How do people have backlogs? Do they play every shitty game that comes out?

How do people have backlogs? Do they play every shitty game that comes out?

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no, it's because I don't and they keep piling up

There are a lot of games I wanna play but then I remembered that I haven't finished game X, Y, Z that I had started and I am stuck this way

One good game comes out per year. How the fuck are you behind?

They dont actually like videogames, they only play them as time wasters.

>Unironically thinking that
You are like that kid who won't eat anything

You have Very low taste in games more than one good game comes out per year easily

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>tfw play game for 300 hours
>during that period 2 games you wanted to play came out
>start another game
>spend a freaking 1000 hours on it
>5 new games you want to play came out
Fuck, of course I could rush them and spend only 5 hours on it but I don't enjoy playing video games that way, but on the other hand, I'd also like to be caught up or at least see some hope to play everything I want to play before I die.

I'm already a NEET, how do I get more time to play video games?

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Name me 5 good games that came out this year.

because shit like holiday sales encourage you to buy games during the limited timeframe that they're on sale
eat my ass

because I buy a lot of games on sale and then can't be bothered to play anything and just post on Yea Forums all day because I just feel tired all the time

I'll give you six
Ace Combat 7
REmake 2
Bloodstained ROTN

the cumbrain disease

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When you grow up you have to go to work and do family stuff and whatnot, so you have less time to play.

How is it possible to want to play so many games?

Sekiro, Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled, Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2, Dragon Quest Builders 2

DMC5 is the only good one there. The rest is niche shit for autists. Who the fuck finds a plane flying game or a resinned mario kart no 951 fun?

The type of games I like are hard to find physical copies of and I'm not a NEET with all the time in the world so I buy games as they come out and play when I can.

sekiro was okay the rest I dont care about

It's not about whether or not you care about them they're still good games.
How the fuck is Resident Evil 2 or Sekiro a niche game?

>Crash Bandicoot
>niche shit

I dont consider them good games. What now?

They aren't good.
It's game for kids and manchildren. I'm neither.

I've heard people say good things about games. People whose words hold enough weight with me that I'd like to check those games out. But then my friend flicks me a message and it's time to sink another hundred hours into Diablo 2, but those games are still calling me to play them.

>retard posts on Yea Forums despite hating video games
>posts about how much he hates video games
>will challenge people to convince him that he shouldn't hate video games
>will shoot down their attempts over and over until the thread hits bump limit
stop responding to these retarded threads fagots, saged

>I don't have a backlog because I don't like anything

Why are we having this thread? Why didn't you just say that at the start? Why are you like this?

>It's game for kids and manchildren. I'm neither.
You're a retard is what you are. But you said Crash was niche, which it is not, which is what I was contesting. So now you throw more words against it which are also undoubtedly wrong.

fuck both of you I hate this shit board

I don't hate video games. I just don't find 99% of the games that come out nowadays fun and I've exhausted all the old games I wanted to play.
I dunno, I don't share taste in vidya with my friends so I can't relate.

video games are for children, you don't seriously like them right sweetie ?

So you've just confirmed you don't like video games, get off the board

>I dunno, I don't share taste in vidya with my friends so I can't relate.
What about people on Yea Forums then? Have you never seen a game posted here, new or old, that you've been interested in that you've never played?

>i don't hate video games i just have zero interest in basically every game currently being made and i have somehow failed to find more than a few dozen old games worth playing even though there are literally tens of thousands of games that have been made over the past 40 years
you hate video games.

Very rarely. Most discussion here is about current games or games that aren't my style.

Not everyone is like those Dota 2 players who play only that and nothing else since 2013.

>have 4 hours scheduled for video game time
>spend 2 of it playing online games without endings
>spend the other 2 playing a game
>it's a 60 hour game, so it takes 30 days to beat
>in that time two more games come out
>the cycle continues

You clearly come on Yea Forums rarely if you actually think that to be the case.

They either pirate every game they have even a little interest in, or buy shit they don't even really want during Steam sales just because it's cheap

Not really. I just have very strict standards.

No dummy, they DON'T play every shitty game that comes out. Otherwise they would not have a backlog.

Seriously though, it's because I buy games I don't really want, I only kind of might want, because they have ridiculous sale prices.

Stopped reading right there, that game is garbage.

Well that's your problem then. Just because people don't have YOUR strict standards doesn't mean the game is bad.

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So strict most would even say you don't like video games

based Lego City Undercover poster

It's implied that it's my personal opinion.
I don't like most video games, not all.

Well that's still your problem if you don't know why people have backlogs then. Because of your strict standards you don't have one but some people aren't as strict as you and have backlogs of games to play. Hell I have a backlog and it just keeps getting bigger these days.

So what's the point of making a thread like this if you're just going to dismissively answer everything like an abrasive nob and cause people to put words in your mouth?

Find another hobby or pastime you enjoy 99% of

I think it's time you told us some of your favourite games, Mister Strict Standards.

