Gray-Mane or Battle-Born?

Gray-Mane or Battle-Born?

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Gray-Mane is all about honor and tradition unlike (((Battle-Born)))


Gray-Mane. Im naming all my sons Thorald

Fuck off Randy

i wonder who's behind this post

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Skyrim was filled with so many non-decisions like this and it really pisses me off. It's a shitty action adventure game masquerading as an RPG.

Skyrim didn't even have real dragons. Wyverns were disappointing at best.

Gray-Mane you stupid fuck. Imperials can suck my dick

The Empire is doomed and Skyrim can't stand on its own against the Dominion; the true rulers of Tamriel.

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I barely remember which is which
you don't need decisions to be an RPG really, I'm not saying skyrim isn't a shitty RPG though


Daily reminder that the Forsworn represent Celts and Nords represent Central Asian invaders

i'm going to say it

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Mr. House

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Forsworn aren't even human they're man-mer elf rape babies


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Dumb purity spiralling central asian rat.

Got stones in your ears? I asked what side are you on, Grey-Mane or Battle-Born.

>use the alternate start mod
>make a High Elf character
>get to choose a Thalmor background
What are some good ways to help Thalmor interests in Skyrim Yea Forums?

Hi there pardner', how bout you gimme a sike right bout now and I won't have to rig your next game from the start. What'dya say?

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Help the Stormcloaks against Imperials

there's probably mods out by now that make playing a thalmor more feasible but it's disappointing how limited vanilla was in that regard.

You realize the Thalmor get kicked out of the country and killed when the Stormcloaks win right


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Small price to pay for the Empire losing a shit load of men and a province.
Once us Thalmor march again we can crush the Empire easily and then turn our gaze to a weak and alone Skyrim.
Divide et impera

Neither. How about I genocide all of skyrim aside from "unconscious"fags? And not this isn't a "service to the Thalmor". It's now my territory and every single Thalmor that enters or is already inside gets culled as well.

Good luck doing that while my Thalmor-hating High Elf Dragonborn is around.

>Thalmor-hating High Elf Dragonborn
Race traitor cuck. I bet you married a Nord too.

the thalmor got fucked and couldn't even take hammerfell, they're a meme and the empire is cucked

>Skyrim leaves the Empire
>The mighty BRETONS invade Skyrim and divide the lands amongst themselves
>Also invade Redoran lands in Morrowind as well, making a super "Really High Rock" which encompasses most of Northern Cyrodiil

Recommend me some nice mods that won't cause permanent irreparable CTD.

Telvanni you fucking N'wah

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>Le Quirk Mage House
Miss me with that, gaylord.

Fidget spinner mod

>Le Generic Viking larper or literal race traitor
You mad N'wah??

Nah, it's all about going around to the countries not yet under High Elf control making an alliance against the High Elves and after beating them down, declare yourself Emperor of Tamriel with a completely new organisation that has none of the bullshit from the rotten corpse that's the previous Empire. Make an agreement that the nation with greatest strength and influence gets to have the next Emperor in 100 years to spark competition. Then fulfill that promise and retire while becoming the "Great Imperial Ancestor" who gets to live a Chad live with all the privileges but none of the duties of an Emperor for the next 800+ years. Might also go and ursurp a Deadra's position to become immortal, or something, at the end.

Sorry Redditboy, I'm not a pro-Nordic or an Imperial.

Imagine supporting a mediocre fool like Ulfric just because he can shout very loudly.

Imagine supporting the guys who tried to execute you under false charges and forced it through despite there being reasonable doubts about your supposed guilt.

Why can't I assassinate both and unite Skyrim under Ballgruff?