Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers

I want to talk about this VIDEOGAME how about you guys, do you enjoy this VIDEOGAME and discussing it on the board for VIDEOGAMES

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Other urls found in this thread:

Most popular video game of 2019 on a video game board, how crazy.

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>Racist thread
>wojack thread
>wow thread
But no it’s the ffxiv thread that gets deleted.

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Had the absolute worst fucking run of potd yesterday
>play WHM
>get a LNC and two NIN
>dps is absolutely terrible, taking forever to clear rooms
>get a ton of extremely unlucky floors in which we have to kill nearly all enemies before the cairn opens
>sprout LNC is constantly pulling everything even after the cairn is open
>me and one other guy always telling to come on but he just keeps attacking stuff
>already on floor 56 so just want to get it over with
>does this every floor despite callouts, damage still sucks
>finish run after almost 30 minutes
Fuck lads this is pure suffering.

Healer's, I know I have a leaf next to my name, but I know how to tank.
I wouldn't mind you trying to tutorial me, but not from someone who lets my hp get to 20% multiple times.
Especially when every party I queue into gives me full commendations and compliments my speed and efficiency.
I have a 37 WAR and 33 WHM, healing what I pull is easy if your awake and you can fit in your dps as things cool.

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>There is literally a gay dating sim thread

but a FF XIV is too much for thier wow overlord cause being the top dog more than a decade is not enough i suppose.

I didn't mind titan at all, but innocence gives me blm cancer

no weeb games allowed unless its nintendo or lewd senran

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That is beautiful

I can’t even muster the strength to run potd because summoner is abysmal there level 52 and I feel like I’ve given up on that class

Why does v have such a hard on for blm?

>FF14 trannies getting sent to the /vg/ dimension

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A good healer lets you get that low.


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takes high skill to orange parse and you got the largest big red dick on the overlay.

Why do we have two ecelebs threads about how it’s like to have sex with sterling

Big numbers and relatively easy.

>"bump, bump, bump....another one bites the dust"

FUCK Yea Forums

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I'm still here

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lmao are you dead? stop bitching retard

i disagree

i mean wtf is happening did Blizzard buy off the Yea Forums advertising slot or what ?

Be my gf(male)

I want more thought on it.
What job played well do you like to see most in your parties?

Shut it down

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20% is playing it safe. Learn the game before complaining


I play tank and that's fine. Only bitch if you end up dying after using your CDs properly.

do it for smash and WoW first and we'll talk

Nice quality thread we have here.

>FFXIV threads get deleted
>FFXI thread still up

Guiz, I don't think the jannies are wowfags.

We will go back if all the other threads hat are considered generals go too.

But a billion smash threads and classic threads are fine


>literally came out 3 weeks ago

>draw threads
>wow threads
>smash threads
>eceleb threads
>twitter screencap threads

Thanks again based dragon bro

Your dosh bought me 100 ilvl in gear upgrades

Godspeed lad

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Clean the avatarposting in /xivg/, the smash and wow generals and then you can talk.

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Unless you're a /vg/ RDM main, or a SMN main, why would you hate a BLM?
Brainlet tier BLMs are extremely easy to spot, and godtier BLMs stand out even more.

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So why do certain games get special treatment then? We have a dedicated Pokemon board already, but Yea Forums still gets flooded with Pokemon threads that don't get deleted.

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It’s ffxiv that’s evil

>wow threads
those are almost as dead as the game is. seriously, I haven't seen a "going home" thread in ages.

As a DNC, is there any reason to not partner with a physical DPS so I can get as much Espirit as I can?

There is no discussion. There is no arguing it. You do what you are told and that's it. Generals stay on /vg/ and that's all there is to it. If we want Smash threads up then they'll stay up and there's nothing you can do about it. Do you children understand? Thank you. Don't forget to subscribe to pewdiepie.

>Don't forget to subscribe to asmongold

Yeah it's been a couple weeks but they all used to get easily get 400+ replies and have cycled on the board for like a year.

Who is "we"?

>There is no discussion.
really because I'm discussing this game right now

>but not from someone who lets my hp get to 20% multiple times

If this was 71+ and you were a good tank you would pay attention to what your healer is casting and adjust by either using more cooldowns per pull or pulling smaller or both.

There's no global rule stating all Pokemon-related content HAS to go to /vp/, its not a containment board like /mlp/. We got /vp/ to curb the flood of Pokemon content not related to the board on which it was being posted.

You can post about the games on Yea Forums, this is not in violation of any rule, Pokemon is a video game.

>he does it for free

> someone who lets my hp get to 20% multiple times.
user, that's the trademark of a good healer. As long as you don't die, it's all good. Git gud and learn to chill.
t.someone who has all tanks at 80 and all titania weapons for them

It unleashes one's inner unga bunga.

It's there, it's just in a different layer.

what food should I buy for WHM? everything is so expensive

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But why are threads about having sex with ecelebs up.

Reminder to ranged DPS. If you have a Dragoon on your party, STAY NEAR THEM YOU CUNTS


Whether you like blm or not, it is objectively the most fun dps this expansion.

Those are not FFXIV threads and are perfectly normal.

Holy crackers

Let your FC give you food, mine lets me eat 24/7 on the FC house for free.

Buy vendor food.

Fuck dragoons
im a dragoon but still

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what? espirit gain is based on actions, regardless of physical/magical.
BLM is usually your best bet since they tend to get SpS, leylines and have the highest pDPS anyways.

>Hey you can't have generals on Yea Forums

You guys really don't want to go back to your shithole lol

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>You do what you are told and that's it
"No". Now what are you going to do about it, faggot?

>it's another ranged DPS that stands 500 yalms away from the party and doesn't get hit by AoE heals episode

Just give it to the tank

>Veterans helping newbie
>Lore discussion
>vital NPC discussion
>Raid disscussion
>patch disscussion


>We are going home
>Animeimage.jpg so uhm video game
>My favourite youtube eceleb

>Now this is my kind of discussion

Uhm mind explaining this janny ?