Nobody ever replies unless the thread is abrasive.
No such thing exists.
HL1, NFS2, Quake III Arena, CS1.6

>Nobody ever replies unless the thread is abrasive.
That's a load of rubbish.

shit thread

Every time I see that picture I'm reminded that it's LITERALLY ME.

I'm not a good video game finisher

It's the false expectation of 'future free time'

I've made similar but less abrasive threads in the past. All died with less than 10 replies.

It's time to stop, user.

No, I just have a job and a lot of games these days are "massive open world where you need to be over a certain level to do the next mission so you need to grind" games

it is not too late to change your ways

You're the living embodiment of someone who grew up playing games, then inexplicably stuck with the hobby despite gradually growing out of it. As such, you look back on a bunch of shit from the early to mid '00s as being your favorite stuff and you're convinced that games these days just don't make the cut.

I think it's time to just accept that you've grown out of games, user. You can still enjoy the stuff you played when you were younger, but don't mistake that for genuine enthusiasm for the medium as a whole.

Man those are shitty games, who knew strict taste ment garbage

I can't. The only thing that makes me feel anything anymore is that 1 minute right before I cum and then it all comes crashing down again. I have no motivation to do anything because my dopamine circuits are completely worn down. Nothing is fun, masturbation is way too potent of a drug.

I got nothing else user. I can't spend all my days at the gym.

holy shit user are you me? maybe this is why im such a piece of shit too

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Just try to pick up some new hobbies. That's easier said than done, yeah, and it's genuinely hard to find something that you really enjoy, but it'll never happen if you don't try. Dwelling on something you've grown out of and constantly questioning how and why other people enjoy it more than you isn't exactly healthy.

It's honestly worse than weed for killing motivation. I swear I've lost so many brain cells from beating my dick, I heard it causes you to lose grey matter in your brain or something. My head is always foggy, I can't focus on anything, and I'm sleepy and fatigued all the time. Sometimes I'm literally too lazy to jack off so I just stare at lewd pictures instead.

Have you tried... not mastirbating for a while?

I personally have a hard time sticking with games and finishing them, even if I really enjoyed them. For instance in the last 1 or 2 years I've started playing

>Yakuza 0
>Ace Combat 5
>Metro Last Light
>Fallout 1

And a handful of others that I can't remember. All have varying amounts of hours put in, and some I'm probably close to the end on, but instead of finishing them I start playing some other game I've played and beaten a billion times before. I just get in the mood to play something, tell myself "This is a really good game, I'm going to keep playing it tomorrow" and then I never do, or if I do it's months later. This is a real problem for me with RPGs or non-linear games because a lot of the time it's hard to figure out what point in the story I'm at or what I last did, so sometimes I can't even look up a guide.

Yes, due to circumstances sometimes I have to go multiple days without doing it and I notice my functions are heightened, but my critical thinking capabilities and laziness from how much it's worn down my brain won't go away. Of course I always cave and do it again after a few days.

Perhaps because this thread didn't warrant more than 10 responses? A thread not making it to 100 posts doesn't make it a failure. I've made polite threads before and had them reach bump limit.

I've tried sports and creative stuff, I didn't really enjoy either. I got a few ideas but nothing I can feasibly try right now.
10 posts rarely helps for topics like these.

Self-control, user. That's what it's all about. Make yourself last those 3 days every time, if possible have the wank without any porn to fry your brain more. Then try and push yourself to 4 days, then 5, then 6. I can go a fortnight without feeling even the slightest bit different. It's easier this way, less time wasting with porn is more time to be spent with your hobbies that can last longer than 3 minutes.

The obvious solution is to take a few days off work and play through an entire game without any breaks.

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You had all the answers you needed within the first 10 posts of this thread. You just didn't like the answers.

user I've been a NEET for the last 6 months, my backlog and game ADD isn't for lack of time.

What you're saying is right but I feel like I'm hopelessly addicted. Coming here doesn't help me either with all the sexual stimulation in every thread, and I can't resist opening my huge lewd anime collection when I've spent years building it up as a hobby.

I would trade vices with you if I could. I have no problem going 1-2 even 3 weeks without porn or masturbation, but when I do finally do it, I edge instead of getting it over with and it becomes a day long event.

>guys im addicted to porn
>browses Yea Forums and has porn saved to his computer
For fuck's sake user. Unplug your modem, nuke your porn files, and take care of yourself for a change. Start going for a daily run to get your endorphin rushes. Pick up a hobby that doesn't involve a computer. If you surround yourself with temptations, of course you'll keep caving.

2/10 made me reply

Try a picking up a different addiction to replace it/balance them. Have you tried dabbling into drugs or alcohol?

I dont. Normally I play whatever I think looks good. Ive only played a single digit amount of games this years (and most years actually). Get other hobbies.

