You do realize this shit will be choke-full of Larian's trademarked "le quirky Reddit-style humor"?
You do realize this shit will be choke-full of Larian's trademarked "le quirky Reddit-style humor"?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's cringe.
Ah, so you're trans. No wonder you lap up that shit.
Obsidian should have made it.
True, japanese humor is objectively superior
Larian is the best western RPG developer.
Their humour is quite witty, I understand it can be challenging for an American. Do you really expect all developers to dumb down their games to cater to third world countries though?
You didn't play BG1. I'd bet cash on it.
>le quirky Reddit-style humor"
Hi, I'm Noober. Nice place, huh?
Fuck off, you bitter neckbeard.
>Reveal teaser has a man violently ripped apart from the inside out by a mindflayer
>"This game is gonna be full of cringe reddit humor" t. Yea Forums
i don't care, i just want moar baldur's gate and after that beamdog bullshit, it can only get better!
Larian has never made a good game. I tried playing D:OS2 again and it's just as bad as I remember.
BG1 was never offensively bad like Larian's games.
So were BG1 and 2, so were the Neverwinter games, so were the Icewind Dale games and Fallout, even the Ultima games had the same kind of humour, some games like Wizardry were even worse, with Wizardry 4 being perhaps the worst offender at times given how one of the bosses (which is a very important lore character) is a joke fight where he literally memes on you and breaks the fourth wall repeatedly.
>Yea Forums hates Old World Blues
>loves Larian
BG1 and it's easter eggs, like noober. jesus that dude was annoying
Remember this thread for when the game comes out. And once I'm proven right, I want you to admit it.
I’m screencapping this thread for whenever Yea Forums bitches about Old World Blues or Outer Worlds. The hypocrisy is palpable.
please tell us about your favorite anime
I never played a Persona game.
D:OS2 is literally goty 2017.
You're just a zoomer with shit taste.
>BG1 was never offensively bad like Larian's games.
The most popular character from BG is fucking Minsc, which is the embodiement of what you underages and bitter BioWare neckbeards call "reddit" humour.
Hopefully it won't, some of their earlier games were more serious in tone, but then again clearly their lolsorandum humour sells well enough for them to double down on it.
I love CRPGs to the point that I tolerate some really shit design flaws, but the writing in D:OS was so... tacky that I lost any motive to keep going. Having endured the many quirks of Infinity Engine games that surprised me.
He was an early warning in retrospect, but at least at that time he was contained. BG also had the first dalliances of Bioware going into character romances, which I think most of us would agree was generallly a Bad Idea.
The former has always had shitslinging back and forth from the moment it was released.
Yes but niggers like
will eat it up and call anyone who doesn't like it incels like a redditor would.
I bet they enjoyed fucking gay fish in PoE2.
>He was an early warning in retrospect, but at least at that time he was contained.
How was he fucking contained?
He was in multiple games, massively featured in the comic books, even fucking Neverwinter Nights 2 explicitly references Minsc in MoTB since it takes place in Rashemen, while disregarding the rest of the BG cast.
The Boo meme became a Bioware staple echoed all the way to Mass Effect games, how the fuck was he ever contained?
Are you idiots really that blinded by your own jaded bitterness that you pretend WRPG were ever "super seriouz buziness" outside of incredibly rare exceptions like Darklands?
He was contained in that he was just one character, and a novelty. Obviously his relative popularity was seized upon, but it wasn't a pervasive element of the majority of characters in the game or the general tone of the game overall.
Nah, cuckfire was pandering to Resetera like Larian panders to Reddit.
Giving Baldur's Gate to the worst RPG developer right now was a mistake. Even Inxile would have been a better choice.
Larian is Yea Forumss current “does nothing wrong” company. Like CDPR was in 2015 or Obsidian before that. They won’t accept anything they do as wrong.
Can't wait for every single character to act like Minsc.
larian games are faggotcore
Did you actually play a Larian game before Div2 OS? they have great range.
Also don't understand the hate for Larian, they and Croteam are actually good developers
You're fucking retarded if you think Larian doesn't plan to change their tone for this game. Not to say baldurs gate doesnt have quirky shit mixed into their games anyways
As long as the gameplay is good what does it matter?you werent gonna buy it anyway,fag.
well, unlike CDPR and obsidian, they haven't done anything wrong yet :D
At least until they do something to make everyone turn on them and call them cucks.
>You're fucking retarded if you think Larian doesn't plan to change their tone for this game
Or just too lazy to google Larian and check out what games they developed: protip, almost each increasingly different
>He was contained in that he was just one character
That's not even fucking true, have you actually played a Baldur's Gate game?
all their games have the awful belgian humor
even divine divinity
As opposed to Baldur's Gate that had highbrow narrative, right? It was a modern day Faust. The Koveras twist was pure brilliance.
whether you like the humor or not is besides the point, the idea is that it's tonally different from the OS games
either way Larian are great and whoever decided to entrust baldur's gate to them did well.