Mained it since 1.0 and ffxi. got my titania staff and all my accessories. sad thing is, my ride ends here because no-one wants blm in savage and all my friends don't even play anymore. sad times

I am female (female (male))

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If I click off the dragoon tether will he no longer receive the damage buff?

Have you been there? You know why.

Don't you get the damage buff regardless if we're tethered? I thought being near only affects our bonus damage.

You cant do that

the dragoon will still have his buff, but you will lose yours. Dragoons can now also use the tether on only themselves, getting completely rid of the second buff.

If jannies want to be taken seriously they shouldn't have obvious double standards. I honestly am surprised a GW2 aspie equivalent for XIV hasn't tried to bot spam the board yet.

god forbid people actually post video games on Yea Forums

that’s the real crime in all of this

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You can't just hold the standard to one game and not all the others.

Look, I know we are all being oppressed by Jannie right now, but there is something I need to make clear. He came at me with a katana, what was I suppose to do? No, I told him my secrets willingly. What do you mean that was a bad idea?

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We've literally had ontopic XIV threads seperate from /vg/ since launch. We don't have to "go back" since we're not from that shithole.

Just level through SCH in dungeons, fuck PotD.


I usually do when the SMN or MCH I tiptoeing out in left field.

I do, but it's more damage all around if you get buffed too.

Cope harder janny shill

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>anime reaction pic

lmao glad i dont have to point out you are a faggot

Leaving such a fine specimen on the First seems like a complete waste.

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don't forget the ecchi image dump threads and smash threads.

Your concern is most justified, master Elidibus. I too faced a similar situation. But in my case, he came at me with a GUNBLADE. What was I supposed to do other than fuse with my dragon , and even then I could not defeat him.

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Now THAT is a reason to not let the rejoining happen to the First.

>There is no discussion. There is no arguing it. You do what you are told and that's it.

Historically that hasn't worked out for a lot of countries

>all of the healers except whm are unfun
>pld is as boring as it’s always been and both war and drk have been dumbed down even more

what the fuck am I supposed to play now, I hate dps jobs

I suspect that some shenanigans will happen and shell come to the Source. After all, unless things change, her only friends and family are the Scions

>ranged who don't bring the stack marker into melee

fuck you you fucking cunts


>Its a tank using an ilevel 380 set in SHB leveling dungeons while pulling wall-to-wall episode

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I’m busy just come to me.

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>Ran'jit's body disappears
>Elidibus he will now send Warriors of Light after us

What are the chances that Ran'jit will be the "Warrior of Light"?

Hips and thighs a mile wide

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melees adjust

What, you lost? No no, I beat him, that's why he pulled out the katana and I had to get away. And I beat the WoL too. And that dragoon.

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Guess he is dying and maybe the one person who goes to share it with him.

As long as you’re not an AST, you should have no problems.

Not in shadowbringers. Dancer padding makes mediocre blms look good. I'm sick of it desu

this is great bait
but in case it isnt
your health bar isnt a mechanic for you, its a mechanic for the healers

>Ranged players who think ranged means "Stand at the edge of the platform because I think it gives me a dps boost"

It doesn't work that way dumbfuck.

He also wasn’t using any mitigation

I'll have you know I even move towards the back when I get the knockback thing on Levi so the melee can get back to meleeing quickly.

Do I have to do ALL of bahamut for the story beats in HSW or just turn 5?

Do people really play MMORPGs on anything but PC?

I can finally enjoy these threads now that. I'm finished with msq

Boss 2 of eden will be the toughest in savage

The game was built with PS3 in mind

Had a lot of fun mount farming with my fc last night, we were running titan and garuda unsynced and clearing them each in around a minute. BLM does stupid dps.

RDM here, fuck you bitch, I have no choice but to use displacement fuck you. Complain to square for forcing us to use it for damage

You can't reason with retards, OP.
All you can do is "feedback" on his actions if he's stupid enough to post about moving the thread.

>monitoring tank's health when dpsing with no fewer than 5 tools to quickly boost it up at any time as sch
>tank is panicking and clemency spamming because god forbid they're below 90% health at any time
bitch i know what im doing just spam your two aoe buttons

If it was a war then it makes sense since war only has rampart and vengeance at the start of ShB.

If I just want to craft, hunt for resources and make money selling things is this the game for me?

Played Black Desert Online which was perfect but I got too addicted to that game. Just want a casual crafting game.

finna fuck this pixie

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>guy with a delayed stack marker moves from the party at the last second

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use displacement first and then corps a corps

>warrior main

Should I go with Ronkan chest first, or Ronkan Weapon?

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depends on stats
but yes


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They also have Raw Int, and if they're out of CDs they can use Thrill as a weird heal and Equil as a straight heal.

weapon is always better

>we were running titan and garuda unsynced and clearing them each in around a minute.
Wow you must be so proud of yourself lmao

How many threads have gotten jannied this morning? God damn.

What I wouldn’t do to beat a jannie’s head in with a hammer.

It's weird that the level 70 character boosts give you the broke ilvl 390 armor instead of the ilvl 290 job armor. Like at least make us work a bit.

Yes, but if you want to be able to go everywhere, you need to do the MSQ

My PC broke so I bought a PS4 copy. It’s not bad. Biggest problem is load times and pop ins under lots of stress. The combination of those two problems makes doing hunt trains almost impossible. Otherwise it’s fine. Controller vibration actually working for FSH has allowed me to make 10 million gil afk fishing that I wouldn’t have been able to do on PC. Even if I went back to PC, I would still switch back to PS4 from time to time just for fishing.

Skip weapon, just get the Titania one.

You can do all that after going through 250+ hours of story.

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If you give me your tether I'm clicking it off, parsetranny

Unironically the game was meant for consoles. That being said I'm enjoying it on pc.

He woke up and realised he was out of hot pockets so he's extra seething today.

I cant wait for the catalog to be filled with WoW Classic threads next month where 90% of discussion is about favorite zoomer streamers and not the actual game

I get how the delayed mechanics work, but there's one part where the boss tosses both the stack marker and the aoe marker delay on people and I think it can go off at the same time and that just fucks with me.

