Orlando next week
>going to watch all of the foreigners going to Disneyworld in the middle of summer
It's always so entertaining looking at the despair in the eyes of German fathers who are being baked and having their money stolen.

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A fighting game tournament.

It's 35-38 in mainland Europe today with tomorrow and thursday expected to get hotter.
June already broke a bunch of temperature records for Germany. We had 42.7 max at one point.

die in heat north globers
south glober chads rise up

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>over estimate on a meme run

I hope there's another massive forest fire. Imagine the shit they'll get when normalfags realize they didn't do jack shit to prepare for forest fires after last time.


>I'm happy with this, some of my practice runs actually went 20 minutes over estimate so i'm really happy about this

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This is why I watch ESA.


it's fucking summer, of course it's hot. drink water.

didnt watch/10

>feeling macho because you live in shittier weather than europeans
the state of you people


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bitch attitude


>Complete garbage game
>growing despair in the runners eyes
>Over est. again

Yeah, ESA is back on top, guys.

>Americans talking about temperature again

This is like you complaining about the cold and somebody in a cold country says that's not cold.

Is baneposting mainstream now?

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>Americans in charge of the climate

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He's a dane

this is like the 5th meme run to go over estimate in the past couple of hours

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early on I heard him saying he didn't remember that part of the run and I just turned it off


>Over estimate

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European Choke Marathon


But you fuckers complain about 20+ C every damn summer and never do anything about it.

It's not our fault you can't take the heat.

awful game relay coming up
>awful game relay coming up
awful game relay coming up
>awful game relay coming up
awful game relay coming up

>be German
>get -20 in winter and 40+ in summer
>bitch about both

Please be patient, he's Danish.

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is that punchy. omfg what an insufferable cunt.

>Awful Games relay
yep it's SS confirmed again

Hefty Jim

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Are you supposed to itch like a bitch when you're exposed to hot sunlight, or is there something wrong with me


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Why is he such a cunt?

>needing ACs
holy fuck, no wonder you euros need Americas to save your asses twice, you are all a bunch of pansies


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>old enough to have a 21 year old god-daughter
what age is he


/fit/ her
Serious question
How do I achieve this body? Is gaining the only way?

take a shower

Why are furfags always like this? Why do they exist solely to make others miserable and whine about things not going their way?

You can have a god daughter when you're a week old. It's not a measurement of age.

>TheMexicanRunner doing a co-op DD3 run
>but awful block

but... we don't have AC.

>post yfw you don't have a circumcised mutilated dick

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you're getting a sunburn

You have to eat balloons.

they should invite cr1tikal for the awful games, his stalin's subway runs are premium

No way! Punchy is a furfag?

become Kingpin

super late reply from someone else but this happened last year I think. it isnt live now.


>sanic the hedgecock

is that the people's sandwich

Sorry we don't have enough negroid DNA in our genes.

it's called dumb pleb

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Missing couple from stream 2 earlier:
LittleBigPlanet, it got meh/mixed rates in thread. It wasn't that bad but the run didn't really wow either.
Animorphs: Shattered Reality, a real gem. Obscure and weird as hell game. The runner was well prepared with some trivia/info about it and cool speed tricks, it was real fun to watch. Someone make webm of the bear fighting and/or the moonwalking bit

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Humongous Johnathan

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I prefer to lend my focus entirely to a single run, helps me enjoy them more

ask him instead

Seems to be live

bulk but like eat as much as 2 people bulking, and also take hgh

Bi and furry
He admited both weeks ago on his twitter

why is susan so upset?

I did and the moment I stepped out it happened

>American: lol just turn on the AC bro
Houses in most parts of europe don't have AC installed because it never gets this fucking warm here, faggots. If we welcomed heatwaves as much as you do we would install AC to turn on, but we don't!

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It's like he didn't get the memo that ESA is just a fun event. It's hilarious how he wants it to be held to the same squeaky clean standard of shills done quick.

>screeching about furfags
>in the year of our Lord 2019

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So buy a mini one. Its literally less than 50.
>but I don't need one, but I'll complain every summer anyway!

Here we go again.

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Not in the US. Our hottest days on record are from the 30s and 70s.

FFX-2 runners went over estimate in a manner like that didn't give a fuck about the estimate.

All memes the fact that it is not only legal but encouraged is disgusting

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According to he basically set his estimate to his personal best.

Ginormous Jamal


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>Awful games
What is this?

ah, autism.

so? they aren't going to cancel the next run, no need to be a bitch about it.

Kill yourself, dog rapist.

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>fun event
>after RE4 clusterfuck

He's not totally wrong, we've been on an upward trend for a few years. But the fear mongering is retarded. The early 1900s were hotter.

Relay of shitty games. I don't think anybody will know what the games are until we see them.


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Good taste.

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tfw u live in kalmar but don't lmow what the 'kalmar union' is

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kys you dog fucking scum

oh sorry I really didn't know. All I did know that they did this before too like a year or two ago.