>*pull on Ilithid tentacles
>Oh you know what they say about lolies and tentacles?
>*Ilithid pulls out magic gun and shoots itself*
>american background laughter track
can't wait for copious amounts of gay sex with my male party members in between bouts of third person hack and slash because missing is bad
i love larian!
so were the originals. "Ooh shiny ones"
Despite the shit RTS mechanics, Dragon Commander at least allowed you to be based.
You fucking Lari-nigger.
Except for making two abysmal “RPGs” that normalfags and redditors ate up
>Stinks of wet animal
>Loyal only out of fear
>Snorts, snarls, growls and chuffs with laughter
>Yet regal and proud
>Insatiable bloodlust for violence and slaughter
>Unapologetic killer
>Driven by instinct and insatiable lust for violence
>But not evil
Hesu Kriste
whatever buddy nobody better suited than them on the market
>give cRPGs a fighting chance in the age of generic open world trash
picko uno, my friend
The writing in general won't be very good.
People could swallow it in the Divinity series because it never had good writing, but now you have direct comparisons to draw in the form of BG2 and ToB.
Also I am 99% sure they will stick to turn-based over real-time-with-pause, in addition to other changes.
In other words, it won't be BG3.
>give cRPGs a fighting chance
I'd rather your stay dead then have ones like Larians.
beats avellone's shit ass writing
too bad larian are successful studio then
Colony Ship RPG is in development. There's always going to be a niche for more dedicated and serious cRPGs, since you only need a small team with their shit together to make it.
Underrail expac just came out and isn't homo shit like Larian's games.
>but not evil
This part always kills me, one phrase that turns it from regular bad to birlliant unintended parody of Deviantart OCs.
So is Black Geyser. Made by Austrians and Hungarians appearently. I expect good things.
ah, baldur's gate, the pinnacle of grimdark fantasy
There are several kickstarter cRPGs out there, here's hoping most will be decent to good. I can't even keep track of them all.
Since this is the CRPG thread I want to ask about NWN2.
Can I skip the first campaign and just start with Mask of the Betrayer?
Well, it's your game, you bought it, so I guess. Unless there's someone pointing a gun at you and forcing you to play the base game first. Which could be considered a form a torture, I suppose.
if you really like epic level dnd and dont mind beling like /who is this guy again?' every 10 miniutes go right ahead
MoTB is a campaign meant for epic level chars, so starting out fresh in there is not suggested as you need at least some experience with the mechanics.
You should just skip it entirely, it's garbage no matter the campaign, MoTB and SoZ are just barely bearable.
Most popular sure, but the best was either coran or xan
Fuck, it's the fun police.
Owlcat is also working on adapting another Pathfinder AP. Should get pretty crazy in terms of customization if they keep adding archetypes/spells/races/etc to the existing Kingmaker base.
As long as they take out Kingdom management bullshit and not deliver a product with a shitload of gamebreaking bugs that stay there for months, through multiple editions, I guess.
Kingmaker also had some really garbage decisions design wise, from removing crafting entirely for no fucking reason to nerfing entire classes ingloriously, though the latter is the usual fare for CRPGs.
At least it's a mostly competent game with mods, especially turn based combat, and spellcasters are actually fun to play with a kit that is surprisingly not 90% useless, probably up there with modded ToEE in terms of good CRPGs.
You're not getting the license, Beamdog.
Beamdog and their hamfisted progressive messaging would be even worse.
The problem is that you're too happy Beamdog didn't get it. That makes you blind to Larian's shitiness.
There wouldn't be a reason to see Kingdom Management back since its a subsystem made for Kingmaker specifically. Although we could see another side system depending on what AP they adapt (nobody knows yet although rumor is Curse of the Crimson Throne)
>removing crafting
I agree that its unfortunate, I would love to make a crafter cleric guy. More access to the low cost wonderous items would be awesome for small consumables and flavor.
>nerfing classes
Kingmaker substantially buffed sneak attacks as well as innately closing the spellcasting/martial gap because some of the really wild reality warping spells dont make it into a video game. What did you feel was nerfed, summoning?
imagine founding a studio with the intent to do BG3 in the future and then being cucked out of it
serves them right for the EE fuckery
Koveras, user. Every time someone is concerned about Larian's writing I remember Koveras. Beamdog could have dropped the quality even further down, but not Larian's shit sense of humor. Actually if they channeled some of that Divine Divinity style you wouldn't have to worry about that either.
WRPG are the only genre I really play but wrpg 'fans' are the worst people on the planet to cater to.