Yes. Just do the bare minimum for the main story and have a class to use for it.
Otherwise you can spend all day crafting and gathering, along with making lodesegil

>I have no choice but to use displacement

Use engagement. If the content is too low level to have engagement unlocked then it’s too irrelevant to even bother using displacement on.

Does Hiro even check this shitty place?

I bet the WoW classic threads won't get jannied because Yea Forums is on blizzard's payroll.

>take the lala pill
>suddenly everyone is emoting and /petting me
>get a /tell saying I'm cute
>unspoken solidarity with other lalas
>minions /beckoned sit on your head rather than your shoulder
this is honestly way more fun than I thought, anything else I should know?

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If stack marker first = they go off first stack, then fire marker
If stack marker second = they go off at the same time

>bro just gimp your damage intentionally lmao

Fuck it takes that long? Haven't played since before ARR ad don't think I ever left the first village.

Is it too late to start the game? I'm a consolepleb and just found out that it's extremely console friendly, kinda interested now.

It was GNB and they didn’t even use the tank role skills, ever.

Right I forgot about them. I found them lackluster is why I think I forgot about them since Raw has a short duration and Thrill doesn't have it's 20% HP recovery until 78 and Equilibrium wasn't as good as a straight up mitigation.

>buy FFXV

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Yes, you're going to become a woman in under a month. Only trannies play lala.

Yes. You can invest years of time into DoH jobs and still not be at cap. It helps substantially to have a friend who omnicrafts who can make you levekits while you gather the mats.

The end result of months of time and gil investment is making so much gil you don’t even know what to spend it on anymore.

Good luck

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When you /sit on a chair, you have to do a small jump to reach it and your feet don't touch the ground.
Using a heavenscracker knocks you on your ass.

no the dugeon sync so you will never worry about dead content, you can get matched with max level players doing roulette no problem, and the game is experiencing a huge influx of newfags so you are not alone just take your time, try the trial to see if it fit your fancy

Free trial up to level 35.

Nah It's not I joined a few weeks ago. Might be hard getting into a good server though because new character creator doesn't work on overpopulated servers which is most of them at the moment, you might have to wait until like 3 or 4 am to get into a good server.

idk about standard ps4 but on my pro the loading screens are nowhere as bad

If we were tot ally up all of XIV's expac scores, what would its total be?

for old irrelevant content? Yes, gimp yourself out of one garbage ability. You’re a RDM, it shouldn’t be hard to turn your brain off and forget about it anyway.

discussing a video game? on Yea Forums? what nonsense is this?
there is no justice but mine, no rule but mine, no will but mine

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It's never too late.

MNK's AoE rotation is awkward as fuck.

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He is friends with Yoshi-P so definitely not.

Raw has a 25 CD but it might as well be 20 because the duration is 5 seconds.
>Thrill doesn't have it's 20% HP recovery
Yes it does, the trait at 78 just makes it into Conva/Old Defiance.

I’ve never played scholar but I might as well.

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So this is where I fucking die? How the FUCK am I supposed to reach that spot?

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Nah, there's a lot of new players doing old content. Just be aware that the early part is slow and the game only really starts picking up once you clear the vanilla parts. Dungeons later on start having a more consistent design flow with consistent indicators of mechanics. Early dungeons are weird in that they tried to experiment with some shit and it didn't pan out but they're not difficult, just off.

Keep in mind that joining a specific server you want may be difficult at the moment due to congestion and the servers are locked until the hype dies down and people start freeing up space. But if you have friends you can play on the same Data Center (group of servers) and visit them/party up/etc.

No, just know you have a very large time investment before getting to current end game. It's absolutely worth it though.

its not fair bros how come thancred gets a cute daughter and we dont how come wol isnt allowed to pet ryne fucking ishikawa i hate that bitch

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I'm considering getting it for the pro eventually, been playing on PC and heard the accounts can transfer between ps4 and pc freely which is neat.

It used to be worse
>single target


When did his body disappear?

you can now visit the inside of that dwarf building

he's already fucking taking the oracle of darkness for himself god damn you thancred i hate that fucker

SSDs are cheap right now. I might just buy one for my PS4

Yeah I went from PC to my pro and been surprised how well it runs

Mini-hammer when?

Try Sam's my dude.

You don't. Eureka is dead.

If you do, for the original PS4 (and Slim I think) use it as an external drive with a sata to USB adapter

we have the twins

I used to that while leveling AST, I found it causes too much panic for tanks. It's a shame, one Essential Dignity tops them off when they get that low, but they throw a fit about it anyway.

I had Castrum Abania the other day and had a votekick called on me after the second boss because the tank was throwing a tantrum despite never dying.

It got mention when you go unlock the SSS of ShB.

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Is it possible to cheese it with NIN? Why did they make this?

You know damn well why we can't give her headpats, their existence is a blight upon this star.

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so I heard NIN's reign of terror is finally dead and they are no longer meta

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>wtf bros why is mass group content and camp farming impossible to solo???

Ok? If you have engagement then there is no reason to use displacement because they share a cd you stupid faggot. If you don’t have engagement at whatever level content you’re doing then the content itself doesn’t matter to begin with.

Yes, and to make it feel like MMOs of eld supposedly.

Reminder that Hrothgar are people too, and not just objects to be /pet.

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>main RDM
>regularly out-DPS people of all classes because in the real world people are flawed and dont all play at a 100th percentile level
>still have to deal with retards who don't understand this mocking my class because some douche on a samurai or blm who plays better than 99.9999% of people ever will did more damage than some other douche who plays red mage and plays better than 99.9999% of people ever will

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memejob that gives them a sense of edgy superiority because high personal DPS and "healers adjust xDD"

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It’s boring as shit

But it's dead and they knew this was going to happen.

you didn't play PSO on Dreamcast you underaged faggot?

I'm a BLM and I fight from an entire other zipcode, healers and dragoons be damned.

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You are the dumbest man on earth. Don't ever reply to me again.

Hrothgar are cool, it just sucks they can't wear most hats/helmets.

