Disney investment firm wants to buy Activision


>While the share price for Activision has been declining over the past several months, market speculation has pointed to the game publisher giant being the next big acquisition for the entertainment industry. Furthermore, one of the Walt Disney Company’s main investors has suggested the media corporation should acquire Activision.

>The news comes via an interview with Gerber Kawasaki’s (the investment and management firm behind the Disney-Fox merger) Nick Licouris and Bloomberg, where the market specialist noted the time for Disney to buy up Activision has arrived.

>“Ideally for an investor you want this to happen now,” Licouris said in the interview. Despite the promising turnaround from an investor standpoint, Disney is probably years away from such a move.

Disney destroys everything they touch recently, so I'd be fine with them buying and killing Activision desu

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my sides if true

But won't that just lead to Disney inevitably owning Crash Bandicoot, along with any other IP they own?

Just how cucked does EA feel right now?

fucking Crash fags about to be BTFO with a fucking crash live action movie

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I want them to buy Blizzard but instead of developing Warcraft put it to rest.

Disney needs to be broken up for real

How the fuck are they able to buy anything after just getting Fox?? Can't someone stop Disney?!

Disney would actually force Blizzard to make new games instead of relaxing on MTX & WoW expansions

>Disney tie-ins will be legitimate 10/10s again

Are we back in business, Disneychads?

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>more mtx games

I'd rather them not have Crash and Spyro. Shouldn't there be some kind of cap on this merging shit?

I wouldn't mind, maybe Activision could make a better Star Wars game than EA

>Blizzard World from Overwatch becomes real

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Yes, there is, antitrust laws. But until Disney is told to stop, we're doomed.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they did it only for loot boxes and micro transactions to get banned the next day?

>Sonic movie releases, Sonic design looks good, but only goes as far as this, Eggman is dope, rest of the movie is nope
>Fully animated 3DCG Crash Bandicoot Disney movie with original voice actors

I embrace this fate

Fuck, I forgot about Spyro.

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so if Fox wasn't big enough then what is?

>dude, let's have one company own a majority of the U.S. entertainment industry, lmao
>dude, this is totally okay, lmao

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>disney buys out activision
>blizzard dies and their CG artists get absorbed
Im ok with this

If its real

Will this affect CoD franchise?

Maybe Disney can make good Warcraft cinematics, there's potential for that but Blizzard games are done for

I'll buy some acticuck stock right now

When should I sell my Disney stock? When Disney+ starts?

Oh cool, so Groot will play WoW on his new laptop

>tfw Bobby Kotick manages to become CEO of Disney
Just fucking imagine

just an off hand comment made by an investor and nothing more than that

if they had Disney animators they could have made the Warcraft movie look like the damn game

they can all go down the toilet together

>they can all go down the toilet together
Disney is literally "too big to fail" by now. If you can't see that, then you are in for a rude awakening.

World of Blackedcraft

I don't really care. Disney has at least one franchise I like - Marvel, however plebby it may make me. Activision has nothing, and Blizzard's been nothing but a dead carcass for a decade now. So sure, go ahead, maybe we'll get decently looking Avengers games out of it.

Jews own America, stop complaining and join us

Tell me one thing Disney made that's above PG12. The only thing you'll get is diversity and transsexual propaganda aimed at kids.

I guess that would include Blizzard.

Soooooo, just like ActiBlizz were doing already?

Both Disney and Activision are cancer that ruin what they'll acquire.

The Mouse buying Activision is like fighting fire with fire.

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Kotick is actually pretty mild compared to the board of Disney.

Yes, but more of it. Can't see the benefit for me, can't see any benefit for any consumers actually.

If we lump all the cancer in one mass we can just stick a sign on it saying "this is all the cancer, stay away from it"
The shit is easier to isolate when it's one massive turd

Doesn't Disney literally own like 75% of the studio market now?

I thought we killed monopolies after the Gilded Age.

>The only thing you'll get is diversity and transsexual propaganda aimed at kids.


Have sex.