Looked in his wallet, had just 19$.

Cool, now I can hate him with all my heart.

they were all there, animorphs just on the wrong tier it seems. thanks for the answer.

I think your material is a little stale, maybe you could try something new?

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Pepsi lime and pepsi ginger.

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There's literally nothing wrong with that
t.Man who does nothing but masturbate to 90's cartoon anthros and Kemono

Attached: sicko.jpg (152x254, 23K)

Don't deflect, Susan. We're back on track again. Yeah RE4 was a bummer, but right now it's really good again. Go back to burgerland with your lame runs.

You don't have to have install AC to have an AC.
There are mini ones, ones that fit in windows, ones that are portable, etc.

Here we see on the left, one of the more laid back runners just having fun with his friend and on the right, a narcassistic cunt.


delet this disgrace


don't lose your nuggets, susan

>that oven
RIP frenworld


i can already tell this is gonna be sweet

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Attached: end.png (1214x917, 141K)

im surprised some furfag gets to fuck him given how he whines an complain about everything, then again furfags do whine about everything so it must be music to his ears when punchy does it

This bearded guy who played Asgarn the Dragon Slayer is just there to shitpost, isn't he?

>Kino shit games on stream 1
>TMR on stream 2
>GTA on another stream


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.13_[2019.07.14_13.44.06].jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

someone needs to punch this motherfucker
I'm convinced people only act like this because they never had some sense smacked into them

what are you watching?

I must have looked at older tab. Now seeing both in there

name of this cute girl (male)?

Why is the Lineup so fucking good, boys?

Whatever happened to Missy?

>It's fucking song again
Wasn't this in a load of those shitty mobile GTA clones?

what's the third stream?

i just love how punchy doesn't realize he himself is causing people to make fun of him. does he lack self-awareness?

Hydric acid enriched with carbon dioxide

Just a cup of tea.

Attached: 1516094910270.png (1000x1500, 602K)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: whatdidhe.png (614x461, 50K)

This event is a fucking joke. What's up with this fucking awful games? Literally awful games.

Attached: 979829679956170999.gif (280x302, 3.75M)

now this is speedrunning

Based team Joshimuz dominating

dihydrogen monoxide

fear of nugget donations


its fun user, you might not know what it is if you're used ot gdq

This Otto game isn't so bad. I like what they were going for.

Yes. In his mind he always justified in what he's doing, because he's the smartest person in the world. He's the epitome of a 104-106 IQ midwit with delusions of grandeur, he's noticed that he's a bit smarter than average but is too stupid to realize he's not actually a genius. The most famous example of this is the cuckold George "Maddox" Ouzounian.


Attached: 1539587053498.jpg (1533x1630, 935K)

Attached: Tennis.webm (1204x480, 2.71M)

Finally, an otter game

Attached: __small_clawed_otter_kemono_friends_drawn_by_deku_suke__770554a90c53bebed8bbc69dbd243910.jpg (2150x3035, 275K)

It's a mystery

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.54_[2019.07.16_08.26.33].jpg (1920x1080, 148K)

>step 1. assert dominance

>wtf why arent ppl taking my autistic hobby serious this is a disgrace
Inhale a nugget into your scrotum, fagot.

Is Ben banned from this GTA stream too?

kek, that madd dogg mission man

Banger music in this Sonic game.

Now this is a game I can get behind

Attached: 1533292976930.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

please don't stop posting robots and faceless girls

Attached: 1389045290248.png (500x375, 248K)

Damn boy she thicc!

I wrote the event staff and they responded. Awful block will end earlier and instead we will have a Metroid run, right now we are setting up the bid war to SAFE THE ANIMALS.

Attached: latest.jpg (440x380, 12K)

yeah no on screen time or microphone privelege.

>/fit/ her
>has to actually ask this.

It's amusing someone spent their times making these awful games, but then I remember everyone has to start somewhere and without these games we wouldn't have what we have today.

Attached: nods respectfully in your direction.gif (381x434, 1.98M)

bloat my son

Attached: 1549697747995.jpg (853x960, 106K)

hey it's the C&C runner. I like this guy.

Attached: 1531902300808.gif (298x248, 179K)

I still don't understand how the parents and the doctors allow this.
It's so bizarre to see people defending it.

Attached: 1535035069025.gif (280x210, 1.41M)

Throwing zoomers to their death
10/10 game

>these fucking sfx
I'm in tears

Where do I peruse awful game kinos such as these?

Attached: 1424477752091.jpg (569x802, 109K)

This stream isnt part of ESA though

We'll see, user.

Attached: 1557148742561.png (2112x3796, 2.21M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-23 13-00-36-51.webm (1380x770, 1.31M)

Circumcision was literally promoted in America during the 1800's as a way to stop boys from masturbating. No joke. Blame puritans.

OOT 100% on stream 1!