Nope. Just an fflogs error not properly tracking shadowclone and some other new ability I think

Vets, what is the first dungeon that can let you know if you are actually doing well as a tank or healer? Level 50 PLD.

Also is it still true for omnicrafting to get culinary up first before other crafts?

No one cares parse tranny. The average person you encounter is a retard, who would have thought.

hahahahahahahaha no. Trick attack will never be replaced.

It is possible. their agro range is really small but you have to be very patient and wait until they're all turned away. pretend you're playing ffxi

How do I bot housing placards? I've lost too many houses and I'm enraged beyond belief. I'll risk a ban.

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>Naoki Yoshida: Our players have already greatly surpassed our expectations in many ways; they have taken the world of Final Fantasy 14 in as something that is both perpetual and natural. The reason I say it in this way is that players from around the world not only play the content we create, but also organize events and role-play on their own. One could say that many are taking residence in the world of FF14, which is changing what we need to provide — it is no longer just about creating content, but also simply providing a space to play within. I believe this is both a very strong and positive outcome for an MMORPG. The reaction toward battle mechanics and other specifics are a very small factor in comparison to this bigger picture.

This game is great if you're an RPer

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It's petty, I know, but it's part of the reason I swapped to blm for shb. Fuck the redpill, dude. Take the blackpill

you know what people did in old MMOs? they made friends, party up with them, and then go do that content even during dead hours at 3AM.

>at the end of the eden raids, every race except lala can give her head pats
>lalas get picked up and she cuddles them in her arms

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You never got CUL up first, it was always CRP for Byregot's Blessing, but that and Steady Hand II got built in to every crafter now.
The dungeon would be Aurum Vale imo.

Got the scene and immediately died right after. I guess it is worth the loss of level.

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why are people drawing their WoLs fucking emet
this is silly

How many of you play as female?

It says vauthry and Ran’jit ran off together when I clearly killed em both.

I'm gonna go with BLM for the time being but I tried DRG at level 58 and it was fun as fuck

Why is it so hard to choose a job bros

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review score has nothing to do with a game being popular holy shit are you retarded

They said this but I dont see anything new added. Maybe in 5.1.

Is Eureka still a thing/worth doing? I'm considering skipping it all together in Stormblood.


haha none of us of course. no faggots here

>regularly out-DPS people

That’s because in a game of retards, the job with the lowest skill floor will do best. It’s not an accomplishment you retarded RDM.

It's not, you just have a small brain.

They gotta focus on raiders for 5.0

I play what I like and honestly it's mostly just a Yea Forums thing. In-game in actual party finders people recognize my ability and like having me around.


>spend hours and hours prepping Formidable
>it doesn't show up
>wait until 2 AM
>get tired and sleep
>wake up
>it spawned three times almost immediately after I went to bed

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I currently have a BLM, WHM, SAM, and GNB all close to 70 and I got to say I love them all equally and switch freely between them.

He is one foxy grandpa.

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same reason people liked to draw/write their WoL fucking Zenos
Chicks dig bad boys.

Ah here's one of the shitters right now come to make excuses. :o) sorry I beat your samurai last night bro haha just keep practicing and you'll be fine

You deserve it for saving thumbnails.

SAM can literally out dps rdm while being played by a retard.

I do

>people have started making Rule 34 of Vauthry

Every day we stray further from Hydaelyn's light.

We have twins elfs.
A dead elf.
A crazy lizard in the steppes.
A ninja lizard.
And a fairy.
Probably more.

>get hit from another zip code not my fault
>boss is casting room aoe
>live with 1k
healers adjust

>The same tank that uses Clemency is also the one that never uses cooldowns

My wife does

>>regularly out-DPS people of all classes because in the real world people are flawed and dont all play at a 100th percentile level

All you're saying is that you beat people playing poorly. While its good that you are good with RDM, statics don't tend to recruit bad players.

I never saw WoLxZenos porn.

>fat bastard
>mind control powers
i can guarantee the doujins were being drawn long before the game itself launched

If you don't hit 0%, then they're doing their job.

>black mage does damage to things
>white mage heals and brings good health to people
Unironically mega based and redpilled japanese.

I do__.

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I couldn't stop thinking that it was like he was MADE for NTR doujins when it was revealed that he had mind control powers


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I don’t play dps, let alone dps as dumb as SAM. You are the baby job for babies. Literally anyone can play RDM and do ok. It’s impossible to fuck up. It’s the most brainless job in the entire game.

This is what was said
The matter of Ran'jit being fucking ALIVE would be a big fucking deal and not just a throwaway line on a sidequest, especially since we gave even Zenos a proper burial.

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The Vault as a healer is a great benchmark of your success. The final boss has lots of outgoing damage and very few ways for the party to mitigate it, even with perfect avoidance of AoEs, which most don't have anyway. Most of your party will overgear it now, but it's still probably one of the most difficult dungeon fights to heal.

I am now.

>Bad End doujin that shows the female Scions and a female WoL all mind controlled and on the verge of turning into Sineaters

Obui just finished his most recent doujin, this will probably be next.

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it does for AAA games.

That's dancer

>Both the respective top jobs at what they do

nin will always be meta its just fucking awful to play because of double weaving

What's your end game atm Yea Forums? I'm currently cooking for money and trying to get Master Culinarian.

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theres more proof that he's alive than Gaius did

>Estinien is your bf, but he is as caring as he is cold and will leave for days at a time without letting you know
>Emet-Selch is your bf, but you swear he is trying to kill you any chance he gets
>The Exarch is your bf, but he is very mushy and kind of a bimbo. Might vanish forever one day.
>Alphinaud is your bf, but he is often on diplomatic trips and your choices are either to spend most of your life traveling or not see him for extended period of time
>Aymeric is your bf, but you earn Lucia's scorn and have to learn how to be a proper royal
>You become Feo Ul's shoe
Choose wisely

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>not WAR
At least you have to dodge the aoes as dps.

Based and literally Redpilled.

Leveling and watching degenerates on balmung.