There is no benefit in Activision with Disney or without anyway. Why exactly are you trying to defend an independent ActiBlizz anyway? They aren't worth a damn.

Disney is becoming a monopoly, how come they get away with it?

Couldn't they buy EA instead?

(((who knows)))

Perhaps they've become mad with EA and are buying another company out of spite? I'm just pulling theories out my ass, though.

EA is like 2.5 times more expensive.

Seems good to me
cancer merging with cancer

The thing about cancer is that it spreads.


Honestly, at this point, I don't see how Disney could make Blizzard any worse.

you guys fucking suck

All of their animators seem to be from Disney nowadays so the integration should be pretty easy.

People are also saying apple might buy activision

>Disney Then displays Capcom, Sega and Sony Imagesoft games
>buying out Activision will bring those days back
No. As far as Crash goes Activision only hired other dev teams to work on it, at best Disney would hire those same teams, at worst Crash goes full mobage and gets a starring role in Wreck-It Ralph 3: Yas Princess Play.

>Disney investors want Disney to buy [specific company]
Nothing will come from this. They can want Disney to buy fucking anything but it's not happening if Disney doesn't think it's worthwhile. They just opened their game studio back up, so buying Activision would be stupid as hell and I'm sure they realize that.

However, I'd much rather Activision have the rights to star wars than ea so..

>A vidya company too expensive for fucking Disney, that managed to in recent years buy Marvel and Fox.

>yfw in 10 years it will be only tencent vs Disney, and few indies in both vidya and movies that cant break even, because they are overflowed with aaa trash

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Day of the rope soon, tranny.

Marvel was dirt cheap, they were dying. Ea woulde've costed about 5 times more than Marvel.

Mickey was always for and made by fags, anyone who likes Mickey deserves the rope
Donald-fags is where it's at


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There are not enough good motocross games, what are you on about?

For real why the fuck does Disney keep trying to buy literally everything?
I can't see how this is profitable

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>finally got rid Jewtivision to get good Mahvel games
>Disney just puts them back in charge again
is this hell

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>Buy more stuff
>Sell using that stuff since it is profitable
>Make money
you are a retard

>legit 10/10's
you do know this is Activision right?
just look at the state of Spider-man games before Insomniac
or worse, see what happened to Neversoft

the US government

>Disney buys Activision
>Classic WoW gets shut down before it can even end the updates

dont call it a grave
its the future you choose

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people don't understand that Diney's doesn't just owns a huge chunk of the entertainment industry but also a huge chunk of the news outlets too. They literally have the power to shape and manipulate the perception people have about politics, current social issues, etc. through mainstream media.

so when the fuck is the gubmint stepping in to fix this shit or does America not have anti monopoly laws
genuinely curious

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>does America not have anti monopoly laws
They have board members from big corporations infiltrating the government.

At this point a picture of Capitol hill should be included with definitions of regulatory capture to help people understand the true meaning of the phrase.

>Bllizzshit keep making those games and stories for 10yo kids
>attract attention from disney

serves you well scumbags

I always ask how they aren’t breaking any monopoly laws. People say their assets are borderline diversified. Just enough spread to not be considered a monopoly.

They’re resting at around 40% holding in the film industry

U.S. government have been under the control of a multitude of corporate interests for decades. It has gotten so bad that even presidential candidates, such as Trump back he was in the primary, mentions how bought off is the government in public. Expect nothing from the U.S. government, because it's a lost cause right now.

>mfw all the people saying they'll get good games, or games at all, if this goes through
yeah that totally follows their incredible track record with Star Wars and Marvel games

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Regardless of whether or not you like them, Marvel games quality have improved since a Disney began doing some quality control.

>Compete with yourself with your own products competing

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ITT: Dumb shits who actually believe it'd happen.
kekimus maximus

>implying jew mouse doesn't want their own shark cards

>dude, Disney would never buy Fox. lmao

If you can create the illusion of competition, while maintaining majority control of the market, it doesn't matter which of your subsidiaries win, the parent company will win over them all. The competition amongst themselves motivates the subsidiaries to actually focus on profit generation and keeps the public blissfully ignorant of the fact that their choice is nothing but an illusion.

