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This is all it's gonna be, huh?
Just thread after thread about how the characters in the remake now have big tits.
I mean i don't mind, but it really lends to the idea that to get Yea Forums excited about any game, all you need is tits and fanservice, with gameplay being always secondary to how hard it makes your dick.
I, for one, am most excited for Raiden. We need more Xbox Hueg player characters in action games. Also the music.
Shortstack + tits aside, Yaksha seems like the most fun to play to me.
She seems incredibly fluid compared to all the other characters, having both agility, fast combos and dhalism-like reach.
She's got the full package pretty much.
How much is this gonna cost?
Wild Guns reloaded was 20 bucks.
Expect this to be around the same.
This game has a lot more work put into it since they redrew everything instead of making a couple characters and stages and cleaning up the rest. If it's 20 bucks still then it's a good deal. Definitely more physical though, I've seen Reloaded in my local Fucking Gamestop for $40 or so.
But it’s true, look back to Haydee
>This game has a lot more work put into it since they redrew everything instead of making a couple characters and stages and cleaning up the rest.
Pretty sure they did redraw everything for Wild Guns reloaded too, dude.
waifu games are always $40 minimum and never go on sale
This is going to be 2 player right?
>lurked these threads for a week
>still not a single lewd of robo shortstack
Haydee is actually a good game though
Local tho, no online.
It's too early, and it's a bit of an obscure remake.
Good joke.
Why didn't they add a twin-stick mode?
Would probably break the intended balance.
You're meant to be vulnerable.
Yes, because this game is supposed to be turning heads otherwise right? Be thankful you get any tiddy ninja attention at all.
>weight: 65kg
That's literally how much i weight as a male
Should i be worried?
Now I want a Pocky and Rocky remake.
so, are they actually her breasts, or just the wires from her arms?
You're underweight.
Kanna from Blaster Master Zero 2 would like to talk to you.
About thirty dollars if go by the Amazon UK listing.
Her arms retract and extend, like a coil. Look at her arms closely.
They're actual breasts.
Actually sort of within the realm of possibilities.
But these remakes are very far apart, gotta wait years.
These guys work real slow.
Worth it, tho, pretty good results.
Of course it would to an incel
Stop, that's Inti.
Inti will always spawn fan art and lewds because the lead artists of MMZ itself used to draw doujins back in the day.
So they get an automatic entry pass into rule 34.
Not to mention their own games have lewd elements in them and their official art/wallpapers lend to it too.
But im not skelly-mode.
I am fairly light-weight but not skelly.
Cool, so you admit that you can't read more than the first sentence.
Then that's even scarier, it means your fat allocation enables you for trap mode
Can you play in co-op?
Yes, but local only.
But, I want to be wonderful.
when are they fucking take lessons from games like dungeons & dragons.
this shit is getting ridiculous
And why should I care? There isn't even a clear sales number of BMZ2, so you don't know for certain if it's not just as obscure.
Yaksha's jiggle physics are through the fucking roof, there's no way that nobody did rule 34.
puffy vulva
Gotta use the thirsty fags for bumps, theres always some beat em up discussion running alongside tiddies discourse
Hah, that's good enough.
>I mean i don't mind, but it really lends to the idea that to get Yea Forums excited about any game, all you need is tits and fanservice
Well that is the obvious first step in any game if you want people to actually, truly have a good time with it. Why American companies don't realize this I don't know.
>die in the first room of the jump tutorial 20 times without having any idea why
>jump doesn't reach anywhere near the target platform
>google what the fuck is going on
>some brilliant genius put a block that you hit your head on, right on top of the very first jump you have to make in the game, and you will always knock your head on it and fall down unless you run off the platform and jump way later than you thought is even possible to jump
>there is nothing in the game indicating that any of this is happening because you cannot SEE the block
>clear the jump on the first tru after learning this bullshit is in it
>refunded instantly
>"good game"
Yeah, "good game".
Longest legit TEPPEN thread we've had on here was due to me using Card art featuring Morrigan's fat ass in the OP. It works.
That's about right, she's a kunoichi. Their main purpose is to get information by seducing their targets.
>height: 170cm
Fug, she's taller than me.
Manlets, when will you learn.
Honestly, same. But only by 2 cm.
Can we please have a Maximum Carnage remake after this?
It's not owned by Taito or anyone working on these remakes, so i don't get why you're asking here.