Most of the people here are so harcore contrarian that they think only good wrpg is ultima 1.
I will take it over obsidions sjw bullshit.
>giving a shit about rtwp games amyway
Shit I mean beamdog
I mean, the Kingdom management would've been fine if it mattered for shit and if the other systems actually worked. The time constraint that forces you to rush through the story is the most vile offence to this game I can think of, but there are plenty more. From completely retarded and arbitrary plot points to just stupid game design. Speaking of arbitrary plot points, the Pitax thing is the fucking worst.
>Get publicly humiliated at a tourney by a rival king
>Gain proof he's trying to usurp your throne
>Can't go to their capital and tear his spine out through his ass, "we'd never get through the front gates alive, Charname!"
>Advance plot, Pitax starts a propaganda and guerrilla campaign against you
>"We know it's them Charname, but we can't just send in the soldiers!"
>Advance the plot until the game finally lets you go after the Pitaxian King, by LITERALLY MARCHING THROUGH THE FRONT GATES, which was somehow far too daunting earlier. No armies are involved, just you and five guys murderfucking their way through the city into the palace and the throne room
That really made me mad. I was never given the choice to go "fuck this guy in particular, send in the troops." I had invested pretty heavily into my military, because I thought a strong army would be necessary to maintain independence and security in such a hostile corner of the world, but turns out that the kingdom stats don't mean jack and there's actually no decision making involved at all in the Kingdom management. Fuck that makes me mad.
The game had potential, but was more frustrating than fun at far too many occasions.
>More access to the low cost wonderous items would be awesome for small consumables and flavor.
It's more about being consistent with the TT rules in a game that boasts being consistent with the TT rules.
Taking out crafting in a D&D game is never a good idea and the game floods you with pointless baubles that sell for barely anything and could have been perfect crafting material in the first place instead of cluttering your inventory and making looting a pain in the ass.
>Kingmaker substantially buffed sneak attacks
Yeah, and as much as I love playing as a Wizard/AT that isn't good and gives people even less reasons to multi into something like EK, which is already bad on paper.
>What did you feel was nerfed, summoning?
Summoning is ridiculous, so no.
I'm talking more about certain archetypes and certain classes.
Take Scroll Savant, it's a completely pointless archetype without the Scribe Scroll feat, the only "advantage" you could have with it would be having a specialist wizard that can still cast opposition schools at full power with scrolls, but you can't fucking scribe scrolls in the first place so even that goes to the shitter, Arcane Bomber is even worse, Slayers also make a lot of martials obsolete, Kinetic Knight lacks some key feats from TT that makes it another useless option and so on.
And even outside of classes, look at something like weapon types, the game gives you loads of Longswords or Shortswords with amazing enchantments or + levels, meanwhile things Falcatas get barely anything, which again, could have been solved by just giving us crafting feats.
I do enjoy the game, but there have been a lot of massive mistakes even without considering the loads of gamebreaking bugs and the awful Kingdom minigame.
Also this
Rent free.
Well, silliness isn't exactly unheard of in the Baldur's Gate series. There's even a bit in one of the later games where a rookie adventuring party tries to jump you and steal your stuff, gets slaughtered, and then reloads their save.
Sporadic silliness is fine. But Larian tries to cover up their mediocre at best writing with shitty jokes and silliness.
If they don't hire on better writers for this game that's a massive red flag.
Crafting in TT is an absolute abortion of feat taxes desu.
Kingmaker really needed a way to craft ammo like bane arrows and magically enhance weapons to help reduce reliance on drops.
>sneak attacks give people less reason to multi
It was wrong to say just sneak attacks, it reworked flanking which significantly boosts martials use across the board, even if it kinda got out of hand with sneak. EK was dead in the water the moment Magus was introduced as a base class desu, and its -1 to spellcasting progression over AT means its never going to be useful.
Youre right about Kinetic Knight missing whip and whirlwind (?), I completely forgot about those. Arcane Bomber is dogshit period though
I can't really hold any plot complaints against owlcat because they didn't write the story.
And annoying characters that blow away the immersion, and fetch/menial quests and the design will probably be ugly.
After playing so many "the spiritual successor of Baldur's Gate!!!!" anything "Baldur's Gate" sounds bad to me.
BG1 and BG2 didn't have cringey humor. Maybe some corny lines here and there but if you didn't like that stuff you could just kick Minsk and avoid Haer Dalis and you were good to go. Icewind Dale... I don't really remember much dialog, like the story didn't matter much. It was like playing Torchlight but with RTwP.
The difference is that Larian is the embodiment or childish cringey humor. They toned it down a lot with D:OS yet somehow still felt like Larian.
better than beamsdog's politics
Will I be able to canonically romance Imoen in BG3? This is important.
It'll be a new, unrelated story.