Difference is that Gaius was a good character

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Raiding with static, PVP, and leveling jobs so I can finish off the Role Quests. That's my plan until 3.1

There are too many cool classes in this fucking game

I just assumed the Eulmorans don't know we killed him and we never told them we killed their general.

5.0 sam was shit to play so i switched. i won't play a support cuck so the choice is obvious.

Levelling all my gatherers and crafters at once. Want to get ready for Ishgard.

leveling everything to 80, doing lvl 80 maps for gil, helping fc and randoms in pf

I just wish you could job switch freely outside of dungeons like the Shb trailer would be dope.

I become Alisaie's thigh strap.

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I'm trying to get a house. Any house, I don't care where or how, I just want a house. And then from housing to Master Fisher.

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and then you need 2 months to gear up one of them at endgame good goy

Become a GNBro.

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5.0 SAM is smooth as butter I don't know what you are on about. literally just set up your hotbar right.

I'm finishing leveling my crafters, finished out the gatherers last night. Slowly making BiS gear for the whole thing.

I'm still pissed I have BiS left side gear and weapons on my weaver and can't quick synth level 74 thread without failures. I even have craftsman materia melded.

Is it me or am I seeing way more buns than cats?

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>job switch freely outside of dungeons

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Barry awakens from his long slumber

what do you mean set it up right? how?

Oh no my game has content that keeps me playing fuuuuug

BIS is useless and all you need is crafted gear which can be obtained in a day.

he was a good dog, true

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I gladly choose to stay loyal to my former lover Haurchefant

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Any tips for PvP? I've been using it to level up RDM but jesus casters seem to suck on it, I usually play PLD and it's a big difference.

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I meant in combat.

>That's my plan until 3.1

Don't have accessories yet? Also just use those 1 shot macros to make everything.

>getting doujins
You'l be lucky to get even one involving generic cats/lizard/bunny girls.

Yeah you never cleared a tier in crafted gear

2.00s gcd w/ shifu is peak sam. anything higher or lower feels whack

Dont bother with it now, I don't think they nerfed it at all for Shadowbringers and with the instances having very few people in them it'll be pure suffering to get it done now

Feo Ul's shoe I guess

Most of the people i know switched back from buns allready.

Are you dying a lot or something?

>cropping my shop after I went to the effort of finding a similar font to the in game one

Have your combos in order so you are just clicking through each combo (or using hotkeys) in one smooth motion. It's really easy to do for SAM and makes the job a lot less messy.

Others have though.

It's specifically a problem with bulk crafting thread, I have macros able to HQ any item, but when I'm making 60-80 thread in bulk that will be used to make HQ cloth, it's a pain in the ass and exceptionally slower. I've just started taking the ~10% loss in materials to get a quick synth anyway.

There's a Sadu doujin, an Yda rape doujin, a Kanye futa doujin, a collection of shorts, and there's an Alisaie x Alphinaud doujin going up for purchase in 3 days.

i set up my hotbar so right i have iaijitsu and tsubame on the same button. the problem is with hagakure dead and tsubame existing now it spends more time casting than ever, and you can't even stack speed (despite having no tp, isn't it ironic?) without cucking the timers. it has to be 2.13s
and don't get me started on the apathetic traits and skills. 13%, -1s on the cast and shoha, really?

That was my assumption.

I hope Ran'jit doesn't pull a Yotsuyu and become a patch Trial.

why does it feel like half of these sound like NTR scenarios

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I'm aware, and you said you have left side done, right side acc gives a good amount of craftsmanship.


you only have to do T5, T9, and T13. But you should do the whole thing just to get the whole story.

Having a hard time casting without getting murdered yea, is using RDMs displacement after casting the only option?

Because your mind is tained by cuck shit and it's all you can think about

There was some art of him and some Au Ra girl circulating the other day.

Alphinaud. I wouldn't mind traveling.

>t.non adjusted healer or worse a dpslet

i hope you enjoy getting locked out of ilvl gated parties because no one wants a sub job in crafted gear on week 8 faggot

He might end up being redeemed instead

Never done EX or Savage content. I’m a RDM main, will i get kicked from parties for it?

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>You become Feo Ul's shoe

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A menage a trois with the Twins.

>Nin decides the spot to dps Ramuh is besides me, the MT.
>Get's hit twice by the thunder shock stuff taking him down to 10% hp before he goes away.
What was his master plan?

Pic unrelated.

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No. You won't get kicked as any job as long as you're decent.


Look what you metafaggots have done, you've got little babbies like thinking that people unironically block certain jobs on a wide scale
cease your tireless metafagging IMMEDIATELY

So at the end, was Graha telling the Source Graha to wake up? Or was he talking to himself?

I miss Yda so much bros

EX and Savage are a meme. You learn it like anything else, it's all a dance.
The hard part is getting everyone to not step on eachothers' feet.

The only problem you have now is dealing with shitters left behind in practice/kill/clear parties.

when is ff14 getting a anime show

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NAbabs did back in 4.x

Pepsiman did this.

I doubt Ran'jit is going to bother to keep fighting us. He only did so originally out of duty to Eulmore and Vauthry, Vauthry is dead, Eulmore is safe, Minfilia no longer has to fight, and we're actually winning the war against the flood of light. Not only was his original, pre-Vauthry goal accomplished, but continuing to fight us would serve zero purpose since the light is losing anyway.

based and redpilled

Redmage is highly sought after during prog phase of savage due to its easy rezzes

there is only one cool in FF.

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hopefully never

But people do, just go on fucking PF and see how many force meta comps for simple farm parties on shitter content.

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How much content is there post-Heavensward and into Stormblood?