Good luck squeezing that out of Disney.
which River City Ransom game is the best one?
ok but how's the gameplay?
>I mean i don't mind, but it really lends to the idea that to get Yea Forums excited about any game, all you need is tits and fanservice, with gameplay being always secondary to how hard it makes your dick.
Sometimes this isn't even the case, pic related. It's a combination of how shillable it can be, how popular it ends up as discussion outside for Yea Forums like Twitter, and the big one is when artists trendhop and create free advertisement. It's really that last one that will make anyone "care", see Plant girl from that Blaster Master indie game.
Ninja Warriors is one of the best beatemups in the genre. Not just for its time, but even now, and the rest of the genre should really take notes from it.
>that is the obvious first step in any game if you want people to actually, truly have a good time with it.
Not him but wouldn't the obvious first step in any game be coming up with a good idea? Like, what would make a fun game? imo, sex appeal should come after that, otherwise you get stuff like the senran games.
The one with literal soul.
Very solid.
I already posted the gameplay trailer, but here it is again:
the matrix was 20 years ago.
No one actually cares. This is all just a lot of posturing.
>Ninja Warriors is one of the best beatemups in the genre. Not just for its time, but even now, and the rest of the genre should really take notes from it.
Ok that's a bit much.
I mean, it's very good, but purely in terms of being "technical" it doesn't reach the pinnacle of something like Sengoku 3.
>Is able to identify the origin of the image
>"Wtf, dude. Why are you referencing that?"
Where did the time go?
? Maximum carnage was pretty average, outside of its cool comic panel cutscenes
Looks cool. The white titty monster's outfit is bad though. Looks like she's wearing sweat pants.
>western title is "The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors"
Not initially but maybe later like Wild Guns Reloaded.
I blame "American Ninja Warrior".
>chick in sweat pants and hoodie
Does not compute.
The fuck, Umihara Kawase is absolutely physics-based arcade platforming first and tomboy waifu second. Anyone who has played these games for more than 2 hours would assert the same.
Oh yeah, here's the worldwide release trailer, in case anyone is worried about censorship or other shit like that:
Everything seems to be left untouched.
Worldwide, a german company is going to publish the game.
I have no clue if they're handling the physical release only or if the digital releases will be different depending if you're JP vs the rest of the world or what else, the situation is a bit confusing.
is there something like a bullet hell beat em up?
The later games, especially the most recent one, aren't very good (some people would argue they're straight up shit, even), and they're mostly being sold on promotional art fanservice over gameplay showcases.
I wouldn't mind seeing a 2 player version. Separation Anxiety was shit.
Some parts of Dragon's Crown.
None of them are bad aside from the PSP port of Shun. Even Fresh is like a 7/10.
Some of the Ys games could technically count maybe?
what, arent they ARPGs? i played the first 3.
It's what fat women who call themselves curvy wear.
They are ARPGs but you run around and hit things with Melee and sometimes there's bullet hell projectiles. I've got little experience with Ys but some of the footage I've seen came to mind when I read your post.
why are they robots tho?
based retard
I imagine they were trying to go for a Terminator vibe in the original arcade game, which didn't quite carry over into the console versions due to how much more mobile they got.
There is one difference between the Japanese and Western release and that is the color of the blood. It is green in the Ninja Warriors version while in the Ninja Saviors version it is red.
I think in this trailer it is shown that even in the JP version there will be an option to turn the blood to red.
It's probably just a switch in the option menu somewhere.
The blood color can be changed in both versions. Even the Japan trailer markets it as a new feature.
Why do robots require breasts?
Same reason they require everything else.
>with gameplay being always secondary
It's a remake of a game that's been out since the SNES you dumb zoomer faggot.
If I buy the JP version with the uncensored tits can I still play online with US players?
>the matrix was 20 years ago.
This is the most successful feeloldpost I have seen, good job.
Can you fucking imagine it? That there are kids old enough to post on Yea Forums who weren't BORN when Matrix came out? And it feels like that movie was just a couple years ago, five or six tops.
I mean technically they could be just terminator-like chrome skeletons.
They're humanoid cuz why the fuck not, i guess.
I agree. The long range and combo potential make her look fun as fuck. I like the big tits too but don't actually care for her outfit. Sprite makes it look like she's just wearing a hoodie and sweat pants.
Fuel storage.
Everything you just said is wrong.
