He plays on the hardest difficulty

>he plays on the hardest difficulty

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>she plays(life) on the easiest difficulty

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he shitposts on Yea Forums

based honker


>he plays games with combat.

i swear if I get banned for replying

I hate women. My day is ruined the moment I come into contact with one.


>have to beat the game on normal to unlock hard
>have to beat the game on hard to unlock very hard
Why do companies do this? Just let me choose whatever difficulty I want from the start.

Attached: 1563290503654.jpg (494x397, 12K)

I'm glad Yea Forums is pushing back against this tranny faggotry
good on you anons

i can watch this all day long

Attached: 1563536174963.jpg (3250x4425, 748K)

>he plays games with difficulties

girl gamer here thats why ur an incel :P


Attached: 8F2E82C2-8A7D-45A6-A000-1130445166E3.png (670x578, 345K)

>implying we didn't create the tranny faggotry to begin with
Trannyposting is just the next evolution of shitposting

You'll never pass

based honkler

Attached: mfw.png (544x535, 491K)

>girl gamer here thats why ur an incel :P

Attached: kny8pmojh7231.jpg (3024x4032, 1.14M)

Now this is cringe

from one femanon to another,
you are a weakling.

based god


fuck off back to discord, thot


I hate it when women wants to have sex with me i hate it i reject it


Attached: 115.jpg (194x259, 9K)

>haha le womin are bad at vidya XD

post tits

Trapposting devolves into trannyposting.

thank you, cucklord

Im a girl gamer wtf?

>he thinks he's a woman

I want to fuck that womanlet

>Some games too easy on Hard
>Some game too hard on Hard
>Have to make a decision at the start of the game and can't tell until a reasonable chunk into a game.

I just want to play a game at it's most enjoyable


do i give a shit?

no, you just have to live with yourself being a stroppy cunt

No, you are not cute
No, you are not feminine
No, you will never be a girl

amazingly baste fuck these seething trannoids

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Attached: CreamyFatalGoldfish-max-1mb.gif (440x248, 946K)

>He calls his shitter an asspussy

i hate women

Now that is based and clown pilled.

>to unlock everything you must beat (very)hard difficulties which must be unlocked by compelting the game on lower difficulties
This is how you artificaly make player game time longer and can advert it's game for 60 hours


Unless you're dualwielding X chromosomes you're not a woman.

Seething biocunt.

>it's one of these threads again

Attached: sigh.webm (862x940, 933K)

Post genome

why yes, how did you know ?

Attached: 3a9.png (476x476, 149K)

dilate your sex chromosomes

You will never be a woman.

well done, want a trophy?

>hardest difficult
>enemies only deal more damage and have more hp

just play normal at this point, there is no need to play harder difficulties if they add nothing to the AI mechanics.


>discord tranny telling us what "we" created
Yeah whatever

>Manlet Maverick is married to this
How does this happen?



Attached: reverse card.jpg (750x1050, 63K)

incel spotted

tranny spotted

>girl gamer

Attached: Triger Gamer Girl.jpg (700x700, 177K)

>feminine penis shitposting
>"I recognise thay buldge"
>traps are/aren't gay shitposting
Face it, we are partly to blame for unleasing the tranny menace.

>He likes to imagine his non-human female MC was previously a guy

Attached: 1562612642.artist-chan_nova.png (1803x640, 595K)

Some of you seem to be having trouble with who is/isn't a woman. Here's a handy little guide, if you do not meet any of these requirements you're not a woman.
>XX chromosomes
>non-collapsible vagina

Attached: What the fuck.png (870x656, 711K)

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I was about to post that!

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Look at his bulge, plus he is a millionaire

Attached: 81c2e-15554401713077-800.jpg (800x420, 55K)

funny, good job, isn't ugly, hangs dong

>Pokemon Black 2
>you have to beat the game to unlock Easy Mode
>it's version exclusive

Children please, you're both disappointments and both should have been aborted.

Looks like she needed to OPEN UP her mind!

based good bait

I think it's reasonable enough in something like DMC whee enemy placements change from normal to hard. Having it be that way allows them a progression of new enemies and tutorialisation for each new one you come across, while also letting them use the whole roster of enemies for the harder difficulties instead of needing to limit themselves to just the enemies that were introduced at the point of the game you're in.

femjak is the definitive have sex incel trigger.
Too bad shitposters arent subtle nowadays, im sure you are OP.

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Get out of here Ryan.

Me too. Unironically.

>he cut his genitallia so we can be a "woman".

I know this sounds retarded but while definitively attractive I wouldn't want that as a wife.