I like pld, it's got a steadfast rotation, best aesthetic and covering retarded healsluts makes me feel nice

Hopefully never.
Do enjoy the live action series though

She's in our hearts

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God I would love that
It would just be DMC style switching with an RPG twist. Smack dudes as a DRK and blow em all up as BLM

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RDM sucks dick in PvP. They have zero CC, and needing to zoom into melee range to do your flare/holy combo is like yelling "PLEASE KILL ME". It's like being a melee dps but without the 20% buff to damage dealt/received.

not as much as the slog between ARR and HW

So, I haven't looked at casters too much sing 5.0 dropped, but in general, it's all about keeping A LOT of distance between you and the frontlines. And unless you've got some abilities that can stun/silence/heavy/etc your enemy so you can keep your distance advantage, I wouldn't go head to head with anyone. In a lot of ways, you're trying to find the dumb ones that stray too far from the group and or chase down the ones that were to slow to retreat. Survival should be your main concern until you can feel the competency of your team around you. Once you've decided your team is good or bad, you can go harder or softer. FYI it all kind of rests on your healers. If they're shit, you're all likely to die a lot more.

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>got ilv435
>it's time to start clearing titania ex
>join a few practice groups to learn mechanics
>mechanics now learned
>join clear groups
>8 hours later: titania still not cleared


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If it's a proper show, then soon hopefully.

Chances are though that it would be some sort of isekai story, like the current ff manga

It does happen a lot though
>90% of PF parties have every class but RDM listed for dps

It sucks, YoshiP specially said the damage checks will be even less this expansion and it'll be more about mechanics. If anythign, this should be a sign that you should pick people who can avoid shit instead of braindead meta sheeple.

>that Sadu doujin
Man I want to fuck her so bad

Not nearly as much as between ARR and HW, and it's actually good content too

You waited too long user. THe average skil level of the people who have still yet to clear Titania is so low that I'd rather eat glass than join another """clear""" party.

Doesn't happen nearly as often as the boogeyman posters on here make you believe. If a group turns down someone who is melded and meets their ilvl requirements, its a trap group in the first place.

It doesn't matter, you'll clear add phase and they'll always be one fucking retard who auto-pilots to their puddle and get fucked by the Phantom Rune.

>group Im going with is 5/8 damage tunnelvision
Uh oh...

Tank here, at what HP percentage should I pop my invuln? Less than 20%?

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it'll still be meta for the best players, but it will absolutely require the best players living on the West Coast to be worth taking.

the only roles I see locked are the ones the group already has to not compete with weapon drops.

Kinda odd considering the last boss has a hard enrage dps check

If you are in crystal i can help.

I was working abroad and only recently started to play, nothing I could do about it

dr p draws girls in a way that really gets my dick
that slobby virgin cake OL one from ages ago is top wholesome
my favourite is the drunkard tomboy shrine girl though

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Yeah 2 weeks after the expansion is when all the mechanics shitters start doing EX fights. It's like everyone is suddenly DSP.

>wtf bro I have to go south and stand at the edge of the blue circle while not standing in the path of the tentacles????
>this game is bullshit dood come on
>*seal noises*

> Damage checks will be less
> Spent 8 hours trying to beat Titania EX because DPShitters can't stop her form enraging.
Are these wowfugees or something jesus christ I never had this hard of a time in FFXIV.

all the real girls i know play CATBOYS

I am actually, I'll be on later after work

Why is that Xaela so tall?

>going into AF phase with everything up

Pics for this feel BLMbros?

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Based gunbroster

There is no need to be upset my friend. Just keep practicing and you'll get there

*joins your raid*

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Almost none? Idiot locked comps are rare as fuck. People hardly even lock general roles anymore now that you don't have to be concerned with having a refresh bot.

there's no hard rule for it, just play by feel

It helps if you've played both healer and tank and can sense your impending death.

>Have six man FC
>Try in vain for two weeks to clear Titania, always one extra either can't heal or fails the tethers or something dumb.
>Finally succeed in six manning it by switching from MT to BLM and carrying two dead bodies, an OT and a healer, to victory.


She's in Rhalgr Reach user.

In dungeons when you dont have cds or after benediction.

>north has the fucking gigantic tree, south doesn't
>people still get disoriented
What the fuck? It's 2000 times easier than directional shit where the arena looks the same from every angle

It depends.
I like using Hallowed when I have a SCH in a dungeon so they can spam Art of War. I just depends.

all the real normie girls I know play viera and catgirl. the girls that play as catboys are weird smelly fujos

>1.0 adaptation
>Isekai bullshit
>Comedy SoL about people who play the game
Pick one

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When you are 95%+ certain you will die without it. Like if the boss is casting a tankbuster and you're at 10% HP. It has other applications with cheesing mechanics and tankbusters but don't worry about those if you're still not even sure how to use it.

Hallowed Ground can also be used as mitigation on big pulls in dungeons as long as you're confident you won't need it for an emergency.

I want to mating press Uimet into the flowerbed for the good of Ronka

>keep Uimet as tether cumdump
>kick the other two

Are you a GNB? Is your healer a WHM? If yes to both, pop Superbolide from 100% HP, preferably right after they Bene you.

Not past early deltascape. People quickly realized it wasn't HW anymore.
It doesn't

why is minfillia (original) dead?
why is papalimo dead?
why is yda/lyse/whatever the fuck fucked off completely from this expansion?

Yda's dead.

Seriously, they didn't get enough screen time. They hired fucking VAing for them and used it for like a 30 sec scene. I swear to fucking ATV Titan, if they don't come back at some point in the story...

it woul work a lot better as mini episodes about diferent people actually playing the game... kinda like those new animated trailers

I quit this game awhile ago and thought about coming back. Issue though is I have a semi old computer and ran the game on DX9. I read that the game no longer supports that? Does that mean I’d be forced to turn on DX11?

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Where do you people find this stuff?

They do it for free, what do you do it for????

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1.0 adaptation is the only one that sounds like it could be good.

I think I'll buy the game mainly because of 2 reasons. It looks good and I'm interested in the social aspect. How's FFXIV for making fr**nds?

>Any tips for PvP

Move every now and then so it looks like you're there, watch netflix and hope you lose fast so you can queue again.

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Play NG+ when it comes out because you apparently skipped the entire story.

Comedy slice of life where Tataru manages the scion's daily shenanigans.

is already too late user, all the poeple left that havent clear the ex trials are the worse of the worse.

BLM main here how do I get red mages to stop bullying me... I don't like it and it's making me want to quit the game..