There's no censorship with any version and there's no online, only local co-op.
I think the original story for the arcade/snes was that the female was the daughter of some exiled/assassinated politician that wanted revenge. The guy robot tags along just because...
>Sprite makes it look like she's just wearing a hoodie and sweat pants
Why the fuck do people here find girls in hoodies and sweat pants unattractive?
It's peak comfy look.
>no online
lol wtf, I guess I will be skipping this then.
Nah, that was never a thing.
All the ninjas are robots designed to assassinate a dictator so that their creator can usurp him and become an even worse dictator.
I honestly didn't even notice the breast increase until your post. I'm just happy that newer generations get to experience this hidden gem. I used to play the hell out of it in early 2000 on snes9x
Isn't a bullet hell beat em up just a bullet hell?
Because it doesn't hug or accentuate their figure in any way. That's what attractive clothes are meant to do for men and women.
I don't see a problem with this. You guys make it like good gameplay is some very simple choice that companies choose not to pursue because they believe other factors are more important.
The truth is, good gameplay is hard to achieve if not a complete matter of circumstance like any other media. The push for cinematic experience bullshit might be because they're reaching for a larger demographic that doesn't actually like playing games but loves movies, but you should also remember that they do it because it's far easier to make a videogame into a movie (which are still often shit movies) and sell it a demographic who can't see that it's a bad movie because it's pretending to be a videogame.
Women who wear loose clothes but have their figures visible in it anyway are the most attractive.
Why did the evil dictator look like Nixon and the flag looks like the American flag? I thought this was in Japan or something since you know, Ninjas and all.
You guys ever forced a girl to wear sweatpants and a hoodie (nothing underneath), make her run on a treadmill until she's nice and sweaty, then pull on the front side of her sweatpants and jack off directly onto her sweaty, hairy pussy?
If not, you're missing out.
Sweatpants are fucking amazing.
The dictator is called Banglor and I don't think the country even had a name, it was just Whateverthefuckistan.
Banglar looks like some kind of fat old goblin, going by the SNES game's intro.
Banglor isn't even human. He's some kind of fat troll. Supposedly, the ninjas' creator Mulk is also a troll like him, but I don't think he's ever appeared in any of the games.
Aw shit, here we go.
>everyone they sent after you is brown
I mean I guess it takes place somewhere in South America, but still why Ninjas? Did they just buy em from Japan or something? Does Japan in 1993 sell walking nukes?
Brazil, maybe? It has a pretty sizable Japanese population.
>1989 arcade game
>take visible damage
>if your life is low you literally are only a exoskeleton
>2019 Switch game
>can't see any damage
>you just blow up when your life bar is gone
Hoodies don't just come in 90s baggy shapes, form-fitting hoodies are pretty common. See pic related, if that was worn by a girl with an actual rack, you would see all the contours perfectly fine.
It was supposed to be less Mega Man and more Terminator back in the arcade game.
>That's what attractive clothes are meant to do for men and women.
You watch too much capeshit fag.
>>can't see any damage
>>you just blow up when your life bar is gone
That's exactly what happens in the SNES version which this is a remake of.
I remember Sengoku 3 having some pretty annoying bosses, but that's not rare for the genre I guess.
Back in the late 80s and early 90s Japs for some ridiculous reason fell in love with the Terminator series. So back then everyone either looks like Arnold or Stallone or has a robot endoskeleton.
Look at rest of twitter.
>Back in the late 80s and early 90s Japs for some ridiculous reason fell in love with the Terminator series.
Uhhh because Terminator 1 and 2 are fucking dick shattering balls to the walls amazing movies?
It's not hard to see why they would love them.
Have you seen the Terminator series lately you fucking idiot?
>very specifically name the first 2 movies only, to prevent you from going full retard and making this post
>name them specifically because they're historically accurate to what we're talking about
>you just can't help yourself and make this predictable post anyway, even tho it has no relevance whatsoever to what we just said
>but it really lends to the idea that to get Yea Forums excited about any game, all you need is tits and fanservice, with gameplay being always secondary to how hard it makes your dick.
What lends to the idea is that as long as a female character has pronounced secondary sex characteristics someone will lose their shit somewhere. This never happens with perfect skin health, or teeth or hair, even eyes. Really lends to the idea that you're either a huge gay homo lala man or you're a femcel.
>huge gay homo lala man
Nigga they literally buffed the male protag as well.