>One good game comes out per year
Rolf lmao

>only games I still play are modded stalker and re4
>for the most part just read visual novels instead

I have ascended

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Unironically weebtrash faggots who buy every single japanese game


I never got into edging since it just feels uncomfortable to prolong an erection when I'm close to cumming, and masturbation doesn't even feel that good until I get close to coming so I always blow in 5 minutes unless it's my second or third time in a day.
You're right but I have no will power, and I could never delete my lewd anime folder because I've literally dumped hundreds of hours of my life into perfecting it, I can't just throw that away, it's like escalation of commitment.
I've been drinking a lot lately which makes me feel warm inside but that costs money which sucks.

>shooter trash

bundles mostly.

But a game that is normally full price for 15$ and it comes with a bunch of other games.

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I have other hobbies that eat up to tons of time which I refuse to abandon so I'll always have an unapproachable backlog unless I can stop working

Because people have jobs and don’t have a ton of free time so one game can often be a long commitment

It's called having a life

Blazing Chrome, Cadence of Hyrule, Katana ZERO, Sekiro, Bloodstained RotN
Now, none of these games are PERFECT, and some are better than others, but if you’ve absorbed le epic pessimism from Yea Forums so hard that you refuse to acknowledge any game that’s less than perfect as a good game, you may need to go outside and make some friends

>Bloodstained RotN
how's this game? i didn't pay much attention to it when threads were happening

>You're right but I have no will power, and I could never delete my lewd anime folder because I've literally dumped hundreds of hours of my life into perfecting it, I can't just throw that away, it's like escalation of commitment
You've got a choice to make. Do you want to cut out the porn or not? If you don't, then life goes on as usual with this addiction of yours that's a drain on your time and enjoyment of life. If you do, then your folder has got to go. Delete it and empty your recycle bin. Use the knowledge that rebuilding it would be too much time and effort (and pale in comparison) to dissuade you from attempting to rebuild it. Replace that habit with something better.

this is a really fucking stupid thread. I bet OP plays madden and fortnite

what would you know about that?

have you played
>MDK 1/2
>serious Sam
>Duke 3d
Kingpin life of crime
>Clive Barker's undying
>American McGee's Alice
>system shock 1/2
you have a near infinite supply of games from the 90s/00s to play even if you don't like ANYTHING made nowadays

What if I creatively think about sex?

its alright

Pray the rosary. I don't masturbate since September.

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King Theoden = average user visiting Yea Forums
Wormtongue = jaded fucks like you who don't even play games

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People addicted to shitposting and Yea Forums is a major factor

>buy yakuza 0 for 10 dollars on a steam sale
>enjoying my time with it
>decide to take a break
>exit out of game
>i didnt save
i was like 1-2 hours in, and i havent had the motivation to play it more, after that i was just fucking pissed, should i play it again?

Mine has come from Humble Bundles and Steam sales over the years. I have stopped buying games for the moment until I'm a decent way through it. Even making my profile private over my birthday (which sits right within the Steam summer sale). I'm sitting at 27% unbeaten at the moment.

Yes. I did the same with a save later on but the game is so good that it's worth the re-load.

I do stuff other than vidya sadly

We've got jobs you dumb bitch

i do have a backlog because i spend years to play so many video game. It feels like i don't want to miss anything like hidden gem, mainstream game or something.
so i create a backlog, and when you do have a backlog, it will remind you how many game left behind. And i will beat them all.
only losers play whenever they want.

>thinking a backlog is confined to recent releases
Only zoomers who wanna play the latest shiny product think this way.
You're right in that there's usually 1 good game every 1-2 years, so go play some old games.

Here's my backlog, there's only one recent game in there:
Grim Fandango
Fallout 2
Nier Automata
Treasure of the Rudras
Ori and the Blind Forest
REmake 1
Silent Hill
Majora's Mask

The last three are because horror-themed games never really appealed to me (even when I've finished every other Zelda) and I've decided to finally bite the bullet and find out what I've been missing out on.
Recently finished Katamari Damacy and Dragon Quest VIII for the first time.

t. salarychad who works a comfy 9-4 job, earns 70k/year in a low cost of living state, goes to the gym, hangs out with friends on the weekends, and still has enough time for vidya

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I want to play more games than I have time to play


Work. And games are all really long now, bad combination.

I just find my game taste expanding more and more throughout the years and I mostly like playing multiplayer with good friends. I have ended up dropping games I just couldnt play like Super Metroid and Postal 2 but I try to finish games as fast as possible to move on to another

Stop right there, criminial scum.
Go and finish postal 2, it's not even long.
(unless you meant portal 2, then who gives a shit)

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Sure thing user I'll try picking it up again.

I have a backlog, yet I don't have any responsibilities right now that would actually keep me from just sitting down and playing the games that I want to play. I spend every day sitting around thinking about having fun but then I just browse Yea Forums instead.

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If they are singleplayer games, unplug your router. Sit down and play, and before you even know it, you won't feel like wasting your life like that anymore.

t. jaded boomer