Aw fuck.
Well...A full 3D CG animated Crash Bandicoot movie and possibly a theme park ride doesn't sound so bad in Retrospect.
But for God's sake Disney chill the fuck out. This reminds me of a dumb rumor back in the day that allegedly Disney was interested in making a Banjo Kazooie movie after the success of Wreck It Ralph. Which only implied they seeked to buy out that too.
Thank God that didn't become real.
But luckily this is just some investor suggesting Disney should buy out Activison, and Disney isn't actually doing it. Lets just pray to God it stays that way forever.

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Disney doesn’t care about games. They gave the SW license to EA and they've done nothing with it, yet Disney is content.

It works for EA.

>Crash in Kingdom Hearts

fucking Disney will ruin everything in this shity gaming industrz, but SÖYBÖYS will open their mouths for Disney and accept it
you can't own the entire industry if you're only 1 Corporation, but 4-5 corporations can own an entire industry, for example Gaming or Media.

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>Disney keep trying to buy literally everything?
That is exactly why globalism is cancer, corporations as large as Disney need to be controlled. It doesn't serve the free market nor the people when monopolies are created. And you can't really control them if they aren't bound by borders.
But I guess leftists see it as convenience to use Google™ phones, wear Google™ glasses, wear Google™ clothing, let Google™ computers do the shopping, eat Google™ food and let Google™ handle their financial and medical data.
Why do the thinking if Google does it for you? Sell your soul today and receive a Google™ gift card.

>call of duty guy in kingdom hearts

They already aren't bound by borders.
People are, corps aren't.
Laws are also bound by borders, which is one thing the abuse to help remain big and powerful.

Crash and Spyro seem like a Disney thing. Lets goooo new KH worlds

>It doesn't serve the free market nor the people when monopolies are created.
>But I guess leftists
>Yeah let me put out a left-wing idea, and blame the left for it. Do I fit in yet, guys? You guys like me, right?

And I thought Activision couldn't get any more shitty.

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>implying Disney aren't greedy fucks
>implying disney wouldn't lobby to hell and back to make them legal

Disney gacha game when? I'm honestly surprised Western media companies aren't making those yet, since they could milk millions with a few pixels.


It's Activision Blizzard

Oy vey, you can't say that. Remember the sixteen bazillions.


Bloomberg article, for those dissing Niche Gamer.
And Activision is so cheap right now, compared to its historical worth, that I definitely do think some big player should do a forceful takeover. If I had hundreds of billions, I would. The share price will rebound to its average value very quickly, its free money for people who already have money.

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If this happened Overwatch would become legitimate Disney shit.


>akko poster is retarded

Inflation means money is getting cheaper. You want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Especially since Trump is going to print dollars in preparation for his election campaign, to delay the market crash so it doesn't happen on his shift.

What's better, owning one of the two most popular brands, or buying both while still pretending to be competing? The cosmic horror level of businessmen work this way. They own several companies which seem like they're competing, appealing to specific niches, but it's all coming from the same source.

You blame the left but no one on the right is against that either.

have no suicidal thoughts

>until Disney is told to stop

Good joke.

Sure why not, might actually help blizzard turn around

>Gov: Disney, stop.
>Disney: Here's a few millions I "accidentally" dropped out of my pocket
>Gov: Nevermind.

Good idea. Blizzard adopted the Disney look years ago so integration will be seamless.

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It is about time Disney targeted gaming. im just surprised they have not gone after bing bing wahoo.

All hail the winners of Capitalism. Disney, dont like it? Too fucking bad. Kill your selves commie. success breeds jealousy.

They can't take Mario. Japanese law is anal about foreign investors absorbing domestic corporations.

And besides, if they were going after a Japanese game company, Square-enix would be the most obvious choice.