Is there one of these for Kamaitachi?
The male and female MCs sprite comparisons are the only two posted on the official website.
Finally, conclusive proof that Yaksha's "breasts" are actually storage for her arms.
How do you think loli robots are fed?
What's going on with his empty hand in the new one?
Preparing it for fisting the enemy.
Everything has to MOVE, user. That's how you know it's updated and NEW! It MOVES.
Is Daddy Mulk in the game?
Yes! The whole arcade OST is.
No such thing as overanimating sprites.
I want to see each individual fiber on their clothes swaying in the wind at each step.
Minimalist spritework needs to die in a fire, bring back the wonderful opulence of slaving away artists until they lose custody of their kids.
It's worth it every time.
This character always felt "wrong" to me.
His design conveys the sense that he's a fast, agile assassin, but he never felt fast, nor agile enough.
Like he should've been 2x faster at everything he did.
Maybe he'll be more enjoyable to play in the remake.
>No such thing as overanimating sprites.
There's such a thing as overanimating anything. I don't even think the new sprites look bad, but I think it's an obvious case of more/different for the sake of it.
She was in a nintendo direct when everyone always expects some smash reveal or a major game so lots of people saw her and wanted in
Who cares, we're swimming in a sea of 1x1 minimalist indie garbage.
Stick 50000000 frames of a piece of chainmail swinging around for no reason directly inside my eyes.
I have to overcompensate for YEARS of minimalist, barebone sprite animation from starved indie artists that work a skeletron team and have no hope of doing decent work unless they dedicated 20 years of their life to their project.
I need useless animations again, i'm starving for them.
They drink human semen.
So Konoichi is a cyborg, not an android?
No, they're all androids, some looking more human than others but none being human at all.
All of them are prototypes of new robots meant to keep the populace in line, if the SNES game's ending was anything to go by.
Shame, mechabare is fucking hot.
this looks terrible
fat fucking midget
Get mad.
I hope they get a sequel that addresses that.
I'll settle for a new stage where they survive their involuntary self-destruction and go after their creator before he comes into power.
For the people who couldn't order from Limited games this is what you are getting by buying the ININ version. Honestly, I like this poster more.
Is this the only physical edition left?
No, this Limited Games collectors edition is still available, but goes for 60$.
I've seen that, but I agree that the poster/boxart that isn't just juxtaposed key art is better. I assume the first one you posted is cheaper? $60 and importing from bongland isn't worth it.
Weird how limited this physical released seems to be given that you could just pick up WG Reloaded at Gamestop.
Correct, the ININ version will go for 30$ at release, but will come out eleven days after its initial release. It already has its page up in Amazon UK.
Isn't that just a run'n'gun?
What, like you need to dodge bullet patterns so you can get into close range and do melee combos?
That kind of sounds like Rabi-Ribi.
I only want the standard retail release. Fuck that LRG garbage. I hate having to race the internet to get a physical game. Standard release seems better in every way too.
dat Raiden
I had 0 issues with it.
Who are you quoting?
lmao that's what that was? I thought it was some obscure jump/lunge mechanic that I wasn't familiar with. Refunded it after trying about 3 times.
>one cameltoe
>ONE cameltoe
You know that's not enough.
she's a costume change away from looking cool.
>making a fridge run.webm
>make female looking androids
>cover up their delicious metal, female figured robot bodies
Hey, NSFW!
Look harder.And fuck twitter for making shit hard to find.
Thanks user
>And fuck twitter for making shit hard to find.
Correct, it fucking sucks since photos should have some tagging system
I’m a sucker for characters with long ranged grapples and shit. Wish her design could be better but her and Raiden is definitely gonna be my top picks.
Cannon Spike and Sol Divide I guess
based user, thanks
they are her breasts
some user autistically observed her animations and her breasts were still there when her arms were extended
Obvious figures in loose clothing are great, get taste. There’s lothing like catching glimpses of body form through looser fabric.
Got that illiterate nigger good Anonymous
>wanting seven cameltoes
>You said it man, nobody fucks with the Jesus
Nice, we are finally getting some fanart of her.
Are they still going to die once you kill the bad guy?
Who knows.
>??? on the website
Could be they still have a few secrets left. Maybe, maybe not.Wild Guns got two new stages, but they've only mentioned the original 8 for TNWOA. I get the feeling there may be a secret stage or two, maybe even an alternate ending.