>That's a nice item you have on the market board, it would be a shame if anyone undercutted it

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>jump potion user
Hahaha I don't know my guy maybe the story explained it who knows though right it's all a mystery I just want to do raid content :^)

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Holy shit, I had a LNC do the same thing to me the other day. except he didn't survive the bolt.

And got ressed. and then did it again.

Comedy SoL about people who play the game.

Isn't this going to be behind the same crew that is working on The Witcher netflix series?

Do Nanamo and Raubahn fuck?

Oh man I can't wait to see black Thancred bros.

>Have to open up with singles for buffs before starting my aoe rotation
I don't know if I should finish my 123 or just get the buff and start dumping aoe skills.

How do you think Pippin was born?

>stand nearby to get eye
>DRG gives it to the tank anyways

well fuck you too then

>no choco skin

Have you not seen his son

yes, Pipin being adopted is a lie.

Yes. A lot of potatos love Big Mhigger Cock.

I go around emoting people and see how they react, and most answer and are down to convo
Also met a qt 2.14 on a dungeon. The social aspect is legit the best this game has
Protip: make a lala, ppl find em cute and like to interact with

What's that program that lets you change races clientside? I want to see how my character looks as a viera before popping a pot.

Ryne will get the Lyse treatment and remain on the First.

>Start undercutting by thousands.

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good if you stick to boomer guilds

>someone undercuts me all day
>decide to crash the market entirely in the next few hours then move to the next market while making profit

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How can you not look a Pippin and think otherwise?

On CD if you're a GUB

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get both buffs then start aoeing like a mad cunt, i think from 3 targets up it's not worth it finishing your 123

does dancer have to watch the ui a lot? i don't have it at 80 yet

>I want to see how my character looks as a viera before popping a pot.
Just create one in cc.

>Acquire lvl 50 B rank hunt bill
>Find it
>Attack nearby level 10 mob to use Infuriate
>Target B rank
>Inner Chaos
>It dies instantly
feels good man


I did it already, but I want to see how it looks with the gear.

>random procs

You tell me user

Raubahn cock is for Arenvald only

Good, Uimet is already the apex of the bunnygirl form.

>Also met a qt 2.14 on a dungeon
Fuck, I'm hyped for this game.

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when you feel like you're about to die. it's instinct.

Pippin is like 25, if he was nanamo and raubahn’s son he should be younger though?

>there's a whole fetch quest about one of these things having a kid
>despite them killing any outsiders who come too close
>and having nothing with a dick on it anywhere nearby
fucking HOW

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Pipin is older than Nanamo. 25 vs 21

Use your third eye to sense the procs coming.

How hard are the bahamut and alexander dungeons? I've been skipping on side content and focusing on the MSQ mainly untill im done with it. Are they even worth doing?

His age is a lie.

>cone AoE
>mixed in with radius aoe
Fuck it’s so bad in this shit game. Cone AoEs would feel way better if they hit an area like the radius ones, NOT centered on your target. DNC and its regular AoE mixed in with radius around target is also cancer but way less bad. Neither would be bad at all if a mob actually standing in the graphical effect meant it got hit by that shit.

Also get on crystal datacenter, which you’ll get anyways cause aether is 100% congested. It’s the most sociable data center

I pop living dead at 100%

I miss Aero 3 WHM bros.

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stop lying

why are the nips so obsessive about isekai? apparently light novel publishers had to start outright rejecting isekai stories outright due to how many submissions they got

Japs really want to kill themselves

You know why.

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It's true, I looked at her poopchute

you get story and cool glamour. both are a joke if you unsync it. if you regular sync it then bahamut can be a challenge but alexander is easy.

>covering retarded healsluts makes me feel nice

I can just do that with tbn though

done synced bahamut is fairly hard, it's savage-equivalent difficulty
alexander has a normal mode like omega and eden, so it's pretty easy
they're both very much worth doing

Good fucking luck mate, I had to ask a "farm" party if they would let me join and only then I got my clear.

They are meming. We know from one of the tales from the storm that pipin was adopted by raubahn after being sold into being a gladiator by his bloodfather to pay for gambling debts

Bahamut doesn't have a normal mode so it'll be hard for you to do without a premade group. Alex has a normal mode and is on the normal raid roulette so you should do fine there.

Males exist they just aren't shown, pay attention to the lore.

Come on user. You know how politics and royalty goes. If everyone knew, it'll be discord.

Its a fad

At least I hope its a fad

Maybe like 2 fights come close to current savage difficulty in the binding coil of bahamut

no, she cut him off the moment she had the chance to let him rot in Ala Mhigo, if Raubahn was getting any, he wouldn't dream of leaving her service, but he wanted to stay in his dirty stink hole of a country
Pippin on the other hand is probably railing her daily

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too many anime are set in high school because that's the last period of time where japanese people have that much free time. so they do isekai where they get sent to another reality where they can do whatever.

>Go to bookstore
>newest must read book
>is about going back and fixing her mistakes
It’s coming to America

Is guildhest roulette worth doing as a low level class? Leveling BLM and want to hit 30 ASAP so I can spam 51-60 in PoTD.

our boy jimmy finally got a character named after him

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Ilberd did nothing wrong.

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Fuck Domans and FUCK Ala Mhiggers

>wind up my weeb cone
>everything except one mob moves toward my back

I ironically switched to lala sometime in heavenward.

When I logged into her for the first time and saw how low the camera angle became and how big the world suddenly seemed I was in love.

I'm potato player forever now I can't go back. Nothing is as endearing and I'm extremely attached to my character in a way I'm usually not in mmos.

I can see them killing off Raubahn in one expansion and Pippin takes his place by being a greatsword lala

its easy to produce, you literally just need a template
>"relatable" male protagonist (otaku/salaryman)
>killed by truck, stabber, and/or terrorism
>goddess says "you are the chosen one and you need to save the world... the FANTASY world"
>won't give you money though, just a stupid power
>"but wait, I played videogames!" [status screen for no reason] "haha my stupid power is actually extremely useful and broken!"
>protagonist saves, or is saved, by some bimbos who become part of his harem
>meander about for the other 12 episodes

do you miss her Yea Forums?