Attached: sweat3.jpg (300x300, 47K)


lol wat

its really fucked to see how often people leap to defend it too. i feel like pure shit all the time because my dick is just never going to be whole and i didnt have a choice. i fucking hate america


Attached: 1561834044593.png (773x1198, 247K)

>he tripped
My sides.

>as a way to stop boys from masturbating.
they failed spectacularly

I just now realised that it is pre-recorded. Smart.

Didn't expect that

absolute fucking kino hour

Attached: 1478598235412.webm (640x358, 282K)

No its not

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-23 13-03-17-09.webm (1378x746, 1.86M)

Attached: Spooks.webm (1006x480, 2.48M)

Oh shit the guitar hobo game.

Attached: mirror universe.jpg (291x273, 18K)

>city of malmo

isn't that an ISIS occupied city?

Yeah it is, jumpcuts between runs. I always looked away for the first 5 games.

can gdq tech crew learn this setup technology?

Is this the deconstruction of speedrunning? Wtf is even going on?

Attached: 1552861436391.png (518x421, 308K)

Remember to get up and stretch every now and then user, heat is no excuse to be lazy!

Attached: 1540766619578.jpg (1012x1600, 773K)

That was actually pushed by John Kellogg of cereal fame.


there's 2 rooms

they have 3 pcs setup and switch between them to give time to others for the setups

It's the best way to avoid jewish tricks at your events.


>As a leader of the anti-masturbation movement, Kellogg promoted extreme measures to prevent masturbation. He circumcised himself at age 37. His methods for the "rehabilitation" of masturbators included measures up to the point of mutilation without anesthetic, on both sexes. He was an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb masturbation and applying carbolic acid to a young woman's clitoris.

>He also recommended, to prevent children from this "solitary vice", bandaging or tying their hands, covering their genitals with patented cages and electrical shock.

why was this dude so obsessed with stopping people jacking off

It's sinful

Attached: 1562748074587.png (799x1280, 748K)

Holy shit i am a double retard you're right. Shit, this is some impressive tech for ESA.

>fox witch

Attached: 1463170977065.png (248x113, 12K)

Intense shame from his own abuse during his childhood.

God what a fucking tool.

Is that fox wearing a bikini what the fuck is this shit?

I can't believe the fox is dead...


Attached: 1559707560484.jpg (690x422, 59K)

He was a fundamentalist, who usually tie in Hebraic traditions into it heavily. It's why a lot of fundamentalists in the US are so obsessed with Israel, and why fundamentalists in the UK had that whole retarded "British Israelites" or whatever movement that involved believing all kinds of wacky shit, like Odin being jewish and shit.

Basically kangz tier shit but with hebrews instead of egypt.

>awful games
>all of them are ironically awful
How about some truly bad games?

Probably a Jesus freak.

Attached: 1532468817704.jpg (1920x2560, 700K)

toot toot... toot toot toot toot

Attached: 61RTo43okJL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x464, 38K)

If i had to rate this relay right now it would be its own category. SSSSSS-Tier.

Open dorr


I just woke up.
Were there fun runs after FF X-2 race?
Also what the fuck am I supposed to watch now? The GTA race looks fun, the Awful Games looks fun but so does Stream 2 really.

Attached: Umapoka.gif (320x240, 700K)

Jaakko was the original Angry Video Game Nerd. Never forget.


do you have a mega or something with all this shit?

Attached: 1544328718794.jpg (496x512, 77K)


>if you die to the turret you will bluescreen the computer

>ESA is tranny fre....

>portals in a doom-style engine
That's actually kinda cool

All 3 at the same time at MAX volume

Attached: glasses wearing nerd gets owned.png (1304x733, 914K)

t. GDQ

First of all:

but what does it mean

Just eat the fish!

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-23 13-15-02-90.webm (1378x770, 2.84M)

>Forgot to crop it and trim it properly
I blame the heat and trying to watch the stream.

Attached: Spooky.webm (800x480, 2.4M)


Attached: 1563637321351.png (391x556, 87K)

Holy fuck he is doing that hand motion for over 10 seconds

Greetings from Germany!

>t. Punchy

Well done.

finland strong!



Never underestimate how much of a bitch Susan is.

Attached: 1524285179971.png (450x600, 158K)

he's also an old fag

Attached: 1331890712421.png (481x645, 263K)

rubbing things with your benis feels good

Pretty much what I expected. The US and Germany are larger viewerbases with a large number of people interested in speedruns and video games in general, and the event taking place in Sweden would naturally attract Swedes and Finns by extension.

should i watch stream 1 or stream 2?

I do not.


Stream 1 is unfiltered kino.

then keep posting please

Attached: 1556299642271.jpg (367x446, 41K)

1 + gta


Well, you did ask nicely. I'll be around all day though.

Attached: 1541940795434.png (1600x4500, 3.26M)

>why was this dude so obsessed with stopping people jacking off
Says the incel as he jacks off to trap porn for the 4th time since lunch.

Yeah I jack off to trap porn, so what. I'll jack off to whatever I want.

Who's the artist?


I sadly don't know, I'll look into it though.