Why did anyone tell me it was limited physical run? Fuck you guys.
>ninja saviors: the return of the warriors
You have got to be kidding me
Yeah, why did we tell you? Not even grateful
The "Ninja Warrior" TV show presumably forced the change.
Do they still blow up or do they get KO'd and rapeable? This is VERY important.
Would seem a little lame if for all they did to improve the game further, they end it with the ninjas self-destructing again.
There was one idea from a past thread where the ninjas prevent themselves from self-destructing after Banglor is killed, and Stage 9 is the mansion from the arcade game as they hunt Mulk before he becomes dictator.
Why would even make two fuckable androids only to nuke em? Completely stupid, like airstrikes exist.
Mulk built a big hulking, nunchuk-ing motherfucker and a thin sky-spiraling wind-weasel wannabe, along with a gigantic giga nigga who can turn into a gun-tank. I don't think he really cares about sensible approaches.
Comfycore is sexy as fuck, only homos will disagree.
Case in point.
It isn't about being sensible. But wasting resources like a nigga.
Sorry but I don't see the appeal of dressing a character like some over weight wine aunt who thinks her fat rolls makes her THICC. The pants at least would be better if the sprite had creases to show the fabric being tight and not looking like a pair of sweat pants.
Right, but that's two fuckable androids down the drain. Like fuck man.
>what are baggy clothes
What are you asian?
Gameplay is shit even in "good" games and none of it is ever new so yes big tits, fat thighs, fat asses, big bulges, rippling muscles all these things on both genders is a major plus for any normal human bean
stay mad because no one will ever love ugly deform mutant trannies
Sayonara was kind of mediocre but Fresh is good and put back in some of the mechanics Sayonara took out. The only bad games are the 3DS and PSP ports, especially PSP Shun.
"Some people would argue they're straight up shit" t. your ass
>65 kg
fat cunt
Mulk will just make more of them once he becomes dictator.
>Gameplay is shit even in "good" games
Maybe you just don't like video games anymore, if you ever did at all.
Maybe Mulk lost his penis?
Why would he call himself Daddy Mulk if he didn't have a PENIS?
We're just a little bit closer to heaven.
Everyone sucks Sengoku 3's dick and I can't really understand why, I think it's pretty dull.
Post a real Beat 'em Up, nerds.
I unironically liked the first Guardians more. The animal girl disappeared from the sequel for no reason and the lizard became a bird girl.
Sure thing.
soulless calarts ripoff of ane-san
You are a fucking idiot
>poltergeist moose trophy boss
>every little hit he gets he screams in total agony
I laugh every time.
Wait, my bad, he was a buffalo.
What is this?
River City Girls. Kunio-kun spinoff developed by WayForward where you play as the main characters' girlfriends after they get kidnapped.
Oh, looks pretty good.
PC release eventually? Did Wild Guns PC come out after the console release?
Yeah, there was a delay between console & PC for Wild Guns, but IIRC it was only a few months.
Why can't Capcom update their arcade beat 'em ups as well?
Raiden looks like ED-209 when in tank mode.
Instead of finding sprite artists (since a lot of talent has left Capcom over the years), they just took a bunch of games and sold them in one collection; although they at least got new art made for each game and added online play.
Why does Japan like baseball so much? Not even Americans like baseball as much as Japan
Wild Guns Reloaded & Once Again are done by a small team of guys who worked on both original games. Capcom probably doesn't have most of the people that made their classics; even RE2make was mostly made by young staff, and MM11's closest thing to veterans were a guy who worked on 7 (the team behind which was previously in charge of the Rockman World/Mega Man GB series and hadn't done any console games).
It's just the main sport that America brought over back in the days after WWII when they were helping Japan restructure itself. Same thing as Cricket in India after the Brits took over.
A lot of Japanese culture that doesn't come from really deeply-rooted traditions that go back a long time is warped interpretations of American culture.
She always had great breasts, but I like that they made her eyes the same as Ninja, emotionless and empty. Anyone know who is doing the new art for the game?
The 90s was the best.
I want to know how two-player mode is going to work with the HUD being so big.
it's starting to seem to me like they share one health bar and one blaster meter
That should discourage coasting on one player, I think.
I'll take that over Wild Guns having the number of players determine what the difficulty is if you're not solo.
And in the original arcade game, the only thing that set her apart from the blue ninja was her ponytail.