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>51-60 in PoTD.
Is it faster than just running highest dungeons?

sure it only takes like 2min
also you'll want to kys if you level through PotD

Better motivation then that fucking potato who was just doing it for money. Illberd knew that forcing the alliance's hand would lead to liberating Ala Mhigo.

He forced papalymo to kill himself

aero 3 was a filler button to press that meant nothing and took zero thought to apply because it had the same duration as aero 2. I much prefer having misery.

I do hope that they finally accept that healers have to dps to have engaging gameplay and then try to give healers more interesting dps rotations though. Like maybe giving WHM and SCH damage combos, and giving AST random procs.

I wouldn't say Isekai is a fad, I mean its been around for a long ass time. not even just for anime, the Wizard of Oz is technically an isekai.

>summons a primal and and necessitates the activation of Omega
>essentially gift wraps Shinryu for Zenos to use
he's a moron, but he did set in motion the events that led to the WoL getting involved with the resistance and he even got a shit ton of Mhiggers killed at Baelsar's Wall, so he's actually pretty based

Farm parties are just as bad, every Innocence group I've been in has a retarded healer who ALWAYS gets a tether and fucks it up, ALWAYS gets the laser stack during 4star and fucks that up too, and at least one dps who can't remember where is safe for the blue sword aoe. The worst part is they never own up to it, always saying "teehee oopsie" then going silent the rest of the lockout while they wipe us again, and again, and AGAIN.

Yout beg forgiveness emote is also the best.

What the fuck, no it isn't. It actually completes the narrative focus which is "Dorothy doesn't belong here and needs to go home." Every Isekai is about embracing your new life and just persisting in the fantasy world before you.

Illberd is like Emet Selch in a way. Tragic hero that did bad things but only to steer the hero into the right direction to benefit their own goals.

I don't remember Ysayle ever dressing like this.


Why not try Command missions?

I miss them both.

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I guess.

He made Lyse happen.

I finally got into the Heavensward content last night, and I can't believe I'm saying this but the 100 sum off hours of grinding was worth it for 1 cutscene.
I was talking to my friend saying, "Man, I dunno, everyone says it gets good once I get to the expansion but it's been kind of a slog. I just gotta sit through this cutscene and we'll see what happens."
I was unironically screaming like a little kid.
I'm sorry for ever doubting you, Yea Forums.

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Nah, we'll see her soon enough when we summon her in Eden

I NEED more smug Uimet smut

Not really, but depends on queues. I timed it out around the start of Stormblood and the exp/min of POTD, dungeons and PVP (shatter) was about equal. The real limiter there is the queue times, PvP doesn’t pop anymore and if you’re not a healer POTD queue is probably shorter than dungeons.

>characters in basic bikini glamours
If your gonna slutglam at least be fucking creative.

enjoy it bro

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tfw don't know what tank to play

We told you ARR was the pleb filter.

Attached: 98.jpg (562x128, 16K)

Attached: Some of you are alright, don't go to Baesar's Wall tonight.png (700x700, 1015K)

...have you played the SB patches yet?

What was the 1?


Attached: roasted.png (1920x1080, 997K)

>playing blue dps
big yikes

Presumably she was knocked up last time alpha Chad bun man came into town to take his sons to teach them the ways of living in the woods.

If you're just starting out it gets even better.

And now she is left behind in Ala Mhigo.


Attached: 1545157958904.png (952x950, 1.01M)

Based user for sticking it out. And let me tell you, HW is nothing compared to SHB. Just avoid spoilers

I don't care about DPS

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fuck I want to google it, but I can't bear myself since I'm only lvl 20


Pld have room to fuck up then get good enough that if your healer ever dies you can solo bosses.

Pipin DID take his place and sword already.

Unless you mean in Ala Mhigo too. But Pipin has no connection to ala mhigo aside from raubahn

Attached: 1552615357062.png (692x639, 512K)

p bitches
SUP bitches
its lightwarden here

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delet pls ;_;

i don't understand why people say this game looks good outside of a few cherry-picked screenshots

Attached: yikes.jpg (1884x918, 435K)

I may have skipped some cutscenes

Attached: stronk.jpg (1000x1000, 68K)


user, do you prefer a strict rotation that fits well together, or a priority system where you're doing things based on your current buff/debuff/guage and considering party buffs?

If you prefer strict rotation, try GNB and PLD.
If you prefer priority syste, try WAR or DRK.

Where is that from?


you're supposed to mod the game and play higher than 1080p. for example the parallax occlusion scales with resolution so if you play at 4k it looks nice but it looks like shit at 1080p or lower.

>Ilberd ultimately unleashed Lyse on Ala Mhigo
wtf I hate Ilberd now!

I like how even older crafting items are still used in late-game crafting to help keep low level player shit somewhat relevant and help them make money.

>the tank that uses clemency and cooldowns is the last to die because the healer is shit
More times than I can count. do your job.

>Trying to farm Titania card from normal mode
>Queue as tank
>Other tank decides he wants to MT, whatever
>Does not take Puck or Pease, attempts to tank Mustardseed, leaving me to get annihilated by double busters
>He stands in the blue instant death circle and dies, causing a wipe
>Ask him to take Puck or Pease
>Tries to tank Mustardseed again
>Get flattened by busters again, we make it through add phase
>Co-tank decides that it's a great time to reposition the boss right as it starts casting divination rune
>Cleaves half the raid
I'm losing it, I can't take this shit. It's a story boss but like half of groups can't even do it.

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respect the content or I'll make you respect it.

Attached: 1557706597899.png (1561x1589, 1.39M)

People already have full 450 gearm

Based and redpilled

Attached: 1563368953318.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

literally impossible

literally impossible, you can only have gotten a maximum of 5 pieces from Eden at this point, and you'd be missing chest and pants if you did

Titania is basically the Titan of ShB.

Raubahn is currently the leader of Ala Mhigo

>tfw turned off parallax occlusion because it's so poorly implemented

That physically impossible til ne

>gearing for ilvl instead of stats

but I only have a 1080p monitor