>thinks laws matter
>they open Disney Japan and make it their main office
>Disney is now an anime studio, chang we will be taking Nintendo now.

they have a established relationship yes.
but you have to admit that Nintendo has a large chuck of iconic characters gaming.

Arguably too iconic to take, even for Disney. Nintendo would have to be at death's door for something like that to happen. I'm sure Disney could basically find ways to constantly fuck with their business only to then buy them, aka the EA playbook.

>Sonic design looks goo-

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Disney is so bad with videogames. They have zero clue what they are doing in this arena. They had to shut down their own publishing outfit (Disney Interactive Studios) in 2016 for losing them $200 million per year, and pay Sony a huge multi-million dollar contractual fee to do it because they were so stupid. If they buy Activision, watch Activision start losing money like a sinking ship

for them to undermind them that much they would need to have a strong foot hold in the world market of video gaming.
buying Acti/Blizz might do that.

im assuming he means the redesign.

they might have learned from marvel.
let them run their own boat. if they were to buy it and leave the people in charge there and/or get people that already have been in the business it would be fine. also the movie/show rights to Crash/Spyro/Blizzard games would be worth the purchase.

I believe they recently hired some former big shot in the vidya industry to fix that. Something was clearly working in the NES/SNES days, no real reason why it wouldn't work nowadays.
This sort of undermine would have to be increadibly stealthy, as in to make sure that the bad things that could happen to Nintendo would never come back to Disney. They'd have to work through a bunch of their corporations to make it seem like they're just swooping in at the last minute to buy Nintendo. Buying Nintendo stocks through those random companies instead of the actual Disney corporation would be a big start. That way all those stocks one day are suddenly "sold"/transfered to the actual Disney corporation and before anyone can react, they're the major shareholder.

because (((lobbying)))

Blizzard Cinematic Universe.

Disney should buy out Valve instead.

Valve aint for sale they like making steam
More of a hassle and beating off in vr too much

If it weren't for Crash I'd be completely fine with this
ehhh whatever. Let the world burn.

Burgers do fucking something, they are gonna own the fucking world


>They gave the SW license to EA and they've done nothing with it,

Oh no they've done more then nothing with it,
>2 shitty BF games that have harmed their IP brand
>started government investigating loot boxes

They kinda have the tsumtsum game, but that's because of Disney's Jap division

Oh for the love of fuck

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Why is this a bad thing?

At least Disney know how to entertain people

>Activision about to taste its own medicine

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its well reported now the Disney board pretty much enforces a bubble safe world, they put all their gains and such frontloaded and any bad new is shove closed to the end were they may run out of time and shuffle left over bad reports into the next meeting and when they do report on bad stuff they MUST end on a positive note:
>Star wars Galaxy's edge is being described by the media as a ghost town a month after it open and Disneyland is having record low visitors in decades!
>Oh but we have excellent crowd control response, customer experience is very high, and we now have 6 shops open at galaxy edge!

reminder blizzard lost half of their stock value after the last blizzcon

China is beating them to it. If it isn't Disney, it'll be Tencent.

they have done their homework and made sure they stay at 40% or below any industry they infest because the laws are so old and they keep lobbing to make sure any attempt to update them dies before it gets to the floor

MUA: the black order is what it is because Nintendo straight up said they wont fund the series unless they can use all of marvels heroes, not just the MCU one

Nah, they're not THAT blatant. It's more like:

>Disney: Hey opposing Senator, we were planning on opening a studio/store/filming a movie in your state, which would employ a bunch of people and put taxes in your coffers, but if the government impedes us in literally ANY way, we wont be able to.

And thus the lobbying system continues to ruin the American governmental system.

> literally Obelix with more hair on his face and a mouse instead of dogmatix and Getafix with a staff, glasses, and a long beard

HOLY SHIT there's on the nose and there is straight up stealing designs and just changing the clothing!

Pretty much. They're a bit more blatant when it comes to changing the copyright law just to keep Mickey out of public domain.

>villains combines in phase 2

It's in Blizzard's DNA to plagiarize.