ITT: Yea Forums characters you would actually like to be friends with

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We could spend all day posting Persona casts, guys.

I wouldn't want to be friends with them
theirgroup is fucking toxic

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There are only 2 normal people here, MC and Naoto

>Kanji is a fun dude but very autistic, you can't do much together outside the group
>Rise is a slut who can't see anything but her beloved MC
>Yukiko wouldn't even look at you
>Chie is fucking obnoxious
>Same with Teddie
>and Yosuke



>wanting to be friends with normal people
normal people are the worst

>>Rise is a slut who can't see anything but her beloved MC
>>Yukiko wouldn't even look at you
>this is the mind of an incel
Imagine being such a loser you can't even self-insert into what is essentially an anime friend simulator.

I don't want to self-insert into a game with a pack of imbeciles in it

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We’ve seen how they would treat the average Yea Forums poster. You really want to be friends with them?

sorry, i dont deserve friends

this except we seal teddie in the tv. and I get to fuck Naoto

Which Persona cast would be most likely to get along with a total sleazeball.

then what are you doing in the game of life?

Probably SEES, although be prepared to have Yukari call you a mean-spirited slur that rhymes with your name.

LMao why would sh go for you with narukami in the picture

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I have no idea how it's supposed to work, but It might be cool to hang around with him and show the wonders 21st century

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No one in the p4 group liked each other. Thats why the group breaks apart after their goal is complete.

you mean p3?
p4 were best friends