Human bad

>human bad
>non-human good
t. humans

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The cop is good, though.

Humans are the only self-loathing species on the planet. Think about it.

If I pay for an android, I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want with it

All appliances deserve nothing but death.

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>Human unemployment level at 40%
>almost twice the level of the Great Depression

Shouldn't there have been a fucking civil war at this point? or was mankind too busy clapping android cheeks to do anything about it?

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>it’s yet another human are evil the story

>tfw Todd bullies you but doesn't won't fuck you.

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it's like $19 an hour to rent a Sexdroid in the Eden Club. Nobody's going to do shit

You just fucking know he even did the little girl a couple of times when he was high as a kite

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>human whites
>non-human blacks

summarized the entire game.

The premise of this game is so dumb.
Implying that fucking machines could have feelings... Only retards that would believe that or get into it are uneducated meat bags.
Graphics look dope tho.

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>Peter Singer's BS arguments for animal ethics applied to robots, the game
This is why "sentience" or "the ability to suffer" are the worst criteria to give moral status to anyone/anything.

The desacralization of humans has gone too far.

Connor and Hank should have been the whole game

The only complaint I have about the game is North. I did everything to spite her, but I still got her to lover status, not that it did anything to halt her bitching. Otherwise one of the best interactive movies.

but the world is a fucking hell, for the humans, so that's the truth, every second a girl is raped, every second a man is killed, presidents and politics raping children, every second the world is a fucking shithole, even in this thread, the anons only want to rape cyborg girls, so yes, the humans are so fucking bad and the world deserve to die, that's a fact, not a vidya thing

You can use those robots for sexual acts?

Just a few more years til we can all buy a Kara droid. We can hold on for that long, bros.

>fucking metal

>its a "robots gain sentience through some unknown method/virus/hivemind"
This trope was bad 30 years ago and its still bad now

Why? Errors occur in code all the time, why could it not give robots sentience?

>a bug caused to create deep and complex code that would take decades to implement

It's kinda like some single indie dude making a really shitty game that somehow gets bugged into being a 10/10 masterpiece

the whole robot rising up thing would only make sense in a context where they were already sentient but with limitations to prevent them from doing bad things

and then said limitations stop working due to some logic bug and similar